The Adventure Quest 4: Tales End

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PostRe: Adventure Quest 4: Adventure Harder: Sir Lewis Strikes Back
by Hulohot » Mon Dec 28, 2009 3:47 pm

Yeah it is, I was waiting until after christmas so I'll start sending reminder PM's. :)

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PostRe: Adventure Quest 4: Adventure Harder: Sir Lewis Strikes Back
by Hulohot » Mon Dec 28, 2009 3:59 pm


Christmas eve, minutes after midnight saw St Peters Basilica in Rome erupt in flames in yet another terrorist attack. Crowds gather outside St Peters Square in tears for the ancient city full of classical art that crumbled down in a devastating explosion that destroyed 60 percent of the basilica.

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PostRe: Adventure Quest 4: Adventure Harder: Sir Lewis Strikes Back
by Drumstick » Mon Dec 28, 2009 4:45 pm

Born and raised in Teotihuacán, Mexico, Jorge Costa spent his childhood exploring the many ruins and pyramidal structures which dominate the city. As a result of this upbringing, he became a successful and renowned archaeologist, leading many notable digs and excavation attempts. A shrewd businessman, he is no stranger to negotiation and is unlikely to be taken for a fool.

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PostRe: The Adventure Quest 4: Tales End- Starting soon.
by Banjo » Wed Dec 30, 2009 2:44 pm

Born in the future, Lionel Futch (pronounced phew-ch) was so underdeveloped and freakish that he resembled an earlier evolutionary stage of man, so his aghast parents sent him back in time to a period where he'd hopefully look borderline normal. They sent a care package with him, which consisted of magical trousers that morph to the size of the wearer, therefore will always fit, and can change colour dependant on the mood of the wearer. They also gave him a standard wool jumper that he'd have to grow into, magical jumpers cost a lot and they were saving for an extension to their private planetoid so he'd have to make do. Being from the future, everything he utters comes across as utterly mental, so he spent his teenage years between mental establishments, where he learnt strawberry float all and left none the better than when he entered. His skills, or lack thereof, are baffling, as many would assume being from the future he would have some kind of extra sensory ability, or enhanced strength or mental faculty. Instead, he's damn good at hiding, his peculiar frame makign him able to contort and squeeze his body into all manner of spaces. If it wasn't for his complete lack of malice and other negative emotions, he would have made a great spy. He currently works as a hairdresser. Everyone compliments him on his trousers.

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PostRe: The Adventure Quest 4: Tales End- Starting soon.
by Hulohot » Wed Dec 30, 2009 4:31 pm

Lionel Futch = Image

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PostRe: The Adventure Quest 4: Tales End- Starting soon.
by Banjo » Fri Jan 01, 2010 11:19 am

Yeah, I can dig it.

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PostRe: The Adventure Quest 4: Tales End- Starting soon.
by Hulohot » Fri Jan 01, 2010 4:53 pm

Four knights sat in a a tavern they had rented for the night, with a handful of gold they snuck from the hilltop castle at Montsegur. It had been three weeks since their face off against the evil reincarnation of Jesus christ, and just one week since they abandoned Sir Lewis in a small village pub. He was getting on everyones nerves, and they did not agree with his decision to attack and kill Sir Banjo for his treasure.

They drunk from their pewter tankards and discussed their mission to return to the castle, but one knight was missing...

"We all know why we are returning." Sir Roonmastor said to his relatively new team. Fellow Knight Raze left to return to Paris, uninterested in the apparently cursed treasure, and Louis Valois (Jango) met his end on the return from the castle, slipping into a muddy river and drowning at night.

The new knights Lionel Futch, Jorge Costa and Lord Maury Van Kronenberg were wet with anticipation for the gold. The original heroes decided to leave the treasure and return with means to transport it, hoping the Dreadmorts would be long gone and to claim the artefacts used to bring back the lords son, so such a thing would not happen again.

"We saw an unspeakable ceremony that day, poor Sir Sykes was raped and ripped apart by naked girls, we must make sure such a ceremony does not happen again."


Outside the quiet inn was a sudden scream. A familiar voice.

There was a shatter of glass as fellow knight ressurected, Sir Sykes was launched into the bar through a window a group of six guards, probably on the hunt for fleeing Templars. He landed on his face.

The guards charged into the bar, swords drawn as Sykes struggled to his feet.

"Templars!" One of them yelled. "You will die here today."



Fighting is simple, choose which weapon you want to use (It can be anything that might have existed at the time) and use your english skills to describe your battle with a guard. You each have one guard, but I might mix things up a bit whilst waiting for your responses. You'll see.


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PostRe: The Adventure Quest 4: Tales End- IT BEGINS!
by Psychic » Sun Jan 03, 2010 6:37 pm

Sir Sykes rose up and unsheathed his sword in a swift motion. He did not remember anything since his body was ripped apart apart from a bright light, so he was obviously disconcerted. A swing towards the nearest guard was off target, but as the guard stepped in to try and capitalise on his momentary weakness, the Sir's training touch over and he rammed his sword deep into his opponents chest cavity. "Nothing personal" he thought as the attacker slumped to the floor and he withdrew his weapon, quickly wiping it dry.

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PostRe: The Adventure Quest 4: Tales End- IT BEGINS!
by Hulohot » Sun Jan 03, 2010 6:46 pm

As Sir Sykes towered over his fallen enemy, grinning smugly at his victory, a French guard gripped him in a headlock. Sir Sykes' one free hand struggling to prevent the guards dagger from piercing his armour.

If by 9 o'clock tonight, no one has saved Sir Sykes from this guard, he will be stabbed.

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PostRe: The Adventure Quest 4: Tales End- IT BEGINS!
by Hulohot » Sun Jan 03, 2010 11:51 pm

As the other Knights struggled against their guards, Sir Sykes felt a cold sting in his gut, then a warm slow trickle of blood.

As the blade slipped deeper, he felt reality drift away. Slipping away from the guards grasp, he hit the floor as the others carried on fighting.

Present day...

Deep in the J Edgar Hoover building in Washington DC a team of agents were sifting through evidence. The recent terrorist bombings had thrown the world into chaos, governments blaming everyone else and several major historic landmarks were now in ruins, Nortre Dame the most recent victim.

"It could be nothing..." Agent Costa said, "But these records say a large sum of money and material items were given to George Washington by the French which was stored in the First Bank of the United States in 1791, over in Philly which Lincoln used to fund the Civil War. Then they donated the Statue of Liberty in 1886. I wonder why they were kissing so much ass back then?"

Agent Roonmastor shrugged. "Beats me."

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PostRe: The Adventure Quest 4: Tales End- IT BEGINS!
by Psychic » Mon Jan 04, 2010 1:45 am

You appalling banana splits. :x

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PostRe: The Adventure Quest 4: Tales End- IT BEGINS!
by Memento Mori » Mon Jan 04, 2010 4:30 pm

Sorry man. :lol:

Lord Kronenberg turned to his left and saw Sir Sykes fall to the ground dead. The tavern's fine mead had dulled Kronenberg's senses and he stood frozen as his friend bled on the floor. He was shook from his reverie by a flash of silver in the corner of his vision. A more sober man would have easily dodged the rookie strike, delivered by an inexperienced guard and Kronenberg felt the air by his head move as he rolled out of the way. Tightening the grip on his trusty mace he swung diagonally up and felt his arm shudder as the metal made contact with his enemy's chin. A terrible crunching sound was his reward and the guard fell backward next to the cold body of Sir Sykes.

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PostRe: The Adventure Quest 4: Tales End- IT BEGINS!
by Hulohot » Mon Jan 04, 2010 5:37 pm

Sir Sykes opened his eyes after nearly getting crushed by the victim of Sir Kronenberg . His plan had worked perfectly. Ignoring the slight throb in his chest, he quietly rose to his feet, grasping his weapon hard.

"I will not let my guard down like that again" he growled. "It's just a flesh wound."

4 guards remain, one going spare if you wish to go again.

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PostRe: The Adventure Quest 4: Tales End- IT BEGINS!
by Banjo » Mon Jan 04, 2010 8:25 pm

No one had seen Lionel since the brawl started. That's because his finely tuned cowardice skills pointed him in the direction of a crawl space, which he smoothly crept into. Not quite content that he would survive in this area, he crept around and soon found himself to be ascending, into the ceiling. Surely now he'd be safe?

A crack was heard, and the roof plummeted through. Lionel, along with the heavy ornate light fixture, fell and crushed one guard to death and mashed the legs of another. Lionel got up. He looked around. He smiled. His trousers turned a triumphant shade of Purple. Then he dashed for the crawl space again.

As he ran he tripped and fell onto the mangled guard. The shard of glass on his shoe from the fixture slotted neatly into the guards genitals. Lionel felt dizzy, and was sick, on the guards face. He choked to death on Lionel's vomit.

Sorry Sykes, next time I'll be there to pick up the slack.

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PostRe: The Adventure Quest 4: Tales End- IT BEGINS!
by Hulohot » Mon Jan 04, 2010 11:11 pm

Bloody hell Banjo :lol:

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PostRe: The Adventure Quest 4: Tales End- IT BEGINS!
by Banjo » Tue Jan 05, 2010 9:22 am

Thought I'd mix it up a bit this time. 8-)

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PostRe: The Adventure Quest 4: Tales End- IT BEGINS!
by Roonmastor » Tue Jan 05, 2010 1:55 pm

Sir Roonmastor swung Orage around his body in a menacing fashion, the golden hilt flashing brilliantly. One of the guards charged him with his polearm, aiming for his right shoulder. Sir Roonmastor leaned back and the point missed him by a mere inch before chopping the polearm in two. The guard turned to run with nought but a stick to defend himself. Roonmastor wouldn't let him escape and chased him down, Orage smeared red and protruding from the fallen guard's chest.

Sir Roonmastor didn't have time to withdraw the blade before another guard lunged at him. This time he had to jump out of the way, leaving the dead guard to fall to the ground with his scimitar still embedded in his back. The second guard tried furiously to impale the Templar but to no avail as the knight ducked and weaved. Suddenly he found himself with his back to the wall. The guard smiled and went to end it with one final spear. Sir Roonmastor batted the polearm away, directing its aim away from himself and into the wall behind him. He then moved on the guard, cupping both his hands and striking both of his ears, leaving him discombobulated. With the guard dazed and deaf, Roonmastor kicked him to the ground. He stepped over him and pulled Orage from its corpse plinth and struck the second guard down.

Roonmastor looked around at the other battles before walking over to Lionel and pulling him to his feet, sick smeared across his face.

"I can see you're going to be trouble, Mr. Futch"

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PostRe: The Adventure Quest 4: Tales End- IT BEGINS!
by Hulohot » Tue Jan 05, 2010 6:36 pm

Lionel thanked Sir Roonmastor, then dashed for cover. He found a small crawlspace in a dark corner of the inn which he wasted no time crawling into.

At the end of the tunnel he could see a flickering candlelight. He listened to groaning as he inched forward, ready to retreat.

Inside the room was an old crone sat at a small table. Her face was twisted, candles hung upside down surrounding an open, empty coffin.

Lionel rose to his feet, and eyed a plack on the wall next to him.

Here Mary Roussan Luvois passed away, aged 69.

Lionel turned to the old woman. "Who are you?"
Her face turned serious. "I am dead."

He felt his feet retreat.

"Stay, so I may foretell your future." The old lady spoke. "Hold me by the hand young man."


A- Tell her to piss off and run.
B- Take her hand.
C- Ignore her and loot the room
D- Other, choose your own actions.

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PostRe: The Adventure Quest 4: Tales End- IT BEGINS!
by Banjo » Tue Jan 05, 2010 7:07 pm


I don't take her hand, I put a glove on first. Not taking the risk that she's Death and a single touch winds up being fatal.

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PostRe: The Adventure Quest 4: Tales End- IT BEGINS!
by Drumstick » Tue Jan 05, 2010 7:37 pm

Upon hearing the glass shattering, Jorge Costa stood his ground. A guard approached him. "You expect us to surrender?", Costa asked, sneering.

The Frenchman surprisingly responded in English, albeit with a cold, French accent. "No. I expect you to die."

Costa drew his sword, determined to battle with valour. After holding off the attack of the guard, the swords became locked. Costa used his strength to send his opponent's weapon flying. Almost instinctively remembering his street fighting days on as a boy in Mexico, he side-kicked the guard to the floor and marched over to his fallen adversary's sword.

The guard, now favouring his chest and nearing his feet, was dazed. Costa turned to face him, now having the second sword in hand and muttered:

"This one's for Sykes."

Costa threw the sword ferociously like a throwing knife; it impaled the guard perfect with a sickening squelch, stopping only at the handle. The guard, fell back on his side, struggling for breath, as Costa observed the carnage around him.

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