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Re: Are You A Master Mario Maker 2020 - WK6 Guidelines Pg 20!

Posted: Mon May 25, 2020 10:07 pm
by Cheeky Devlin
This weeks levels!

Mushroom Group

Parkour Under Pressure

Koopa: Deshelled


Maker's Skyline: Mechanised

Flower Group

Cave mk2

Lunar Lava

Shmuper Mario!

Scroll Shooter

As usual I need your votes in by 8pm Sunday (31st May)!

Re: Are You A Master Mario Maker 2020 - WK6 Guidelines Pg 20!

Posted: Tue May 26, 2020 1:21 am
by OrangeRKN
Played through (and finished!) all of the levels - this is the best week so far imo, some really great levels that definitely make voting hard!

Re: Are You A Master Mario Maker 2020 - WK6 Guidelines Pg 20!

Posted: Tue May 26, 2020 2:10 pm
by Jenuall
Agreed, lots of creativity on display this week!

Re: Are You A Master Mario Maker 2020 - WK6 Guidelines Pg 20!

Posted: Tue May 26, 2020 3:28 pm
by That
Genuinely thought mine was going to be the most "out there" level but I was absolutely blown away.

Don't know what the etiquette is on encouraging votes (something about Lime? :shifty: ) but fwiw I think RKN and Yubel deserve to do really well this week. Brilliant, really clever creations. :wub:

Re: Are You A Master Mario Maker 2020 - WK6 Guidelines Pg 20!

Posted: Tue May 26, 2020 3:43 pm
by OrangeRKN
I'm wary of influencing (or looking like I'm trying to influence!) anyone, or even just ruining the surprise of the results stream, which is why I don't comment on individual levels as much as I'd like to, but I will say I think this week was my favourite of Yubel's level so far (that cutscene was epic and the actual level afterwards played great too) and my second favourite of OSC's levels (only because I don't think that Link level can be surpassed tbh!)

And thanks Karl :wub:

Re: Are You A Master Mario Maker 2020 - WK6 Guidelines Pg 20!

Posted: Tue May 26, 2020 4:10 pm
by Jenuall
I keep meaning to come back and make individual comments on levels after the results stream each fortnight but I always forget, I do think it's a shame that we don't get more discussion about people's work once the results are in!

Re: Are You A Master Mario Maker 2020 - WK6 Guidelines Pg 20!

Posted: Thu May 28, 2020 3:42 pm
by Yubel
Just playing through these now. Gotta say Rakoon's Shmup level works better than Devlin made it look on stream, so pleasantly surprised by that.

I also liked how people integrated parts of the other group's theme (with bosses and auto-scroll mechanics) into their own. Turns out you can have you cake and eat it.

Re: Are You A Master Mario Maker 2020 - WK6 Guidelines Pg 20!

Posted: Fri May 29, 2020 9:52 am
by OrangeRKN
Jenuall wrote:I keep meaning to come back and make individual comments on levels after the results stream each fortnight but I always forget, I do think it's a shame that we don't get more discussion about people's work once the results are in!

It's okay I already feel bad for not reciprocating on your in-game comment drawings

The toy story claw alien is my favourite so far :lol:

Re: Are You A Master Mario Maker 2020 - WK6 Guidelines Pg 20!

Posted: Fri May 29, 2020 10:25 am
by Jenuall
OrangeRKN wrote:
Jenuall wrote:I keep meaning to come back and make individual comments on levels after the results stream each fortnight but I always forget, I do think it's a shame that we don't get more discussion about people's work once the results are in!

It's okay I already feel bad for not reciprocating on your in-game comment drawings

The toy story claw alien is my favourite so far :lol:

It felt like a nice match for your claw machine level! :lol:

I need to get on with playing through all of the levels for this week, think I've only managed to find the time to play a couple so far. I may need to spend less time doodling and more time actually playing the levels! :slol:

Re: Are You A Master Mario Maker 2020 - WK6 Guidelines Pg 20!

Posted: Sun May 31, 2020 8:27 pm
by Cheeky Devlin
Hey all. Just to say I'm running a little late this evening, so the stream may be a touch later than usual. I'll post here as soon as I'm ready to go!

Re: Are You A Master Mario Maker 2020 - WK6 Guidelines Pg 20!

Posted: Sun May 31, 2020 9:09 pm
by Cheeky Devlin
Going LIVE now!

Re: Are You A Master Mario Maker 2020 - WK6 Guidelines Pg 20!

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2020 7:52 pm
by OrangeRKN
Guesses for this week's theme? I'm thinking SMB2 USA for us flowers and SMB2 JP for mushroom ;)

Definitely not just posting to try and remind devlin to post :shifty:

Re: Are You A Master Mario Maker 2020 - WK6 Guidelines Pg 20!

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2020 8:18 pm
by Cheeky Devlin
Week 7 Guidelines

As the contest draws on I always find it hard to come up with new and interesting weeks. So this week we're revisiting some guidelines from earlier in the contest, but giving the different groups a shot.

Super Mario Maker 2 introduced two brand new games that you can base your levels on.

Added as DLC, The Master Sword item (For the Super Mario Bros tileset) allows you to create levels with a Legend of Zelda theme and abilities unique to Link.

Your task this week is to make a level that revolves around the unique features of the Zelda theme.

You can make something that mimics a deep dungeon dive, or something completely unique. It's up to you!

Bear in mind that you should design the level so that the player HAS to be Link in order to complete it.

Again, there are no explicit restrictions here, just that the level must prominently feature these Zelda exclusive features.

You have until 8pm Sunday 7th of June to submit your levels to me by PM.
- Do not post the level in the thread, or on the level database. I will post to the thread once the 8pm deadline has passed and I am ready to release them.
- Your PM should include the name of the level and the code.

Good luck!


Yes it's the return of one of my favourite weeks from the previous contests!

Some of the more memorable moments from Mario games have been the boss battles and that's exactly what I task you with creating this week.

You are to create a level that has a memorable Boss Fight. I don't want to see a Bowser just sitting on a bridge that I can jump over. I want some thing that feels like a boss fight. How you go about that is up to you. You can make the boss fight the sole focus of the level, or you can make it the crescendo that your level builds to. You could even have a Boss gauntlet with several mini-encounters.

ALL items and styles are open to you so let your imaginations run wild.

You have until 8pm Sunday 7th of June to submit your levels to me by PM.
- Do not post the level in the thread, or on the level database. I will post to the thread once the 8pm deadline has passed and I am ready to release them.
- Your PM should include the name of the level and the code.

Good luck!

Re: Are You A Master Mario Maker 2020 - WK7 Guidelines Pg 22

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2020 8:23 pm
by OrangeRKN
Let me be the first to congratulate cyborg on his winning Zelda level :P

Happy with this, out of all the Mushroom group themes the boss fight is probably the one I've been most disappointed in missing!

Re: Are You A Master Mario Maker 2020 - WK7 Guidelines Pg 22

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2020 10:20 pm
by OrangeRKN
Scrapped 3 ideas before settling on my current one... only to now discover you can't set custom scroll in a sub area D:

I think I might have to rebuild everything in my main area in my sub area to make it work, because you can't just swap them. Nightmare!

Re: Are You A Master Mario Maker 2020 - WK7 Guidelines Pg 22

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2020 10:35 pm
by That
OrangeRKN wrote:Scrapped 3 ideas before settling on my current one... only to now discover you can't set custom scroll in a sub area D:

I think I might have to rebuild everything in my main area in my sub area to make it work, because you can't just swap them. Nightmare!

That's a really weird restriction! I think they ought to have given a few extra options with sub-areas really - moving the goal, and also being able to copy/paste between them, would both be really nice features.

I too spent far, far too much time over the last few days trying lots of different concepts before settling on one. :slol: :fp: I think I'm fairly happy with what I've got built at the moment, thankfully.

Re: Are You A Master Mario Maker 2020 - WK7 Guidelines Pg 22

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2020 10:38 am
by Jenuall
Still not started my level yet, I've got a couple of ideas but not had the time to try anything out!

Re: Are You A Master Mario Maker 2020 - WK7 Guidelines Pg 22

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2020 10:57 am
by Qikz
I always liked making bosses, hopefully I can do a good level this time.

Re: Are You A Master Mario Maker 2020 - WK7 Guidelines Pg 22

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2020 1:08 pm
by 7256930752
Is there an easy way to pay all your levels? I've never bothered adding friends on Nintendo's systems.

Re: Are You A Master Mario Maker 2020 - WK7 Guidelines Pg 22

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2020 1:18 pm
by OrangeRKN
Hime wrote:Is there an easy way to pay all your levels? I've never bothered adding friends on Nintendo's systems.

In game you can follow individual makers. You'll need to type in a code for each person once (either their maker code, or as it's probably easiest as they are listed here each week a level code) to search for them/their level, then you should be able to favourite the maker. No Switch friends needed.

In course world there is then a favourite tab that is just a feed of new levels uploaded by the makers you follow. That's how I've been playing all the levels every two weeks as my feed is basically just a feed of AYAMMM levels! If you want to play past levels, you can view each maker's uploaded levels individually.