Your Console Journey

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PostRe: Your Console Journey
by Christopher » Thu Feb 01, 2018 6:34 pm

ZX Spectrum - My dad bought this when I was just 4 I didn’t get into it until I was about 5.

Atari 2600 - My dad bought this from a car boot sale in 1985 with about 20 games for £5 (which is about £765 today). I enjoyed this a lot but much preferred the Speccy.

BBC Micro - Again something my dad bought under the pretence of “work” but we played loads on this, Elite was the game that really got me into gaming.

NES - My dad bought this in early 1987, I’ve searched high and low for a UK release date but can only find the European release in 1986 but we didn’t get it the same time as them, we were later. My dad maintained it was the first day it came out, sadly I never asked him the date before he died :(

Mega Drive - When my parents split up in 1990 my dad bought a Mega Drive as a way to make coming to his and the new woman in his life more bearable.

Amiga - Got this for my 12th birthday joint present from my parents under the pretence of “school”.

SNES - I asked my dad for this but he said wait until Christmas so I asked mum and said dad was going to get it so she bought it for me about a month after launch as they were sold out in my area.

Saturn - I chose this on the strength of Daytona in the arcade. Of course as soon as I saw Ridge Racer at a mate’s house I realised the Saturn was a bit gooseberry fool, still loved the system and it’s one of my favourites.

N64 - This I was super hyped for, like never before, sadly a few good games and that was it for the shittest Nintendo platform.

PlayStation - Bought this early 1997, didn’t really warm to it until later that year with WipEout 2097, Castlevania SOTN and Final Fantasy VII, with the bad taste of N64 still in my mouth and the death of my beloved Saturn the PlayStation was the main system for me that gen.

Dreamcast - What a library and what a strawberry floating awful controller. But again like Saturn has a big place in my heart.

PlayStation 2 - Bought at launch but couldn’t get a memory card for a few months, so it was just a glorified PS1 for a while. But slowly became my favourite console ever.

GameCube - Now this was an amazing system with some of my favourite Nintendo games ever. That handle :wub:

Xbox 360 - Got an arcade and a hard drive at launch and loved this thing for three years until avatards appeared.

Wii - Took a while to win me over but when it did, it was magical.

PS3 - Didn’t really like the hardware but loved the exclusives.

PS4 - Bought at launch and over time it’s probably got my favourite library of games, I’ve never bought so many games but I guess going single platform for the first time would do that.

I bought a Wii U and Switch but they are basically for the kids.

Edit: gooseberry fool forgot my portables


PostRe: Your Console Journey
by Gemini73 » Thu Feb 01, 2018 7:00 pm

I do remember a kid who lived next door to my gran's having a Grandstand console. I don't recall ever being that excited by it.


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PostRe: Your Console Journey
by Rax » Fri Feb 02, 2018 11:55 am

Since everyone else seems to have added PC and handheld Ill do mine.

GameBoy Another one where I dont remember this arriving, I just remember we had one. Super Mario Land was the first game I completed all on my own, I still have fond memories of that. Tetris and Metroid II are the other ones that stand out along with some Flintstones game that had a crash bug which meant I could never finish it. It really was the most indestructable device Ive ever seen, the number of times it was dropped on the floor and just kept ticking is incredible.

PC My Dad has a habit of wanting all the new stuff and never actually learning how to use it so when PCs started to become a thing in the 90s he was all over it. We got a Gateway 2000 with a 4GB hard drive, 8mb of ram and a Pentium 120mhz processor, it came with Windows 95, Encarta, and Microsoft Bob as well as a whole bunch of games, Indy Car, Chips Challenge etc. I remember playing an awful lot of Championship Manager, Rollercoaster Tycoon and Total Annihalation on it.

Tiger I won this in a competition, it had a touch screen, a calendar and 2 game slots. It came with Batman and Lights Out and I never saw another game for it on sale anywhere. I think its still kicking around my parents attic somewhere.

Game Boy Color The Christmas after we got the N64 we each got our own GameBoy Color, we were always fighting over whos go it was next so my parents Santa decided that each of us having our own one was the best solution. Having 2 brothers also playing Pokemon and never having to worry about whos go it was definitely made me a happy kid. I still have it, it still works and Ill still play Tetris DX on it from time to time.

PC 2.0 My Dad had gone into business for himself around this time and he was taking the PC stuff a bit more seriously so he got a new office PC. Of course I used it for games, it wasnt great, this was around the time that graphics cards were becoming necessary for games and the office PC didnt have one. I could play some games on it though, Age of Empires, Command and Conquer and even more Champ Man but I kinda drifted away from PC gaming for a while since I didnt have a machine up to playing the new releases.

GameBoy Advance By this time my town had a place to buy games in so when the GBA came out I headed down to pick one up, they only had a translucent pink one but I didnt care, I got it anyway. It was great but that screen was utterly shite, at the time I didnt mind so much but having played it recently I have no idea how I managed to play anything on it.

GBA SP I was skeptical about this one, it didnt look very comfy and it removed the headphone jack. Yes it was smaller and the screen lit up but was it really that much of an improvement? I got to play one and yes it was so I immediately went an picked one up, such a fantastic little machine. Advance Wars is the standout here, spent hundreds of hours playing the various modes in that game.

Nintendo DS I remember I got this 2 weeks early through Club Nintendo, it came with Super Mario 64 DS and a demo for Metroid I think. It also came with a wrist strap that had a thumb numb on it, the idea being that you would use the bottom screen like a replacement for the analogue stick, sliding your thumb across it to mimic how an analogue stick works. That was possibly the dumbest control scheme possible and it never caught on. I also remember going into Game when the DS launched properly and picking up Project Rub (the DS launch line up wasnt great) and the manager at the counter telling me it was for the DS and did I understand Ill need a new machine to play it on. Bitch Ive had one for 2 weeks cos Im in Club Nintendo, good times.

DS Lite Much like the SP before it I didnt think there was much need for this, my DS was going fine, I didnt need a slightly smaller one. Until I actually got to use one, I traded in my original DS to pick up a black DS lite. An absolutely wonderful piece of kit, still my favrouite handheld design, its pretty much perfect. Of course the machine ended up being an absolute smash but for every waste of time like Nintendogs there was an instant classic like Advance Wars so it will always be one of my favourite machines.

PC 3.0 I was heading off to college to do computer science so I convinced my Dad that I needed my own computer and it should be a proper PC not a laptop cos Ill need all the speed I can get for all the mad programming I will be doing. I got a Dell XPS that had a big fancy door on the front that somehow never broke off, and it had lights that could change colour, it also had a Pentium 4 and was hot enough to heat my bedroom on its own, which actually came in handy sometimes. I was able to play Rome Total War on it too so I was a happy camper.

PSP I remember my mom was on holiday in Spain one summer and rang me asking if I would play a PSP if she got me one for my birthday. I said why not so once she came home I got a PSP for my birthday. I played Liberty City Stories on it, bought Dodgeball on UMD and I had sold the lot by Christmas. It wasnt a terrible machine, it just didnt have any games I wanted to play.

PC 4.0 My current and very long in the tooth PC. By this stage I was done with college and was back at home but I was working so I had cash, this cost me €2000 to build and I went all out, got a proper mouse, keyboard and 24 inch monitor for it and built it all myself. I got back into PC gaming in a big way, playing Oblivion and Fallout 3 how they should be played, with mods to fix the gooseberry fool parts. It owes me nothing, Ive had it for 8 years and it hasnt given me any trouble so one a € per year basis its not too bad. I would have replaced it sooner but I havent had enough gaming time to justify the outlay. Having said that my piggy bank is approaching full and since I wont be touching savings or anything like that I feel good about putting together a new PC for myself. Hopefully the arse falls out of this crypto currency gooseberry fool and GPU prices come back down.

3DS I was really loking forward to this, I thought it was gonna be really cool to game in 3D, it was all the rage at the time but having to use glasses for it pissed me off, being able to do it without glasses was some kind of miracle. Except it was gooseberry fool and a gimmick, within the first month I turned off the 3D effect and, save for the occasional use of it in 3D Land, it hasnt been turned back on since. Having said that I loved my 3DS, its just a souped up DS lite and thats absolutely fine by me.

3DS XL I dont really know why I got this, I think there were a lot of people at the time saying that the bigger screens were nice all that but I remember being a bit meh on it. It was still a 3DS though so I still enjoyed it.

PS Vita I had won some vouchers at the work table quiz and I didnt really know what to do with them. I kept hearing how good Tearaway was and how good the Vita itself was so I picked myself up one and I have to say they were right. Tearaway is great, the Vita is great, theres strawberry float all games on it outside of indie stuff you can play on other machines. But I still have it, I still play it from time to time so no complaints here.

New 3DS XL I got the Majoras Mask version even thoguh I dont like Majoras Mask. I have Xenoblade Chronciles for it but I havent played much of it so I dont actually use the "new" functionality at all but it is a lovely machine and again, its a 3DS and I love it.

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PostRe: Your Console Journey
by floydfreak » Fri Feb 02, 2018 6:18 pm

NES - waking up early and playing Super Mario and Duck Hunt
SNES - all the mario games together with better graphics was amazing at the time spent hours playing Mario All Stars, Mario Kart, Nigel Mansell World Championship which is the game that got me into motorsport
N64 - Playing Mario 64 was a wow moment seeing it in the flesh Goldeneye me and my friends would spend hours on Multiplayer after school Zelda OOT at one point me 4 friends were challenging each other to see who could complete it first. Loved Shadowman great soundtrack and plot.
PS2 - At the time i saved up all of my money and i bourght it out of my own cash & i got the Gran Turismo 3/ps2 combo Release from a Local Curry's store. When GTA3 was released i spent so many hours on it after school only stopped playing for dinner and after midnight. Had a great collection of games on my PS2
XBox - I followed the hype gave in and brought one had it for over the year played completed Halo and Freedom fighters
PS3 -
PS4 -

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PostRe: Your Console Journey
by Return_of_the_STAR » Fri Feb 02, 2018 10:37 pm

I’m going to include some of my brothers consoles as he was four years older than me so they were my introduction to gaming

Spectrum something - I have no idea. It has the 80s and my brothers. In fact I’m not one hundred percent sure that it was a spectrum. I remember a football game and that’s probably all I remember.

Master system - again my brothers but I loved it. Think I played it more than I did. Fond memories of a few Alex Kidd games and an ok 8bit version Sonic the hedgehog. This crossed over with my first console.

Game boy - I think this was shared between my brother, probably game between the master system and my first console. Loved super mario land 2 and Tetris.

Sega Mega Drive - I got this for if I remember right my tenth birthday. It came with sonic the hedgehog and Olympic Gold. I played the gooseberry fool out of Olympic gold for years. Other highlights, sonic 2, micro machines, golden axe, sunset riders, TMNT, sensible soccer.

Nintendo 64 - fav game probably banjo kazooie. Loved goldeneye, perfect dark, mario 64 and MK64. Diddy Kong racing was good too. Special shoutout to ISS64 and snow board kids. I had zelda ocarina of time but just didn’t understand it, my best loved it and spent many months and my house pretending to play the Ocarina on the n64 controller.

Game boy advance - I’m guessing now. Did this come before or after the GameCube, I could google it but can’t be bother. Had some great game but I mostly bought rereleases of SNES games that I only played at my mates house like final fight, mario kart.

GameCube - my first and only console bought on release day. Absolutely loved it. Was a massive Nintendo fan boy by then despite my original love being sega. Really hated the fact that it just didn’t catch on especially in the uk. Had some great times on it though at university. Mario Kart double dash was a great game for playing with my then girlfriend who would become my wife.

Original DS and DS lite - good times on this. Bought one to play on my honeymoon :shifty: really liked wario ware.

Going to finish this later sorry

Xbox 360 -

Nintendo Wii -

3DS -

Xbox one -

Nintendo Switch -

Shoe Army
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PostRe: Your Console Journey
by Peter Crisp » Sat Feb 03, 2018 12:41 am

I've had

Pong machine (no idea who it was made by and it had a plastic orange slider and about 7 maybe game types)
Atari 2600
Spectrum 48K
Spectrum 128K
Atari ST
Amiga 1200
PS1, 2, 3, 4 and Pro
Xbox and 360 now One x
Nintendo Gamecube, Wii and Wii U

Nintendo DS (I think a couple of these), 3DS original ambassador version and the bigger version.
Sony PSP and the new one with the oled screen that I can't remember the name of.

A couple of gaming PC's including one I built myself.

I had most of that lot stolen about 10 years ago in a burglary and wasn't as bothered as I imagined I'd be. I in fact didn't really give a gooseberry fool as I was more upset about Mum's jewellery and Dad's fancy camera he got as a gift for being at work for 30 years. I also have a shitload of great books they for some reason left behind because they're strawberry floating idiots with zero taste.

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PostRe: Your Console Journey
by jawafour » Sun Feb 04, 2018 9:25 am

Peter Crisp wrote:...Pong machine (no idea who it was made by and it had a plastic orange slider and about 7 maybe game types)...

Was it this Binatone one, Peter? It's the one that I played on :-).

Corazon de Leon

PostRe: Your Console Journey
by Corazon de Leon » Sun Feb 04, 2018 9:51 am

Game Boy - The first console we ever got, I still remember walking out of Comet with it back in 1995 - I must have been 5 years old. We got Wario Blast with it, and it's still with me. Currently sitting inside the Super Game Boy waiting to be transported to a new flat. The Game Boy itself is sadly deceased, though I still have the shell and could probably fix it with some spare parts, a new screen and a bit of graft.

SNES - The console that got me hooked. I've spent a bit of time and money recently restoring my library of games after I sold a few of them, and picking up games I played as a kid that belonged to friends or relatives. I was given about 20 games for my SNES when my cousin upgraded to an N64 in about 1996 and his mum decided he didn't need his library of accumulated SNES games anymore. I don't imagine he was best pleased but I ended up with a bollock load of weird and wonderful games, some of which were never finished(Bart's Nightmare...extremely tough).

N64 - Utterly brilliant. A lot of the games are almost unplayable now but at the time they were absolutely wonderful. From little known gems like Buck Bumble, Rocket: Robot on Wheels or Glover to the titanic Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, Super Mario 64, Perfect Dark and Diddy Kong Racing. So much time spent on multiplayer, and so many amazing memories. I now own 107 N64 games.

Game Boy Colour - The GBC was about the point that I really got into Pokemon. The defining memory of the console is that I played Pokemon Gold so much that my brother ended up being given a GBC of his own and Pokemon Silver because he couldn't get a look in and, as a five year old, he was getting pretty upset about it. :oops:

PlayStation - Never really got a look in over the N64 but still had some amazing moments, specifically Resident Evil and Tekken 3. I'm glad I had one, but probably wouldn't have missed it otherwise.

GameCube - The king of consoles. To give you an idea of how many hours have been put into the GameCube, we took one to Belfast with us in 2014 to get some of that sweet, sweet Super Smash Bros. Melee action. Thousands of hours must have been put into that game, and thousands more on the rest of the catalogue. TimeSplitters 2/3 were another glorious highlight - they never played as well on other consoles, for me. I still pick up games for the console when I find them cheap enough, and have been coveting Twin Snakes for an eternity.

Game Boy Advance - by the time this made its way into the household, handhelds were glorified Pokemon machines. Still worth the price of admission for the third and fourth generation of Pokemon, Metroid Fusion and some assorted other belters though.

PlayStation 2 - Picked this up for Christmas in about 2002, was used more or less as a wrestling game and GTA machine.

XBox - Played Halo. Loved Halo. Saved up for one and my mum picked up the rest of the tab for a birthday in 2003. I thought it was a very underrated console - mine was modded in 2008 to include a massive library of SNES and Mega Drive games.

Wii - I got this in 2007, by which point I was legally allowed into pubs. It never stood a chance. Very few games I genuinely loved were released onto this, so it was mainly used as a Mario Galaxy/Smash Bros. machine until my mum decided to buy Wii Fit and got the disc stuck in the damn console, where it remains to this day.

XBox 360 - The last console I truly put any time into. Racing a schoolmate for achievement points, playing Gears and Halo with the GR crew online and getting deep, deep into Rock Band are the highlights of this, along with a ton of FIFA and drinking time. This was the console of my undergrad days.

Nintendo DS/3DS - Again, Pokemon machine. The 3DS has also seen some glorious Zelda action. I rarely, if ever, play it nowadays.

PlayStation 3 - Gathered dust for a long time, which is a real waste because I have some cracking games on it. Journey was amazing.

Wii U - Mario Kart 8 and Super Smash Bros. 4 are two of the finest games ever made, and I spent a lot of time on them. I've amassed a reasonably large library of second hand purchases and cheap first party games but alas, I made the mistake of studying for a PhD and have been completely unable to get out of the backlog of games. Recently it was carted to Edinburgh and left in the back of the car when I got home - I left the car door wide open overnight and it was somehow still there the following morning. Even thieves don't love the Wii U. :(

XBox One - Netflix machine. Games wise I haven't put enough time or effort in. At all.

Consoles I've picked up after the fact - NES, Master System, Mega Drive, Saturn, Dreamcast

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PostRe: Your Console Journey
by OrangeRKN » Sun Feb 04, 2018 12:59 pm

Corazon de Leon wrote:Buck Bumble

Oh no it's in my head AGAIN

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PostRe: Your Console Journey
by Death's Head » Sun Feb 04, 2018 1:06 pm

Christmas 1983 (or possibly 1982) - Commodore Vic 20 and proprietary Commodore cassette player arrives. I don't really know why I asked for this as other people typically had a Spectrum or a BBC Micro. Perhaps I was put off by the Spectrum's rubber keyboard or the fact you couldn't program it by using the keyboard normally, you had to look for the command on one of the keys. Whatever, that was ruled out. The BBC Micro retailed at about £399 so I was probably unlikely to get one of those even if I asked and I think that I saw an advert for the Vic-20 in a magazine which at the time, was a good way to decide on computer purchases. :nod:

Anyway, the Vic is probably the most exciting Christmas present I ever received and even though I didn't get any games with it, didn't need them - I could write my own games. :datass:

Or at the very least, I could type in games from C&VG or Commodore user, which was a game in itself as very rarely did they work first time and I would need to keep comparing the listings in the magazine to the code on the screen to see what I had mistyped to get the damn thing working. After making do with 3.5k for a while, someone at school who had upgraded to a BBC Micro let me borrow their 32k RAM expansion as I was able to give him some "backups" of BBC games I got from one of my friends. Now we're cooking! But even before getting this, 3.5k was not a complete barrier to games, there were a few good ones that could be squeezed into 3.5k plus another trick the Vic had up it's sleeve - the RAM expansion port could also be used for game cartridges and these did not have the paltry 3.5k limit. I can't remember all of the cartridge games I played but a few that stick out in my memory was Adventure (might not have been called that but was a text based adventure, you know "Go North" rather than any on screen graphics), some Pac Man clone (which wasn't quite as good as one I got on cassette requiring a whopping 8K to play), Submarine Commander, some Orc game and Gorf. Special mention to Gorf as it did not have the Galaxians level for some bizzare reason (probably a memory limitation or they just hoped no one would notice). Almost forgot "Radar Rat Race" which was a really good port of Rally-X (which anyone reading this probably has no idea what I'm talking about).

Radar Rat Race




I did of course get my own 16K Ram pack at some point and through friends, had a massive stock of backups on cassette (we were very secure about games in those days, you would buy a game, a friend would back it up for you in case your copy became damaged and that same friend would distribute the backup to other friends who would also kindly back it up for you so you never needed to worry that your cassette would fail).

Another great gaming era for me. No one is probably reading, but nice to reminisce now and again.

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PostRe: Your Console Journey
by OrangeRKN » Sun Feb 04, 2018 1:11 pm

Death's Head wrote:Almost forgot "Radar Rat Race" which was a really good port of Rally-X (which anyone reading this probably has no idea what I'm talking about).

I've played Rally-X thanks to its inclusion in Namco retro collections, I never imagined it would have a port themed around rats :lol:

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Corazon de Leon

PostRe: Your Console Journey
by Corazon de Leon » Sun Feb 04, 2018 1:29 pm

OrangeRakoon wrote:
Corazon de Leon wrote:Buck Bumble

Oh no it's in my head AGAIN


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PostRe: Your Console Journey
by Preezy » Sun Feb 04, 2018 1:36 pm

Death's Head wrote:Another great gaming era for me. No one is probably reading, but nice to reminisce now and again.

Well I enjoyed the read, DH :D

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PostRe: Your Console Journey
by OrangeRKN » Sun Feb 04, 2018 2:15 pm

Corazon de Leon wrote:
OrangeRakoon wrote:
Corazon de Leon wrote:Buck Bumble

Oh no it's in my head AGAIN


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PostRe: Your Console Journey
by Peter Crisp » Sun Feb 04, 2018 2:28 pm

jawafour wrote:
Peter Crisp wrote:...Pong machine (no idea who it was made by and it had a plastic orange slider and about 7 maybe game types)...

Was it this Binatone one, Peter? It's the one that I played on :-).

The version I had had a single orange slider going horizontally to select games. I don't think it had any other options.

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PostRe: Your Console Journey
by kerr9000 » Sun Feb 04, 2018 2:50 pm

I can't really do years but I can try and do some form of order. I might forget things

Zx spectrum 16k rubber key model, technically this was a hand me down from my older brothers that my parents gave me when I was 2
Atari VCS (2600) original wood look version again this was a hand me down I got young but I did buy a few more of them cheap over the years to get the games that they had with them

Sinclair spectrum +2. I got this for Christmas one year while relavtivly young it was great as it was the first new sealed machine I got from my parents

Atari 2600 junior.. Would have been picked up one of these cheap and second hand by my dad proberbly because it came with a bunch of games I didnt have

Megadrive. I got it for Christmas one year

SNES I got this the following year

Amiga 500 ... I think it was a hand me down from my brother.

The NES and Master system 2 would have been after this gotten with pocket money the same was true for the Gameboy
I got a second hand N64 by saving up and swapping things etc

I honestly do not remember how I got a PlayStation but I know I got one (If I talk on here long enoough youll learn I have head injuries and such and some things are kinda fuzzy like this)

Saturn I got second hand from part time job cash

Dreamcast I got when they become like £100 brand new

GameCube I got a couple of days after release

Xbox I got one when they were about £130 and it was a birthday present

Mega cd I got this off a market with the Sega collection CD, Sonic CD, a megadrive and 2 or 3 megadrive games for about £20

Zx 81 gotten off a carboot for £5

Ps 2 My original one was £5 coverd in cigereette burns and not working, I nursed it back to health but I have had quiet a few since then

Vic 20 £2.50 or something daft like that from a carboot boxed

Odyssey 2 about £10 with about 10 boxed games from the same carboot

Dragon 32 £2.50 from the same carboot boxed

Gamecom I got off a carboot for a few pound with a couple of carts as they had no clue what it was

Game gear I got 2 of these and a few carts cheap of a carboot

Barcode batler got one of these boxed of a carboot for a few pound

Gameboy advance I brought it brand new for my at the time girlfriend who then decided she no longer cared about it and gave it me back

Gameboy Color grabbed a few of theses between just after my advance and now usually because they have had games with them

Gameboy advance sp, Like a lot of GBA owners was waiting for this to come out due to the screen

Wii I stood waiting for this on the night it came out

Xbox 360 I got this about 8 months after the wii second hand for around £80 it was in awful condition but it got replaced eventually with a good one

DS I found out that CEX would give me something ridiculous like £80 for trading in 8 Manga films which were in a set The Works was selling for £20 ..... I brought the set like 7 times and kept selling it to cex to get the DS, games for the DS and games for my Wii and 360. If not for this IO proberbly wouldnt have gotten on the DS band wagon so early.

PS3 Brought second hand from the dad of a kid I went to school with

Dsi I purchased this off my daughter so that she could afford a 3ds

3ds I got after id played my daughters and I saw a second hand one with 4 games for £100 one of the games was Mario Kart just like a few weeks after it launched.

Psp I was gotten this by an X well at the time she was a current

Ps vita I got this because I had enjoyed the vita so much

Wii u , I was on a trip to Birmingham with my daughter and when HMV went into administration they were selling a NintendoLand and Zombie U premium one for about £120 less than the going rate at the time so I dived on it.

PS4 I got this not long after its release deciding it was the future for me

Xbox one I got this half a year or so latter in an amazon lightning deal when I had decided the PS4 just wasnt doing it for me

Philips cdi got one of these a few months ago but need a controller for it.

I know there's some things missing but that's a tough go the NES I got myself and everything after that the stuff before would be from my parents.

I have probably missed things there. I once had a neo geo console, and once even had an arcade Jamma Cab which I altered into a Neo cab, unfortunately dont have either anymore, well technically I still have the neo inside of the cab and the neo carts.

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PostRe: Your Console Journey
by Vermilion » Sun Feb 04, 2018 3:01 pm

Okay, so my console history is as follows...

ZX Spectrum +2 - The one with the built in cassette player, though mine would often not work properly which could be very annoying when i wanted to play Formula Grand Prix (Codemasters F1 management game).

Sega Megadrive - Christmas 1992 was very Sonic-y in my house.

Super NES - Received this on my birthday in 1993 along with copies of Mario World, Kart, and Paint. It had way more usage than the Megadrive over the coming years.

Game Boy - Played this for years and years, even played Pokemon Red on it in early 1999 after i got the game on US import. My favourite ever GB game though was Kirby's Pinball Land.

Mega CD - While i enjoyed Sonic CD and Sensible Soccer, those QTE games like Road Avenger were all basically terrible.

Sony Playstation - After a few months, i had to put the console up on it's side in order to get it to work. Final Fantasy VII and IX remain two of my all time favourite games.

N64 - On launch day in March 1997, just 20,000 units were released in the UK, my local Currys had 2 allocated, i was third in the queue but then someone dropped out.

Game Boy Color - My first game for this was Harvest Moon, though i never had many GBC games, most of what i had were just the Pokemon titles.

Dreamcast - Shenmue, Sonic Adventure, Skies of Arcadia, so many great games, it was a console which was way ahead of it's time.

Game Boy Advance - At one time i started importing all sorts of weird Japanese games out of sheer curiosity, one such title was the excellent Tomato Adventure which was developed by Alpha Dream (Mario & Luigi series)

PS2 - Introduced me to the brilliance of open world sandbox games thanks to GTA.

Gamecube - i probably bought more games for this than for any other console, i still have my mint copy of Chibi Robo too.

Nintendo DS - For me, this will always be the console of Phoenix Wright, especially the brilliant third installment.

XBox 360 - While i played loads of great games on the 360 such as Gears of War and Viva Pinata, i never subbed to XBox Live and so was never really able to get the best out of it.

Wii - Probably my most disappointing console, i had fun with games such as Eledees, Mario Galaxy, and Endless Ocean, but the graphical limitations and wiggle stick controls really held it back despite the massive sales it achieved.

PS3 - Free online play mixed with a ton of great games meant this took over from the 360 as my console of choice, to date, my record for a single game on PSN is Modern Warfare 2 at over 200 hours of gameplay.

PS4 - I used to have several consoles on the table at any one time, but now i only have the one, and it is everything i want in a games machine. No silly gimmicks or iffy control methods, just pure basic gaming of the very highest standard, an absolute class act.

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PostRe: Your Console Journey
by Dowbocop » Mon Feb 05, 2018 10:32 am

ZX Spectrum 48k (1985) - technically my sisters' as it was bought for them when they had chickenpox and I was a newborn. I remember playing Mr Men, Manic Miner, Operation Sabrewulf, Skool Daze, Level 5, Survival. I still remember the keys to fire up the games: J""LOAD :wub:
Current location: in my dad's house, broken membrane :(

Atari 2600 (1988?) - we had an original which I assume broke and got replaced with a 2600JR. Memorable games: Warlords, Centipede, Combat, Airlock, Star Voyager. We had a version of Donkey Kong which was apparently crap but I loved it :shifty:
Current location: in my dad's house, will hopefully get it up to mine at some point.

Game Boy (1992) - my parents didn't want me to waste loads on batteries so I got a massive battery pack with it. Notable titles: Super Mario Land 2, Tetris, Xenon 2, Fortified Zone, Darkwing Duck, Crash Dummies
Current location: in my spare room, in the Bedside Table Drawer of Handhelds.

Game Gear (1992) - my sister got this the same Christmas as my GB. Only played it outside the house once :lol: Memorable titles: Paperboy, Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade, Olympic Gold, Defenders of Oasis.
Current location: at my dad's, will hopefully bring up.

Mega Drive (1995) - I missed six weeks of school around Christmas 95 due to gastric flu, getting this in the middle of it was definitely the highlight! Absolutely loved this console. Notable games: Sonic and Knuckles, Rolo to the Rescue, James Pond 2, Mega Games 1 (Columns, WC Italia 90 and Super Hang On). Got a load of classic games last year as the in laws had a clear out.
Current location: mine is at my dad's, my wife's is mounted on the underside of my computer desk to save space. Games are strewn around various parts of the house. Wife not happy.

N64 (1998) - had Goldeneye, South Park, and FIFA 99. Borrowed a lot of the classics off friends. Got a PC in the house at the same time and I joined the Master Race big style. To be honest, the N64 never grabbed me and I do feel a pang of regret that I never played it more.
Current location: sold for the Dreamcast.

Dreamcast (1999) - midnight launch, loved it to bits, one day it shall return to smite our enemies. Notable titles: Soul Calibur, Crazy Taxi, Virtua Tennis, MvC2, Sonic Adventure.
Current location: on my computer desk.

PSOne (2000?) - bought it, broke after a day, returned it and bought Deus Ex. Regret nothing.
Current location: heaven.

PS2 (2001/2) - admitted defeat and shacked up with the Dreamcast's MURDERER - fair play to the thing, it was a cracker. Notable titles: Spider-Man 2, Gitaroo Man, Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time, THPS 3, Enter the Matrix. Played a lot of franchise stuff to be honest, FIFA, Pro Evo, Smackdown.
Current location: first model burgled, second model given to sister. Currently got a PS2 Slim hooked up in the kitchen.

Atari Jaguar (2001) - this and the Lynx got re-released in 2001, and I gave it a punt. Only had Wolfenstein, AVP was horrendously expensive, there were no other games of note were there?! Most enduring memory - I bought it from Game in Camden and some geezer tried to mug me on the way home :slol:
Current location: under my bed at my dad's.

GBA (2002) - with a battery pack (it's just good sense!). For the last year or so of regular use you could have just glued in Warioware and I wouldn't have noticed.
Current location: Bedside Table Drawer of Handhelds.

GameCube (2003) - I played this TO DEATH in the first year of uni, particularly Soul Calibur 2 (the best version, with Link). Only competed Weapon Master last year. Controller should have been a disgrace, but was awesome. Notable titles: SC2, Pikmin, Donkey Konga.
Current location: silver one burgled ( :cry: ), black one in my bedroom, hooked up and ready to go

DS (2005) - awesome, revolutionary handheld, and was a proper bargain as well even at launch. Got to give Mario 64 another go, and was the handheld I took out with me most. Handheld of choice at the birth of my son while the wife was chasing the dragon. Notable games: Project Rub, Yoshi: Touch and Go, Dr Kawashima, Phantom Hourglass
Current location: Bedside Table Drawer of Handhelds.

Wii (2006) - bought at midnight with SpaceJebus, broke my controller within 9 hours. Had an absolute blast with this console, I think it speaks volumes that both my sisters now have them as well. If you think it's crap then you've either bought the wrong games or you're dead inside. Notable games: Wii Sports/Resort, Wii Play, Twilight Princess, all the dopey Nintendo channels.
Current location: in a box because it's sadly gone kaput :(. A bit of me wants to buy the one that's in the Trading Post now, but I can't justify the funds.

XBox 360 (2007) - again, had a great time with this console, and the first console I ever had a truly good experience playing online. That's probably it's biggest stand out feature. It didn't do anything particularly special, but it was just consistently good as a traditional console. All about the AAA with this one. Notable games: FIFA, COD, Skyrim, Lego Marvel, Red Dead Redemption, Beijing 2008
Current location: wasn't playing it, so donated it to the Liverpool Women's Hospital for their new Neonatal ICU parents room which they opened just after they stopped my wife and son from dying in childbirth.

PS3 (2008) - got this free with a phone contract. My old phone provider said: "But you could save the money each month with our plan and buy a PS3 next year!" I got my PAC code shortly after. This very much lost to the 360 in my personal console war, but still had some good times. Sexy DVD remote. Notable games: Wipeout, Dead Space, 3D Dot Game Heroes.
Current location: original YLOD. Current Slim is in our bedroom as a Blu Ray player.

PSP (?) - bought off someone on here, didn't really take to it. Notable games: Lumines probably...
Current location: somewhere in the house...

3DS (whenever Gamestation went under) - bought when Gamestation were giving stupid trace in prices for stuff like FIFA 2003. Only had one actual 3DS game (OOT), whilst it was a great console I didn't use it as much as I perhaps should have, and played DS games when I did. Also the battery started dying.
Current location: annoyingly I don't know. I've moved house a few times and I have definitely seen it, but I have no idea where it actually is. I had all my favourite DS games in the pouch as well :fp:

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PostRe: Your Console Journey
by Denster » Mon Feb 05, 2018 12:58 pm

Atari - Defender. :wub:

Vectrex - a funky console which was essentially a black and white monitor with a controller but all the games came with a plastic coloured overlay that clipped onto the screen. They go for a fortune now.

Amstrad CPC 464. Ah the days of tapes and 10 minute loading screens and those games where you had to hold the play button down so the game wouldn't crash mid load.

Mega Drive Sonic and endless hours on PGA golf with my Dad.

SNES - first and second years at Uni in the early 90's.

N64 - Holy Trinity of Mario 64, Goldeneye and Zelda OOT.

Gamecube - Tied with the N64 as my favourite ever console. Loved it. Spent hours playing with my kids on Mariokart, Goldeneye, Diddy Kong racing and Smash Bros. Spent hours fighting with them to play on Animal crossing on import with a free loader disc.
Wii - great but I left it with the kids when I moved out.
PS3 - responsible for my intro to COD and multiplayer online. Only chose a PS3 over a 360 because it had a blu ray player.
PS4 - adore it. Some fantastic games and the chance to revisit TLOU.
WiiU - will forever hold a place in my heart due to MK Mondays. Great console - not enough support.

Switch - new but I'm gonna love it.

Gameboy - Tetris :wub:
GBA - Advance wars :wub:

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PostRe: Your Console Journey
by Vermilion » Mon Feb 05, 2018 2:35 pm

Denster wrote:play on Animal crossing on import with a free loader disc.

Yep, i did that, i think in the end most folks did as the english USA edition was fairly easy to come by in early 2003 thanks to the freeloader, and as it turned out, the game didn't even get a UK release until late 2004.

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