Cheeky's Retro Randomizer "Races" - NEW Races for ALTTP & SMB3 & 2 NEW Games! - See pg7/OP

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PostCheeky's Retro Randomizer "Races" - NEW Races for ALTTP & SMB3 & 2 NEW Games! - See pg7/OP
by Cheeky Devlin » Thu Jul 04, 2019 11:21 am

So this is something I've been toying with for a while now.

Basically I'm going to be running some randomizer races.

A Randomizer "seed" will be generated for each race, with everyone playing the same one and posting their completion times at the end.

There wouldn't be any requirement to complete the game in one sitting (We'd only be interested in the overall completion time) and you could spread it out over several sessions. Similarly, you wouldn't have to do it at the same time as everyone else, just whenever works for you.

What Are Randomizers?
This article gives a decent explanation of what they are (Though it's a little out of date in places). ... zers/19361

Where can I find these?
There are randomizers for loads of different games.
The link below contains a list of games and links to their associated randomizers.

How can I take part?

It's simple really. All you need is a method for playing ROMS. I'll post details of the "seed" for the current race and how to generate the ROM for that specific race! All you have to do is try to complete the game within the two week time period and then post your endgame time. After that two week period is up we move onto the next race!

I'm not a speedrunner!
You don't need to be! Most of the popular randomizers are configurable to be approachable for regular players. Knowledge of the specific game will help and some will require you to know, or learn some more advanced techniques. But we won't require you to know any speedrunning glitches or cheats. The best way to learn is to play, so don't worry as this is just for fun.

What are trackers?
Trackers are external bits of software that keep "track" of what items you may have found, and some even allow you to mark of checked locations on a map. They are extremely handy for seeing what you have access to, and what you still need to get!
I use EmoTracker, which you can find here:

Ok. Lets get Racing!

Current Races

The Legend of Zelda: A Link To The Past - Super Nintendo - Race 2

Race ends 8pm on Friday 16th July, plenty of time for everyone to have a go!

I've generated the seed for the first race.
Logic: no-glitches-30
ROM build: 2018-10-18
Difficulty: normal
Variation: none
State: standard
Swords: randomized
Goal: ganon
Created: less than a minute ago

To give an explanation as to what some of that means.
Logic: Shows that it has randomized the items in a manner that does not require any glitches
Difficulty: Standard ALTTP damage and default hearts
Variation: Standard ALTTP gameplay
State: The game starts in the normal way and you have to save the princess from the castle then escape. You are provided a light source for the escape by default, even if you don't have the lamp.
Swords: The location of Swords and the upgrades are random too. You may not find one for a while.
Goal: The game ends when Ganon is defeated.

To get started click the "Permalink" above. You will be asked to provide the appropriate version of the ALTTP ROM. Anyone who doesn't have this can contact me and I'll point you in the right direction.
It also allows you to tailor the ROM to your own taste. This is purely cosmetic, but you can change Link's Sprite, the colour hearts appear and how quickly the "low health" warning bleeps.
Click "Save ROM" for it to download your patched ROM and then plug it into the emulator of your choice! I recommend BSNES where possible.
On the file select screen of the game you'll see a "Code" like below. If it matches, you're ready to go!

Finally, a couple of brief rules. When participating please do not post item locations in the thread. If you want to discuss what you've done or found, use Spoiler boxes.
Save states are allowed, but only to save your progress at the end of a session. It shouldn't be used to check a location, then reset to a previous point, or help with a boss fight.
If you find yourself stuck somewhere and can't find a way out, hitting "Select" will allow you to save and quit, then reload at one of three locations in the game. You can use this to move around quickly if you wish.
Obviously this is just for fun, so there will be no-one, or way, to enforce this. We're just going to trust each other. :D

Have fun!

Super Mario Bros 3 - Nintendo Entertainment System - Race 2

Race ends 8pm on Friday 16th August.

Ok, so as detailed in my earlier post this will randomize almost everything in the game. Levels, World order, Warp Pipe destinations, Warp Zone locations, Toad Houses, Chest Items and more! The only thing I didn't randomize was the enemies found in each stage.

Goal: The game ends when Bowser is defeated!

To get started you will need to download the randomizer from the link here: ... rSetup.exe
Once loaded (It may update to the most recent version), point it to your Super Mario Bros 3 ROM file, choose your Mario Color and enter the following in the Seed and Flags text boxes.

Seed: 670486040043

Then hit the "Generate" button in the bottom left. It will create a new ROM in the same location as your SMB3 ROM.

Load it up in your emulator of choice (I use FCEUmm in Retroarch) and check the item code on the right hand side. It should look like the one below.


If it doesn't, then something has gone wrong somewhere.

In terms of keeping your times, you will need to find your own way to do this as I don't think the game tracks it for you.

Finally, there's only really one rule.
Save states are allowed, but only to save your progress at the end of a session. It shouldn't be used to reset after a death.
Obviously this is just for fun, so there will be no-one, or way, to enforce this. We're just going to trust each other. :D

Have fun!

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time - Nintendo 64 - Race 1
Ends Friday 30th August @8pm

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time is our third game and one I've never actually run myself. I've watched plenty of streams and it's potentially a long one, so I've given us a longer deadline for this, though we can extend if necessary. - This link takes you to the Randomizer page. There are loads of resources there that are well worth looking into. - This is the SEED we will be playing. Click the link, plug in your OOT ROM, modify any cosmetic options you want then generate the ROM!

There will be an item code on the file select screen.
In this case it should be:

Hover Boots - Mirror Shield - Hover Boots - Boomerang - Hover Boots

As with ALTTP, a tracker is highly recommended.

Have fun!

Super Mario World - Super Nintendo - Race 1
Ends Friday 16th August @8pm - Main page ... 42c1300400 - This races SEED.

Very similar to the SMB3 randomizer. Levels, exits, warps and other details have all been randomized!

Have fun!

Previous Races!

Race 1 - The Legend of Zelda: A Link To The Past - Super Nintendo

Race ends 8pm on Friday 25th July, plenty of time for everyone to have a go!

Cheeky - 3:36:53.58
Pedz - 4:36:01.11

I've generated the seed for the first race.
Logic: no-glitches-30
ROM build: 2018-10-18
Difficulty: normal
Variation: none
State: standard
Swords: randomized
Goal: ganon
Created: 1 minute ago

To give an explanation as to what some of that means.
Logic: Shows that it has randomized the items in a manner that does not require any glitches
Difficulty: Standard ALTTP damage and default hearts
Variation: Standard ALTTP gameplay
State: The game starts in the normal way and you have to save the princess from the castle then escape. You are provided a light source for the escape by default, even if you don't have the lamp.
Swords: The location of Swords and the upgrades are random too. You may not find one for a while.
Goal: The game ends when Ganon is defeated.

To get started click the "Permalink" above. You will be asked to provide the appropriate version of the ALTTP ROM. Anyone who doesn't have this can contact me and I'll point you in the right direction.
It also allows you to tailor the ROM to your own taste. This is purely cosmetic, but you can change Link's Sprite, the colour hearts appear and how quickly the "low health" warning bleeps.
Click "Save ROM" for it to download your patched ROM and then plug it into the emulator of your choice! I recommend BSNES where possible.
On the file select screen of the game you'll see a "Code" like below. If it matches, you're ready to go!

Finally, a couple of brief rules. When participating please do not post item locations in the thread. If you want to discuss what you've done or found, use Spoiler boxes.
Save states are allowed, but only to save your progress at the end of a session. It shouldn't be used to check a location, then reset to a previous point, or help with a boss fight.
If you find yourself stuck somewhere and can't find a way out, hitting "Select" will allow you to save and quit, then reload at one of three locations in the game. You can use this to move around quickly if you wish.
Obviously this is just for fun, so there will be no-one, or way, to enforce this. We're just going to trust each other. :D

Have fun!

Race 2 - Super Mario Bros 3 - Nintendo Entertainment System

Race ends 8pm on Friday 26th July.

Ok, so as detailed in my earlier post this will randomize almost everything in the game. Levels, World order, Warp Pipe destinations, Warp Zone locations, Toad Houses, Chest Items and more! The only thing I didn't randomize was the enemies found in each stage.

Goal: The game ends when Bowser is defeated!

To get started you will need to download the randomizer from the link here: ... rSetup.exe
Once loaded (It may update to the most recent version), point it to your Super Mario Bros 3 ROM file, choose your Mario Color and enter the following in the Seed and Flags text boxes.

Seed: 509698218768

Then hit the "Generate" button in the bottom left. It will create a new ROM in the same location as your SMB3 ROM.

Load it up in your emulator of choice (I use FCEUmm in Retroarch) and check the item code on the right hand side. It should look like the one below.


If it doesn't, then something has gone wrong somewhere.

In terms of keeping your times, you will need to find your own way to do this as I don't think the game tracks it for you.

Finally, there's only really one rule.
Save states are allowed, but only to save your progress at the end of a session. It shouldn't be used to reset after a death.
Obviously this is just for fun, so there will be no-one, or way, to enforce this. We're just going to trust each other. :D

Have fun!

Last edited by Cheeky Devlin on Wed Jul 31, 2019 10:46 pm, edited 12 times in total.
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PostRe: Cheeky's Retro Randomizer Races
by Pedz » Thu Jul 04, 2019 11:39 am

I'd be interested. I said the other day during Mario Maker 2 stream.

I know you said you'd start with ALttP, but would you also be thinking of SMB3, SMZ3, Zelda (1,) owhat other games? I'm wondering as I have about 12 different ones now. Even pokemans.

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PostRe: Cheeky's Retro Randomizer Races
by Cheeky Devlin » Thu Jul 04, 2019 11:45 am

Pedz wrote:I'd be interested. I said the other day during Mario Maker 2 stream.

I know you said you'd start with ALttP, but would you also be thinking of SMB3, SMZ3, Zelda (1,) owhat other games? I'm wondering as I have about 12 different ones now. Even pokemans.

ALTTP is a good starter as it's fairly simple.

SMZ3 is ultimately what I would like to do with others but as much as Super Metroid is my favourite game of all time, it's more demanding from an execution point of view (You need to know some more advanced movement techniques) and people just aren't as familiar with it.

But I'm definitely open for doing other games down the line. I've even got the Metroid Prime one myself and that's pretty sweet too.

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PostRe: Cheeky's Retro Randomizer Races
by Pedz » Thu Jul 04, 2019 11:46 am

Also, I'm assuming it's being streamed? How we going to work around that? We could use multi-twitch or the people involved could all stream and then one person can browser capture the racers streams and stream them.all to GRcade where the discussion can be had and.someone could commentate? Though, I doubt you'd have anyone interested in doing that.

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PostRe: Cheeky's Retro Randomizer Races
by Pedz » Thu Jul 04, 2019 11:48 am

There was a site I was looking at way back when and they had tons of randomizers and SMB3 randomizer (first watched (Skybillz) playing it looks great. I don't think it's like random items, more the levels are in a random order. You can go into world 1-1 and it'll be 3-4.

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PostRe: Cheeky's Retro Randomizer Races
by Cheeky Devlin » Thu Jul 04, 2019 11:52 am

Pedz wrote:Also, I'm assuming it's being streamed? How we going to work around that? We could use multi-twitch or the people involved could all stream and then one person can browser capture the racers streams and stream them.all to GRcade where the discussion can be had and.someone could commentate? Though, I doubt you'd have anyone interested in doing that.

I'm not wanting to complicate it with streams and stuff like that. as you're then relying on getting everyone together at a set time. The way I'm proposing means you can do it when you want, over as many sessions as you want.

If you want to stream yours then feel free, but it's more just a bit of fun competition.

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PostRe: Cheeky's Retro Randomizer Races
by Pedz » Thu Jul 04, 2019 12:03 pm

Cheeky Devlin wrote:
Pedz wrote:Also, I'm assuming it's being streamed? How we going to work around that? We could use multi-twitch or the people involved could all stream and then one person can browser capture the racers streams and stream them.all to GRcade where the discussion can be had and.someone could commentate? Though, I doubt you'd have anyone interested in doing that.

I'm not wanting to complicate it with streams and stuff like that. as you're then relying on getting everyone together at a set time. The way I'm proposing means you can do it when you want, over as many sessions as you want.

If you want to stream yours then feel free, but it's more just a bit of fun competition.

That's cool. Makes it much easier for people to take part :toot:

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PostRe: Cheeky's Retro Randomizer Races
by Cheeky Devlin » Thu Jul 04, 2019 12:20 pm

Pedz wrote:
Cheeky Devlin wrote:
Pedz wrote:Also, I'm assuming it's being streamed? How we going to work around that? We could use multi-twitch or the people involved could all stream and then one person can browser capture the racers streams and stream them.all to GRcade where the discussion can be had and.someone could commentate? Though, I doubt you'd have anyone interested in doing that.

I'm not wanting to complicate it with streams and stuff like that. as you're then relying on getting everyone together at a set time. The way I'm proposing means you can do it when you want, over as many sessions as you want.

If you want to stream yours then feel free, but it's more just a bit of fun competition.

That's cool. Makes it much easier for people to take part :toot:

Yeah that was exactly what I was going for. Make the requirements for participation as low as possible.

Literally all you need is the ability to play SNES ROMS.

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PostRe: Cheeky's Retro Randomizer Races
by OrangeRKN » Thu Jul 04, 2019 12:51 pm

So... randomisers are ROM hacks? I have literally never come across this before

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PostRe: Cheeky's Retro Randomizer Races
by Cheeky Devlin » Thu Jul 04, 2019 1:57 pm

OrangeRKN wrote:So... randomisers are ROM hacks? I have literally never come across this before

That's all most randomizers are essentially.

This article gives a decent explanation of what they are (Though it's a little out of date in places). ... zers/19361 - This is a BIG list of Randomizers for various games.

Here's the Super Metroid/Zelda 3 run from SGDQ last week. Doesn't start as a race, but pretty much becomes one by the end. :lol:

*Note: I'm not suggesting we do "live" races like this. We just provide a "seed" and it's just who can post the best time on it.

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PostRe: Cheeky's Retro Randomizer Races
by Jenuall » Thu Jul 04, 2019 2:29 pm

I'd be interested in this, but probably more for shorter experiences like platformers rather than longer RPG or adventure games. I'm not that familiar with randomizers (that 'z' :dread: ) but it feels like a ALTTP or Metroid one could take bloody ages to do?

Streaming it would be fun but trying to coordinate would be a nightmare! :lol:

That said the idea of doing streams of some game races could be fun - has anyone tried setting anything like that up on the forum before?

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PostRe: Cheeky's Retro Randomizer Races
by Cheeky Devlin » Thu Jul 04, 2019 2:36 pm

Jenuall wrote:I'd be interested in this, but probably more for shorter experiences like platformers rather than longer RPG or adventure games. I'm not that familiar with randomizers (that 'z' :dread: ) but it feels like a ALTTP or Metroid one could take bloody ages to do?

Streaming it would be fun but trying to coordinate would be a nightmare! :lol:

That said the idea of doing streams of some game races could be fun - has anyone tried setting anything like that up on the forum before?

It's one of the reasons why I'm thinking of making it every two weeks we do a new "seed". Some people can fly through Zelda and Metroid, but for the rest of us mere mortals it takes a bit longer. 7-8 hours isn't unrealistic.

A fortnight gives everyone time to get through the game. That said there's nothing wrong with not completing the games either. It's good practice either way.

But full on RPGs like Final Fantasy or Pokémon are probably a bit too long.

That said there's no commitment to be made, so you can join in/drop out as and when you feel.

EDIT: Like I said, to get us started I'll post a seed tomorrow (Maybe even tonight) and anyone who wants to take part can.

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PostRe: Cheeky's Retro Randomizer Races
by Kriken » Thu Jul 04, 2019 3:44 pm

Not sure if I'll take part in the Link to the Past one, but I'd be down for SMB3.

Would be up racing that one live and streaming it too.

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PostRe: Cheeky's Retro Randomizer Races
by Cheeky Devlin » Thu Jul 04, 2019 4:10 pm

Kriken wrote:Not sure if I'll take part in the Link to the Past one, but I'd be down for SMB3.

Would be up racing that one live and streaming it too.

I'll tidy up the OP later on today, but there is SMB3 one on the list of Randomizers I posted earlier. Might be worth looking at.

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PostRe: Cheeky's Retro Randomizer Races
by Pedz » Thu Jul 04, 2019 6:08 pm

Jenuall wrote:I'd be interested in this, but probably more for shorter experiences like platformers rather than longer RPG or adventure games. I'm not that familiar with randomizers (that 'z' :dread: ) but it feels like a ALTTP or Metroid one could take bloody ages to do?

Streaming it would be fun but trying to coordinate would be a nightmare! :lol:

That said the idea of doing streams of some game races could be fun - has anyone tried setting anything like that up on the forum before?

Jazzem, Kriken, Leecumber and Jeffard has raced several Sonic games.

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PostRe: Cheeky's Retro Randomizer Races
by Pedz » Thu Jul 04, 2019 6:13 pm

Cheeky Devlin wrote:
Kriken wrote:Not sure if I'll take part in the Link to the Past one, but I'd be down for SMB3.

Would be up racing that one live and streaming it too.

I'll tidy up the OP later on today, but there is SMB3 one on the list of Randomizers I posted earlier. Might be worth looking at.

I have the SMB3 one. I assume it's the same. It was the first randomizer I got. It's really cool. Can't remember who made it, but I got it from Skybillz on Twitch. She's a speedrunner (she's been at AGDQ) don't watch her much now though. Time Zones.

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PostRe: Cheeky's Retro Randomizer Races
by coldspice » Thu Jul 04, 2019 7:26 pm

I have no idea what this is.


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PostRe: Cheeky's Retro Randomizer Races
by Pedz » Thu Jul 04, 2019 7:32 pm

Minty14 wrote:I have no idea what this is.


Every Friday Cheeky is going to give you his seed.

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PostRe: Cheeky's Retro Randomizer Races
by coldspice » Thu Jul 04, 2019 7:35 pm

I mean, I don't have any other plans.

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PostRe: Cheeky's Retro Randomizer Races
by Cheeky Devlin » Thu Jul 04, 2019 11:56 pm

Ok, so stuff it. First race!

Race 1 - The Legend of Zelda: A Link To The Past - Super Nintendo
Race ends 8pm on Friday 26th July, plenty of time for everyone to have a go!

I've generated the seed for the first race.
Logic: no-glitches-30
ROM build: 2018-10-18
Difficulty: normal
Variation: none
State: standard
Swords: randomized
Goal: ganon
Created: 1 minute ago

To give an explanation as to what some of that means.
Logic: Shows that it has randomized the items in a manner that does not require any glitches
Difficulty: Standard ALTTP damage and default hearts
Variation: Standard ALTTP gameplay
State: The game starts in the normal way and you have to save the princess from the castle then escape. You are provided a light source for the escape by default, even if you don't have the lamp.
Swords: The location of Swords and the upgrades are random too. You may not find one for a while.
Goal: The game ends when Ganon is defeated.

To get started click the "Permalink" above. You will be asked to provide the appropriate version of the ALTTP ROM. Anyone who doesn't have this can contact me and I'll point you in the right direction.
It also allows you to tailor the ROM to your own taste. This is purely cosmetic, but you can change Link's Sprite, the colour hearts appear and how quickly the "low health" warning bleeps.
Click "Save ROM" for it to download your patched ROM and then plug it into the emulator of your choice! I recommend BSNES where possible.
On the file select screen of the game you'll see a "Code" like below. If it matches, you're ready to go!

Finally, a couple of brief rules. When participating please do not post item locations in the thread. If you want to discuss what you've done or found, use Spoiler boxes.
Save states are allowed, but only to save your progress at the end of a session. It shouldn't be used to check a location, then reset to a previous point, or help with a boss fight.
If you find yourself stuck somewhere and can't find a way out, hitting "Select" will allow you to save and quit, then reload at one of three locations in the game. You can use this to move around quickly if you wish.
Obviously this is just for fun, so there will be no-one, or way, to enforce this. We're just going to trust each other. :D

Have fun!

If anyone needs any help, or has any questions, feel free to ask!

We may try other games down the line as well, but this should be a good way to break into it.

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