The [NEW] GRcade Gaming Alphabet 2024 - NEW ALPHABET NOW LAUNCHED PG. 21

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PostRe: The [NEW] GRcade Gaming Alphabet 2024 - NEW ALPHABET NOW LAUNCHED PG. 21
by OrangeRKN » Mon Jan 15, 2024 1:35 pm

site23 wrote:But I enjoyed it -- I liked the characters and its sort of 'anime' / 'old school internet culture' sense of humour enough to see it through.

So when are you playing Neon White??

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PostRe: The [NEW] GRcade Gaming Alphabet 2024 - NEW ALPHABET NOW LAUNCHED PG. 21
by site23 » Mon Jan 15, 2024 1:38 pm

OrangeRKN wrote:
site23 wrote:But I enjoyed it -- I liked the characters and its sort of 'anime' / 'old school internet culture' sense of humour enough to see it through.

So when are you playing Neon White??

OK, I will commit to playing it this year, since it means so much to you. ;)

Right now I'm going through Christmas presents, which means I have to play Hollow Knight next. :dread: :dread: :dread:

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PostRe: The [NEW] GRcade Gaming Alphabet 2024 - NEW ALPHABET NOW LAUNCHED PG. 21
by OrangeRKN » Mon Jan 15, 2024 1:43 pm

It's just like Super Metroid except much better!

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PostRe: The [NEW] GRcade Gaming Alphabet 2024 - NEW ALPHABET NOW LAUNCHED PG. 21
by Dowbocop » Mon Jan 15, 2024 2:02 pm

My kit kit got the drip drip 8-)

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PostRe: The [NEW] GRcade Gaming Alphabet 2024 - NEW ALPHABET NOW LAUNCHED PG. 21
by Zilnad » Mon Jan 15, 2024 2:30 pm

site23 wrote:
OrangeRKN wrote:
site23 wrote:But I enjoyed it -- I liked the characters and its sort of 'anime' / 'old school internet culture' sense of humour enough to see it through.

So when are you playing Neon White??

OK, I will commit to playing it this year, since it means so much to you. ;)

Right now I'm going through Christmas presents, which means I have to play Hollow Knight next. :dread: :dread: :dread:

Neon White is really excellent

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PostRe: The [NEW] GRcade Gaming Alphabet 2024 - NEW ALPHABET NOW LAUNCHED PG. 21
by Dowbocop » Tue Jan 16, 2024 1:13 pm

This is a minimalist block-sliding puzzler where you need to slide the green box onto the red goal square, avoiding the obstacles along the way. The movement is 2048-esque, in that when you move a block in a direction it goes as far as it can in that direction - it doesn't move a square at a time (there must be a proper word to describe that type of movement in a puzzle game). Every twenty levels or so they add a complication to the mechanic which keeps things fresh. I found the early levels to be simply working back from the winning move to your green block. Later on, when your moves also affect the red goal square, this is no longer the case and the mid game has been more about avoiding the infinite loop traps that are built into the levels. I think I'm about fifty or sixty levels into the eighty on offer and I've enjoyed it but not been blown away.

Snek (hidden game in Discord)
Yeah, it's just Snake at the end of the day, but I'm a sucker for Easter egg games hidden in software! Half the fun of this was finding it to be honest - playing Snake on a keyboard in HD retropixelvision just feels a bit weird. I long for the slightly squeaky sponge keys of a Nokia brick and the ghosting of the screen as you go faster and faster towards inevitable Ouroborovian doom. But this is essentially just a bit of fun put in by the Discord devs so it is what it is!

This is a daily letters game where you place a predetermined set of letters on a 5x5 grid in order to spell words vertically and horizontally. The goal is to score as close to fifty as possible (which would be five five-letter words in both orientations). You get the letters one at a time - sometimes you'll get a choice of two, sometimes you'll get a wildcard which you can assign a letter to. The thing is, I'm not sure this game is actually fun. My overriding feeling during the game is frustration at not putting a letter in the right place when there was no chance of me knowing where the right place actually was. Obviously Scrabble has a similar mechanic, but the random nature of the drawing prevents feelings that the player has made a mistake. My highest score is 33, but the daily leaderboard regularly has two people hitting 42 and a few others in the low 40s - maybe it's just sour grapes but I hypothesize they are playing on one device then formulating the optimal grid before playing again on a different one.

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PostRe: The [NEW] GRcade Gaming Alphabet 2024 - NEW ALPHABET NOW LAUNCHED PG. 21
by Dowbocop » Fri Jan 19, 2024 3:42 pm

Squord - An Apology
I recently wrote a short review of Squord where I questioned the core mechanic of the game and insinuated that the individuals at the top of the leaderboard were cheating in order to achieve such high scores. Having just scored 38 and finding myself joint top of the leaderboard today I would like to clarify that nothing could be further from the truth. Squord is one of the finest word games ever created and mastery of it is one of the greatest intellectual achievements on our planet. To suggest that high scores are in any way manipulated is an outlandish and offensive suggestion that reflects more upon the accuser's poor character than the honest and noble nature of innocent Squordlers.

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PostRe: The [NEW] GRcade Gaming Alphabet 2024 - NEW ALPHABET NOW LAUNCHED PG. 21
by site23 » Fri Jan 19, 2024 3:43 pm


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PostRe: The [NEW] GRcade Gaming Alphabet 2024 - NEW ALPHABET NOW LAUNCHED PG. 21
by Ironhide » Fri Jan 19, 2024 8:06 pm

Completed I was a teenage exocolonist

There's several endings so I've started a 2nd run.

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PostRe: The [NEW] GRcade Gaming Alphabet 2024 - NEW ALPHABET NOW LAUNCHED PG. 21
by Dowbocop » Sun Jan 21, 2024 11:44 am

This is a "minimalist platformer" - in terms of gameplay I'm reminded heavily of Manic Miner more than anything else, although the platforming is probably of a slightly faster, more modern pace, more akin to Super Meat Boy or N+ (but without the acrobatics). I don't think it's as hard as those games though from what I've played thus far. Graphics are very Manic Miner, I'd say the music is more Super Hexagon or Ubermosh (I like it, you may not!)

The big hook with Love is the checkpoint system. You have 100 lives to beat twenty levels, but you can place as many checkpoints as you like, pretty much wherever you like in the level (you have to be on solid ground basically, so you can't checkpoint on a moving platform to the best of my knowledge). Other than an auto-checkpoint at the start of each level you have complete freedom to progress as you wish.

I've had one blast through this thus far (one and a bit if you count the first one where I didn't know you had to save before quitting :x ) and I got to about level 12 or 13. So it's probably not the hardest game in the world but it is fun. Speed run and single life modes exist but I'm not arsed about them, and I think extra map packs are available.

I really like it - it's definitely a descendant of Manic Miner which is probably my oldest gaming memory and one of my fondest to boot, so I've got a lot of time for it. This is currently free on Epic Games until Thursday afternoon so if you're interested grab it now. I think it's only a couple of quid anyway and it's worth that to be honest!

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PostRe: The [NEW] GRcade Gaming Alphabet 2024 - NEW ALPHABET NOW LAUNCHED PG. 21
by Cuttooth » Sun Jan 21, 2024 6:39 pm

Ticked off recently:

Neon White

A perfect Steam Deck game and just a great concept overall. I’m a bit sceptical about just how long the gameplay loop will really hold out though even if it presumably throws more and more new abilities to master every so often.

If On A Winter’s Night, Four Travelers

I recently discovered this via the Discovery Queue on Steam. It’s a free point and click horror adventure short set aboard a high end passenger train in the late 1920s where everyone is wearing a masquerade mask and has no recollection how they came to be there. Three characters tell their individual stories of the last moments they remember in three acts. They are pretty grim stories but the game makes an impression in only 90 minutes. COMPLETED

Some more games I’ve now played for the first time but can’t say I’ve ‘experienced’ yet:

A Legionary’s Life
I don’t really know anything about this game. My brother bought it for me randomly a while ago and it seems to effectively be a text adventure about being a Roman soldier? Not really my cup of tea but I’ll probably give it half a go more.

Jet Force Gemini
I remember this getting hyped to the moon by N64 Magazine back in the day. Ten minutes of it was all I could really take and it feels like it’s going to be a chore to play. It’s probably decent enough but I’m not in a rush to get back to it.

Street Fighter 6
I like it but just haven’t really done anything of note in it yet. Need to bust out my sticks.

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PostRe: The [NEW] GRcade Gaming Alphabet 2024 - NEW ALPHABET NOW LAUNCHED PG. 21
by Dowbocop » Mon Jan 22, 2024 7:04 pm

Garten of Banban 3
There's a bit in Ico where you need to activate a giant waterwheel. It involves using some form of jump pad (can't remember the details exactly) and grabbing a handle on the waterwheel itself. This is not a particularly important part of the game, but it sticks in my head as the only time I needed to consult a guide and when it turned out I'd done it right in the first place but just not right enough so I'd wasted loads of time looking in vain for the missing piece of a puzzle, I felt a bit cheated by poor design in a game that is otherwise a bit of a masterpiece.

Garten of Banban is full of these moments. None of it is fun, and when you do find bits that might fall into being an okay game if they're not careful, the irritation by design mantra of this developer ensures you hate them just as much as the pointless busy work.

Your first task is to tidy a room. That's it. You then meet this big orange octopus thing who vaguely threatens you before you have an out of body experience as the octopus and play one of the target shooting sections from the previous game with octopus arms that can shoot electricity. Literally it's exactly the same but you use your electricity arms instead of firing fireworks out of cannons. Then you're in a car with the orange thing, the titular Banban (he of terrible voice acting fame), this weird emu/ostrich that has been trying to kill you for the last two games, and a white fluffy monster woman that was teaching the murder class from GOB2. There's some direlogue which is as pointless as it is embarrassing and they crash the car. You then wake up and have to finish making the spider's girlfriend because he's only angry because he's lonely apparently.

This bit is okay to a point. You have to mix potions to inject into the spider monster thing to finish the experiment, but you also have to fix power fluctuations in the machinery and also push buttons on the wall because reasons. This was actually a bit of a challenge, but mainly because you need to keep running over to a table to switch tools. They made this less fun just to waste your time. Girl spider wakes up, girl spider kills boy spider, I think the orange lad knocks you out again, and you wake up in a classroom with the white murder teacher and the corpse of the boy spider.

I know what you're thinking, I have to be omitting some of the exposition here. Nope! The climax of the last game was this white monster trying to kill you before "Jumbo Josh" (more on him anon) incapacitated her instead, and now she's your friend apparently and is giving you instructions on how to escape Jumbo Josh's classroom. He looks in on you every minute or so and if anything is different he'll kill you. So you have a series of piss poor block moving puzzles that you have to tidy up and restart every minute or so, interspersed with the character who told you the rules of the scenario writing on the whiteboard which you need to erase, culminating in you needing to do pixel perfect jumping to catch two switches and use your absolutely terrible drone to hit some other switches. The drone (which you can direct with a remote control) could be a really nice mechanic in the hands of a developer who actually cared. As it is it handles like a helium balloon.

Some gooseberry fool happens, I don't even know, and you have a boss battle where you feed fireworks to a two headed dog. Again, this is actually vaguely competent and actually resembles a boss fight in games designed by people who don't belong in The Hague, but because everything handles terribly it's a stressful and horrible ordeal. To show you how annoying this game is - you have to open SIX doors one after another to get to this boss fight. When you have completed the boss fight you get two party hats which complete a weird Banban scarecrow thing. You then have to press a button to push this thing FIFTEEN TIMES to get it to the place where you need to scare a baby bird and execute a pixel perfect jump onto its parent which you inevitably fail and go back to the beginning of the pushing section (every push comes with a hoo-laar-ious catchphrase so bad I turned the speakers off after the first five times). Another thing - these bird things have been by a country mile the scariest thing in this game, and with no explanation whatsoever you finish this episode riding one of them to escape the devil Banban. And of course it ends with an elevator...

Nothing in this game makes sense. Nothing in this game is fun. I think the Roblox knock offs might actually handle better than the real thing, which if you know anything about Roblox is a damning indictment.

And my son asked to play the fourth one tonight :cry:

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PostRe: The [NEW] GRcade Gaming Alphabet 2024 - NEW ALPHABET NOW LAUNCHED PG. 21
by aayl1 » Mon Jan 22, 2024 11:10 pm

What did I just read? :lol:

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PostRe: The [NEW] GRcade Gaming Alphabet 2024 - NEW ALPHABET NOW LAUNCHED PG. 21
by site23 » Mon Jan 22, 2024 11:24 pm

Dowbocop wrote:...
And my son asked to play the fourth one tonight :cry:

:lol: :lol: Amazing.

I also just saw this:



Dan :x

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PostRe: The [NEW] GRcade Gaming Alphabet 2024 - NEW ALPHABET NOW LAUNCHED PG. 21
by Herdanos » Tue Jan 23, 2024 8:08 am

Bolded because we won :datass:
AYAW? Finished it, mate.

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PostRe: The [NEW] GRcade Gaming Alphabet 2024 - NEW ALPHABET NOW LAUNCHED PG. 21
by Ironhide » Tue Jan 23, 2024 3:36 pm

aayl1 wrote:What did I just read? :lol:

Dowbo's been on the cooking sherry again.

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PostRe: The [NEW] GRcade Gaming Alphabet 2024 - NEW ALPHABET NOW LAUNCHED PG. 21
by Qikz » Tue Jan 23, 2024 3:42 pm

Dowbocop wrote:Squord - An Apology
I recently wrote a short review of Squord where I questioned the core mechanic of the game and insinuated that the individuals at the top of the leaderboard were cheating in order to achieve such high scores. Having just scored 38 and finding myself joint top of the leaderboard today I would like to clarify that nothing could be further from the truth. Squord is one of the finest word games ever created and mastery of it is one of the greatest intellectual achievements on our planet. To suggest that high scores are in any way manipulated is an outlandish and offensive suggestion that reflects more upon the accuser's poor character than the honest and noble nature of innocent Squordlers.

:lol: :lol:

The Watching Artist wrote:I feel so inept next to Qikz...
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PostRe: The [NEW] GRcade Gaming Alphabet 2024 - NEW ALPHABET NOW LAUNCHED PG. 21
by Ironhide » Sun Feb 04, 2024 5:26 pm

Just added Void Stranger which I honestly didn't buy purely for this purpose.

It's a fairly good little sokoban puzzler with a Gameboy game aesthetic (including selectable Gameboy Color colour palettes) and a tonne of hidden 'secrets' to uncover via repeat playthroughs.

Soundtrack is very Doom-ish with grating MIDI instruments.

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PostRe: The [NEW] GRcade Gaming Alphabet 2024 - NEW ALPHABET NOW LAUNCHED PG. 21
by Qikz » Mon Feb 05, 2024 8:50 am

Ironhide wrote:Just added Void Stranger which I honestly didn't buy purely for this purpose.

It's a fairly good little sokoban puzzler with a Gameboy game aesthetic (including selectable Gameboy Color colour palettes) and a tonne of hidden 'secrets' to uncover via repeat playthroughs.

Soundtrack is very Doom-ish with grating MIDI instruments.

Oh damn this looks good!

The Watching Artist wrote:I feel so inept next to Qikz...
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PostRe: The [NEW] GRcade Gaming Alphabet 2024 - NEW ALPHABET NOW LAUNCHED PG. 21
by Zilnad » Mon Feb 05, 2024 9:12 am

Qikz wrote:
Ironhide wrote:Just added Void Stranger which I honestly didn't buy purely for this purpose.

It's a fairly good little sokoban puzzler with a Gameboy game aesthetic (including selectable Gameboy Color colour palettes) and a tonne of hidden 'secrets' to uncover via repeat playthroughs.

Soundtrack is very Doom-ish with grating MIDI instruments.

Oh damn this looks good!

God yeah, I've just added it to my Steam wishlist.

I've got loads of new games to play this year but currently committed to Ghostwire Tokyo and Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Trilogy.

Bought This Bed We Made last night as I spotted it on Steam and thought it sounded very interesting. You play as a 1950s hotel maid and, while cleaning rooms, you can snoop through people's belongings to try and piece together a mystery between the guests. Sounded right up my street.

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