Apex Legends - Out now on Switch.

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PostRe: Apex Legends - Out now on Switch.
by Fade » Tue Aug 09, 2022 9:04 pm

So season 14 just launched and they made a bunch of cool changes

Wingman takes sniper ammo now.

Spitfire takes light ammo

They buffed the gooseberry fool out of Maggie and her ball destroys Gibraltar domes now :D

They made Mirage's decoys confuse more stuff, like Seer's ult. Plus lots of other quality of life stuff.

And the new character has a cute little bat you can control :wub:

I'm having a great time!

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PostRe: Apex Legends - Out now on Switch.
by dmin » Tue Aug 09, 2022 10:56 pm

Looks good! Tempted to go back, but I'm making a dent in my backlog and don't want to get sucked back in.

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PostRe: Apex Legends - Out now on Switch.
by Fade » Tue Aug 09, 2022 11:59 pm

Makes sense. I don't play ranked anymore. It just takes up too much time.

Indo my dailies every couple of days or so and that's it, otherwise I don't have time to play other stuff.

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PostRe: Apex Legends - Out now on Switch.
by Fade » Tue Sep 27, 2022 10:32 pm

So they've introduced gun run which is essentially gun game but 3 Vs 3 Vs 3 Vs 3

It's really fun.

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PostRe: Apex Legends - Out now on Switch.
by Fade » Thu Oct 13, 2022 6:09 pm


This made me cackle, this looks like a set up but I swear it wasn't :lol:

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PostRe: Apex Legends - Out now on Switch.
by Fade » Mon Oct 24, 2022 8:28 pm

New legend and map launching next week

The big new map feature seems to Bioshock Infinite style grind rails :)

New character looks very cool too. Her power is that she basically controls a symbiote by the looks of things

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PostRe: Apex Legends - Out now on Switch.
by Fade » Wed Nov 16, 2022 1:33 am

I think my burning desire to play this game has finally been extinguished.

Because I'm such a high level now it keeps putting me on teams with new players. Problem is it often does not reciprocate with the enemy team.

It's like playing 5 aside but your team is a bunch of 6 year olds while the other team is filled with teenagers.

I'd gladly wait longer to get more even matches. If Overwatch has demonstrated anything it's that people don't mind waiting a bit longer more accurate matchmaking.

Lots of complaints on the subreddit about matchmaking too.

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PostRe: Apex Legends - Out now on Switch.
by aayl1 » Wed Nov 16, 2022 5:52 pm

Ah it's a shame to see you heading the same way I went. Fantastic game just let down with its matchmaking.

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PostRe: Apex Legends - Out now on Switch.
by Fade » Wed Nov 16, 2022 6:57 pm

I'm just gonna take a break for a while and see how I feel.

The final straw was when it put me on a team with a level 7 and level 10 when the enemy team had 3 people in the hundreds.

I stayed optimistic but, no they were new players and we got smashed. That kind of thing happens all the time, but that was one of the most clear cut I've ever seen :lol:

I'm also not a fan of the power creep either. They've gradually buffed the entire cast to catch up with Horizon and Seer and now I quite often feel like I lose gun fights specifically because of an enemy ability rather than them out gunning me. Which isn't what I play apex for.

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PostRe: Apex Legends - Out now on Switch.
by Fade » Sun Feb 12, 2023 5:17 pm

So I haven't played this for a few months but there's a big update coming out on Tuesday so I'm gonna give it a go.

They're introducing team death match

They're reworking classes so they have more distinct perks

New gun

Aaron will be pleased to hear that mirage is getting buffed and Seer is getting nerfed :lol:

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