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Any body on Universal Credits and working 16 hours? Advice needed.

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2021 4:44 pm
by Rapidly-Greying
So, I work in a kitchen with 2 others, where it`s a solid hard job and if anybody takes a holiday the other two don`t get a day off. So we`ve hired a new guy who wouldn`t take the job on part time hours.
So me being last on had to take the bullet and will be gradually going down to 16 hours a week. I need to know if I`ll get any help with rent and council tax. I`m on £9.50 an hour. Anyone in a similar situation with any knowledge would be greatly appreciated.

Obviously I`m looking for a new job but until my fishing reel catches a bite I`m stuck where I am. It`s also impossible to keep the universal credits updated when I`m not sure how many hours I`m getting but it will be 16 in a couple of months when the new guy is trained up and the other two lads get a week`s holiday.

Life can really suck,in fact, I find it rare that it doesn`t boot me in the ging gangs.

Re: Any body on Universal Credits and working 16 hours? Advice needed.

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2021 5:32 pm
by Saint of Killers
Listening to the shite radio at work paying off: if you don't get the answer in here, try getting in touch with Citizens Advice. (They're playing radio ads about giving independent UC related advice.)

Re: Any body on Universal Credits and working 16 hours? Advice needed.

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2021 5:49 pm
by rinks
What the strawberry float? Some new guy won’t work part time, so you have to?! That’s some bullshit right there. You’re not last in, this new guy is! I’m furious on your behalf. I know that’s not any help, but I wish you all the luck with this.

Re: Any body on Universal Credits and working 16 hours? Advice needed.

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2021 5:50 pm
by Saint of Killers
rinks wrote:What the strawberry float? Some new guy won’t work part time, so you have to?! That’s some bullshit right there. You’re not last in, this new guy is! I’m furious on your behalf. I know that’s not any help, but I wish you all the luck with this.

Yeah. That, too. That's some serious bullshit.

Re: Any body on Universal Credits and working 16 hours? Advice needed.

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2021 5:51 pm
by Squinty
I don't know the answer to your specific query, but I would ring them, relay your situation to them. Number is 0800 328 5644. If it's anything like the benefit lines here, it's probably best to ring first thing in the morning if possible.

Either that, or try CAB for advice.

Re: Any body on Universal Credits and working 16 hours? Advice needed.

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2021 6:06 pm
by Godzilla
CAB will do a full benefits check for you and tell you everything you're entitled to. It's almost all telephone support and it's pretty quick so just give them a ring or use their website as it'll probably be quicker.

Re: Any body on Universal Credits and working 16 hours? Advice needed.

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2021 6:51 pm
by Buffalo
The gov websites are full of babble, so head to CAB. Their online stuff is probably quite good.
Avoid calling UC at all costs.
You can still claim UC and work 16 hours, that’s a fact.

Re: Any body on Universal Credits and working 16 hours? Advice needed.

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2021 4:29 pm
by Prototype
Sorry to hear this and it sounds like you need to find alternate work and potentially look into a claim for constructive dismissal.

I used to work within the Scottish benefits system and it is an absolute clusterfuck tbh. Generally speaking, you apply for universal credit, housing benefit and council tax reduction all at once. To avoid the least amount of disruption to your life as possible, you should stick rigidly to the same hours constantly once they have calculated your entitlement.

Whenever someone changed their hours, their housing benefit and council tax reduction would be suspended so as to “not cause an overpayment”. In reality it would only cause arrears to stack up until they process your change of working hours/entitlement.

I honestly feel for anyone who has to use the benefits system and would advise CAB or a local welfare office to discuss further.

Edit: if you are a council or housing association tenant it makes things a bit easier as long as you are constantly updating them as to your situation. I.e updating payslips etc.

Re: Any body on Universal Credits and working 16 hours? Advice needed.

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2021 4:37 pm
by Herdanos ... can-i-get/

I would echo what has already said, but thought it worth sharing these links in case they're useful.

The pandemic has probably made things less accessible but depending on where you live and your housing status, it may be that your local authority offers advice for people in your situation / regarding benefits; or, more likely, they have commissioned such a service to a relevant third sector agency. This is very much dependent on who your local authority is, though.

Hope you're able to get it sorted out quickly and painlessly RG.

Re: Any body on Universal Credits and working 16 hours? Advice needed.

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2021 4:40 pm
by Super Dragon 64
To echo the advice on here, speak to your local CAB about benefits as they will support you to apply for anything you may be entitled to. I believe that you can even do this over web chat instead of the phone or visiting your local office.

I'd also recommend speaking to them about the reduction in hours, especially if you have a contract setting out your working hours, to check that the employer is actually legally able to do this.