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Re: Batman | Telltale Games | First Screens P.2

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2016 7:07 pm
by Buffalo
I know. He was just good in it.

Re: Batman | Telltale Games | First Screens P.2

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2016 1:15 pm
by Buffalo
So this is coming out next month! That sneaked up a bit, didn't it?
Check this though - the disc version is coming out a mere month later, so I'm thinking...maybe the episodes are going to be released a lot closer together than usual. Weekly, maybe?
Warner Brothers are getting into it, publishing I think. They're also going to publish season 3 of The Walking Dead game, which - according to Euroganer - is also coming before years end.

Re: Batman | Telltale Games | First Screens P.2

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2016 1:45 pm
by Crimson
Buffalo wrote:So this is coming out next month! That sneaked up a bit, didn't it?
Check this though - the disc version is coming out a mere month later, so I'm thinking...maybe the episodes are going to be released a lot closer together than usual. Weekly, maybe?
Warner Brothers are getting into it, publishing I think. They're also going to publish season 3 of The Walking Dead game, which - according to Euroganer - is also coming before years end.

The physical version is being billed as a season pass so I think it's just the first episode on the disc. I do hope they've managed the streamline their production process though, the Minecraft and Michonne episodes came out fairly quickly compared to their usual rate of release so we'll see.

Re: Batman | Telltale Games | First Screens P.2

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2016 1:51 pm
by Buffalo
Bit of a dick move about the disc, isn't it? Not a fan of that.
I rattled through TWD: Michonne the other day and that ran very well - I think, visually, it's a small step up from other TWD offerings and it was very smooth. I hope Batman can continue this.

Re: Batman | Telltale Games | First Screens P.2

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2016 5:00 pm
by Saint of Killers

Re: Batman | Telltale Games | First Screens P.2

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2016 7:39 pm
by Super Dragon 64
I'm excited! :toot:

Even though Telltale games usually fall in price before the whole season is out, I'm tempted to grab the season pass near release.

Re: Batman | Telltale Games | First Screens P.2

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2016 8:22 pm
by KingK
Looks fudging tremendous! Day 1 for me! :toot:

Re: Batman | Telltale Games | World Premiere Trailer P.3

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2016 11:42 pm
by Hexx

I liked it. I liked it alot as huge Batman fan. It does lots with Bruce too that helps ground the story (there might be more with Bruce than Batman actually). It's an odd mix of relying on exiting Batman knowledge, and using characters/ideas in a different way. I think it did it's own thing and interpretation well, while using some "shortcuts" and assuming player knowledge [this mix could annoy some people]. The story is only "ok" so far - but it's a good hook for the season (it doesn't really tell a single episode story :P and there's some bits that are clearly set up for future).

The new engine looks glorious. Some scenes are spectacular (IMO :P). But it also clearly struggles at somepoints and frame rate drops/stutters. There didn't appear to be any real rhyme or reason to it. Some "heavier" looking scenes were fine while others weren't.

The Quicktime events are the same as ever - but a bit quicker. I failed lots of button presses due to how quick they are (can't work out what the charging bat symbol is about). Otherwise the gameplay is similar to what you've seen before - but the investigation/planning is different enough to feel fresh(ish) [for now :)]

Technically - There's one really odd transition which starts as a line spoken over the last scene, then a long loading screen, then the persion speaking is actually talking to you in next scene. It's really odd and I thought there was an error somewhere until the load was over. I only saw one "Telltale" bit where I deliberately took the least violent option - but in the next scene I'm berated for nearly beating a man half to death. (He was just bruised!)


Let Vicki stay and chatted off the record
Put a Dent in crime was my catch phrase
Was cold to Falcone without being rude, left Harvey outside
Was friendly but not warm/indulgent to "Oz"
Gave an emotive press conference about helping the sick
Gave Vicki a quote (came out a bit more agressive than I intended! :P)
Intimidated the sniper but not real injuries (wtf was the sniper still there for? lol)
Gave data to Gordon (who would give to Vicki? Plus it would make her a target) - said I thought he was a good cop (which upset him?) and there were no strings
Arrested, not brutalised Falcone

Re: Batman | Telltale Games | Ep1 Out Now

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2016 8:46 pm
by Floex
How long was the first episode Hexx?

Me thinks I'll be hanging on and wait for the cheap season pass after all the eps have come out.

Re: Batman | Telltale Games | Ep1 Out Now

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2016 10:07 pm
by Memento Mori
Apparently the PC version is a mess. Anyone get it?

Re: Batman | Telltale Games | Ep1 Out Now

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2016 10:46 pm
by Hexx
Played it in 2 chunks but about 2 hours I think

Re: Batman | Telltale Games | Ep1 Out Now

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2016 12:12 pm
by Wedgie
I'll just wait for the inevitable PSN Xmas sale then.

If I can resist that is. :lol:

Re: Batman | Telltale Games | Ep1 Out Now

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2016 12:18 pm
by HSH28
Memento Mori wrote:Apparently the PC version is a mess. Anyone get it?

Yeah not played it yet though, might wait for a patch if there is going to be one.

Re: Batman | Telltale Games | Ep1 Out Now

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2016 12:38 pm
by Wedgie
Isn't the season pass supposed to be cheaper than getting the episodes individually?

£4.99 for episode one so I presume the next four episodes will be the same, £24.99 for the season pass. (PS4 version obviously.) Not much of a saving there!

Re: Batman | Telltale Games | Ep1 Out Now

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2016 1:45 pm
by KjGarly
Yeah the season pass is about 4 pence more than getting them individually. It was around £22 last week though. Went with the season pass yesterday on PS4 so looking forward to Monday when I'm off work.

Re: Batman | Telltale Games | Ep1 Out Now

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2016 2:37 pm
by Jazzem
Liked this a lot overall, though it's not without its problems. There's a bit too much redundancy in the dialogue, and Batman's persona comes a little too close to BvS territory at times with lots of growling angry lines. I think Bats works better with minimal lines and a more subdued yet still menacing delivery. I cringed at "You broke the law; HERE I AM" in particular...

That said, I love the visual style (clunky animations aside) and many of the dilemmas presented are appropriate for the licence. In particular, having to sacrifice Bruce's reputation for justice as Batman or vice versa is a clever idea.

HSH28 wrote:
Memento Mori wrote:Apparently the PC version is a mess. Anyone get it?

Yeah not played it yet though, might wait for a patch if there is going to be one.

I went through it on PC, had a hell of a time getting it to be full screen at 1080p! Had to force borderless on it in the end. Its performance was inconsistent and there was a bug where you'd have to reset if you check the Batcomputer's records...but I managed to get through it okay. Hopefully it'll be fine a couple of patches later.

Re: Batman | Telltale Games | Ep1 Out Now

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2016 2:49 pm
by Hexx
Forgot to say how much I liked the music

But I can't unsee Archer whenever I see Bruce.

Re: Batman | Telltale Games | Ep1 Out Now

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2016 8:35 pm
by Tragic Magic
HSH28 wrote:
Memento Mori wrote:Apparently the PC version is a mess. Anyone get it?

Yeah not played it yet though, might wait for a patch if there is going to be one.

I just bought it after listening to VideoGamer's review and all I get is a black screen after pressing start. Great strawberry floating way to begin a game. I might just request a Steam refund after reading more on the issues and forget about it. Piece of gooseberry fool.

Edit - So I got it working by unplugging my PS4 controller. Weird. Anyway, I really liked it. Definitely intrigued to see where the story goes as I think the first episode has done some interesting things with certain characters. Nothing dramatically different from anything we've seen before in the Batman universe but a nice spin on things. I really hope that the investigation gameplay ramps up in complexity in the next episodes as it was the best part of the episode. It was very much like Miles Edgeworth: Investigations. Really interesting how the choices can have differing affects on either the Batman or Wayne legacy as well. Although, it's Telltale, so we all know these choices won't mean gooseberry fool by the end.

Re: Batman | Telltale Games | Ep1 Out Now

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2016 11:19 pm
by Harry Bizzle

Telltale in bunch of hacks non-shocker.

Re: Batman | Telltale Games | Ep1 Out Now

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2016 12:36 am
by rudderless
Even setting aside the technical issues, this is one of the weakest Telltale openers to date. The bit where the old lady decides to describe Bruce's parents' death to him in detail is honkingly awful, Alfred is deeply annoying, and it's full of clunky exposition and on-the-nose dialogue (and the performances are hit and miss, too). Once it finally stops labouring the origin story stuff, it gets more interesting, but so far it hasn't had much new to say for itself.