Your plans for the weekend and...

Fed up talking videogames? Why?

Do you own any power tools?

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PostRe: Your plans for the weekend and...
by Errkal » Fri Feb 16, 2018 5:05 pm

Got to set Fire TV and Echo for the mother in law, then lunch with other family peeps Sunday, all in all it's going to suck this weekend.

I own a drill but don't really use it, I'm not the diy type, if anything breaks it is usually covered by home care and British gas come and fix it for me.

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PostRe: Your plans for the weekend and...
by still » Fri Feb 16, 2018 5:29 pm

Wood do I own power tools!

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PostRe: Your plans for the weekend and...
by Saint of Killers » Fri Feb 16, 2018 5:35 pm

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PostRe: Your plans for the weekend and...
by Wrathy » Fri Feb 16, 2018 5:37 pm

Friday: early night and Lord of the Rings 2, assuming it's streamable. I watched 1 on Amazon last night so it should be.

Saturday: casual session pokemon cards in the local community group, should be alright, dont want to think too hard

sunday: i am not leaving my bed

power tools: lol what are these

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PostRe: Your plans for the weekend and...
by Bunni » Fri Feb 16, 2018 5:50 pm

Just done Chinese New Year scran for the patients. Home now to do washing and crap. Chill evening.

Tomorrow: Working in Psych ward for 12 hours.

Sunday: Working in plastic surgery/head injuries for 14 hours.

I have a drill. It's yellow and has a massive charger. Don't know if power tool? Also have a glue gun which reminds me I need to buy sticks.

Corazon de Leon

PostRe: Your plans for the weekend and...
by Corazon de Leon » Fri Feb 16, 2018 6:36 pm

Friday - work till 8. Stop in at my dog’s house to wish him a happy year of the dog. Watch the rest of Logan. Blessed sleep.
Saturday - sort out the old flat so that the GF gets her deposit back. The cat made a banana split of one of the walls not long after we got her so the toolkit will be out. Maybe gym. Maybe not. Got a paper to write for a conference I’m speaking at in March, and will also probably email the students their work for next week.
Sunday - PhD corrections. Might go up and hang out with Loki for an hour or two now we live close by him. Unpack as much stuff as possible and store everything else in the loft, and also get the new flat into good nick for all the furniture that’s arriving on Monday. Weep at the dismal state of my bank account.

Power tools - yes. They’re pink, because I didn’t pick the set we bought. But even if I did they’d be pink.

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PostRe: Your plans for the weekend and...
by Tomous » Fri Feb 16, 2018 7:52 pm

Friday: videogames and red wine
Saturday: wake up, go for a run, then fry up and watch Swans game and then going out for dinner with my gf as she was working Valentine’s Day
Sunday: lie, chill, some more videogames probably and then play Squash in evening

Power tools: no...

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PostRe: Your plans for the weekend and...
by ITSMILNER » Fri Feb 16, 2018 8:00 pm

Tonight: chill out, may play some Bayonetta on Switch
Saturday: lads night out, off to Swingers golf in Shoreditch then off to get smashed elsewhere
Sunday: recover

I own a car, it’s powerful and is a tool I use to get me places

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PostRe: Your plans for the weekend and...
by KingK » Fri Feb 16, 2018 9:52 pm

Fri: finish packing
Sat: fly to Hurghada, Egypt
Sun: poolside and water slides

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PostRe: Your plans for the weekend and...
by Dowbocop » Fri Feb 16, 2018 10:06 pm

Tomorrow: meet up with wife's friends, do a bit of shopping. She'll then go out for the evening so I can kick back and play games :toot:

Sunday: no plans, just looking after the boy while the wife is with her friends. Quite refreshing to have nothing to do!

Power tools: two power drills, a power sander, and a jigsaw on loan from my in laws.

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PostRe: Your plans for the weekend and...
by Tragic Magic » Fri Feb 16, 2018 10:27 pm

Tomorrow is my friend's 30th birthday and she wanted us to have a Harry Potter themed party. So I'll be going into town dressed as Sirius Black (Azkaban prison uniform). I feel a bit nervous about being in town, in costume but hopefully a little pre-drinking beforehand will alleviate that. Also paranoid that wanker bouncers won't let me in anywhere seeing as I'll look a bit homeless, whereas everyone else is dressing as fairly normal looking characters, just cloaks and gooseberry fool. If that's the case though, I'll just immediately head home as I don't fancy a repeat of Halloween 2017. Pre-drinks are at her house anyway so I'm hoping we'll stay there a while at least.


PostRe: Your plans for the weekend and...
by Gemini73 » Sat Feb 17, 2018 1:09 am

Chilled last night (Friday). Just finished my evening read of Wolf of the Plains (Ghangis Khan) now to sleep.

Saturday going to B&Q to look at ideas for a new bathroom, then at 4pm I'm off for my martial arts training. Evening I'll chill out again, watch some tele with the wife then maybe a bit of gaming.

Sunday, spend the day again relaxing with the family then early evening I've my parents coming to visit for an hour or so.

Pretty chilled weekend all in all. Nothing that requires power tools, which I do own.

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