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Re: Days Gone (PS4) - Sony Bend | coming 26th April

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2019 3:58 pm
by KjGarly
World War Z looks nothing like Days Gone. In fact it looks like a gooseberry fool looking knock off of The Division with added gooseberry fool AI zombies. Is it an online only game or can you play with bots? I'd download a pirate copy to see if it really is as gooseberry fool looking as the YouTube gameplay vid I've just watched.

Re: Days Gone (PS4) - Sony Bend | coming 26th April

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2019 4:39 pm
by Gemini73
KjGarly wrote:World War Z looks nothing like Days Gone. In fact it looks like a gooseberry fool looking knock off of The Division with added gooseberry fool AI zombies. Is it an online only game or can you play with bots? I'd download a pirate copy to see if it really is as gooseberry fool looking as the YouTube gameplay vid I've just watched.

WWZ has AI companions like L4D. Not played it myself so I don't know how it pans out as a single player experience. Sadly no local co-op which has stayed my hand for the time being. The wife and and I used to enjoy L4D so was hoping WWZ would support local MP.

Re: Days Gone (PS4) - Sony Bend | coming 26th April

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2019 6:22 pm
by PurplePenguin
I'd steer clear of WWZ. I picked it up and wasn't impressed, it's definitely not worth the asking price and has some awful level ending bugs that should never have made it through to the final release.

Fortunately I bought it from Amazon and they've accepted my return on the grounds of it being faulty.

I'm going to order Days Gone once I've seen a few reviews for it.

Re: Days Gone (PS4) - Sony Bend | coming 26th April

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2019 8:23 pm
by Cal
KjGarly wrote:World War Z looks nothing like Days Gone. In fact it looks like a gooseberry fool looking knock off of The Division with added gooseberry fool AI zombies. Is it an online only game or can you play with bots? I'd download a pirate copy to see if it really is as gooseberry fool looking as the YouTube gameplay vid I've just watched.

You can play offline with bots - in fact, there's an 4-part objective-based story mode (3 stages per episode, except Tokyo, with just two for now) to go through, which can be played solo with AI team-mates. Offline mode offers a separate career ladder to online, so you can still level-up, earn XP and improve weapons and skills.

Visually, I don't think the game is bad at all. Sure, it's not Division 2 levels of eye-candy, but it's perfectly respectable (I'm on PC, so can't speak about the quality of the console versions). It runs pretty well - no crashes or bug outs for me - but I am only playing the offline mode. I understand there were some launch issues with the online side of things. For £31 I think it's a bit of a bargain. A mid-tier game with the amount of content you don't always find in a top-tier game these days.

Here's a positive review - this is the PC version:

Re: Days Gone (PS4) - Sony Bend | coming 26th April

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2019 10:15 pm
Really want this but i’m going to try and hold out on a price drop. I really hope it does well for Bend though.

Re: Days Gone (PS4) - Sony Bend | coming 26th April

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2019 8:21 am
by Yoshimi
It's worrying that the review embargo is 1pm on the day before release. Gives no time to cancel a pre-order if it gets terrible reviews, and if you wait until the reviews come out before ordering, you don't get your game on release.

Re: Days Gone (PS4) - Sony Bend | coming 26th April

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2019 8:35 am
by Saint of Killers
I think it's going to be a bit like their Uncharted game - solid but unexceptional. 6-7 / 10s all round.

Re: Days Gone (PS4) - Sony Bend | coming 26th April

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2019 8:59 am
by jawafour
Yoshimi wrote:It's worrying that the review embargo is 1pm on the day before release. Gives no time to cancel a pre-order if it gets terrible reviews, and if you wait until the reviews come out before ordering, you don't get your game on release.

I'm kinda cool with the embargo timing; many reviews only appear at the time of release nowdays. I've watched / read enough vids and impressions to give me a pretty reasonable idea of the game's quality; I think it'll be a bit clunky in places and not exactly innovative, but deliver plenty of enjoyable action. I have yet to pre-order but I'm thinking that I might.

Re: Days Gone (PS4) - Sony Bend | coming 26th April

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2019 10:15 am
by Gemini73
Yoshimi wrote:It's worrying that the review embargo is 1pm on the day before release. Gives no time to cancel a pre-order if it gets terrible reviews, and if you wait until the reviews come out before ordering, you don't get your game on release.

I find many reviews are pish these days so I see little reason to take much notice of them. Some of my most played games over the last several years have not been received particularly well in the reviews. Conan Exiles, Mad Max & State of Decay 2 being just a few examples. I find an over reliance on reviews can turn gamers away from titles they might actually discover they really enjoy.

I think Days Gone will turn out fine.

Re: Days Gone (PS4) - Sony Bend | coming 26th April

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2019 10:47 am
by Preezy
I'm expecting a Shadow of Mordor - great fun, maybe a bit repetitive after a while, but a perfectly fine single player game that you can sink hours into.

I dont think I'll be getting this, but will interested to see what everyone thinks of it.

Re: Days Gone (PS4) - Sony Bend | coming 26th April

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2019 11:46 am
by KjGarly
Cal wrote:
KjGarly wrote:World War Z looks nothing like Days Gone. In fact it looks like a gooseberry fool looking knock off of The Division with added gooseberry fool AI zombies. Is it an online only game or can you play with bots? I'd download a pirate copy to see if it really is as gooseberry fool looking as the YouTube gameplay vid I've just watched.

You can play offline with bots - in fact, there's an 4-part objective-based story mode (3 stages per episode, except Tokyo, with just two for now) to go through, which can be played solo with AI team-mates. Offline mode offers a separate career ladder to online, so you can still level-up, earn XP and improve weapons and skills.

Visually, I don't think the game is bad at all. Sure, it's not Division 2 levels of eye-candy, but it's perfectly respectable (I'm on PC, so can't speak about the quality of the console versions). It runs pretty well - no crashes or bug outs for me - but I am only playing the offline mode. I understand there were some launch issues with the online side of things. For £31 I think it's a bit of a bargain. A mid-tier game with the amount of content you don't always find in a top-tier game these days.

Here's a positive review - this is the PC version:

Tried it and got up to the part at the train when you need to pick up 5 crates for the driver and your other 3 companions can't carry a case too? Yeah Days Gone won't need to worry about World War Z.

Re: Days Gone (PS4) - Sony Bend | coming 26th April

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2019 10:31 pm
by jawafour

Apparently the game has a randomised, real-time weather system; folk tackling a particular mission may face differing conditions to each other. The snowfall looks great, too.

Re: Days Gone (PS4) - Sony Bend | coming 26th April

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2019 9:42 am
by PurplePenguin
I'm thinking it'll score more along the lines of 7/8 out of 10's.

I'm just waiting to see if one of two reviews do slip through the net today.

Re: Days Gone (PS4) - Sony Bend | coming 26th April

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2019 1:46 pm
by imbusydoctorwho
Really will be interesting to see how this one reviews as I some have written it off, but honestly I do have pretty high hopes for it.
I'm expecting between 7 and 8 / 10.

Re: Days Gone (PS4) - Sony Bend | coming 26th April

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2019 2:51 pm
by jawafour

Footage is starting to appear now and I like the look of it. I dunno if I'll cope with zombie scares, though :shifty: .

Re: Days Gone (PS4) - Sony Bend | coming 26th April

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2019 4:41 pm
by BOR
I’ll wait for the reviews, but it is most likely I will buy it anyway. Looks great fun!

Re: Days Gone (PS4) - Sony Bend | coming 26th April

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2019 9:29 pm
by PurplePenguin
I couldn't resist I pre-ordered after watching a few streams today. £46.99 for the steel book version.

Re: Days Gone (PS4) - Sony Bend | coming 26th April

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2019 9:31 pm
by jawafour
Yeah, I've been watching more vids and so I am being tempted, too. Tryin' to hold out...

Re: Days Gone (PS4) - Sony Bend | coming 26th April

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2019 8:40 am
by Yoshimi
PurplePenguin wrote:I couldn't resist I pre-ordered after watching a few streams today. £46.99 for the steel book version.

Where from?

Re: Days Gone (PS4) - Sony Bend | coming 26th April

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2019 9:14 am
by KjGarly
Downloading now, would have done over night but you know, PlayStation and their gooseberry fool storage errors when you have 130GB free and a 56GB download won't start because not enough space :slol:

Watched about 5-10 minutes of that gameplay vid enough not to really spoil it but yep I'm excited to play it now!