The GRcade Adventure Quest 3: The results page 14!

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PostThe GRcade Adventure Quest 3: The results page 14!
by Hulohot » Tue Jun 30, 2009 6:59 pm


John Martin. The Great Day of his Wrath

With the recent absense of Banjo, and possibly PsychicSykes the chances of this getting off the ground are slim. Without at least one of the following, Banjo, Sykes or Lewis (no pressure here), a third quest will not happen.

I just wished to show I am interested in hosting another, with some interesting ideas, also hoping to maybe bring back a few forumites in these troubled times.

If anyone is interested in taking part, I will begin to work on the ideas I already have.

The story will focus on past and present. Here is a video I cooked up, though if this goes ahead it might change.

In so far:

1- PsychicSykes
2- Dual
3- Roonmastor
4- Cora
5- Drumstick
6- Irene Demova

It seems Raze has left so his space is open again.

The Game:

This is a run down of what to expect for the new people, Dual, Drumstick and Cora. The game is text based, so there will be a lot of optional reading. I will write up a chapter, and at the end you will be given a choice. A choice to make together, or independantly. At times I will resort to using PM's to keep certain information hidden from the other players. :shifty:

In this outing I am attempting to give you more individual choices that will hopefully affect the general situation you are in. Death in this one will be handled differently, but I shall say no more about that. Treasure collecting will be back (where you choose to take two treasures from a list of many to raise your money score) but whether you find treasure or not depends on the choices you make. Another thing I'm gonna' try out is having additional story within spoiler boxes, reading these being optional.

It is fairly simple.

Oh, and trust no one.

A summary of previous adventures.

Adventure Quest 1-

The story was set in France in 1307, starring LewisD, Banjo, PsychicSykes, Roonmastor, Raze and Jango. They were a group of Knights Templar on the run after their headquarters were attacked by soldiers of the king during the great excomminication. They flee with treasure, and end up helping a village Mayor rescue his daughter. They discover a castle on top of a small mountain and Laguladec, southern france where they find treasure and kidnapped girls performing a ritual. They manage to kick ass, Sykes gets raped and torn to pieces by several naked girls (R.I.P in peace) and the evil guys summon Jesus to perform the Rapture, old men burn and Lewis face plants Jesus with his Claymore and saves the day. Players were then given a choice to murder and steal the treasure they had collected throughout the game from one of their buddies. Lewis was the only one who agreed to this, and killed Banjo, stealing his treasure and winning the game for himself. A choice that would come back to haunt him in the second quest...

Adventure Quest 2

The second quest takes place hundreds of years after, during the American Civil War. The treasure at Laguladec was retrieved, but some of it fell into the hands of the Confederacy, fuelling the war. But in the dying days of the war, several slaves escape a ranch in Colorado, chasing a little boy, a brother to them, who has just escaped into the hills. Starring LewisD, Roonmastor, Banjo, Memento Mori, Captain Kil and PsychicSykes. Captain Kil was sacrificed by the other players in the early stages of the game, leaving him to be ravaged by dogs as they tried to escape the plantation owners. Maury Pensare (Memento) realises he murdered the little boy whilst he tried to break out and has been chasing his ghost, a vision of guilt. They stumble across a last ditch plan by the Confederacy to murder Abraham Lincoln, which they decide to try and stop. They reach Washington and attend the play Our American Cousin, Lewis and Sykes decide to guard the Presidents box. Banjo spots a window of opportunity, to punish Lewis for killing him in the first game, and assassinates Lincoln himself with a rifle from the shadows. Lewis and Sykes draw their weapons to fire back but are tackled by Henry Rathbone, and are both hung. Unfortunatley, this feud will go no further as Lewis and Banjo are not present in the third quest.

Phase 1- Character creation.

To play along you must create and submit a character profile. Please fill out the following form. If you wish you can cook up a picture of your planned character to add here.

To aid in character creation, I will say the quest takes place in modern times.



Personality information:

Your past:

Other miscellanious information (looks, sexuality, past experiences, add your own)

Do you prefer wealth or knowledge?

You are involved in a great disaster. Are you a hero, or more of a coward?

Do you prefer changes, or would you rather keep things the same?

Would you kill to save your own skin?

The Players.

Changes may be made until the beginning of the game.

Drumstick as:
Name: Drumstick
Age: 21
Personality information: Untrusting, selfish, manipulative.
Your past: Got away with murder.
Other miscellanious information (looks, sexuality, past experiences, add your own): rugged looking, and a maverick.
Do you prefer wealth or knowledge? Knowledge.
You are involved in a great disaster. Are you a hero, or more of a coward? Coward.
Do you prefer changes, or would you rather keep things the same? Changes.
Would you kill to save your own skin? Absolutely.

Disclaimer from Drumstick:

Please note these only reflect my game character, not me IRL. :lol:

You better keep your eyes on this one boys. ;)

PsychicSykes as:

Name: Ricardo Esskayban

Age: 20 something

Personality information: Brash, cocky, loud and looking after numero uno.

Your past: Ricardo has had to be a loner all his life, he never knew his parents past his 8th birthday. What happened to them is something he keeps to himself, for reasons unknown. Living on the streets as a soldier of fortune he has raced through life at full speed, due to the supposed curse that ensures he will die the day before his 28th birthday, just as his father did and many generations back from him.

Other miscellanious information (looks, sexuality, past experiences, add your own)
Tall, sleazy and unshaven, he has numerous hidden talents although at least two are illegal in 14 states and another is probably advised against unless you have plenty of clean towels.

Do you prefer wealth or knowledge?
Knowledge baby, it'll help me out. As for money, you can't take that with you!

You are involved in a great disaster. Are you a hero, or more of a coward?
That depends on how effort is involved, y'know? I suppose I'll help, I've got a few years left.

Do you prefer changes, or would you rather keep things the same?

Would you kill to save your own skin?
I have and I'd do it again!

Fascinating curse idea, given me something to play with that fits quite well with what I have planned. Watch yourself boys, no one is safe from these two men.

Roonmastor as

Name: Rufus Roonie

Age: 23

Personality information: Quiet and honourable loner, he carries a heavy weight on his heart.

Your past: Life has been tough on Rufus. Everyone he has ever cared about has been taken from him in some way or another. His parents murdered, his first love slain before his eyes, his friends fallen in combat. He believes that any ties he makes with others will only result in their lives being cut short, unable to protect them himself.

Other miscellanious information (looks, sexuality, past experiences, add your own)
A bespectacled man with unkept hair.

Do you prefer wealth or knowledge?
Rufus wants for neither. They won't bring back his loved ones.

You are involved in a great disaster. Are you a hero, or more of a coward?
Of this there is no question. The thought of preventing someone's death will spring him into action, if only to spare those left behind from heart break and anguish.

Do you prefer changes, or would you rather keep things the same?
Change, oh how he longs to change the past.

Would you kill to save your own skin?
What purpose would this serve? There is no one to mourn the death of Rufus Roonie.

One to trust perhaps?

Dual as


Dipak Mystry



Personality information:

Loud, brash, attention seeker, glamorous, snobby, party animal.

Your past:

Dipak is the son to an Indian billionaire who founded one of the world's largest steel manufactures. Put through private education in New Delhi, Dipak finished his schooling with a thirst for fame. Using his father's wealth as a foot hold, Dipak started becoming a well known name in the Bollywood film industry starring in a handful of award winning movies. Now becoming tired of the Indian film circuit, Dipak has set his eyes on Hollywood and to international fame.

Other miscellanious information (looks, sexuality, past experiences, add your own)

Dipak is one of the most handsome young actors to star in Bollywood at the moment. Rumored to have several girlfriends keeping him company, whispers also arose lately that he may also have a few boyfriends too.

Although put through the best private schools India had to offer, it's fair to say Dipak isn't the sharpest knife in the draw and tends to let his looks and reputation do the talking for him.

Do you prefer wealth or knowledge?

Wealth and everything that goes with it.

You are involved in a great disaster. Are you a hero, or more of a coward?

If the cameras are rolling Dipak would be on the front line handing out aid and pulling people out of trouble. If not, he would call out his private helicopter to get the hell out of the way.

Do you prefer changes, or would you rather keep things the same?

Dipak is incredibly comfortable with the way life is going for him at the moment, however if he can make small changes to further his career he will do it.

Would you kill to save your own skin?

Most certainly. Although try to keep any blood of the designer suit.

His personality skills may be high and useful, but can you count on Dipak in the situations you will find yourselves in?

Irene Demova as

Name: Irene D'mova

Age: around 20

Personality information: Quiet, Aggresive, manipulative

Your past: Orphaned at the age of 9

Other miscellanious information (looks, sexuality, past experiences, add your own) Face is rarely seen and always covered in some way

Do you prefer wealth or knowledge? Knowledge

You are involved in a great disaster. Are you a hero, or more of a coward? Depends on if there's anyone worth saving

Do you prefer changes, or would you rather keep things the same?
I need constants in my life
Would you kill to save your own skin?
Almost certainly

A man of mystery. Perhaps he will remove his mask at some point?

Cora as

Sir Corazon de Leon


Personality information:
Think Gambit from the X-Men for the personality.

Your past:
I am a thief who has come into great wealth over time.

Other miscellanious information (looks, sexuality, past experiences, add your own)
I'd quite like to have a mysterious past.

Do you prefer wealth or knowledge?

You are involved in a great disaster. Are you a hero, or more of a coward?
Hmm, a hero, but with cowardly tendencies at times.

Do you prefer changes, or would you rather keep things the same?

Would you kill to save your own skin?
Depends on the situation. Provisionally, yes.

Another mystery man. A good mix of personality types for me to play with.

Last edited by Hulohot on Sun Aug 16, 2009 12:53 am, edited 31 times in total.
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PostRe: The GRcade Adventure Quest 3
by Psychic » Tue Jun 30, 2009 8:30 pm

I'm in.

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PostRe: The GRcade Adventure Quest 3
by Dual » Tue Jun 30, 2009 8:34 pm

I'm in Buddy Brother.

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PostRe: The GRcade Adventure Quest 3
by Hulohot » Tue Jun 30, 2009 9:53 pm

Awesome. Now, back to the drawing board.

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PostRe: The GRcade Adventure Quest 3
by Roonmastor » Tue Jun 30, 2009 11:51 pm

I'm always in for these.

If this goes ahead in the next three weeks or so though and I probably won't be active enough.

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PostRe: The GRcade Adventure Quest 3
by Hulohot » Wed Jul 01, 2009 12:40 am

It wont be starting for a while yet. A few weeks most likely. Glad you are in Roon.

Corazon de Leon

PostRe: The GRcade Adventure Quest 3
by Corazon de Leon » Wed Jul 01, 2009 1:28 pm

I'm in if there's a space for me.

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PostRe: The GRcade Adventure Quest 3
by Hulohot » Wed Jul 01, 2009 2:26 pm

There sure is. :D

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PostRe: The GRcade Adventure Quest 3
by Drumstick » Wed Jul 01, 2009 9:30 pm


Check out my YouTube channel!
One man should not have this much power in this game. Luckily I'm not an ordinary man.
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PostRe: The GRcade Adventure Quest 3
by Hulohot » Wed Jul 01, 2009 9:39 pm

Thanks Drumstick. I will send PM's around when this is starting. Wont be for a few weeks so there will be time to opt out if your situation changes.


PostRe: The GRcade Adventure Quest 3
by Raze » Thu Jul 02, 2009 6:30 pm

In. I missed out on part 2. :(

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Irene Demova
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PostRe: The GRcade Adventure Quest 3
by Irene Demova » Thu Jul 02, 2009 8:50 pm

In, unless you only wanted 6

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PostRe: The GRcade Adventure Quest 3
by Hulohot » Thu Jul 02, 2009 8:55 pm

Irene Demova wrote:In, unless you only wanted 6

Sorry buddy, I can only keep up with 6 players. First post will be updated shortly.

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Irene Demova
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PostRe: The GRcade Adventure Quest 3
by Irene Demova » Thu Jul 02, 2009 8:58 pm

Hulohot wrote:
Irene Demova wrote:In, unless you only wanted 6

Sorry buddy, I can only keep up with 6 players. First post will be updated shortly.

Ok no problem

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PostRe: The GRcade Adventure Quest 3
by Hulohot » Fri Jul 03, 2009 3:00 pm

First post updated with info.

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PostRe: The GRcade Adventure Quest 3
by Dual » Fri Jul 03, 2009 3:14 pm

This is going to be epic.

Hulohot wrote:Wont be for a few weeks so there will be time to opt out if your situation changes.

Does that still stand? Because I'm away for a week from next Saturday (11th - 18th). :shifty: :fp:

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PostRe: The GRcade Adventure Quest 3
by Hulohot » Fri Jul 03, 2009 7:34 pm

Dual wrote:This is going to be epic.

Hulohot wrote:Wont be for a few weeks so there will be time to opt out if your situation changes.

Does that still stand? Because I'm away for a week from next Saturday (11th - 18th). :shifty: :fp:

I remember, that is why I delayed it in the first place. Until you return from Ibiza, and Roonmastor is free. 8-)

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PostRe: The GRcade Adventure Quest 3
by Dual » Fri Jul 03, 2009 7:37 pm

That's why you're my buddy brother 8-)


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PostRe: The GRcade Adventure Quest 3
by Hulohot » Fri Jul 03, 2009 7:41 pm

Dual wrote:That's why you're my buddy brother 8-)


Indeed! \O

I have been sat at work today, pondering the twists and turns the quest will take. :twisted:

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PostRe: The GRcade Adventure Quest 3
by frogg » Sun Jul 05, 2009 7:08 pm

I just finished reading the Templars one you did Hulohot.

God damn man it was awesome! Well done!

Lewis' shops were amazing as well.

Looking forward to reading this one!

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