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Re: The moan about your neighbours thread

Posted: Thu May 17, 2018 8:08 pm
by KK
Moggy wrote:
Hyperion wrote:
Moggy wrote:
Ad7 wrote:Spot the secret horse owner :lol:

I don't own a horse and have never owned a horse.

Horse renting povvo


I took my son to Weston-Super-Mare on the weekend but he didn’t want to go on a donkey. That’s the closest I’ve been to a member of the horse family over the last decade.

Last time I was on a donkey the donkey collapsed.

Re: The moan about your neighbours thread

Posted: Thu May 17, 2018 11:37 pm
by Hypes
jawafour wrote:Neighbours have been blasting out the music today and I've just submitted my noise log records to the flat's management company requesting that a "noise disturbance" letter is issued to them.

I'm positive that, after receiving the letter, they'll see the error of their ways and modify the use of their music equipment :toot: .

They won't :( .

Knock on their door, tell them to quit it or you'll shiv them

Re: The moan about your neighbours thread

Posted: Fri May 18, 2018 7:49 am
by Vermilion
The new guy two doors down was drilling into my neighbours wall at 10pm last night.

Couldn't have happened to anyone more deserving.

Re: The moan about your neighbours thread

Posted: Fri May 18, 2018 8:06 am
by Poncho
The couple next door have a child who must be about 2-years-old who never stops crying. Ever. If she isn't crying then they must not be in the house. Love getting woken up at 5am on a weekend. My room is downstairs next to their living room and for some reason, they take her from her room upstairs to the living room right next to me to let it cry on and on. I don't know enough about kids, but surely a 2-year-old screeching and gargling non-stop isn't normal? I assumed for a long time that she was a newborn baby. It sounds to me like she's having a tantrum - some of the noises she makes are horrendous. I was able to record it on my old phone through the wall and still picked up a lot of it. :lol: They've got a 5-year-old who is a crybaby, too. The other day, he was on his bike and he started crying because his helmet was on too tight. He then went inside and you could hear him throwing things and screaming.

It's set me back wanting kids by years, anyway. Although I'd probably find it more bearable if they were mine as at least there's the love.

I won't go on too much as I know there are new parents on the forum and it's obviously not fun for them either. But man, it's starting to get me down. There's no escape from it. Earplugs help, but I risk missing my alarm.

Re: The moan about your neighbours thread

Posted: Fri May 18, 2018 8:11 am
by Moggy
Poncho wrote:The couple next door have a child who must be about 2-years-old who never stops crying. Ever. If she isn't crying then they must not be in the house. Love getting woken up at 5am on a weekend. My room is downstairs next to their living room and for some reason, they take her from her room upstairs to the living room right next to me to let it cry on and on. I don't know enough about kids, but surely a 2-year-old screeching and gargling non-stop isn't normal? I assumed for a long time that she was a newborn baby. It sounds to me like she's having a tantrum - some of the noises she makes are horrendous. I was able to record it on my old phone through the wall and still picked up a lot of it. :lol: They've got a 5-year-old who is a crybaby, too. The other day, he was on his bike and he started crying because his helmet was on too tight. He then went inside and you could hear him throwing things and screaming.

It's set me back wanting kids by years, anyway. Although I'd probably find it more bearable if they were mine as at least there's the love.

I won't go on too much as I know there are new parents on the forum and it's obviously not fun for them either. But man, it's starting to get me down. There's no escape from it. Earplugs help, but I risk missing my alarm.

My lad just turned 2, he cries and has tantrums but it is not constant. And we calm him down as quickly as possible, we don’t just let him cry.

My mum has a couple next door to her that just let their 2 year old cry. All night. It sounds a terrible way to parent to me, if the kid is crying then there is usually a reason for it. And even if the kid is just being a little gooseberry fool that you want to ignore, it is horrible for neighbours. :dread:

Re: The moan about your neighbours thread

Posted: Fri May 18, 2018 8:19 am
by Poncho
They're both very young (early 20s). I have often wondered if they're perhaps botching this whole parenting thing, but as I said, what do I know about raising kids? If she's crying all the time, clearly whatever it is you're doing isn't working, though. Just have to hope she grows out of it. They've told us that she's teething. She must have a lot of them.

It's the noises she makes. It's not regular crying. It sounds like they're strangling her.

Edit: She's been crying non-stop since 7am.

Re: The moan about your neighbours thread

Posted: Fri May 18, 2018 8:23 am
by Moggy
Poncho wrote:They're both very young (early 20s). I have often wondered if they're perhaps botching this whole parenting thing, but as I said, what do I know about raising kids? If she's crying all the time, clearly whatever it is you're doing isn't working, though. Just have to hope she grows out of it. They've told us that she's teething. She must have a lot of them.

It's the noises she makes. It's not regular crying. It sounds like they're strangling her.

Edit: She's been crying non-stop since 7am.

That doesn’t sound at all normal from my experience, kids shouldn’t cry that much! But all kids are different, maybe she has some health issues that make her cry?

I am not sure a strangling noise is a good sign though. :dread:

Re: The moan about your neighbours thread

Posted: Fri May 18, 2018 10:06 am
by Dual
Must be child abuse. Contact social services now.

Re: The moan about your neighbours thread

Posted: Fri May 18, 2018 11:23 am
by jawafour
A letter is going out to my neighbours about noise disturbance.

RIP in pieces my weekend / life etc.

Re: The moan about your neighbours thread

Posted: Fri May 18, 2018 12:16 pm
by Cheeky Devlin
jawafour wrote:A letter is going out to my neighbours about noise disturbance.

RIP in pieces my weekend / life etc.

It's fine. If anything happens just unleash your extremely angry (By now) horde of Wasps upon him like the biblical plagues of old.

Re: The moan about your neighbours thread

Posted: Fri May 18, 2018 12:24 pm
by Victor Mildew
Assuming they can even read

Re: The moan about your neighbours thread

Posted: Fri May 18, 2018 6:44 pm
by Vermilion
The weekend in my street has started in earnest, the kids are banging around in next door, other kids are screaming under my window, the doors are constantly being slammed as hard as possible, and stool bloke has appeared for his weekly 48 hour vigil.

Thank god i'm heading out tomorrow, even the guy two doors down has decided to make a quick exit on his motorbike.

Re: The moan about your neighbours thread

Posted: Fri May 18, 2018 6:59 pm
by Lagamorph
They're just excited for the wedding.

Re: The moan about your neighbours thread

Posted: Sat May 19, 2018 12:28 am
by jawafour
Neighbours have been bashing out the music, accompanied by singing and yelling, for two-and-a-half hours now and there's no sign it's gonna end anytime soon. It's incredible how stressful it is when you've had it for a couple of years. I'm not sure if they'll receive the "noise" letter tomorrow or Monday, but that step can't come soon enough.

Re: The moan about your neighbours thread

Posted: Sat May 19, 2018 12:41 am
by Return_of_the_STAR
jawafour wrote:Neighbours have been bashing out the music, accompanied by singing and yelling, for two-and-a-half hours now and there's no sign it's gonna end anytime soon. It's incredible how stressful it is when you've had it for a couple of years. I'm not sure if they'll receive the "noise" letter tomorrow or Monday, but that step can't come soon enough.

What kind of letter are they receiving? Are they being issued with a community protection warning notice?

Re: The moan about your neighbours thread

Posted: Sat May 19, 2018 12:46 am
by jawafour
Return_of_the_STAR wrote:What kind of letter are they receiving? Are they being issued with a community protection warning notice?

It's a "noise disturbance" letter from the flat's management company. The management company are also seeking to contact the owner of the flat, as apparently it's rented out.

Music and yelling still going on. This is gonna be one of the bad ones.

Re: The moan about your neighbours thread

Posted: Sat May 19, 2018 12:57 am
by Return_of_the_STAR
jawafour wrote:
Return_of_the_STAR wrote:What kind of letter are they receiving? Are they being issued with a community protection warning notice?

It's a "noise disturbance" letter from the flat's management company. The management company are also seeking to contact the owner of the flat, as apparently it's rented out.

Music and yelling still going on. This is gonna be one of the bad ones.

Have you contacted environmental health? I can’t remember.

Re: The moan about your neighbours thread

Posted: Sat May 19, 2018 6:44 am
by Lagamorph
If the flat is rented can you contact the council for the landlords details and complain directly to them?
The landlord is ultimately responsible for their tenant I think so they might be more inclined to take action than the flat management company.

Re: The moan about your neighbours thread

Posted: Sat May 19, 2018 7:04 am
by Errkal
1am boy that kid is a party animal.

Re: The moan about your neighbours thread

Posted: Sat May 19, 2018 8:36 am
by jawafour
Yeah, the management company is issuing the letter and they're trying to get in touch with the actual owner of the flat, too.

The music ended at 01:20 and their loud chatting and laughing finished at around 01:45. Then, from 07:55 the kids have been running around, he has been shouting and they're bashing out music in their living room. It's quite unbelievable.

Edit: He is literally shouting and whooping endlessly; I'm pretty convinced he has some form of mental challenge.