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Re: The Running Thread

Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2017 8:42 am
by Victor Mildew
There's a run being organised on the bridge actually, think it's next month. 10k or something, guess it's more of a bragging figure than 6.75 miles or whatever it is.


Re: The Running Thread

Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2017 8:54 am
by Mini E
Poser wrote:
Ad7 wrote:You also get a million more repsect points for saying miles and not kilometres to make it sound like more :wub:


I actually don't get it - if I'm going out for a long run, I want it to sound less. The idea that the GNR is 21km is horrifying. 13miles I can handle.

I assume the km bummers are running in miles then converting it for bragging purposes.

I try and refer to my runs in miles for the reasons listed above but ever since I've started running, I've calculated my splits in mins/km so converting this to mins/mile is such a pain.

To be fair, when you're running 145 miles like Avon there is literally no need to try and make that sound more impressive :lol:

Re: The Running Thread

Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2017 8:57 am
by Poser
Mini E wrote:
Poser wrote:
Ad7 wrote:You also get a million more repsect points for saying miles and not kilometres to make it sound like more :wub:


I actually don't get it - if I'm going out for a long run, I want it to sound less. The idea that the GNR is 21km is horrifying. 13miles I can handle.

I assume the km bummers are running in miles then converting it for bragging purposes.

I try and refer to my runs in miles for the reasons listed above but ever since I've started running, I've calculated my splits in mins/km so converting this to mins/mile is such a pain.

To be fair, when you're running 145 miles like Avon there is literally no need to try and make that sound more impressive :lol:

True enough (re Avon).

I use this webpage all the time. It's very dated looking, but perfect for calculating times/pace etc. It would be ideal for you as you can change the units of measurement very easily.

In fact, I'm a bit obsessed with it. I'd be gutted if they ever stopped hosting it.

Re: The Running Thread

Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2017 9:27 am
by Corazon de Leon
Poser wrote:
Ad7 wrote:You also get a million more repsect points for saying miles and not kilometres to make it sound like more :wub:


I actually don't get it - if I'm going out for a long run, I want it to sound less. The idea that the GNR is 21km is horrifying. 13miles I can handle.

I assume the km bummers are running in miles then converting it for bragging purposes.

I've always run in kilometres simply because that's what most of the machines and apps that I use default to.

Re: The Running Thread

Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2017 9:48 am
by Johnny Ryall
Having to take this week off cos I can't really breathe through my nose. Stupid manflu.

Re: The Running Thread

Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2017 10:05 am
by Rex Kramer
I'm another km runner, mostly I guess because I started with a couch to 5k thing and have never got round to swapping the Nike+ app back.

I was going to post an update until I read Avon's, he ran further in a day than I run over 2 months. :shock:

Re: The Running Thread

Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2017 10:14 am
by Poser
Rex Kramer wrote:
I was going to post an update until I read Avon's, he ran further in a day than I run over 2 months. :shock:

Yep. I have so far run just over 70 miles for my GNR training, in total. :slol:

Re: The Running Thread

Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2017 11:19 am
by Victor Mildew
What are people's thoughts on running with a bad back? My lower back is really hurting and has been for a week now so I didn't go yesterday, but I feel like a fat banana split for not doing it so I plan on going today. Should I be doing it?

You are already dead etc.

Re: The Running Thread

Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2017 1:28 pm
by Poser
Ad7 wrote:What are people's thoughts on running with a bad back? My lower back is really hurting and has been for a week now so I didn't go yesterday, but I feel like a fat banana split for not doing it so I plan on going today. Should I be doing it?

You are already dead etc.

I suffer from something similar, though it mainly gets worse as I run - usually at about the 5 minute mark.

I have a very thorough warm up that I have to do, which usually mitigates the problem. If I don't have time, such as when running at lunchtime, then I usually regret it.

Bear in mind the problem is almost certainly caused by something else: ie it's a problem with a different part of your body that manifests itself in lower back pain.

Weak hamstrings and a weak core are frequent contributors to a bad back. For me, it's both of those, as well as a lack of mobility through my hips.

Before you run next time, try doing leg swings. They are a dynamic warm up that helps 'free up' the hips and which always improve my back pain by several measures (be sure to do the forwards ones and the side-to-side ones):

But as a long-term fix, look at strengthening your core and hamstrings.

Re: The Running Thread

Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2017 1:51 pm
by Johnny Ryall
I measure in KM too. Really because it's easier to measure splits/pace with shorter intervals I know I ain't know Mo Farah.

Re: The Running Thread

Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2017 1:52 pm
by Victor Mildew
Thanks Poser. I just came back so missed this and initially I felt nothing like it had done it good, now I'm really aching :dread:

I'll try those swing next time.

Re: The Running Thread

Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2017 3:45 pm
by Victor Mildew
And now I'm hobbling around in pain :fp:

Re: The Running Thread

Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2017 4:10 pm
by Poser
Ad7 wrote:And now I'm hobbling around in pain :fp:

Don't do anything else while it hurts. Maybe have a bath (u ok hun xx) and take some ibuprofen.

When it loosens off/feels better, do some dynamic stretches to get into the hips/lower back (lunges, yoga-type stuff... - probably best to have a google for that as I'm no expert)

But yeah, do try to incorporate leg swings into your warm up routine.

Re: The Running Thread

Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2017 6:22 pm
by Avon
Floex wrote:Avon, out of interest, what is your lifestyle? The dedication to something like this must be immense, impressive but immense.

Cheers everyone. There is a niche of ultra runners so whilst distances can sound far fetched my own running can be considered fairly modest compared to some of my peers.

In terms of lifestyle, I work full time as a Project Manager, married, one teenage child. Too old to enjoy boozing and clubbing these days.

Run at lunch and run commute home most weekdays with a longer run Friday, rest day Saturday and longer run Sunday. Average 75 miles per week.

Running blog is here

Re: The Running Thread

Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2017 5:48 pm
by Spindash
Salford 10k this morning, starting and finishing at Media City. A new PB of 41:18, felt comfortable and got my pacing spot on, ran each mile quicker than the last and had enough for a sustained sprint finish. Was also over ten minutes quicker than my time at the same race last year. So I am v pleased. :toot: Hoping to join the sub-40 club before too long.

Re: The Running Thread

Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2017 6:18 pm
by That's not a growth
strawberry float, well done, what's your training like, I'd love to get that quick.

Re: The Running Thread

Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2017 6:55 pm
by Spindash
I usually do a long run of around 8 to 9 miles at 8-9 minute/mile pace on Sunday, around 6 to 7 miles a bit quicker on Tuesday, and a fast parkrun on Saturday. I try to fit something else in on Thursday but it doesn't always happen. But really, I joined my local running club (Chorlton Runners) in May and that's been the best thing I've ever done for my running. Finding it a lot easier to keep motivated than when I ran on my own, and I'm improving a lot by running with people of a similar standard. And on race days, wearing the club colours and hearing people cheer you on is such a buzz. :wub:

Re: The Running Thread

Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2017 7:31 pm
by That's not a growth
That's good it's working out for you. I'm more of a solitary person, so a club isn't that appealing to me. I did a 10k trail run this weekend in the lakes and afterwards my family were asking if I considered doing so, but it's not something I can't see myself doing. The trail run was bloody agony. I do a few a year, and it seems my concentration on distance recently in preparation for my first half marathon in October has meant my lack of hill training really showed it's self when going up logging trails; I've done this course before and swear I found it so much more difficult on the up hill this time, yet I was bloody sprinting on anything resembling a down hill. Something to work on, for sure.

Re: The Running Thread

Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2017 10:47 pm
by Oblomov Boblomov
Why would anyone use miles instead of kilometres? Are you all farmers from the 1950s?

Re: The Running Thread

Posted: Mon Sep 04, 2017 8:28 am
by Poser
Oblomov Boblomov wrote:Why would anyone use miles instead of kilometres?

Because I was a track runner. I started doing 800m (half a mile) when I was a teenager, and moved on to the 400m (quarter mile) in my 20s. A mile is precisely four laps. I just find it easier to visualise.

GNR Next week. :toot: :dread:

I did my final proper training run yesterday. Ran 6.4 miles in 47 minutes precisely. I think I've found my pace, so if nothing goes wrong and I manage the race ok next week then I should be good for 1hr36~ish, which I'd be delighted with.

Won't be doing much more running now; think I'll go for a gentle bike ride on Wednesday evening and maybe a very gentle run on Thursday. (Problem is I don't really do 'gentle', but we'll see how it goes.)