The Writer's Sphere - Share your writing

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PostRe: The Writer's Sphere - Share your writing
by DarkRula » Fri Jan 31, 2020 2:35 pm

Cool concept, shy guy. Should prove to be another good read.

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PostRe: The Writer's Sphere - Share your writing
by shy guy 64 » Fri Jan 31, 2020 3:57 pm

OrangeRKN wrote:A weapon called the Non Cannon that makes people non-canon in real life... I like it!

DarkRula wrote:Cool concept, shy guy. Should prove to be another good read.

thanks guys, its one of the concepts im more proud of

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PostRe: The Writer's Sphere - Share your writing
by shy guy 64 » Thu Mar 26, 2020 9:53 pm

sorry to double post but i was curious to see if anyone was writing more in the current climate

also wanted to mention ive started the process to get my second book published

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PostRe: The Writer's Sphere - Share your writing
by DarkRula » Fri Mar 27, 2020 9:28 am

Not really a double post if there's almost two months between them.

I've been writing articles for my site much the same usual, though any stories seem to have dropped off completely. Should really get back to those. Last short I added was on the 15th, though, so I guess I have been thinking of them.

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PostRe: The Writer's Sphere - Share your writing
by shy guy 64 » Fri Mar 27, 2020 9:54 am

DarkRula wrote:Not really a double post if there's almost two months between them.

I've been writing articles for my site much the same usual, though any stories seem to have dropped off completely. Should really get back to those. Last short I added was on the 15th, though, so I guess I have been thinking of them.

well i wish you luck

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PostRe: The Writer's Sphere - Share your writing
by DarkRula » Fri Mar 27, 2020 9:57 am

Thanks. I think April will be a lot better for me in terms of writing.

And here's hoping that second book of yours sees a publishing soon.

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PostRe: The Writer's Sphere - Share your writing
by shy guy 64 » Fri Mar 27, 2020 12:59 pm

DarkRula wrote:Thanks. I think April will be a lot better for me in terms of writing.

And here's hoping that second book of yours sees a publishing soon.

thanks, in terms of tone its probably a bit similar to the first one, though maybe a little stranger

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PostRe: The Writer's Sphere - Share your writing
by DarkRula » Fri Mar 27, 2020 1:07 pm

Look forward to it.

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PostRe: The Writer's Sphere - Share your writing
by shy guy 64 » Fri Mar 27, 2020 3:56 pm

DarkRula wrote:Look forward to it.

thanks, but dont say i didnt warn you

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PostRe: The Writer's Sphere - Share your writing
by SEP » Sat May 30, 2020 3:39 pm

I started wondering what a Star Trek kids book would look like, and it led to me writing this:

Captain Pete had smelly feet, and everybody knew.
From the doctor to the chef, it was the talk of all the crew.
And everytime he went to bed, they transported away his shoes.
He'd alway try a brand new pair, but there was nothing they could do.
Soaps, ointments and lotions, they tried quite a few,
Captain Pete's smelly feet made even Klingons say "pe-ew"

Klingons are a strong people, with a massive sense of pride
But when one smelled the smelly feet, he ran away and cried.
Vulcans are a calm people, who do not show emotion
But when they're near the smelly feet, they cause quite a commotion.
Romulans are secretive, they never tell the truth
But when their nose detects the smell, they act rather uncouth.

Doctor Sam said to Pete, "we need to fix your feet
"when you're in the mess hall, nobody wants to eat
"We've run out of ideas, so now we want to cheat
"We want to replace your real tootsies with artificial feet"
This was quite a shock to Captain Pete, who rather liked his feet
But he knew this was the best way to keep peace within Starfleet.

Data is an android, an artificial man
He will help everyone, in any way he can.
When the doctor contacted him and told him of the plan,
Data said "I have two extra feet, you can have them Doctor Sam!"
Within a week or two, the surgery began,
And Captain Pete was on his feet, and could do the can-can.

Captain Pete went away on a diplomatic mission
On a planet where to be barefoot was their main tradition.
He took off his leather shoes, and could smell an emission,
But it was not foul, it smelled of roses, a most pleasant addition!
For android feet have a hidden feature, not known to the physician,
They double up as Magic Trees in the right condition.

So Captain Pete has android feet, and everybody knows
From the doctor to the chef, they talk about his toes.
Everytime he goes to bed, his quarters smell of rose,
And every pair of shoes he wears are pleasant on the nose.
Soaps, ointments and lotions are no longer imposed.
Captain Pete's android feet have brought this tale to a close.

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PostRe: The Writer's Sphere - Share your writing
by shy guy 64 » Sat May 30, 2020 7:34 pm

glad to see im not the only one still writing in the lock down

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PostRe: The Writer's Sphere - Share your writing
by SEP » Sat May 30, 2020 7:45 pm

shy guy 64 wrote:glad to see im not the only one still writing in the lock down

It's honestly the first concerted effort I've made to do any creative writing since my GCSEs.

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PostRe: The Writer's Sphere - Share your writing
by OrangeRKN » Sat May 30, 2020 7:49 pm

Knowing very little about Star Trek you have now forever set certain expectations about characters in my head :P

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PostRe: The Writer's Sphere - Share your writing
by SEP » Sat May 30, 2020 7:54 pm

OrangeRKN wrote:Knowing very little about Star Trek you have now forever set certain expectations about characters in my head :P

Well now you know about 3 species and their reactions to extreme foot odour.

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PostRe: The Writer's Sphere - Share your writing
by shy guy 64 » Sat May 30, 2020 9:56 pm

Somebody Else's Problem wrote:
shy guy 64 wrote:glad to see im not the only one still writing in the lock down

It's honestly the first concerted effort I've made to do any creative writing since my GCSEs.

how long ago was that?

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PostRe: The Writer's Sphere - Share your writing
by Fruits Punch Samurai » Sat May 30, 2020 9:59 pm

Under The Table

He led in the dark, his naked back pressed against the caffeine scented carpet and biscuit crumbs. It was 3.15 am, and he was staring at the underside of the table crying. The gum stuck to his wooden ceiling were his stars, the fading Black Sabbath sticker his cloud. It had been nearly a year since he’d been with the table, he could recount every absent day, the table itself could recall none. After all, it was an inanimate object, but it was his inanimate object. The winter wind blew through the broken window cooling the room.

He reached his hand out from under the table, brushing it against the top, feeling the dry wax left from a candle he once forgot to blow out after falling asleep in front of the TV. His hands moved to the wobbly knee, created by the force of two bodies pressed against the surface. He then moved to the dent, a time when he punched the corner after an argument over who can recall, finally lifting his hands to reach a piece of dried up gum. He placed it in his mouth, chewed, and realised that it was a flavour he was unfamiliar with.

He spat the strawberry flavoured gum into the carpet, rubbing it in with the crumbs for good measure. He picked more from under the table; vanilla, orange, cherry, each flavour more alien than the last. What happened to plain old mint, or even spearmint? These weren’t his flavours, they weren’t her flavours. He had to lick the wooden splintered table leg to remove the taste, to evoke memories once clear, to reclaim the table as his, if only for a moment. And in that moment he licked each leg, gripped each leg, rubbed each leg, chewed each leg. He came.

Panting, lying in his own liquids, he watched the table do none of these things. The table was unfeeling, the table was unmoving. His hands were still gripping the table legs, legs which began to crack, then snap as he forcibly twisted them apart. Each leg got theirs, and when the legs were no longer legs, he threw his body onto the table top, and the centre gave way, the jagged separation sinking into his stomach. With the table inside him he screamed, he rolled, he bled, and the room filled with light.

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PostRe: The Writer's Sphere - Share your writing
by SEP » Sat May 30, 2020 10:22 pm

shy guy 64 wrote:
Somebody Else's Problem wrote:
shy guy 64 wrote:glad to see im not the only one still writing in the lock down

It's honestly the first concerted effort I've made to do any creative writing since my GCSEs.

how long ago was that?

20 years ago

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PostRe: The Writer's Sphere - Share your writing
by shy guy 64 » Sat May 30, 2020 11:04 pm

Somebody Else's Problem wrote:
shy guy 64 wrote:
Somebody Else's Problem wrote:
shy guy 64 wrote:glad to see im not the only one still writing in the lock down

It's honestly the first concerted effort I've made to do any creative writing since my GCSEs.

how long ago was that?

20 years ago

oh thanks goodness im not the old one

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PostRe: The Writer's Sphere - Share your writing
by DarkRula » Tue Jun 09, 2020 2:01 pm

Having thought of ways to market my works without paying out for adverts or reviews, I've put a lot of attention onto Twitter and joining in with the #writingcommunity, along with being more active on there in general. Making myself known to the world is probably a good idea, after all. I've been at it for about two months now, slowly getting into the swing of things and seeing a huge difference in terms of exposure. I've not seen any new sales, but I'm confident they will come as my following increases.

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PostRe: The Writer's Sphere - Share your writing
by OrangeRKN » Tue Jun 09, 2020 2:13 pm

There are definitely some great writing communities on twitter and youtube, each offering a different experience to more singularly dedicated spaces like camp nano or wherever. It can be really nice to have the support of others doing the same when trying to find the motivation to write. I wouldn't however get involved with the expectation you're going to convert those people into fans or sales - there is so much out there, the odds of getting even a moderate following are so low, regardless of quality!

Of course it's great that you can get involved and get something from that, just don't set yourself up for disappointment! If you can make some friends and learn from others, that's a good thing in itself!

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