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Re: Brexit

Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2017 5:57 pm
by KK
Juncker's always reminded me of Septic Blatter.

Re: Brexit

Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2017 6:20 pm
by Return_of_the_STAR
KK wrote:Juncker's always reminded me of Septic Blatter.

Yeah that's the same vibe I get from him.

Re: Brexit

Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2017 6:37 pm
by Moggy
Denster wrote:Juncker joking thst they’ll need an autopsy after his dinner with May. He’s such an odious banana split. If Boris or any other Tory used joke language you’d all bust a nut in here.
Some of their language and throwaway comments are just as unhelpful to the process as our own buffoonery.

Far too little criticism of the EU and their behaviour during this process.

I can’t see the EU as a whole have done much wrong at the moment.

Juncker is a twat, but so are the British equivalents. And Juncker at least seems competent.

There’s no need for me or other remain supporters to be balanced on the people involved on the EU side though. We are leaving the EU, Juncker will soon be an irrelevance to most of our daily lives. May, Johnson, Gove, Fox, Reed-Mogg, Davis, Hunt and all the other incompetents will not be.

Re: Brexit

Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2017 7:06 pm
by Denster
I’m saying their use of language. It’s really unhelpful to the process. It’s so much posturing and grandstanding on both sides.

Re: Brexit

Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2017 7:14 pm
by Photek
There are many bad people on both sides.

Re: Brexit

Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2017 7:17 pm
by Herdanos
Photek wrote:There are many bad people on both sides.

Alright Trump

Re: Brexit

Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2017 7:46 pm
by DML
Denster wrote:Juncker joking thst they’ll need an autopsy after his dinner with May. He’s such an odious banana split. If Boris or any other Tory used joke language you’d all bust a nut in here.
Some of their language and throwaway comments are just as unhelpful to the process as our own buffoonery.

Far too little criticism of the EU and their behaviour during this process.

I don't like Juncker. That said I think we have a lot of dickheads ourselves. If all the EU politicians were like him the Brexiteers may have a point, but generally they aren't.

Re: Brexit

Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2017 8:08 pm
by KK
The Guardian wrote:Farming leaders have accused Chris Grayling of “talking tripe” after he argued in a television interview that the UK could just grow more food to keep prices down if Britain crashes out of the EU.

The National Farmers’ Union, the Summer Berry Fruits association and the Farmers’ Union of Wales (FUW) all voiced concerns about the cabinet minister’s comments about food production made on Sunday on the BBC’s Andrew Marr Show.

Minette Batters, the deputy president of the NFU, said the hope that Britain could become more self-sufficient in food and less reliant on imports post Brexit was commendable but there was a glaring absence of any government policy on how farmers should achieve this.

“I would say he’s out of touch with farming. Of course we want to produce more, but have the rest of the cabinet got the same view? I support what he is saying, but it’s quite hard to know how this translates. I’d like to know what Philip Hammond thinks, what Michael Gove thinks of this,” she said.

“This is not about ploughing the verges to grow more food, it’s about the absence of any food policy,” added Batters. “We haven’t had a food policy for 43 years,” she said pointing out that national food and environmental policy has been led by the EU since the UK joined the European Economic Community in 1973.

Laurence Olins, who chairs British Summer Fruits, said: “When I saw that interview, my mouth dropped and I thought this needs to be addressed,” he said. “I was just horrified. It is just indicative of the un-coordinated way the government is approaching Brexit. Our farmers are unable to find labour this year, never mind post-Brexit.

“I have farmers who are moving to Portugal because they know they are able to hire people from the subcontinent. They know this. To hear Grayling come out with this tripe beggars belief,” said Olins.

Grayling had told Marr that farmers would “grow more here” and “we’ll buy more from around the world” when asked what would happen to food prices if there was no Brexit deal.

“It would mean that producers, supermarkets bought more at home, that British farmers produced more, that they bought more from around the world and it would damage French producers and continental producers,” Grayling told Marr.

Olins said the industry had a meeting with the environment secretary, Michael Gove, about hiring seasonal workers from the EU for the harvest and he told them to lobby their MP and talk to Amber Rudd.

“This is the environment secretary,” said Olins. “Mention immigration to them and they go absolutely rigid and say the only people who can speak on this issue is the home secretary, Amber Rudd, or Theresa May,” he added.

The FUW criticised Grayling’s comments, warning that sheep farmers were at risk of being wiped out unless there is a firm and urgent government promise to replace the common agricultural policy (CAP) subsidies pound for pound.

The FUW said that the transport secretary seemed to have ignored research commissioned by the government that showed the “cataclysmic” impact a hard Brexit would have on British farming.

Glyn Roberts, the FUW’s president, said: “Grayling seems unaware of the results of the economic modelling commissioned by his colleagues in Defra, which paint a far more complex picture for the UK’s many agricultural sectors, and suggest in some ‘harder’ Brexit scenarios UK food production would collapse.”

While CAP has been criticised in the past for supporting inefficient agricultural practices, Roberts has said Welsh farmers were so impoverished they could not survive without the subsidy. Their annual income would fall from an average of £13,000 to £4,000 a year.

Roberts said that the economic modelling of Defra and detailed data published by the Agricultural and Horticultural Development Board last week, “predict pretty cataclysmic collapses in many or most agricultural sectors in the event of harder Brexit ‘no-deal’ type scenarios”.

Re: Brexit

Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2017 8:32 pm
by Moggy
Denster wrote:I’m saying their use of language. It’s really unhelpful to the process. It’s so much posturing and grandstanding on both sides.

I agree.

The difference for me is that the EU side are now “the enemy” according to our newspapers and Chancellor. Our media has spent decades demonising the EU. Since the referendum we’ve had politicians saying things like “they need us more than we need them!” and we’ll have our cake and eat it!”. Then you have the zero preparation and research from Davis and the general attitude of threats of walking away with no deal.

Juncker might be an arse (and he is) but I can totally understand why he’s being an arse.

Re: Brexit

Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2017 8:42 pm
by Rex Kramer
Gove and Grayling have a track record of absolute incompetency, you only have to look at the current state of the prison system to see just how utterly strawberry floating useless the pair of them are. And yet, they continue to get prominent cabinet positions. I really don't understand how politics works.

Re: Brexit

Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2017 9:10 pm
by Denster
Moggy wrote:
Denster wrote:I’m saying their use of language. It’s really unhelpful to the process. It’s so much posturing and grandstanding on both sides.

I agree.

The difference for me is that the EU side are now “the enemy” according to our newspapers and Chancellor. Our media has spent decades demonising the EU. Since the referendum we’ve had politicians saying things like “they need us more than we need them!” and we’ll have our cake and eat it!”. Then you have the zero preparation and research from Davis and the general attitude of threats of walking away with no deal.

Juncker might be an arse (and he is) but I can totally understand why he’s being an arse.

He’s being an arse because we’re leaving. Not because of the language we’ve used or the posturing we’ve done. He’s been one from the start.

Re: Brexit

Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2017 9:13 pm
by Denster
A problem I have is that Grayling and others make these sweeping statements and then people puncture them immediately. The farming example being one.

Re: Brexit

Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2017 9:18 pm
by Moggy
Denster wrote:A problem I have is that Grayling and others make these sweeping statements and then people puncture them immediately. The farming example being one.

I’m not sure I quite get what you’re saying there. Is your problem with Grayling making sweeping statements, or with people puncturing them (or both)?

Grayling’s farming comment was ridiculous. Britain hasn’t been able to feed itself since the 18th century, I don’t think farmers are going to be able to grow enough over the next few years for us to cope.

Re: Brexit

Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2017 9:19 pm
by Moggy
Denster wrote:
Moggy wrote:
Denster wrote:I’m saying their use of language. It’s really unhelpful to the process. It’s so much posturing and grandstanding on both sides.

I agree.

The difference for me is that the EU side are now “the enemy” according to our newspapers and Chancellor. Our media has spent decades demonising the EU. Since the referendum we’ve had politicians saying things like “they need us more than we need them!” and we’ll have our cake and eat it!”. Then you have the zero preparation and research from Davis and the general attitude of threats of walking away with no deal.

Juncker might be an arse (and he is) but I can totally understand why he’s being an arse.

He’s being an arse because we’re leaving. Not because of the language we’ve used or the posturing we’ve done. He’s been one from the start.

Evidence that that’s why he’s being an arse?

I accept he’s an arse, but i completely understand why when you look at Britain’s attitude.

Re: Brexit

Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2017 11:56 pm
by Denster
Sorry. The sweeping statements. They just expose the lack of forethought and dismissive attitude towards it.

Re: Brexit

Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2017 12:40 am
by Photek
romeo G. Detlev Jr. wrote:
Photek wrote:There are many bad people on both sides.

Alright Trump

That’s the joke.jpg

Re: Brexit

Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2017 9:46 am
by NickSCFC
Looks increasingly like we won't get a deal.

Come 2019 we'll be at a point where we have to walk away with "No deal" and I don't see a single MP voting for that.

All that will come from this will be the UK remaining in the EU with it's reputation damaged.

Re: Brexit

Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2017 9:47 am
by Rex Kramer
If that happens then expect to see a lot of Farage ahead of the next election.

Re: Brexit

Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2017 9:50 am
by NickSCFC
Rex Kramer wrote:If that happens then expect to see a lot of Farage ahead of the next election.

Inevitable, but he won't be able to peddle the same lies next time around.

Re: Brexit

Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2017 9:55 am
by Hexx
NickSCFC wrote:
Rex Kramer wrote:If that happens then expect to see a lot of Farage ahead of the next election.

Inevitable, but he won't be able to peddle the same lies next time around.

I'm fairly sure his target audience will still lap them up