SKSP - Charity Gameathon. £20,000+ raised. Thank you GRcade!

Our best bits.

How much hell do you want to put me through?

Poll ended at Wed Sep 21, 2011 10:29 pm

KISS Pinball
Kengo Zero
Garbage Truck Simulator 2011
ET (Atari 2600)
Superman 64
Barbie's Horse Adventures
Desert Bus
Garden Simulator
No votes
Elf Bowling
Coronation Street: The Mystery of the Missing Hotpot
Charlie's Angels
No votes
Captain Novolin
No votes
Total votes: 34
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PostSKSP - Charity Gameathon. £20,000+ raised. Thank you GRcade!
by NBK » Wed Jun 29, 2011 4:55 pm


And we're done. Some of the best 24 hours of my life and I got to enjoy it with you guys.


I'm going to try and keep track of what I play and when. As I've mentioned below, schedules and lists do not come easy to me so what I play will more than likely depend on how I'm feeling.

I do know what the first game will be though!



8.30pm - 9.30pm: Desert Bus
9.30pm - 12.15: Halo: Reach with Suzz and Something Fishy!

12.30 - 1.30: Superman 64
1.30 - 2.30: Barbie's Horse Adventures :wub:
2.40 - 3.40: Coronation Street: The Mystery of the Missing Hotpot Recipe
3.50 - 4.30: Kinect medley (Harry Potter/Fruit Ninja)
4.30 - 5.30: Saw 2 - Flesh & Blood
5.30 - 7.10: Ratchet & Clank: A Crack in Time
7.20 - 9.00: Flower
9.00 - 10.00: E strawberry floating T
10.00 - 11.00: Street Cleaning Simulator
11.30 - 11.50: Crackdown
11.55 - 1.00: Kengo Zero
1.15 - 2.45: Dark Souls
2.55 - 4.00: KISS Pinball
4.20 - 5.00: F1 2011
5.10 - 6.10: Harry Potter: Deathly Hallows Part 2
6.10 - 7.10: Naughty Bear
7.10 - 8.35: Dead Nation


On October 7th 2011, I'll be taking part in the Sick Kids Save Point 24 Hour Gameathon in an effort to raise funds for the Sick Kids Hospital after the help they gave my son during his recent stay.

I'd like to get you guys involved as much as possible by helping me out in any way you can. Be that by giving me suggestions for my Games from Hell, joining me online to save my sanity or even sponsoring me via my Just Giving page. All money raised goes to the hospital so any contributions you can spare would be greatly received.

The ...from Hell suggestion was made by Madness and is pretty damn good idea, I reckon. I've already had some suggestions for games to play from other forumites (who were worryingly eager to put me through this) but feel free to throw some others into the mix.

The only real conditions for what to suggest are that:

the game's easy enough to get hold of (legally) and
won't cost more than £15

I've set up the poll now and will play the top 3 4 6 7 (shhhiiiiit)) from the list for 1 hour each. However, if the donations and suggestions start mounting up, I might be persuaded to play some more.

Yes, a few quid from you guys could put me through even more gaming hell so, dig deep! :)

Here's the list so far.

Games From Hell (3 4 6 7 from this list will be played by me for an our each during the marathon)

KISS Pinball Gamespot score - 1.3
Kengo Zero The opening paragraph says it all.
Garbage Truck Simulator 2011 Now with 7 added Winter levels. Wow!
ET (Atari 2600) Or Alien in a Landfill as it's more commonly known.
Superman 64 Solve my maze!
Barbie's Horse Adventures Yeah, I know what you're thinking. But it's not.
Desert Bus Read 'About Desert Bus'. This one could end me.
Garden Simulator Paul from Linlithgow likes it but....not enough pests? On the list.
Elf Bowling I think you'll get a good enough idea from the first few seconds of the YouTube clip
Coronation Street: The Mystery of the Missing Hotpot Will I be agreeing with the users of if I play this? I'm
Charlie's Angels Shame. And after the film being such a classic, too.

And finally (and rather appropriately)

Captain Novolin A platformer about diabetes. I gooseberry fool you not. (might have to break one of my rules if that gets picked :shifty: )

There you go folks, vote away! Oh, if anyone else wants to add a suggestion, just let me know and I'll update the poll.

The Schedule

This is starting to come together. There a few games that I have on stand-by that I've never completed (Lost Odyssey, R&C: A Crack in Time, Assassin's Creed 2) but I can see some longer periods being spent on the likes of Xenoblade or World of Warcraft.

Online-wise, games like Portal 2 and Crackdown would go down a treat and it'd be great to get some Sundaylo sessions on the go too.

I'm awful at making lists so this will probably be a work in progress until the day itself.

The Other Stuff

I'll be updating this thread as the day draws near and will also be posting during it to keep you all updated with progress (and to make sure I'm still awake). You can also follow me on twitter (@ohwassat) where I'll be posting random gooseberry fool as my mind slowly unravels.

Here's the link to my JustGiving page if any of you would like to sponsor me:

And here's a link to the website for the event itself:

I really appreciate the support I've received so far on this and it would mean a lot to me if we could all get behind it. I know many of you don't know me that well but I feel that, as a community, we could really pull together on this and make it an event to remember.

Thanks for reading.

Original posts

I don't know if this a being cheeky or not so please feel free to lock up if I'm breaking any rules but I thought I'd draw your attention to an event that I'm taking part in during the 7-9th October.

Sick Kids Save Point is a 24 hour gaming marathon that's been set up to help raise funds for the Edinburgh Royal Hospital for Sick Children and is open to gamers everywhere.

As some of you may know, my 18 month old son was recently diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes. He was rushed to the Sick Kids on Monday afternoon after being diagnosed earlier that day. He ended up having to spend five nights there (2 of which were in their High Dependency Unit) whilst the Doctors stabilised his condition to a point where he was well enough to go home and receive treatment there.

After all the help he'd received, I felt it only right that I try and give something back, and what better way to do it than this?!

The event was first run last year and managed to raise £7,000 (with support from Rockstar North, who are based in Edinburgh), they're hoping to raise even more this year.

I've attached a couple of links to their blog site and a site on the charity itself for some more info

Sick Kids Save Point

Seeking Brave Gamers!

I've also attached a link (and this is the cheeky part I was talking about earlier) to my JustGiving page that I've set up to see if any of you kind souls would like to sponsor me for doing this. Really, anything would be appreciated.

My JustGiving Page

This is the first time I've seen any kind of gaming charity event being organised. Have any of you guys taken part in something similar? Or do you have any other fund raising stories to share?

I'd made this thread in Off Topic to give a bit of info about a charity gaming event that I'm taking part in but I thought this part would be better suited for GGC.

I'm looking to have some sort of schedule in place so the day/night has a bit more structure around it and I have a few things to aim for.

I'm probably going to concentrate on those games in my collection that I've yet to complete but I'd also like to take one game (that I've yet to start) that's about 10 hours long and play through the whole thing over the 24 hours.

Here's what I've come up with so far:

Lost Odyssey - Finish main game (I've been sat at the second last boss for ages as I don't have 'Blind', going to need to some backtracking and grinding)
R&C: A Crack In Time - About 6 hours in, finish
World of Warcraft - Currently at lv 32, aim to get to lv 40
Assassin's Creed 2 - Find 50 feathers (only a couple of hours in so far, yet to decide whether to finish main game first the go feather hunting or do it as I play through it)
Halo:Reach - At chapter 4, finish

These are the titles I was thinking about picking from for going through in the one day:

Tomb Raider: Underworld
Dark Sector
Bioshock 2

The challenges in the first list probably add up to more than the 24 hours but I thought it would be handy having some on reserve.

I also want to have stuff in place that, while still being a challenge, is also doable.

I've already got and finished the likes of Dead Space 1 & 2, God of War titles, Uncharted, all which probably would have been perfect, but I think it would be that kind of game that would probably be the best to try and do.

Are there any other titles out there that may fit in to what I have planned or are any of the things that I have in the above list not possible?

Last edited by NBK on Thu Oct 13, 2011 10:27 pm, edited 46 times in total.
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PostRe: 24 Hour Charity Gaming Marathon - The Schedule
by NBK » Thu Jun 30, 2011 1:44 pm

Got a great suggestion from Madness below about games I should give a shot:

Madness wrote:You should do a game that you won't find entertaining in the least. Something like Desert Bus, or a collection of comically bad games, like Garbage Truck Simulator 2011.

I like the idea of playing something awful, or something that I'll hate.

What I could do is devote 3 slots through the 24 hours to playing utter crap (probably an hour each slot) and let you guys decide what I should play.

I'll start taking suggestions now and, once I've got a decent number (10 or so), I'll add a poll to pick the top 3.

The only restrictions that I can think of right now would be that I can get hold of them easily enough, they're not illegal and they can be bought for £10 or less. I may add to this depending on what gets suggested :)

So, fire away! What are the shittiest games that you can think of that would really give me a hard time....all for a good cause, of course!

Last edited by NBK on Thu Jun 30, 2011 7:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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PostRe: 24 Hour Charity Gaming Marathon - The Schedule
by Delusibeta » Thu Jun 30, 2011 2:31 pm

Something like Trainz or Farming Simulator, then.

Also, a proposal for your last game of the marathon: Jamestown.

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PostRe: 24 Hour Charity Gaming Marathon - The Schedule
by NBK » Thu Jun 30, 2011 7:42 pm

Delusibeta wrote:Something like Trainz or Farming Simulator, then.

Also, a proposal for your last game of the marathon: Jamestown.

But, they actually seem really good :shifty: :)

Thanks for the suggestions. Jamestown looks like a riot, I fear it may not go down to well with my sleep deprived brain at 6 in the morning though....which is exactly what you had in mind, I bet!

I'll add another condition of the 'rubbish' games being less than tenner. Not sure I can stretch to £35 for a Farm Simulator. Although, that combine harvester section looked almost lifelike! :)

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PostRe: 24 Hour Charity Gaming Marathon - Suggestions Wanted!
by NBK » Sat Jul 09, 2011 4:06 pm

So, does anyone have any ideas of what gaming awfulness can be inflicted upon me?

As I've mentioned, I'll gather together a list and take the top 3 and include them in my session.

Also, any suggestions of what to play in general are welcome!

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PostRe: 24 Hour Charity Gaming Marathon - Suggestions Wanted!
by Psychic » Sat Jul 09, 2011 4:17 pm

KISS Pinball. That should fill up twenty minutes before you turn it off with disgust.

Use an emulator and grab E.T and Custers Revenge for the 2600?

Superman 64 if you can find it.

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PostRe: 24 Hour Charity Gaming Marathon - Suggestions Wanted!
by PCCD » Sat Jul 09, 2011 4:19 pm

I've heard nothing but bad things about Kengo Zero.

The Holly and Delusi wrote:PENALTY: Blatant lies. Five minutes in the Sin Bin.
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PostRe: 24 Hour Charity Gaming Marathon - Suggestions Wanted!
by NBK » Sat Jul 09, 2011 8:06 pm

Those sound terrible amazing terribly amazing amazingly terrible perfect!

I'll add a list to the OP.

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PostRe: 24 Hour Charity Gaming Marathon - Suggestions Wanted!
by Henke » Sun Jul 10, 2011 12:05 am


Venom wrote:Great form, great volume, great nips.
So great! :)
Something Fishy

PostRe: 24 Hour Charity Gaming Marathon - Suggestions Wanted!
by Something Fishy » Sun Jul 10, 2011 9:53 am

Barbie Horse Adventures?

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PostRe: 24 Hour Charity Gaming Marathon - Suggestions Wanted!
by Christopher » Sun Jul 10, 2011 10:37 am

If you can beat Lex Luthor's maze in 24 hours I will be impressed.

Find all orbs in Crackdown.

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PostRe: 24 Hour Charity Gaming Marathon - Suggestions Wanted!
by Henke » Sun Jul 10, 2011 1:04 pm

Spend 24 hours looking for all the collectables in Just Cause 2.

Venom wrote:Great form, great volume, great nips.
So great! :)
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PostRe: 24 Hour Charity Gaming Marathon - Suggestions Wanted!
by NBK » Sun Jul 10, 2011 3:49 pm

Henke wrote:Pikmin.


Something Fishy wrote:Barbie Horse Adventures?

I'm guessing you're referring to Barbie Horse Adventures: Riding Camp on the Wii as Barbie Horse Adventures: Wild Rescue on the PS2 gets 5 stars on amazon. Who knew?! :)

suzzopher wrote:If you can beat Lex Luthor's maze in 24 hours I will be impressed.

Find all orbs in Crackdown.

Yeah, I'll have a think about Crackdown. I've got the first one and it's sat there unplayed for too long. I was thinking of something similar with the feathers in Assassin's Creed 2 as well.

Henke wrote:Spend 24 hours looking for all the collectables in Just Cause 2.

Isn't that just a 5 minute task? Heard the island's tiny

Cheers guys!

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PostRe: 24 Hour Charity Gaming Marathon - Suggestions Wanted!
by TheTurnipKing » Mon Jul 11, 2011 1:11 pm

I was going to suggest Desert Bus, and then realised that you had ET in there.

Maybe Garden Simulator?

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PostRe: 24 Hour Charity Gaming Marathon - Suggestions Wanted!
by Mafro » Mon Jul 11, 2011 1:15 pm

suzzopher wrote:If you can beat Lex Luthor's maze in 24 hours I will be impressed.

Solve my maze!

Fisher wrote:shyguy64 did you sell weed in animal crossing new horizons today.

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PostRe: 24 Hour Charity Gaming Marathon - Suggestions Wanted!
by NBK » Mon Jul 11, 2011 9:12 pm

TheTurnipKing wrote:I was going to suggest Desert Bus, and then realised that you had ET in there.

Maybe Garden Simulator?

Added! The Desert Bus one sounds like a challenge and a half. I'd only be doing it for an hour but I reckon I'll be struggling at that! Still, up it goes for a potential Games from Hell pick! Also amazing that folk are playing it for charity.

Mafro wrote:
suzzopher wrote:If you can beat Lex Luthor's maze in 24 hours I will be impressed.

Solve my maze!

:fp: I've only just got that joke. All those years of reading NGC and I didn't realise that it referring to Superman 64.

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PostRe: 24 Hour Charity Gaming Marathon - Suggestions Wanted!
by Ginga » Mon Jul 11, 2011 10:18 pm

PsychicSykes wrote:
Superman 64 if you can find it.

You're an awful man. Making him play that's like murdering orphans.

I think you should get a hold of something like FIFA or COD - it'd allow a big chunk of the GRcade community to join in and maybe break up the monotony of playing alone.

I also think you should get UNO and Texas Hold 'EM for LIVE.

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PostRe: 24 Hour Charity Gaming Marathon - Suggestions Wanted!
by NBK » Mon Jul 11, 2011 10:45 pm

Ginga wrote:
PsychicSykes wrote:
Superman 64 if you can find it.

You're an awful man. Making him play that's like murdering orphans.

I think you should get a hold of something like FIFA or COD - it'd allow a big chunk of the GRcade community to join in and maybe break up the monotony of playing alone.

I also think you should get UNO and Texas Hold 'EM for LIVE.

Yeah, I'm going to do some multi-player stuff too. I've had Live since February and have only ever played one game on it (credit goes to Fishy there :) ), would love to get some games on the go though. I've got stuff like Halo, a few COD games, L4D2, should be able to get plenty mileage out of them.

I'd thought about creating a thread over on Challenges & Online Gaming, making this a kind of Zelda anniversary style thing for GRcade, a thread in every folder!

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PostRe: 24 Hour Charity Gaming Marathon - Suggestions Wanted!
by PCCD » Mon Jul 11, 2011 11:27 pm

You could probably crack a few of the older Resident Evil games in between the longer games. I know RE2 can be done in under 2hrs quite easily, know what you're doing and you can bump another 20 minutes off that.

The Holly and Delusi wrote:PENALTY: Blatant lies. Five minutes in the Sin Bin.
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PostRe: 24 Hour Charity Gaming Marathon - Suggestions Wanted!
by Poser » Tue Jul 12, 2011 11:11 am

Quite like the games from hell idea. My suggesiton was going to be a Gaming Through the Ages Marathon - play one game each for an hour from the last 24 years, so one from 1988, then 89, and so on until you play one from this year. Of course, this could make it more expensive if you need to source retro consoles.

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