[Hype/sign-up thread] TRIBE VS TRIBE

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PostRe: Tribe vs Tribe - new MMO forum game! Sign up now!
by Herdanos » Wed Sep 14, 2022 11:08 am


All times given are BST


    1a: At the start of the game, all PLAYERS are secretly divided into TRIBES. All players know who is on their Tribe.
    1b: Each weekday, in the game thread, all players should vote on a player to "INTERROGATE". The most nominated player (with the majority of votes) is then selected as that day's SUSPECT.
    1c: Once a Suspect is chosen, all other players must then (also in the game thread) vote for the tribe they think today's suspect belongs to. The most popular selection "wins".
    1d: At the end of the day it'll be revealed whether the Suspect does indeed belongs to the majority-selected tribe. (If they don't, their Tribe is not revealed.) If they do, each player who voted "correctly" gains a point for their tribe, and the Suspect cannot ever be chosen as a Suspect again.
    1e: Players who correctly vote that a Suspect is a member of their own tribe do not receive points for doing so. (You can still vote this way if you wish, though.)
    1f: Tribe point scores are always public - so try to work with your tribe to ensure you don't give yourself away unknowingly, through your collective actions!
    1g: There is no hierarchy within Tribes - any and all members can and do speak for the collective. As such, where any decisions are required through PM, I will accept the first relevant response from any Tribe member.


    - Public, in-thread vote to interrogate
    - Deadline is 2pm, and Suspect selected
    - Then, public, in-thread vote on Suspect's tribe
    - Deadline is 9pm, after which outcome is revealed


    2a: At the weekend, all Suspects (up to five players) from the prior week are "at risk" (regardless of whether their tribal allegiance was identified)
    2b: All players PM me which one player they want to KILL (remove from the game). The two most voted for players are killed (removed).
    2c: Killed players can no longer post in the game thread or contact their tribe at all.


    - Private (PM me) vote to kill ONE of the "eligible" candidates
    - Deadline is 2pm Sunday
    - The two players with the most votes are eliminated from the game.


    3a: Tribes can EARN powers.
    3b: If all living tribe members post in the game thread on three consecutive days, they may earn one KILL, which can be used at any time.
    3c: Killed players are killed immediately. (Bear in mind I'll not be watching the thread 24/7, though.)
    3d: When a player is killed by another tribe, the killing tribe remains secret, unless...
    3e: ... the killed player's tribe is publicly known (i.e. they've been successfully interrogated as such) in which case the killing tribe receives points (see rule 1f)
    3f: If all living tribe members post in the game thread on two consecutive days, they may earn one "SAVE".
    3g: The save can be assigned at any time to protect one specific player from one kill attempt (this excludes the weekend vote kill).
    3h: Tribes must therefore decide when and if to redeem their consecutive days for powers.
    3i: It's on you to check if you've accrued consecutive days; I may not be able to keep track all the time, though if any tribe claims to have earned a power and wishes to redeem it, I WILL check this before "awarding" the power.
    3j: A day is 12am to 12am.
    3k: If a kill attempt is made on a player who benefits simultaneously from both Safety and a Save (for example, a player who a Save was assigned to, whose tribe subsequently won a contest), then whichever of these was assigned most recently would be "broken" first by the kill attempt (so in the aforementioned example, this kill attempt would break the safety but leave the save intact).


    4a: Once a week there will be a CONTEST. (I also reserve the right to call random BONUS CONTESTS)
    4b: The tribe that wins the contest earns extra points for doing so, but they also earn SAFETY - meaning their tribe will be immune from that coming weekend's vote kills, even if one (or more) of their number is "at risk". So even if a member of their tribe receives the most votes that weekend, they will not be killed - another player at risk would take their place (the player with the next most votes).
    4c: However, if a kill attempt is made on one of their tribe before the weekend vote, their safety will be broken.
    4d: The winning tribe will be known publicly each week, but its members will not.
    4e: (Bonus contests would earn their victors points but no safety.)


    5a: If at any point, one tribe's players equal or outnumber the remaining player base, they will achieve DOMINANCE, and the game ends. The dominant tribe at the end earns extra points.
    5b: Be careful - there are rumours of a "lone wolf".
    5c: Would the game be easier to play as a solo player than in a tribe? Only time will tell…
    5d: [Please bear in mind: (a) lone wolf (/wolves) will have a different trigger condition to achieve Dominance, as well as having different points allocations than those stated below]
    5e: At the end of the game, the tribe with the most points wins!


    - Correctly identify a player’s tribe - one point per ‘vote’
    - Kill a player whose tribe is known - two points
    - Win a contest - four points
    - Achieve dominance - ten points


    6a: Dead players absolutely must not post in the game thread. If you do it you will see your team deducted points.
    6b: I may show a degree of leniency to obvious innocent breaches of this rule i.e. someone several days out-of-the-loop posting "to show activity" genuinely without realising they're dead. But I am inclined to view these dimly and reserve the right to deduct points here too.
    6c: Dead players also absolutely must not discuss the game with anyone outside of the dead thread. This includes members of your tribe. If you're dead, stick to the dead thread.
    6d: Obviously this rule is much harder for me to police, so I can only ask: please, don't do it. It is totally against the spirit of the game and it ruins it for others. don't be a dick.
    6e: If an action, tactic, strategy etc is not explicitly referred to within these rules, players are free to presume that this means the action etc. in question is not prohibited
    6f: I will respond to PMs, and where asked in the thread I will clarify points I think need clarifying, particularly early in the game. However, if a query goes unanswered, please presume this is because I consider the matter settled, or cannot give further clarity without affecting the game.

Last edited by Herdanos on Wed Sep 14, 2022 9:57 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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PostRe: Tribe vs Tribe - new MMO forum game! Sign up now!
by OrangeRKN » Wed Sep 14, 2022 11:23 am

Very excited for this, sounds great :wub:

Can a player whose tribe is known be made a suspect for guaranteed points?

Can the same player be made a suspect multiple times in the same week? Example one - they are suspect on monday, their tribe is guessed incorrectly, can they be made a suspect again? Example two - they are suspect on monday, their tribe is guessed correctly, can they be made suspect again (for guaranteed points)?

If the same player can be made suspect on multiple days, what if it gets to the weekend and they are the only suspect?

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PostRe: Tribe vs Tribe - new MMO forum game! Sign up now!
by Herdanos » Wed Sep 14, 2022 12:06 pm

OrangeRKN wrote:Can a player whose tribe is known be made a suspect for guaranteed points?

If their tribe is known for certain through deduction, ruling out other possibilities, having given themselves away, points awards making it obvious etc. - then yes they can be made suspect.
If their tribe is known because they've been a suspect before and their tribe was correctly identified through interrogation - then no, they cannot be a suspect again.

OrangeRKN wrote:Can the same player be made a suspect multiple times in the same week? Example one - they are suspect on monday, their tribe is guessed incorrectly, can they be made a suspect again? Example two - they are suspect on monday, their tribe is guessed correctly, can they be made suspect again (for guaranteed points)?

Example one - yes
Example two - no

I think I'll amend the rules to clarify. To my mind it was implicit in the wording (as if their a allegiance is known they can therefore no longer be suspected of being aligned to another tribe) but it isn't specific.

EDIT - amended rule 1d to clarify

OrangeRKN wrote:If the same player can be made suspect on multiple days, what if it gets to the weekend and they are the only suspect?

Then it looks very bad indeed for that person.

Last edited by Herdanos on Wed Sep 14, 2022 12:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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PostRe: Tribe vs Tribe - sign up now! Full game rules on page 5!
by sawyerpip » Wed Sep 14, 2022 12:07 pm

Does the SAVE power have a time limit? I.e. if we use it on player x, is player x protected from a KILL action until one takes place, or is it a one day only or similar protection?

Rule 4c - where a kill attempt is made on a tribe member with SAFETY, when you say the SAFETY is broken do you just mean that the SAFETY doesn't protect from weekday kills? Or that a kill attempt will nullify the SAFETY for the whole tribe and they're back in the mix for weekend deaths?

If a tribe does have SAFETY and they make up all of the at risk players, or there are less than 2 at risk players not from the SAFETY tribe, would this mean less than 2 players get killed from the weekend vote?

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PostRe: Tribe vs Tribe - sign up now! Full game rules on page 5!
by Oblomov Boblomov » Wed Sep 14, 2022 12:15 pm

If all Sexy Tribe members could follow me, we'll get started on planning our glorious victory.


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PostRe: Tribe vs Tribe - sign up now! Full game rules on page 5!
by Herdanos » Wed Sep 14, 2022 1:30 pm

sawyerpip wrote:Does the SAVE power have a time limit? I.e. if we use it on player x, is player x protected from a KILL action until one takes place, or is it a one day only or similar protection?

No time limit. To use your example: if you use it on player x, player x is protected from a KILL attempt until one takes place. However this does not protect from a weekend vote kill - see rule 3g.

sawyerpip wrote:Rule 4c - where a kill attempt is made on a tribe member with SAFETY, when you say the SAFETY is broken do you just mean that the SAFETY doesn't protect from weekday kills? Or that a kill attempt will nullify the SAFETY for the whole tribe and they're back in the mix for weekend deaths?

This is why I made a distinction between the SAVE power and SAFETY. Your second sentence here is correct - unlike a save, safety protects from potential weekend vote kills (rule 4b) but can only "absorb" one attempted KILL attempt before being spent. So yes, a kill attempt would be blocked, but would nullify that tribe's upcoming safety.

sawyerpip wrote:If a tribe does have SAFETY and they make up all of the at risk players, or there are less than 2 at risk players not from the SAFETY tribe, would this mean less than 2 players get killed from the weekend vote?


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PostRe: Tribe vs Tribe - sign up now! Full game rules on page 5!
by Herdanos » Wed Sep 14, 2022 1:33 pm

Here's how I see things playing out from here:

5pm this Friday - final player list confirmed

Friday evening - I'll randomly draw tribes and PM players

This weekend - tribes can begin to communicate, conspire, strategise etc. They'll also need to choose a name for their tribe and let me know what this is, by Sunday evening at the latest

Sunday evening or Monday morning - I'll create the game thread and we begin!

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PostRe: Tribe vs Tribe - sign up now! Full game rules on page 5!
by DarkRula » Wed Sep 14, 2022 1:38 pm

Well, I can see for certain Bladeforce rearing itself once again, so that'll be an instant suspect on ObBob as being part of them.

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PostRe: Tribe vs Tribe - sign up now! Full game rules on page 5!
by Herdanos » Wed Sep 14, 2022 1:57 pm

I don't think anyone is going to pick such an obvious tribe name.

... right?

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PostRe: Tribe vs Tribe - sign up now! Full game rules on page 5!
by Jenuall » Wed Sep 14, 2022 4:29 pm


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PostRe: Tribe vs Tribe - sign up now! Full game rules on page 5!
by Ironhide » Wed Sep 14, 2022 4:38 pm

Don't really get all the rules (tl:dr) so I'll be adopting my usual strategy of winging it.

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PostRe: Tribe vs Tribe - sign up now! Full game rules on page 5!
by Cuttooth » Wed Sep 14, 2022 4:39 pm

Jenuall wrote:Image


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PostRe: Tribe vs Tribe - sign up now! Full game rules on page 5!
by Ironhide » Wed Sep 14, 2022 4:42 pm

"Don't do what Danny Don't does"

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PostRe: Tribe vs Tribe - sign up now! Full game rules on page 5!
by Sprouty » Wed Sep 14, 2022 4:48 pm

Interesting set of rules, I look forward to the game starting!

Dan, I am curious about the number of tribes. Is this something you'd be willing to share at this point?

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PostRe: Tribe vs Tribe - sign up now! Full game rules on page 5!
by Herdanos » Wed Sep 14, 2022 5:09 pm

No :slol:

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PostRe: Tribe vs Tribe - sign up now! Full game rules on page 5!
by Herdanos » Wed Sep 14, 2022 5:11 pm

Cuttooth wrote:
Jenuall wrote:Image



Compared to Cannibal House this is but a mere pamphlet :capnscotty:

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PostRe: Tribe vs Tribe - sign up now! Full game rules on page 5!
by Qikz » Wed Sep 14, 2022 5:22 pm

I am very confused after reading all of that lmao

The Watching Artist wrote:I feel so inept next to Qikz...
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PostRe: Tribe vs Tribe - sign up now! Full game rules on page 5!
by Nun » Wed Sep 14, 2022 8:17 pm

Just to clarify, if a player is put up as a suspect and their tribe is guessed correctly. That player can't be put up as a suspect again.

Does this mean that unless this player is chosen to be killed at the weekend's lynch vote that they will effectively be immune to the weekend lynch vote as we can no longer put them up as a suspect from that point onwards?

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PostRe: Tribe vs Tribe - sign up now! Full game rules on page 5!
by satriales » Wed Sep 14, 2022 8:24 pm

Interesting set of rules. Looking forward to how it plays out. Should be fun!

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PostRe: Tribe vs Tribe - sign up now! Full game rules on page 5!
by Clarkman » Wed Sep 14, 2022 8:37 pm

Pretty genius game design, Dan.

I am afraid that one inactive member can easily drag down a tribe's points potential. Is there a way for a majority decision to be made by the tribe to drop/boot a player out?

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