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Re: GRcade Musician's Club - Do You "Do" Music?

Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2021 10:56 pm
by Victor Mildew
Squinty wrote:
Victor Mildew wrote:Just booked in a studio session for recording one of my tracks 'properly' :toot:

Green Sunshine or I riot :capnscotty:

Put up whatever song you choose. We'd love to hear it.

Funny you should say that as it's probably the one I'll do, as I just can't get it right as a demo on my own, plus I only have half a day booked.

Lime wrote:
Victor Mildew wrote:Just booked in a studio session for recording one of my tracks 'properly' :toot:

That's awesome! Do you get an engineer with it or are you doing it all yourself? I wish I'd paid more attention when I had recording sessions (many years ago!), I think all we really did was say 'up a bit, down a bit' for the various instruments and let them get on with it. There's so much to learn/know!

I've just spent a couple of weeks 'remastering' the recordings from my old band from the early '90s - we didn't have the actual multi-track tapes so I've used the first gen cassette tapes and spruced them up in Ableton using an audio exciter and some EQing - you can finally hear things that we played that have been lost over time as the tape copies got older and older.

I've also fixed missing drum hits and other mistakes, carefully patching in and blending. It's been really interesting and good to learn how a lot of the software works.

The plan is to get them up on Spotify (a bit of a vanity project, but there are enough friends/relatives that would be interested enough to justify it) so I'll let you know when it's up. It's very early '90s funk/rock/pop so a little dated these days, but great fun at the time!

Yes I am old, in case you'd forgotten!

You get an engineer for the session. I've got 4 hours booked (it was a gift from my Mrs for my 40th).

90s rock/indie is my favourite, so you're in good company 8-)

Also, I'd love to hear that, so please link to it when you're done.

Re: GRcade Musician's Club - Do You "Do" Music?

Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2021 11:08 pm
by Jenuall
Victor when the engineer says he just needs to pop to the loo


Re: GRcade Musician's Club - Do You "Do" Music?

Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2021 11:24 pm
by Lime
Victor Mildew wrote:You get an engineer for the session. I've got 4 hours booked (it was a gift from my Mrs for my 40th).

90s rock/indie is my favourite, so you're in good company 8-)

Also, I'd love to hear that, so please link to it when you're done.

I can't wait to hear what you come up with, that is such an awesome gift!

If you're expecting indie from me & band, you might be disappointed with most of it!

Think mainly slap bass, solid rock drumming (our first drummer wasn't as rocky but still very good), mixed guitar styles (some rocky, some melodic, and some great solos) and I played keys. Me and the bass player did vocals.

We were really a funk band that ended up with a rock guitarist after they responded to our ad. We focused mainly on the instrumental stuff and so the vocals in a lot of cases are a bit quiet, and more of an added extra.

I've sorted out 16 studio tracks, plus one live recording.

Re: GRcade Musician's Club - Do You "Do" Music?

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2021 9:25 am
by Victor Mildew
Jenuall wrote:Victor when the engineer says he just needs to pop to the loo



Re: GRcade Musician's Club - Do You "Do" Music?

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2021 10:06 am
by Jenuall
The Honda people love indie

Re: GRcade Musician's Club - Do You "Do" Music?

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2021 10:46 am
by Squinty

Ad7 when he realises the Honda people are hard to please.

Re: GRcade Musician's Club - Do You "Do" Music?

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2021 8:23 pm
by Victor Mildew
Just had a really frustrating evening trying to record a single bit on a new track. No matter what settings I used, it just sounded like total gooseberry fool and I didn't keep any of it. Ended up sticking my bass on and playing to some royal blood to get the anger out :lol:

Re: GRcade Musician's Club - Do You "Do" Music?

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2021 9:14 pm
by Squinty
I'm working on about 6 things simultaneously right now, tracked all the rhythm parts (guitar and bass) for them in one sitting. I wanted them to sound the same as I'm gonna stick them together.

The first three tracks were fine when I checked back on them the next day. The other three, shite. The performances were awful, timing issues all over the place. It was annoying.

Thought I would try this way of working but it isn't doing it for me :lol:

Re: GRcade Musician's Club - Do You "Do" Music?

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2021 10:23 pm
by Victor Mildew
It's so annoying when you think you've got something good down and then when you go back, it's clearly out of time or part of it is out of tune. The absolute worst for thst being vocals, when you listen back and immidiately it's flat as a pancake. But this sounded great yesterday :x

Re: GRcade Musician's Club - Do You "Do" Music?

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2021 4:54 pm
by Victor Mildew
Had my studio session today, it was great fun, and we managed to get a complete song finished.

My vocals though :dread: Jesus, it's bad enough hearing yourself, let alone with isolated dry vocals at really loud volume.

Re: GRcade Musician's Club - Do You "Do" Music?

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2021 9:14 pm
by Squinty
I'm trying to teach myself how to sing a little bit. Your vocals are nowhere near as horrific as mine.

Re: GRcade Musician's Club - Do You "Do" Music?

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2021 7:33 pm
by Victor Mildew
Here is the song I recorded in my studio session. It's called 'Green Sunshine', I hope you like it (turn it up loud if you can, annoy your neighbours) :shifty:

Green Sunshine Studio Demo: ... sp=sharing

The session was at Factory Studios, which is just on the outskirts of Bristol. Its a nice little place with 9 rooms, most used for practice and a couple for recording, and once you're in your studio you're completely left alone with your engineer. All very strict on covid too, which was nice to see. Masks at all times, one way system and so on, good stuff. I had room 9 - The lounge.

My engineer was a guy called Nathan, who was really friendly and patient when I kept strawberry floating up the easiest bit of the whole recording. :fp:

As this was a gift from my wife, she'd paid over the odds for it (as it turns out) because it was through a gift site. For the money she paid, we could have got over a day, but as it stood it was half a day for the same money.

Watching the guy mixing and then mastering was really interesting, it's such a skill.

I can only imagine how much fun it'd be recording as a band, must be awesome.



Inside number 9

Before setting up

Set up for mic'd guitar, bass and vocals

Mixing and mastering

Re: GRcade Musician's Club - Do You "Do" Music?

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2021 7:53 pm
by Lime
That is awesome! You've got a great full band sound there, it's amazing building it up like that through the track.

Great song, heartfelt and memorable! Really like the acoustic guitar sound. Wasn't expecting keys to come in too! 8-)

Really makes me want to get up off my ass and do something 'proper' like you've done rather than just mucking about with little bits.

Band recording is great, but it definitely can be more stressful as there's always one member who insists on redoing their part over and over and over and over :dread: .... I'm getting annoyed just remembering it.

The studio looks great, it feels like a really creative environment. Some of the sheds I recorded in... sheesh!

Even if you overpaid the first time, at least you know it's a good place to finalise your songs. Now you know what you can get done in the time you can budget accordingly - a track at a time is a good idea as you always end up rushing to cram in the last song if you plan to do several. We did 5 tracks in a day once. Madness, but we were very young with pretty much no money.

Can't wait to hear more. :toot:

Re: GRcade Musician's Club - Do You "Do" Music?

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2021 8:48 pm
by Victor Mildew
Lime wrote:That is awesome! You've got a great full band sound there, it's amazing building it up like that through the track.

Great song, heartfelt and memorable! Really like the acoustic guitar sound. Wasn't expecting keys to come in too! 8-)

Really makes me want to get up off my ass and do something 'proper' like you've done rather than just mucking about with little bits.

Band recording is great, but it definitely can be more stressful as there's always one member who insists on redoing their part over and over and over and over :dread: .... I'm getting annoyed just remembering it.

The studio looks great, it feels like a really creative environment. Some of the sheds I recorded in... sheesh!

Even if you overpaid the first time, at least you know it's a good place to finalise your songs. Now you know what you can get done in the time you can budget accordingly - a track at a time is a good idea as you always end up rushing to cram in the last song if you plan to do several. We did 5 tracks in a day once. Madness, but we were very young with pretty much no money.

Can't wait to hear more. :toot:

Thank you very much. Yes I think I have a romanticised vision of what a band in a studio would be like, when the reality is probably a mixture of boredom and frustration. I used to find band practices frustrating enough when someone clearly hadn't learned their parts properly. 5 in a day is crazy, I think this worked out at an hour per minute of music really, and that's with getting most of it down in a couple of takes. Vocals were last and we only had enough time for 2 proper takes, the first of which was really rough as i got nervous singing in front of someone on my own.

Re: GRcade Musician's Club - Do You "Do" Music?

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2021 9:59 am
by Oblomov Boblomov
Great work, Ad 8-). Afraid I still can't shake the Oasis vibe, but that's certainly not a bad thing!

Band studio recording is just about the coolest thing anyone can think of in theory. In reality it's often a frustrating process. Always worth it in the end, though!

Re: GRcade Musician's Club - Do You "Do" Music?

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2021 10:01 am
by Buffalo
Class, Ad.

Re: GRcade Musician's Club - Do You "Do" Music?

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2021 10:39 am
by Victor Mildew
> Oasis won't reform
> me - thanosfineilldoitmyself.jpg

Thanks :lol:

You'd laugh, the guy near the end of mastering it said he wanted to listen to something comparable to check he'd not overdone certain things.

"I need to find something, I'm thinking maybe.....oasis?"

Re: GRcade Musician's Club - Do You "Do" Music?

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2021 11:04 am
by Jenuall

Re: GRcade Musician's Club - Do You "Do" Music?

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2021 12:13 pm
by Victor Mildew
I'd have to say, the best of oasis.

Re: GRcade Musician's Club - Do You "Do" Music?

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2021 12:39 pm
by Buffalo
Spend your days in the sunshhhyyyyynnneeeea