Are You A Gangster: First Edition - NIGHT 4 - FIN

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Chief Inspector
Joined in 2022

PostAre You A Gangster: First Edition - NIGHT 4 - FIN
by Chief Inspector » Tue Mar 22, 2022 11:37 am

Are You a Gangster


It's February 1968 and London these days is a strawberry floatin' mess. Gangsters rule this city and it's up to us to finally bloody do something about it. The Kray twins run everything, they've got more fingers in more pies than we can handle and we need you, the publics help to finally bring em down. With their attention so spread they're bound to start making mistakes and we'll be ready.

You willing to join us and finally bring an end to the filth or will you join them and ensure their wretched criminal hold over the city tightens?


Are You a Gangster is going to mix things up a little bit compared to your normal GRCade games and I've wanted to run a game like this for a while so hopefully people have fun! It's a smaller game so it might be over a bit quicker, but hopefully it should be interesting for you all. Unlike normal GRCade games there will be no Mayoral election (unless you want to do this), but there will be no mayoral protection. There may be other roles which give people protection in the game, but it's not guaranteed.

The day phase for this game will begin as soon as the conclusion of all night roles has been reached. I'll post in the thread when that will be, but players will be free to vote from that point onwards up until the voting deadline of 5PM. The player recieving the most votes to lynch by 5PM will be executed and the role and last will of the player will be revealed to the thread. The night phase will then begin, all players will return to their respective houses (but chatting in the thread will still be allowed) allowing any roles with abilities to use at night to send them over to me before the deadline of 10PM wherein I'll then reveal the results of the night phase and the next day phase will begin.

What is the last will?

The last will is a note left behind by each player which on death will be revealed to the thread. This note can be used to pass any information you wish back to the thread, but beware there may be roles that affect your last will in a variety of ways so it isn't a guaranteed way to pass information to your allies upon death. Each player is able to send me an updated last will once per day and every player has until the beginning of the night phase (5PM each day) to send me any updates they wish to their last will. I will reveal on case of death the latest update to your last will to the thread, so make sure you make it count. You may only send me ONE update per day, no more. I will accept the first update you give me so ensure you don't make any mistakes.

Special Roles

Special roles will have from the beginning of the night phase up until 10PM to send me any night actions and here is the turn order in which these roles will act.

Town Support
Mafia Support
Neutral Benign
Town Killing
Mafia Killing
Mafia Deception
Neutral Killing
Town Investigative
Neutral Chaos
Neutral Evil

The Roles will all be roles that are used within Town of Salem and they work in very similar ways, with a few changes to fit the forum games.

Here is the list of all the possible roles that have been selected from for the purposes of this game.

Town Investigative

Town Support

Town Killing
Vampire Hunter

Mafia Killing

Mafia Deception

Mafia Support

Neutral Benign

Neutral Chaos

Neutral Evil

Neutral Killing
Serial Killer

I plan on running multiple games with these rules in the future, so if you don't understand the roles now, later on with more experience you should be able to see what they do. If you look here: it gives you an overview of what all these roles basically do. Depending on the game there is a chance there might be multiples of one role in play, so keep that in mind while you're working your way through the game.


Unless specified otherwise you do win with your allegiences mentioned in your role PM. Town will win in death with a Town victory and Mafia will win with a Mafia victory for instance. Unless tampered with Allegience and Role will be revealed on death.

Inactivity rule

You must post at least 3 posts in the thread per day unless you PM me with a valid reason as to why you can't for that day - 3 posts isn't many and it's too stop players skirting along the activity line. If you do not make the required 3 posts during a 24 hour period (starting at 10AM from the first day) you will be inactive killed.

Player List
Posted in alphabetical order (missing a few accounts still)

Barbara Windsor - Godkilled for not creating account
memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=32499 Cliff Richard
memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=32504 Danny La Rue - Godfather - Lynched Day 2
memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=32501 Diana Dors - Vigilante - Burned alive Day 2
memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=32507 Dusty Springfield
memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=32490 Frank Sinatra - Town Investigator - Murdered on Day 1
memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=32483 George Raft
memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=32487 Judy Garland - Lookout - Burned alive Day 2
memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=32517 Liza Minelli - Jester - Victory Day 1 by Lynch
memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=32513 Peter Sellers - Doctor - Burned alive Day 2
memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=32486 Sammy Davis Jr
memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=32502 Shirley Bassey

Daily Summary

Day 1
Liza Minelli was lynched with 6 votes.
Liza Minelli maniacally laughs at the gallows as she's hung. She was the Jester and with the lynching achieved her victory condition.
Frank Sinatra was found dead - murdered.
Barbara Windsor was found dead - godkilled for not making the account on time.

The game will start officially from Wednesday 23rd of March at 10AM GMT although any posts in this thread will count towards your post count in the game and can be used against you!

Last edited by Chief Inspector on Sun Mar 27, 2022 12:18 am, edited 13 times in total.
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Frank Sinatra
Joined in 2022

PostRe: Are You A Gangster: First Edition - Game Thread
by Frank Sinatra » Tue Mar 22, 2022 12:52 pm

Fly me to the moon, let me play among the stars.

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George Raft
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PostRe: Are You A Gangster: First Edition - Game Thread
by George Raft » Tue Mar 22, 2022 2:50 pm

Hello everyone, i hope no one here is going to start playing with my twanger.

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Peter Sellers
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PostRe: Are You A Gangster: First Edition - Game Thread
by Peter Sellers » Tue Mar 22, 2022 10:10 pm

Gentlemen, You can't fight in here! This is the War Room.

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Liza Minelli
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PostRe: Are You A Gangster: First Edition - Game Thread
by Liza Minelli » Wed Mar 23, 2022 7:34 am

Horrifying stuff

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Danny La Rue
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PostRe: Are You A Gangster: First Edition - Game Thread
by Danny La Rue » Wed Mar 23, 2022 9:58 am

Looks like we've got a compliment of showbiz's finest here.

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Chief Inspector
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PostRe: Are You A Gangster: First Edition - Game Thread
by Chief Inspector » Wed Mar 23, 2022 10:06 am

Caught on the phone, but the game officially starts from now. We unfortunately have one member who never made their account, so I'm going to give them until the night phase to do so, but if they haven't done so they will be ejected from the game. Will be back soon with a kinda story post to start us off. :wub:

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Shirley Bassey
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PostRe: Are You A Gangster: First Edition - DAY 1
by Shirley Bassey » Wed Mar 23, 2022 10:25 am

I am here and involved. Trying to make sense of the first post.

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Judy Garland
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PostRe: Are You A Gangster: First Edition - DAY 1
by Judy Garland » Wed Mar 23, 2022 10:39 am

A lot to take in from the first post! Intrigued by how this will play out with a relatively small compliment of players, it should be interesting!

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Cliff Richard
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PostRe: Are You A Gangster: First Edition - DAY 1
by Cliff Richard » Wed Mar 23, 2022 10:43 am

It would seem to be a safe bet that everybody has a special role, as there is no mention of a standard villager role.

But what all of those roles do... can we have a vote today on who goes and figures it all out? :lol:

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Dusty Springfield
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PostRe: Are You A Gangster: First Edition - DAY 1
by Dusty Springfield » Wed Mar 23, 2022 10:45 am

Expecting good things from this. Will be interesting to see how the different rules play out! Glad there's an inactive cull rule in place to stop any wrong'uns trying to slip through the net :x

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Frank Sinatra
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PostRe: Are You A Gangster: First Edition - DAY 1
by Frank Sinatra » Wed Mar 23, 2022 11:18 am

Is it too early to start drinking?

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Liza Minelli
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PostRe: Are You A Gangster: First Edition - DAY 1
by Liza Minelli » Wed Mar 23, 2022 11:19 am

Anyone fancy a Day 1 rolecall if everyone has a role?

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Peter Sellers
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PostRe: Are You A Gangster: First Edition - DAY 1
by Peter Sellers » Wed Mar 23, 2022 11:27 am

My first post of the day. I'm on to you all!

Remember, 3 posts per day minimum.

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Peter Sellers
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PostRe: Are You A Gangster: First Edition - DAY 1
by Peter Sellers » Wed Mar 23, 2022 11:29 am

Cliff Richard wrote:It would seem to be a safe bet that everybody has a special role, as there is no mention of a standard villager role.

But what all of those roles do... can we have a vote today on who goes and figures it all out? :lol:

Very kind of you to offer Cliff. You have my vote. Shall we just get this seconded and call it a done deal, what?

Person to figure it all out: Cliff Richard 1 (Peter Sellers)

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Chief Inspector
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PostRe: Are You A Gangster: First Edition - DAY 1
by Chief Inspector » Wed Mar 23, 2022 11:40 am


It's the swinging 60s and while everyone else is having a wonderful time, London is being ruled by the strong iron fist of the Kray Twins. We're doing everything we can to clean up the streets, but when even people on our own payroll are out to help 'em we're turning to you, the people who frequent their dens of debauchery to help out. You're all key witnesses in this case and that's why we'll be keeping a close eye on you. There's only so much we can do to keep you safe, when night hits there's no guaratees and some of you may find yourself going to sleep for the last time. We'll do what we can if you do what you can to help us bring down the Krays for good.

You've only just recently gathered, but I'm sure you've all met before so I expect you to give the rules a good old read and get to it. You have until 5pm today to give me your first lynch target. It's a bit of a shot in the dark as there's not much to go on, but with the two Kray twins at large and the rest of you gathered let's see if you can make some magic happen.

This is one of the only photos we 'ave of those bastards, if you see anything be sure to be in touch.


There's a variety of roles in play this game, if you have any questions about your specific role please PM me, but please make note of the link in the OP as well which gives you an overview of what roles could be in the game and the wiki link which explains pretty much the basics of how they'll work. The same can be said for the last will system, check the OP and if you have any questions let me know.

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Frank Sinatra
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PostRe: Are You A Gangster: First Edition - DAY 1
by Frank Sinatra » Wed Mar 23, 2022 11:50 am

Let's be clear about this: I don't trust a single god damned one of you.

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Dusty Springfield
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PostRe: Are You A Gangster: First Edition - DAY 1
by Dusty Springfield » Wed Mar 23, 2022 11:52 am

I always assumed the Krays looked more like Tom Hardy then they do there. Wonder if that means there's only two baddies to out, or if there's other gangster-affiliated roles in play.

Peter Sellers wrote:Person to figure it all out: Cliff Richard 1 (Peter Sellers)

Yeah, cheers for volunteering, Cliff. Get it all figured out pls.

With no mayor role in play do we all just publicly state in the thread who we think we should lynch, and tally them all up from that? With only twelve of us hopefully the thread won't move as fast as some games, so we can avoid the "someone else posted while I was adding my vote" palaver.

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Judy Garland
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PostRe: Are You A Gangster: First Edition - DAY 1
by Judy Garland » Wed Mar 23, 2022 12:06 pm

No mayor vote (and no mayor protection with it) should makes things interesting, and yeah Dusty I think we just need to state who we want to lynch in the thread and start totting it up rather than needing any mayor candidate to give us people to vote between.

Anyone got an early thoughts on who we can finger as one of those Hardy bastards' minions?

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Frank Sinatra
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PostRe: Are You A Gangster: First Edition - DAY 1
by Frank Sinatra » Wed Mar 23, 2022 12:15 pm

I say we lynch Minxy Minelli. She wants a role call despite knowing there are many more available roles than are actually in play. A role call under the current conditions would be an ideal strategy for the Krays to hide behind a 'background' Town role while being handed ideal targets for them to prioritise taking out.

Death to Liza Minelli!!!

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