2008 predictions

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Post2008 predictions
by Garth » Mon Sep 21, 2009 3:00 pm


Hero_of_Canton wrote:I've been saying this for months: Animal Crossing Channel. Has to happen.

Wii Fit won't be nearly as big as some are predicting.

Smash Bros. Brawl will come out over here by the end of April. It will perform much worse in the UK than everywhere else. In Japan in particular, it will be a system seller, and its more hardcore appeal will see a small boost in third-party sales.

Disaster: Day of Crisis will be great, but will bomb.

Wii Music will be brilliant - seemingly limited, but with amazing possibilities for those prepared to experiment. It will be a minor success.

Retro Studios' next game will be revealed, but not released.

Pikmin 3 announced for late 2008/early 2009 release.

PS3 to start eating into Wii's lead by end of the year - Nintendo hint at price cut.

Vanillaware's Oboro Muramasa Youtouden will be the best third-party Wii game (and possibly the best Wii game full stop) released in 2008.

The Shadow wrote:Wii Fit will be the biggest selling game of the year, DS and Wii success will continue to break records.

PsychoPriest wrote:The Wii shortage will continue all year.

aki wrote:As for Nintendo in 2008 I can only see them going from strength to strength, I just hope they show/announce Pilotwings Wii (It makes sense Nintendo).

Cuttooth wrote:The better games start coming out by September next year. They look reasonably good and make good use of the controller.

One new FPS game comes out of nowhere using the Metroid Prime 3 system and is hailed as one of the best console shooters in recent times.

Stagguh Lee wrote:I can't see F-Zero coming this year, and so I hate them. Bastards.

Big Rob wrote:Pikmin wii and/or ds to be announced

Nintendo to release Wii Sports 2, replacing Wii sports in the console bundle and it will be available separately, will feature online multiplayer.

Nintendo to announce some sort of solution to the storage problems.

Nintendo to continue to cater more and more to casual gamers...

More and more third party crap to be released....

Alvin Flummux wrote:Wii Summer Sports to be announced and, shortly thereafter, released.

A slew of Balance Board-enabled games - mini and regular - are announced. Some are quite unexpected.

A new Excite game is announced.

The game that Wii Motorsports has become is announced, released in the run-up to Christmas.

Sega announces a new Sonic Wii game.

Akai XIII wrote:Pikmin 3 announced.
Animal Crossing Channel/Game announced.
Kid Icarus Wii will be made by Retro Studios.
SSB:B - best online fighting game of 2008.
Battalion Wars 2 will be crap, like the first one.
Wii Sports 2; online.
Voice support talked about, but nothing confirmed.
Wii HDD/storage announced - will clip onto the back of the Wii (USB memory stick, basically).
Wii Fit wont do as well as people think. Someone will fall off and hurt themselves and sue Nintendo (American, obviously).
FF: The Crystal Bearers wil be cancelled, probably...

Cuttooth wrote:Advance Wars Wii announced. Not Battalion Wars but simply Advance Wars in 3D resembling what I think was planned on the N64 (64 Wars or something?) but was cancelled.

Uppa wrote:A new F-Zero title to revealed, following Captain Falcon's new guise being exhibited on Smash Bros. Dojo. (You just know that's why they're holding him back.)

MCN wrote:Balance Board to be a control option in the next Tony Hawk game.

Skarjo Hannson wrote:Pilotwings announced.
F-Zero Announced.

We all still suck them off for the chance of a proper 3D pokemon RPG.

Goat wrote:No good "proper" games are released.
WiiWare games are seriously overpriced
No Wii HDD/Storage is released
Couple of crap new Wii Channels released
PS3 overtakes Wii sales
PS3 becomes market leader, 360 at second, Wii way behind
Wii Price Cut
Third Party support dramatically falls
Wii fails.
DS is still successful

invincible wrote::arrow: Retro Studios release Kid Icarus Q4 2008.
:arrow: Konami's PES 2008 Wii will be an amazing evolution of console football games.
:arrow: Rock Band will be announced for Wii.
:arrow: Capcom will continue to release Resident Evil games on Wii.
:arrow: Wii will sell more Guitar Hero than PS3 and Xbox 360.
:arrow: 3rd Party support will improve in terms of quality.
:arrow: Shovelware games will still be released, but go on WiiWare instead of a full retail release.
:arrow: There willl be a new version of DSlite announced.
:arrow: There will be a new version of Wii announced.
:arrow: SEGA and Nintendo will collaborate on atleast 2 more games.
:arrow: Balance Board support will be included in sports games, such as Tony Hawk, Family Ski (we already know this) and a new Wave Race and 1080 from Nintendo.
:arrow: The Balance Board and Wiimote Nunchuck combo will be used together in game.
:arrow: Voice Support will be enabled for online Wii games.

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PostRe: 2008 predictions
by Garth » Mon Sep 21, 2009 3:00 pm


AndyXL wrote:1. Playstation 3 sales will overtake those of all other systems as the Wii-craze comes to an abrupt halt and Blu-Ray enters the mainstream.

2. Motorstorm 2 will blow all other racing games before it out of the water and will demonstrate the true power of the PS3.

3. Gran Turismo 5 will ensure the PS3 is the must have present of Christmas 2008.

4. Developers will re-focus their efforts on PS3 after they realise that only Nintendo's games sell on Wii.

5. Home will revolutionise the ways gamers communicate with each other and will better anything ever seen on Xbox Live.

Rik wrote:BluRay to still have 1% of the market and continue to struggle in the face of DVD sales.

Home to turn out as a PSU lobby with sofas and akward/time consuming to navigate.

Killzone 2 to be the first game to show PS3 potential and finally justify PSN with a 24/7 online battle for Helghan.

More ports from 360 but without so many framerate problems.

80gb PS3 with BC to appear in Europe "we listened to consumers"

Resistance 2 to look at least twice as good as the first one

A third party pad with decent triggers and revised analogue positions to sell loads.

Agent47 wrote:I reckon this will be PS3's year, with:
GTA IV still being a PS system-seller, as XBL content won't really influence that many people.

Konami finally releasing a proper next gen vresion of Pro Evo that doesn't suck on PS3 (I'm looking at you 2008).

Developers stop releasing so many shoddy ports and unfinished/buggy-as-f**k games that need patches to work (this time I'm looking at Assassin's Creed).

Blu-Ray will start to improve in sales, but more people will still buy DVD as they're cheaper, upscale via HDMI anyway and 50% of PS3 owners still won't know what BR is!

Little Big Planet will be another Loco Roco/Ico/SotC - i.e. it will be massively acclaimed, but won't sell particularly well.

DrPepperMan wrote:MGS4 & FF:XIII will really help boost the ps3 this year.

PsychoPriest wrote:MGS4 will not meet it's expected sales and will be considered a minor failiure.

not new*allusion wrote:- Some sort of in-game XMB will appear more regularly/be integrated in a firmware update (this needs to happen - thankfully Sony seems to have acknowledged something needs to be done here).

- Resistance 2 and Motorstorm 2 to at least make cameo appearances. Actually, scratch that Resistance 2 will be out. This is how it looked last April/May apparently, so I'd be mucho surprised if the game isn't ready to be revealed soon.

- Activision/Red Octane to cave in to pressure and release patch to allow Guitar Hero controller to work with Rock Band.

- A simple and complex way of using Home (ie. a 'profile' version and a virtual world version).

- Bundled rumble controllers, original sixaxis phased out.

- TV tuner to be relatively unsuccessful due to poor marketing.

- Gran Turismo 5 to be delayed. More.

- Wipeout HD to own all downloadable titles.

- More PSOne titles on the store.

- More PSP-PS3 wifi functionality in games.

- Differences between 360/PS3 versions of titles continue to shrink.

- Team ICO title to be revealed.

- Blu-ray discs become somewhat more popular, but fail to reach anywhere near DVD sales.

- Slim-downed PS3 to be unveiled by the end of 2008.

- MGS Online to really take off.

- Lots and lots of DLC for almost every title... :?

- Oh... and Europe manages to fall off the release schedule for something like God of War 3 or FFXIII which will come out everywhere but here by the end of the year.

Akai XIII wrote:MGS4 reviews will be all over the place, it wont do that well at retail. 360 version 6 months later.

More and more studios will drop HD-DVD, Blu Ray becomes the dominant 'HD' DVD format. Both still no where near DVD sales.

LittleBigPlanet will be the best platformer of 2008.

FFXIII will be delayed until next year.

Team Ico games will be revealed.

Motorstorm 2 and Resistance 2 will be more of the same - nothing special.

PS3 sales will slowly increase but it will still be far behind the Wii and 360 (In the UK, at least).

Killzone 2 - what Rik said.

GTAIV will sell more 360s, they're cheaper.

Home - what Rik said.

Kingdom Hearts 3 will be multi-platform, or exclusive to Wii (there were rumours a while back of the series going to the Wii).

Nick1984 wrote:My predictions?

1. Gran Turismo 5 and Final Fantasy XIII are delayed til 2009.

TigaSefi wrote:My prediction is that Sony will completely and UTTERLY PHAIL at everything!!!!

DeadFishUK wrote:Paramount and Universal'll say hello to Blu Ray.

petercrisp wrote:I think they will have a rather good E3 and announce some good looking new IP's.

~IronHide~ wrote:Production of Six-axis will be discontinued.

Home will be sh*t.

MGS4 will be delayed.

Little Big Planet will initially be the best thing since sliced-bread, yet will get boring after a few hours.

PS2 Backwards compatibility will be re-introduced as a £15 download on PSN.

buffaloman wrote:Metal Gear Solid 4 will be 'a marmite game' - some lauding over its beauty, its narration, it's new more combat orientated gameplay. Others will chortle over it's 10 year old control system and more philosophical rsamblings.
Resistance 2 to make an appearance - PS3 owners rejoyce, GR X Bots to lol.
More delays - FF XIII, GT5 won't see 2008.
God of War III to become the PS3 killer app, after Killzone almost, almost makes it.
Little Big Planet to be criminally underused, underplayed, undersold.
Home to be a bit crap.

not new*allusion wrote:- Sony will introduce more SKUs for the PS3 with different HDD sizes (80GB, 120GB, 200GB). None will re-introduce PS2 BC.

satriales wrote:I think that muliplatform games will be identical on 360 and PS3. There is no reason why a developer would go to extra effort to make one version better than the other. It'll only be the exclusives that show what the PS3 is really made of.

jigglywiggly wrote:- Killzone 2 delayed til Q3/4.
- FFXIII "delayed" til next year
- MGS4 a critical success, yet a slow burner as far as sales are concerned. Will not sell PS3s at launch, but might do by Christmas.
- LBP to be the PS3's first Edge [10]
- Resistance 2 to sell bucketloads on its Q4 release. Will top NPD for that month, and be both fastest and best-selling PS3 game by year's end.

concon777 wrote:- FFXII & GT5 don't make it this year.
- PSN goes another year without a Top 10 PSone title
- MGS4 divides the line among opinions, Just like MGS2 did (- Me being one of the lovers of course)
- GTAIV fails to utilize the Custom Soundtracks feature - Well, because Sony seemingly can't be arsed :x
- GR PS3 Userlist doubles :P

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PostRe: 2008 predictions
by Garth » Mon Sep 21, 2009 3:01 pm


PsychoPriest wrote:Because we're not a bunch of Nintendo fanboys :wink:

- Ultimate will arrive and the battle with Playstation will kick off properly.
- Gears 2 will be announced at GDC, shown at E3 but will be released in Spring 09

More later

Extralife wrote:-Price cut as PS3 sales begin to rise
-Orange Box II released
-XBLA game size limit lifted
-Bungie announce major new FPS franchise
-Viva Pinata II released
-Gears of War II released in time for Christmas
-Alan Wake one of the best games released

thesarge wrote:Killer Instinct 3 announced as well as the first 2 coming to XBLA.

Grand Theft Auto 1 & 2 coming to XBLA. (that's the latest rumour)

More Original titles will be announced.

IPTV will be launched.

Agent47 wrote:GTA IV will be released but without multiplayer, leaving XBL players to bitch and moan about having to play an offline game again. :roll:
Hopefully this Xbox GTA won't be borked like San Andreas was...

Gears 2 will be announced but not shown - except, perhaps, in teaser form with "not in-game footage" scrawled all over it.

Devil May Cry 4 will arrive to huge acclaim, but with it being a PS3 title too, it still won't shift any 360s in Japan.

Halo Wars will be rubbish.

Resident Evil 5 and Silent Hill 5 will be delayed 'til '09, but Alone in the Dark and Alan Wake will fill that void and be spectacular pieces of horror gaming.

Rik wrote:360 Slim will be announced for 2009
IPTV will arrive
Older 360 games will be available on marketplace
BluRay add on will be announced
Banjo will broaden the userbase
Perfect Dark 2 to be this years big FPS
Gears Of War 2 o be the biggest selling game.

Cuttooth wrote:-Rare announce new IP.
-Big update to Xbox catalogue so they can release more games for the Xbox Original download service.
-Price cut.
-More board games such as Monopoly and Scrabble announced for XBLA.
-Along with Another World and Flashback.

Akai XIII wrote:Price cuts - Arcade £149.99, Pro £199.99, Elite £249.99.
Viva Pinata 2 announced and shown but not released.
Killer Instinct 3 for XBLA
Bungie to do something other than FPS, but announce a Next Gen Marathon.
Banjo Kazooie 3 will be a marmite game - Some will hate it, others will think it's the best platformer of 2008.
Perfect Dark sequel announced.
Halo Wars will be rubbish.
Fable 2 delayed, again.
Too Human will be another marmite game and it'll get average-bad reviews.
Alan Wake delayed, again.

jiggerjay wrote:i would love to hear that kotor 3 is in production,
maybe the 360 to rule them all, ie the hd-dvd, hdmi one.
a solid fable 2 date - hopefully end of 2008
a new amped game in production would be nice to hear as well as 3 was aces.
EA to say they are releasing a new fight night would be great as well.

kuliand2 wrote:way to soon for any xbox 3 news plus i think MS will have to really think about pulling out of the console market if the ps3 starts to catch and pass them, MS can not come third again as they are still loosing money and the shareholders will say enough is enough and would rather MS just paid them a bigger dividend or got wroking on vista 2.

i think we will hear something about a new halo game at E3 not sure who will be the developer though perhaps the makers of cod4?

not new*allusion wrote:I think we'll hear something about the next Xbox, but nothing concrete. It might be a rumour or a contract that Microsoft signs. Certainly not an announcement.

- Microsoft to take the xbox platform portable - expand on Live anywhere.

- First details of next Bungie title leak out.

- Live Gold gets more features, because...

- Live Silver allows some free play.

- Alan Wake to be amazing.

- Turn 10 takes over the PGR franchise.

- Pricecuts introduced around March as Microsoft tries to take advantage of GTA and stop Sony from building any momentum with the PS3.

- More community "Scene It", Singstar, Rock Band games introduced.

- Bigger HDDs vailable to cope with a slew of downloadable things (from movies, to music).

PsychoPriest wrote:Oh yeah and MGS4 to be announced for 360 in some form before the end of the year (TGS if MGS4 is released on time)

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