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Re: SKSP - 24 hours of gaming - NOW! Kengo Zero (?)

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2011 3:31 pm
by The People's ElboReformat
Nice work, NBK.

How are you feeling? Tired at all? From experience of all nighters playing games the tiredness only really kicked in once I stopped playing..

Ars Moriendi wrote:I'd actually love to do something like this myself just to clear out the backlog. :lol:

I know if I attempted to play games for 24 hours I'd probably end up only playing Halo for the duration. :lol: :fp:

Re: SKSP - 24 hours of gaming - NOW! Kengo Zero (?)

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2011 4:19 pm
by NBK
Zenigame wrote:Nice work, NBK.

How are you feeling? Tired at all? From experience of all nighters playing games the tiredness only really kicked in once I stopped playing..

Ars Moriendi wrote:I'd actually love to do something like this myself just to clear out the backlog. :lol:

I know if I attempted to play games for 24 hours I'd probably end up only playing Halo for the duration. :lol: :fp:

I'm feeling surprisingly ok considering, thanks for asking. I did hit a slump at about 1pm as Kengo Zero was such a pile of shite but, one cup of tea and a chocolate digestive later and I was fine again!

KISS Pinball, meh, it wasn't too bad. Only two tables (one of which had a giant disembodied Gene Simmons head on it) which made it a bit samey.

Going for a spin in F1 2011 now. Never played and F1 game and I never play driving games (as I'm so bad at them) so we'll see how that goes!

Re: SKSP - 24 hours of gaming - NOW! Kengo Zero (?)

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2011 4:50 pm
by Psychic
NBK wrote:KISS Pinball, meh, it wasn't too bad. Only two tables (one of which had a giant disembodied Gene Simmons head on it) which made it a bit samey.

I think your level of quality control has broken. I suppose after playing ET and Superman 64 any game would seem not too bad in comparison. ;)

Re: SKSP - 24 hours of gaming - NOW! Kengo Zero (?)

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2011 5:10 pm
by NBK
PsychicSykes wrote:
NBK wrote:KISS Pinball, meh, it wasn't too bad. Only two tables (one of which had a giant disembodied Gene Simmons head on it) which made it a bit samey.

I think your level of quality control has broken. I suppose after playing ET and Superman 64 any game would seem not too bad in comparison. ;)

Ha, I know! Barbie was like a breath of fresh air compared to Superman last night!

F1 was very pretty but had an odd hypnotic effect and I could feel myself starting to nod off. Not a good sign!

Harry Potter Part 2 going on next!

Re: SKSP - 24 hours of gaming - NOW! Harry Potter DH2

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2011 6:06 pm
by NBK
Harry Potter was like Gears of War: The Hogwarts Years. Poor. Very poor.

Off to play Naughty Bear (the last of my games from hell) and then I can rest easy (well, play easy) until the end!

Re: SKSP - 24 hours of gaming - NOW! Naughty Bear

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2011 7:09 pm
by NBK
All games from hell played! Naughty Bear was bit mental for my fragile mind but I stuck with it.

Finishing things up with some Dead Nation co-op then a final play on...something, not decided yet.


Re: SKSP - 24 hours of gaming - NOW! Dead Nation.

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2011 7:59 pm
by rinks
Keep going. Not long now.

I think you should go back to Desert Bus for the last half hour.

Re: SKSP - 24 hours of gaming - NOW! Dead Nation.

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2011 8:41 pm
by NBK
rinks wrote:Keep going. Not long now.

I think you should go back to Desert Bus for the last half hour.

\o/ I gone did it!

Thanks rinks, unfortunately, Dead Nation got a bit too much fun in co-op so we overran. Another Desert Bus session would have finished me off!

Thank you to everyone for all the support and donations, it really meant a lot. Hope you enjoyed reading the updates. I'll stick some photos on tomorrow if you didn't see them on twitter.

Feeling strangely non-tired.....

G'night all! :D

Re: SKSP - 24 hours of gaming - \o/ It's all over!

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2011 9:00 pm
by SEP
Congratulations, dude! You deserve a bloody good sleep, as well as a pint or two.

Re: SKSP - 24 hours of gaming - \o/ It's all over!

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2011 9:21 pm
by The People's ElboReformat
Well done, NBK.

Now go get lots of sleep.

Re: SKSP - 24 hours of gaming - \o/ It's all over!

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2011 10:16 pm
by Rog

Re: SKSP - 24 hours of gaming - \o/ It's all over!

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2011 11:07 pm
by Garth
Congrats! :mrgreen:

Re: SKSP - 24 hours of gaming - NOW! Dark Souls. Yes, I know

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2011 4:00 pm
by NBK
Thanks everyone! Was up nice and early this morning (not much choice, really) after going to bed at about 10.30 last night, I still feel totally fine. I'm thanking the combo of grapes and cashew nuts that I stayed on for most of the time for that! :D

Madness wrote:

Well done on your progress so far man, sorry for subjecting you to so many terrible games. :P

Sorry I missed this last night , no need to apologise at all!

I'd been meaning to get in touch to say thank you again for coming up with the idea. It gave my marathon a structure and also got it a lot of focus, which for a charity event like this, can only be a good thing. It also got me thinking about how games like that get released and the different type of bad games that there are out there. I suppose that's what playing Coronation Street at 3 in the morning will do to you!

Re: SKSP - 24 hours of gaming - \o/ It's all over!

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2011 4:29 pm
by NBK
I'd been posting pictures of the games on Twitter during the marathon as it was pretty easy. I've put them on here now if any of you want to take a look (added the tweet too for a bit of context :) )

The t-shirt. The set-up. The games. LET'S DO THIS! #SKSP


Yeah, trying to type and play that wasn't a good idea. Crashed already, back to the start I go! Focus man, focus! #SKSP


Good bit of advice from the wife there: "Try flying straight" #Superman64 #SKSP

SOLVE YOUR OWN strawberry floating MAZE! #Superman64 #SKSP


This is amazing. #CoronationStreet #SKSP


Insert topical joke here #CoronationStreet #SKSP


I'm rocking this #CoronationStreet #SKSP


Re: SKSP - 24 hours of gaming - \o/ It's all over!

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2011 4:30 pm
by NBK
And some more!

Most gorgeous level select screen ever? #SKSP


Right, that's enough being good to myself. Time to bring out that little Reece's Pieces lovin' SOB. ET, sort yersel out, you're on! #SKSP

I don't understand. #ET

And stay there. #SKSP


Ladies and Gentlemen - today's performance of Garbage Truck Simulator will instead be played by Street Cleaning Simulator. That is all #SKSP

Go towards the light! I'm underwater at the moment. Yes, I'm still playing Street Cleaning Simulator #SKSP


Hubba hubba #SKSP


'You Died' You're right, Dark Souls, I did. Thanks for confirming that you're as good as Demon's Souls and I'm as gooseberry fool at playing you. #SKSP

That's one f'kd up game, dude #SKSP


Re: SKSP - 24 hours of gaming - \o/ It's all over! (pics add

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2011 5:23 pm
by Christopher
Congrats man.

Re: SKSP - 24 hours of gaming - \o/ It's all over! (pics add

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2011 5:44 pm
by NBK
suzzopher wrote:Congrats man.

Cheers dude! :)

Re: SKSP - 24 hours of gaming - \o/ It's all over! (pics add

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2011 10:33 pm
by The People's ElboReformat
SOLVE YOUR OWN strawberry floating MAZE! #Superman64 #SKSP


:lol: :lol:

Re: SKSP - 24 hours of gaming - \o/ It's all over! (pics add

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 10:43 pm
by NBK
So, the remaining SKSP folk have finished their marathons (or not, in one case. Poor Fed :( ) and the final total has been calculated....*drum roll*

£17,045.76! £20,375.84 :shock:

Pretty amazing total considering the target was £10,000. It's actually almost £10k more than they raised last year which is just brilliant.

Now, you may remember when this started that I mentioned a leader board that they were setting up to track the top fund raisers. Well, they announced the No.1 spot today and it was me!

Extra special thanks to all those who sponsored me, I told you it would feel good getting a fellow forumite to the top spot! ;)

Oh yeah, whilst they've been very generous, I've had the feeling that my work colleagues haven't really understood what SKSP was all about or what I'd have to do to get through it. So, working in an office, I thought I'd put it to them in a way they'd understand.

The result is below:


Thanks again everyone, you've been awesome :D

Re: SKSP - Charity Gameathon. £17,000+ raised. Thank you GRc

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 11:46 pm
by Cosmo

What happened to the guy who didn't finish his 'thon?