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Re: XCOM 2 (PC) - out now!!!

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2016 2:34 pm
by Ironhide
On certain missions (ones where you have extract each soldier individually) you need to pick up dead soldiers to avoid losing any of their equipped gear, maybe they were already dead when you extracted them.

Had an excellent moment yesterday when some Advent reinforcements were incoming, I moved three soldiers near to the dropzone and stuck them on overwatch so when the dropship came my squad instantly killed the Advent troops as soon as they arrived.

Re: XCOM 2 (PC) - out now!!!

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2016 10:56 pm
by smurphy
I've ragequit twice tonight on the same level. The game is just too strawberry floating hard. I'm really tempted to restart on the easiest difficulty.

Re: XCOM 2 (PC) - out now!!!

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2016 2:08 pm
by Ironhide
I'm playing on easy and it's still bloody hard.

I absolutely hate those frigging vipers, someone needs to bring back the thin men with a mod asap.

Or seeing as the vipers are supposedly the 'true form' of the thin men, maybe a halfway mix of the two, with no tongue lassoing attack.

Re: XCOM 2 (PC) - out now!!!

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2016 3:02 pm
by Irene Demova
BTW the Xcom EU trick has carried over when you can press caps lock in the skyranger to stop all animations but load faster.

I got to the final mission but the save's dead now (If I do anything it crashes), we lost power as the animations were playing and I'm pretty sure I would've lost so that might be why the save is totally inaccessible now.

Didn't realise that there was story only in the tutorial :fp: At least I now know how the commander got free

Re: XCOM 2 (PC) - out on Friday. Reviews out now (p2)

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2016 7:51 pm
by Preezy
I can talk about Enemy Unknown in here can't I? :shifty:

Preezy wrote:Currently engrossed in XCOM: Enemy Unknown on PC and its strawberry floating incredible, so much emotional investment into my squad, I'm dreading when my top guys get snuffed out, trying to blood some rookies alongside them to soften the inevitable crushing blow.

It happened, I finally lost one of my veterans. Lt. Jane Leroy, sniper :(

Made all the worse in that after dying at the hands of the filthy alien scum she then came back as a zombie and her fellow sniper (and in my head, her love interest) had to then put her down a second time.

It was a tough mission. Lost 2 rookies as well, but at least my best trooper, Major Rodrigo "Smokey" Santiago (heavy class and a total badass) got out alive.

Re: XCOM 2 (PC) - out now!!!

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2016 4:35 pm
by False
Where is the best place to buy a steam key for this?

Re: XCOM 2 (PC) - out now!!!

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2016 5:31 pm
by Irene Demova
Falsey wrote:Where is the best place to buy a steam key for this?

£28 on GMG with their discount code (FEBURY-SVINGS-20PERC), about a quid cheaper give or take on cdkeys and their ilk

Re: XCOM 2 (PC) - out now!!!

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2016 9:10 pm
by Memento Mori
Pro-tip guys:

When you get the objective to skulljack a codex, don't attempt it on a difficult mission.


Re: XCOM 2 (PC) - out now!!!

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2016 10:24 pm
by Ironhide
Codex's aren't too bad if you take them out quickly but if one takes you by surprise then they're deadly.

I had to evac everyone earlier today after meeting a codex, sectopod and armadon at the same time.

Re: XCOM 2 (PC) - out now!!!

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2016 10:58 pm
by Memento Mori
It wasn't the codex itself which was the problem. It was the avatar which appeared out of nowhere and proceeded to murder my team.

Though later on in that mission my specialist executed a sectopod which just wandered in front of him while on overwatch.


Re: XCOM 2 (PC) - out now

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2016 10:37 pm
by Preezy
How system-intensive is XCOM 2? I am totally engrossed in XCOM:EU and really fancy picking the sequel up once I've completed it, but concerned my laptop won't be able to handle it :(

Also, XCOM:EU is insanely good, I literally don't want to play anything else, my PS4 is gathering dust!

Re: XCOM 2 (PC) - out now

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2016 11:15 pm
by smurphy
It seems to vary a lot. Some people with 980Tis are chugging along on low settings, yet I'm getting lots of frames at high settings on a 960.

Re: XCOM 2 (PC) - out now

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2016 2:28 am
by Parkreiner
I spent about £900 on a new PC just last week and it's really struggling to keep the game above even 30 fps at max settings with anti-aliasing lowered to FXAA and texture filtering turned way down. The video below details some of the optimisation issues the game has.

If you're loving Enemy Unknown and you don't think your laptop's going to run this one then you should totally pick up Enemy Within once you're done. It's made all the better having previously played EU, actually; it builds on what you've already played with more enemy types and research options, sure, but it also throws enough surprises at you to keep you just as stressed and afraid as with your winning EU playthrough.

I'd say, between EU and EW, Within's the better game. It's got mechs and jumpy legs and actually a more elegant pressure solution that XCOM 2's mission timer.

Re: XCOM 2 (PC) - out now

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2016 4:10 pm
by Ironhide
Just watched that performance review and really cant see any visible difference between when vsync is on or off, same with FSAA and MSAA, they both look the same to me.

Also, why is the guy complaining about the fps dropping below 60? it's a turn based strategy ffs.

I'm running it on a 760 and aside from some horrific load times it's running fine for me.

Re: XCOM 2 (PC) - out now

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2016 4:15 pm
by Lagamorph
Whoever said this game was fairer than EU/EW earlier in the thread was talking utter bullshit. If anything the opposite is true. That's not to say it isn't a good game, but it definitely has more cheap unfairness than the first one.

Re: XCOM 2 (PC) - out now

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2016 4:31 pm
by False
Ironhide wrote:Also, why is the guy complaining about the fps dropping below 60? it's a turn based strategy ffs.

because its jarring as strawberry float?

Re: XCOM 2 (PC) - out now

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2016 6:32 pm
by Memento Mori
Preezy wrote:How system-intensive is XCOM 2? I am totally engrossed in XCOM:EU and really fancy picking the sequel up once I've completed it, but concerned my laptop won't be able to handle it :(

Also, XCOM:EU is insanely good, I literally don't want to play anything else, my PS4 is gathering dust!

Optimization is not good at all. I doubt your laptop will run it well.

Re: XCOM 2 (PC) - out now

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2016 7:18 pm
by Preezy
Guess I'll wait for the PS4 release.

Re: XCOM 2 (PC) - out now

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2016 12:58 pm
by Sprouty
This really needs to come to games consoles!! I purchased Sim City 4 and played it on my laptop for a few hours the other day, came away with terribly bloodshot eyes and had to take a break from all screens for a few days. Loved the first on PS3.

Re: XCOM 2 (PC) - out now

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2016 1:05 pm
by jiggles
SillySprout wrote:This really needs to come to games consoles!! I purchased Sim City 4 and played it on my laptop for a few hours the other day, came away with terribly bloodshot eyes and had to take a break from all screens for a few days. Loved the first on PS3.

Sounds like you're long-sighted.