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Re: ASDA slated over 'sexist' Christmas commecial

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 3:01 pm
by False
Ive just spoken to my mum, and I swear on my life this is verbatim.

'Im not arsed one way or the other, its pretty much true and I think anyone who gets riled up over it is very sad indeed.'

Thanks mum 8-)

Re: ASDA slated over 'sexist' Christmas commecial

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 3:03 pm
by Pancake
Yes, you seem to be missing the point again but whatever.

Re: ASDA slated over 'sexist' Christmas commecial

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 3:04 pm
by Hexx
rudderless wrote:It's not sexism, really, is it? It's just a generalisation.

Try that with some other things:

"In every slow car, there's a Chinese driver"
"Behind every rape, there's a black man"
"Behind every child, there's a catholic priest bumming them"


Is the ad sexiest? Possibly. But it's not the cries of "Feminaxism gone too far!" that I expect some quarters are rolled up by.

I mean did anyone complain when it was implied only Mr Muscle could clean ovens well? How sexiest towards Mrs Muscle!

Re: ASDA slated over 'sexist' Christmas commecial

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 3:06 pm
by False
Hexx wrote:
rudderless wrote:It's not sexism, really, is it? It's just a generalisation.

Try that with some other things:

"In every slow car, there's a Chinese driver"
"Behind every rape, there's a black man"
"Behind every child, there's a catholic priest bumming them"


I must have blacked out these ad campaigns.

Re: ASDA slated over 'sexist' Christmas commecial

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 3:06 pm
by captain red dog
Pancake wrote:Well you can't tell me it's a good advert, surely? :lol:

The ones with Kerry Katona I found absolutely hilarious!

Re: ASDA slated over 'sexist' Christmas commecial

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 3:07 pm
by Pancake
Fizheuer Zieheuer wrote:It might have a basis in truth. Doesn't sound very progressive though does it?

storm in a teacup perhaps, but I think there's a broader conversation to be had. /2¢


Re: ASDA slated over 'sexist' Christmas commecial

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 3:09 pm
by False
Fizheuer Zieheuer wrote:storm in a teacup perhaps, but I think there's a broader conversation to be had. /2¢

Why does everything need a broader conversation? Im sure yourself and Skarjo just skim through the headlines for anything that tickles the righteousness gland so that you can go wild.

Its an advert for a supermarket. Ok, so perhaps your dad does it all. Perhaps youre a strawberry floating weirdo who cooks dinner for your mates, whatever. Its not a personal attack, just dont shop there if you think they are deriding us poor manfolk.

Re: ASDA slated over 'sexist' Christmas commecial

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 3:12 pm
by False
And what is this advert if not communication?

So Asda checked their demographic, put out an ad to say "d/w, we've got you covered this year", bish bash bosh, everyones happy. Apart from bleeding hearts and gays.

Re: ASDA slated over 'sexist' Christmas commecial

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 3:12 pm
by Drej
Falsey wrote:
Fizheuer Zieheuer wrote:storm in a teacup perhaps, but I think there's a broader conversation to be had. /2¢

Why does everything need a broader conversation? Im sure yourself and Skarjo just skim through the headlines for anything that tickles the righteousness gland so that you can go wild.

Its an advert for a supermarket. Ok, so perhaps your dad does it all. Perhaps youre a strawberry floating weirdo who cooks dinner for your mates, whatever. Its not a personal attack, just dont shop there if you think they are deriding us poor manfolk.


Re: ASDA slated over 'sexist' Christmas commecial

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 3:21 pm
by False
Interesting it may well be in some instances, but absorbing and regurgitating all opinions of the crazy person ranting in the street is probably not the best way to structure a debate.

Re: ASDA slated over 'sexist' Christmas commecial

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 3:24 pm
by False
Fizheuer Zieheuer wrote:
Falsey wrote:crazy person ranting in the street

dismissal by assumption

Dismissal through attrition.

I have little to gain from arguing a personal non-issue with an admitted devils advocate ;)

Re: ASDA slated over 'sexist' Christmas commecial

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 4:14 pm
by Skarjo
Falsey wrote:
Fizheuer Zieheuer wrote:storm in a teacup perhaps, but I think there's a broader conversation to be had. /2¢

Why does everything need a broader conversation? Im sure yourself and Skarjo just skim through the headlines for anything that tickles the righteousness gland so that you can go wild.

Its an advert for a supermarket. Ok, so perhaps your dad does it all. Perhaps youre a strawberry floating weirdo who cooks dinner for your mates, whatever. Its not a personal attack, just dont shop there if you think they are deriding us poor manfolk.

Don't be pissy with me just because your own mum agrees that you're gooseberry fool at everything that doesn't involve a computer.

Maybe you're happy to be represented by the same useless, lazy, incompetent stereotype that we've been subjected to for thirty years but I'm not.

Re: ASDA slated over 'sexist' Christmas commecial

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 4:21 pm
by Bunni
I would say it's more hurtful to have women described as being utterly useless than to be over worked. Any sort of DIY?plumbing/car advert has the same of hapless chick sighing to the sky because she can't start her car or whatever. Then a long comes good looking hero man to save her from her idiocy.

If that's how women are stereotyped I'm actually sort of thankful for this advert that makes out men to be lazy and useless cooks. It's only fair for them to get mocked at the lack of ability in a mostly female dominated task area.

Re: ASDA slated over 'sexist' Christmas commecial

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 4:25 pm
by Lagamorph
All I can think of is this,

Re: ASDA slated over 'sexist' Christmas commecial

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 4:39 pm
by False
Skarjo wrote:
Falsey wrote:
Fizheuer Zieheuer wrote:storm in a teacup perhaps, but I think there's a broader conversation to be had. /2¢

Why does everything need a broader conversation? Im sure yourself and Skarjo just skim through the headlines for anything that tickles the righteousness gland so that you can go wild.

Its an advert for a supermarket. Ok, so perhaps your dad does it all. Perhaps youre a strawberry floating weirdo who cooks dinner for your mates, whatever. Its not a personal attack, just dont shop there if you think they are deriding us poor manfolk.

Don't be pissy with me just because your own mum agrees that you're gooseberry fool at everything that doesn't involve a computer.

Maybe you're happy to be represented by the same useless, lazy, incompetent stereotype that we've been subjected to for thirty years but I'm not.

Im good at cars too.

Re: ASDA slated over 'sexist' Christmas commecial

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 4:48 pm
by Lagamorph
Falsey wrote:
Skarjo wrote:
Falsey wrote:
Fizheuer Zieheuer wrote:storm in a teacup perhaps, but I think there's a broader conversation to be had. /2¢

Why does everything need a broader conversation? Im sure yourself and Skarjo just skim through the headlines for anything that tickles the righteousness gland so that you can go wild.

Its an advert for a supermarket. Ok, so perhaps your dad does it all. Perhaps youre a strawberry floating weirdo who cooks dinner for your mates, whatever. Its not a personal attack, just dont shop there if you think they are deriding us poor manfolk.

Don't be pissy with me just because your own mum agrees that you're gooseberry fool at everything that doesn't involve a computer.

Maybe you're happy to be represented by the same useless, lazy, incompetent stereotype that we've been subjected to for thirty years but I'm not.

Im good at cars too.

And yet you have a BMW :slol:

Re: ASDA slated over 'sexist' Christmas commecial

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 4:48 pm
by False
The ultimate driving machine.

Re: ASDA slated over 'sexist' Christmas commecial

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 4:56 pm
by Eighthours
Actually I'm quite pleased when an ad decides to go for a particular group or scene, rather than the homogenised mess of much of advertising these days. You can pretty much picture the PC focus group meetings after you read the latest leaflet which just so happens to conveniently have a black couple on the cover and an Asian man on the back, a clearly gay guy in the middle fold and no white hetrosexual couples anywhere to be seen. Seriously. I'm not joking. This is done.

Sure, there's a balance to be struck here, but an occasional ad that showcases a particular scenario that many will be aware of (or laugh at, in the case of mums who think they do everything at Christmas), is hardly front page news.

Re: ASDA slated over 'sexist' Christmas commecial

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 4:58 pm
by KK
Or they could have just been like Sainbsury's...

Re: ASDA slated over 'sexist' Christmas commecial

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 5:26 pm
by mcjihge2
When i saw the ad i didnt think it was sexist.

Bunni wrote:I would say it's more hurtful to have women described as being utterly useless than to be over worked. Any sort of DIY?plumbing/car advert has the same of hapless chick sighing to the sky because she can't start her car or whatever. Then a long comes good looking hero man to save her from her idiocy.

If that's how women are stereotyped I'm actually sort of thankful for this advert that makes out men to be lazy and useless cooks. It's only fair for them to get mocked at the lack of ability in a mostly female dominated task area.

But i didnt really like the tag line;

.....and behind every mum theres asda.

Because i interpreted this to mean the mum is actually as "gooseberry fool" as the rest of the family and its only because asda exists that she isnt. The supermarket claiming all credit for the work. What i got from the ad is that asda think we're all clueless banana splits and if it wasnt for them we'd all be rubbing gooseberry fool into our faces on christmas day.