UK General Election 2015

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PostUK General Election 2015
by Moggy » Wed Apr 15, 2015 12:59 pm

With just over three weeks to go until the most exciting election of all time (citation needed), who are you planning to vote for?

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PostRe: UK General Election 2015
by Corazon de Leon » Wed Apr 15, 2015 1:01 pm

SNP, because no other party has put a candidate up in my constituency that I'd feel confident having as my representative, and Jo Swinson desperately needs to strawberry float off.

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PostRe: UK General Election 2015
by Errkal » Wed Apr 15, 2015 1:09 pm

Labour, our candidate is a proper born and bread local and has done loads of campaigning and things for the town so I think she will be a good representative for the town. Also I am a Labour member so am very very unlikely to vote any other way.

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PostRe: UK General Election 2015
by Lagamorph » Wed Apr 15, 2015 1:12 pm

Conservative. Happy with the job they've done so far and their manifesto seems pretty spot on.

I'd also be quite happy with another Conservative/Lib-dem coalition.

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PostRe: UK General Election 2015
by Return_of_the_STAR » Wed Apr 15, 2015 1:12 pm

I have a feeling that our poll won't reflect the actual result in anyway.

I really undecided. Im more tempted to vote for labour as i feel my job will be safer under them. They will get rid of the God awful Pics that are wasting millions in my force alone.

On the economy though I do feel that the tories may do a better job though going forwards. However I suspect that our economy would have recovered just the same over the past few years under labour as it did under the tories.

I do wish that the tories would stop trying to make people believe that our current debt levels are down to labour though. They clearly aren't.

I only really concentrate on the national angle as i don't think your mp does anything significant at a local level.

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PostRe: UK General Election 2015
by Moggy » Wed Apr 15, 2015 1:16 pm

Return_of_the_STAR wrote:I have a feeling that our poll won't reflect the actual result in anyway.

I have a feeling you might be right. ;)

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PostRe: UK General Election 2015
by Errkal » Wed Apr 15, 2015 1:17 pm

Yeah I think the economy would have done much the same. If the down turn was because of government cock up then they would have been able to fix it, as it is it was a global thing and as the global economy is coming back up it all sort of pans out.

More and more I don't think there is much a government can do about the economy of a country when big business are multinational so them doing well somewhere else will have a benefit here and such like, global economy is more important I think. They can make rules about employment and pay and pensions and things but it could all be shot to gooseberry fool if the massive companies decide to go else where.

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PostRe: UK General Election 2015
by Herdanos » Wed Apr 15, 2015 1:35 pm


The NHS is not fit for purpose under the current government thanks to successive cuts to essential services, chronic under-staffing, and a slow and steady diversion of funding towards what is essentially privatization in all but name. Further, harsher cuts will mean more people die while waiting for treatment. Simple as.

Their 'free' schools program has allowed religious influence to grow in our education system on a scale unknown in any other supposedly 'developed' country. Largely because the top brass in the Conservatives operate under the delusion that we're a 'Christian country'.

And despite their constantly banging on about the economy, the Conservatives have deepened the debt, overseen a massive rise in terms of debt per % of GDP, and had our national credit rating cut.

The richest have seen their tax rate fall, while the poorest have seen the things they rely on cut. It's dressed up as "austerity" but it hasn't reduced our debt. So what's it been for? Keeping those who pay for the Conservative party's campaigns happy and well-fed, that's what it's for.

So many of the UK newspapers, owned by the wealthy and influential, have already decided they don't want Miliband to win the next election. Probably because they fear they'll suddenly have to abide by the same taxation rules as the rest of us. The partisan nature of our print media has become embarrassing. It does my head in when people buy into the bollocks they print. They've cultivated this caricature of a Wallace-lookalike who can't eat a sausage roll, so definitely can't lead a country, without bothering to include any meaningful reasons. Meanwhile, their chosen leader - a man who signed off on cuts to the services that his own family relied on to help care for their own child - is never questioned on the promises that weren't kept from the last election, and is viewed as 'statesmanlike' despite almost totally compromising an ongoing criminal trial by commenting on the case in the media while the jury was out. :fp:

While UKIP and the Greens try desperately to gain credibility by painting the three mainstream parties as 'all the same', the truth is that we're facing a pretty stark choice. The fact that, despite the ongoing, shameless, unprecedented attack on Jewish, immigrant-family-born, "Red Ed" in the Murdoch, Barclay Brothers, etc. -owned media, Labour are still even with the Tories in most polls and ahead in some, suggests that of those that will vote, we have a sufficiently educated populate to see through the crap they publish and make their own decisions.

It's a pretty straightforward election for me. The Conservatives can't win again. So it's Labour.

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PostRe: UK General Election 2015
by furiosum » Wed Apr 15, 2015 1:39 pm

Return_of_the_STAR wrote:I have a feeling that our poll won't reflect the actual result in anyway.

I really undecided. Im more tempted to vote for labour as i feel my job will be safer under them. They will get rid of the God awful Pics that are wasting millions in my force alone.

On the economy though I do feel that the tories may do a better job though going forwards. However I suspect that our economy would have recovered just the same over the past few years under labour as it did under the tories.

I do wish that the tories would stop trying to make people believe that our current debt levels are down to labour though. They clearly aren't.

I only really concentrate on the national angle as i don't think your mp does anything significant at a local level.

On the point of debt, while we still had government debt before Labour came to power, the deficit is 100% down to Labour, since we were running a small budget surplus in 1997. Obviously we are still running a deficit now since removing a £170bn deficit immediately would clearly have disastrous consequences, but on the whole the Tories have done reasonably well on that in the circumstances.

Unsurprisingly based on that I'll be voting the Tories.

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PostRe: UK General Election 2015
by Fatal Exception » Wed Apr 15, 2015 1:49 pm

Green, even though my vote will count for nothing. In all previous elections I'd voted Lib Dem but they've betrayed me so that won't be happening again. Not that it mattered last time because I lived in one of the safest Labour seats in the country.

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PostRe: UK General Election 2015
by Dual » Wed Apr 15, 2015 1:58 pm

Don't know who to vote for.

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PostRe: UK General Election 2015
by Nathanbrains » Wed Apr 15, 2015 2:03 pm

If I lived about 500 metres up the road I'd vote Green because I'd fall into the Brighton constituency, but as it is I'm in Hove so I'll probably be voting Labour. Anything to get the Conservatives out basically.

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PostRe: UK General Election 2015
by Return_of_the_STAR » Wed Apr 15, 2015 3:38 pm

furiosum wrote:
Return_of_the_STAR wrote:I have a feeling that our poll won't reflect the actual result in anyway.

I really undecided. Im more tempted to vote for labour as i feel my job will be safer under them. They will get rid of the God awful Pics that are wasting millions in my force alone.

On the economy though I do feel that the tories may do a better job though going forwards. However I suspect that our economy would have recovered just the same over the past few years under labour as it did under the tories.

I do wish that the tories would stop trying to make people believe that our current debt levels are down to labour though. They clearly aren't.

I only really concentrate on the national angle as i don't think your mp does anything significant at a local level.

On the point of debt, while we still had government debt before Labour came to power, the deficit is 100% down to Labour, since we were running a small budget surplus in 1997. Obviously we are still running a deficit now since removing a £170bn deficit immediately would clearly have disastrous consequences, but on the whole the Tories have done reasonably well on that in the circumstances.

Unsurprisingly based on that I'll be voting the Tories.

I don't believe it is. Yes labour grew the deficit which I'm not disputing but the level it is at now is not down to labours spending. The significant growth happened due to the world wide crash. Our country has massively hit by this due to our reliance on the banking and services sector, this would have happened under any UK government, it just happened to be labour at the time.

I agree that measures had to be taken to address our debt, cuts were and are needed but I feel that this government went about it too harshly in some sectors and too quickly.


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PostRe: UK General Election 2015
by Irene Demova » Wed Apr 15, 2015 3:42 pm

My vote won't matter since I'm in a seat that only the tories and lib dems stand a chance in. Get conservative letters through the door every strawberry floating day, including ones bragging about doing stuff that was actually done by the current (lib dem) MP
Meanwhile the single Lib Dem letter that's come so far basically said "If you hate the tories anyone other than us is a wasted vote"

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PostRe: UK General Election 2015
by Gandalf » Wed Apr 15, 2015 3:52 pm

UKIP - Because our candidate is a porn star and he said if I vote for him, he'll let me star in a porno so I can shag one or more of those classy, Bristolian porn actresses! :datass: :datass: :datass:

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PostRe: UK General Election 2015
by Drumstick » Wed Apr 15, 2015 3:55 pm

I live in a Tory stronghold, so my vote is meaningless for all intents and purposes, though I'll likely award it to Greens in the faint hope that they'll work with the Cons. Unlikely though.

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PostRe: UK General Election 2015
by furiosum » Wed Apr 15, 2015 3:58 pm

Return_of_the_STAR wrote:
furiosum wrote:
Return_of_the_STAR wrote:I have a feeling that our poll won't reflect the actual result in anyway.

I really undecided. Im more tempted to vote for labour as i feel my job will be safer under them. They will get rid of the God awful Pics that are wasting millions in my force alone.

On the economy though I do feel that the tories may do a better job though going forwards. However I suspect that our economy would have recovered just the same over the past few years under labour as it did under the tories.

I do wish that the tories would stop trying to make people believe that our current debt levels are down to labour though. They clearly aren't.

I only really concentrate on the national angle as i don't think your mp does anything significant at a local level.

On the point of debt, while we still had government debt before Labour came to power, the deficit is 100% down to Labour, since we were running a small budget surplus in 1997. Obviously we are still running a deficit now since removing a £170bn deficit immediately would clearly have disastrous consequences, but on the whole the Tories have done reasonably well on that in the circumstances.

Unsurprisingly based on that I'll be voting the Tories.

I don't believe it is. Yes labour grew the deficit which I'm not disputing but the level it is at now is not down to labours spending. The significant growth happened due to the world wide crash. Our country has massively hit by this due to our reliance on the banking and services sector, this would have happened under any UK government, it just happened to be labour at the time.

I agree that measures had to be taken to address our debt, cuts were and are needed but I feel that this government went about it too harshly in some sectors and too quickly.


True, the big explosion in the deficit was in 2009/10, after the crisis, but Until 2001 we were running a budget surplus, and there was no good reason for us to have been running any deficit at all from 2001 until the crash in 2008.

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PostRe: UK General Election 2015
by Moggy » Wed Apr 15, 2015 4:04 pm

Gandalf wrote:UKIP - Because our candidate is a porn star and he said if I vote for him, he'll let me star in a porno so I can shag one or more of those classy, Bristolian porn actresses! :datass: :datass: :datass:

He was actually featured on Last Week Tonight (an American satirical show a bit like the Daily Show). I have never been so proud to be Bristolian. :wub: :slol:

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PostRe: UK General Election 2015
by Gandalf » Wed Apr 15, 2015 4:07 pm

Moggy wrote:
Gandalf wrote:UKIP - Because our candidate is a porn star and he said if I vote for him, he'll let me star in a porno so I can shag one or more of those classy, Bristolian porn actresses! :datass: :datass: :datass:

He was actually featured on Last Week Tonight (an American satirical show a bit like the Daily Show). I have never been so proud to be Bristolian. :wub: :slol:

His 'surname' is something like Rockard isn't it? :slol:

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PostRe: UK General Election 2015
by Moggy » Wed Apr 15, 2015 4:08 pm

Gandalf wrote:
Moggy wrote:
Gandalf wrote:UKIP - Because our candidate is a porn star and he said if I vote for him, he'll let me star in a porno so I can shag one or more of those classy, Bristolian porn actresses! :datass: :datass: :datass:

He was actually featured on Last Week Tonight (an American satirical show a bit like the Daily Show). I have never been so proud to be Bristolian. :wub: :slol:

His 'surname' is something like Rockard isn't it? :slol:

Johnny Rockard or something like that. He actually brings hope to all of us, if that strawberry floater can be a porn star then any of us could. :lol:

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