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PostRe: Doctor Who- "The Timeless Child" Series Finale Tonight BBC1 @ 6.50pm
by shy guy 64 » Tue Mar 03, 2020 10:09 pm

Lagamorph wrote:
shy guy 64 wrote:
Pell wrote:As somebody who isn’t that up on the lore, I didn’t mind much of it. The Doctor being the special one is a let down though: would much rather the Master be the Timeless Child, who’s aggrieved that his abilities were stolen from him through decades of torture and experiments, and that he wasn’t returned to his home but instead used to make the Doctor and all of the TimeLords special. That way he could claim the right to destroy what he created.

personally i wouldnt have like that either, the doctor and the master are supposed to be like reflections of each other but one of them being more than what they are kind of takes away from that

That's why I think both of them being from the original race with regeneration would have been better, especially if they were the only ones left of the original race and the rest had been wiped out by the Time Lords obsession with stealing regeneration for themselves.

that would have been slightly better

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PostRe: Doctor Who- "The Timeless Child" Pedz says "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!"
by Dowbocop » Wed Mar 04, 2020 12:28 am

Enjoyable enough, but I agree with a lot of the criticism that it dicks around with the canon. With Doctor Who, as a non-expert, I just think of each New Who showrunner's tenure as a sort of limited comic book run, so if you think something is totally stupid it can ultimately be retconned away. I mean, where did this Master even come from, because I thought John Sim and Missy Gomez killed each other?

Was it just me, or did anyone else think when Yaz and Graham were having the heart to heart that they were going to lean in and start getting off? I obviously knew that it wasn't going to happen but it was just a really creepy scene, like they were doing a #metoo mandatory training role play. I was also expecting Ryan to shoot Graham when he was in disguise. That would've been a really awesome way to write them both out (not that I mind them, I actually quite like Graham).

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PostRe: Doctor Who- "The Timeless Child" Pedz says "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!"
by shy guy 64 » Wed Mar 04, 2020 9:46 am

Dowbocop wrote:Enjoyable enough, but I agree with a lot of the criticism that it dicks around with the canon. With Doctor Who, as a non-expert, I just think of each New Who showrunner's tenure as a sort of limited comic book run, so if you think something is totally stupid it can ultimately be retconned away. I mean, where did this Master even come from, because I thought John Sim and Missy Gomez killed each other?

its become a bit of a thing for the master to return after certain death with little to no explanation of how, i would suggest to always assume the master will be back at some point

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PostRe: Doctor Who- "The Timeless Child" Pedz says "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!"
by The Watching Artist » Sat Mar 07, 2020 2:59 pm

So before I start it's no secret I'm not keen on the whole pre Hartnell stuff. But I've tried to put some of that aside and view as presented. But I also know this is part of an ongoing story and things might change. I've been my usual long winded self and some bits are for sure nitpicking. However if I'm gonna dissect it then I might as well pick away. Some of the small things might the sort of stuff you'd be willing to overlook if you were enjoying it.

Thanks to anyone that even attempts to read it.

Right so here I go!

00:30- No matter what. This title sequence will always be fooking EPIC :datass:
01:00- The Doctor asks how the Master linked Gallifrey to the Boundary. He doesnt explain. No biggie but you know might have been nice to explain it.
02:00- So the dramatically inept cliffhanger from last week is solved by basically both groups effectively leaving the room. SUDDEN AIRVENT. Do Cybermen need airvents? The Cybermen also appear to just be firing as soon as they enter the door. I suppose the lasers might entertain any cats watching. Some practically nameless character dies when the Cybermen reach shot accuracy of 0.00000001%. I mean the least they could have done is frame this in a way that has her buying time for the rest or something but nope.
"The ship is ours!" Mate you've killed one person and just stopped looking for the others. :fp:
02:30- Borusa!
04:30- Graham has a plan. They are going to wear Cybersuits. Its silly. I know way back when Ian hid in a Dalek but the idea that this will work is fancyful. But I'm not sure how they are being tracked so ah well. Just got to remove the remains. :dread: I'm sure they will all fit and the suits can work just fine. ;)
05:30- I actually really like the be a pacifist tomorrow survive today line. It's a shame its sort of lost in all the noise of this ep.
06:30- Assassinated Presidents! Whoop nice ref!
07:00- So did the Master know the Cybermen were coming? "Don't mean to conversion-shame you" ERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR....... Ok. Is it me or is this line REALLY dodgy. Is this like a trans joke? My instinct at the time was it was iffy and its not changed.
09:00- LoneCyber says to set course for Gallifrey. I assume he means the Boundary as thats how they will get there.
10:00- We see the humans fixing up a suit to wear. Well sorry to burst your bubble but I think they've long since stopped looking for you. So its a bit of a wasted effort. This is a nice scene between Graham and Yaz. Its a shame its another they have to sit down and have these in isolation because the general writing has been so poor. It still almost feels like this is the first time THEY HAVE ACTUALLY SPOKEN TO EACH OTHER.
12:00- The Cybermen detect something is wrong with some of the stored Warriors and deduce this is where the humans are. Well thats what might happen if you let them run about and not look for them. Also it shows that they cant actually detect the humans so really the suits are pointless and they should just get on the transmat.
13:00- The Matrix. It basically contains everything of the Time Lords. I mention this because of what happens later. It's a massive database.
15:00- Aint no way there is this much room in a Cybersuit. Rather then finish investigating LoneCyber decides he needs to oversee.... errr.... that the ship is going to carry on travelling? I mean what could go wrong with again just letting some of these humans walk about. Did he even bother to check there was something wrong with the suits? Or send a unit to keep looking?
17:00- Ok. Here we go. The beginning of the wikipage plot. Tecteun. Ok so the first space faring tech they make can travel galaxies? Not just to a moon or nearby plant but galaxies! And you find sentient, all be it mute, life? I hope she hit a homerun too! :lol: Tecteun takes the child. A mute child. Apparently this is saving the little girl. Saving her from what I'm not sure as she knows nothing about this lifeform she just found. Does she live here? Are the structures keeping her alive? Are you interested in this location at all? Nah just take the girl.
19:00- Little girl regenerates. OMG.
20:00- The battle begins. Ryan blows them up using his epic Basketball skills. Hilariously calling back the intro to the season. There is no way he throws that bomb that far like that. A quick word about the updated Cybermen design. I quite like them. But the spikes ruin it for me. They just look so stupid. Classic case of over designed. A shame.
22:00- Its weird for me seeing this idea that the Cybermen and Time Lords were rivals and enemies. Tbh its never really seemed like it. :| Now we get the Cybermen deciding they basically dont want to be Cybermen. Its again very odd. However rather then doing the interesting thing, removing the robotic part they are going to be pure robots. Which they basically are already. This is all seems really pointless and is just here to up the stakes and give us the DEATH PARTICLE. Which also sadly undermines what little interest I already had in the LoneCyber. He has just got his hands on a massive army of shiny new warriors and...... now he is basically suicide bomber? All this time and the point of him is to hand off the macguffin? Just wat. Also for confirmation once the particle is activated its "capable of destroying all organic life" Thats the line. No scale. Just all organic life. Why not just do it now if all the warriors are pure robots already? This is a Dalek MO stuffed onto the Cybermen and doesn't work.
26:00- We see the child regenerating multiple times. Either this is the most unlucky child ever or..... oh no. Is she being killed over and over? Is this a child abuse theme? I don't know but thats all I can think of and Tecteun is complicit in it. This is really dark gooseberry fool. We never see Tecteun actually looking after the girl. Playing. Teaching. Nothing like that. The girl has no voice. No say. apparently Tecteun isn't interested in the structure she is found by or the weird space/time event in the sky. None of this might explain who she is. She doesn't seem interested in WHO she is but WHAT she is. And the abuse angle is only strengthened because the only way she knows the child will regenerate is by severe trauma or death.
27:30- Love this shot of the Citadel being built. I'm slightly amused they discovered immortality and then time travel then decided to call themselves Time Lords. Not Immortal Lords before that. Although it seems like Tecteun might still be the only one that can regenerate till he decides he needs to create space Tories. He decides to impose a limit on the number of regens. Bet he didn't do this to himself. Wanker. (Whats the betting that the Doc will one day meet up with Tecteun?) Still its nice to know a bit more about the lore around regen. Even if it maybe cocks up how Mels/River gets to regenerate. Its a shame its all stuff in this wikipage lecture. How much more interesting would this be if it turned out the Doctor discovered this and had the dilemma of interfering in the history of her own race? That would be an actual story. Not just data and info. Its actually not all that shocking so far. Regen is a kind of biotech. They create a class system with it, those that can and those that cant. This could be why Susan has never regenerated. She never got the magic graduation jab. The Time Lords only give it to the brightest perhaps? Again none of this is a total shock. Invasion of Time has primitive tribes in the wastelands around the citadel. Although it does raise the question.... if Time Lords have kids do they pass it on? We know the Doctor has a grandchild and a "daughter" and she can regenerate in her own way. But the child abuse is still really dark and this is basically eugenics. The Time Lords making themselves genetically superior.
29:00- You are teh timeless child!!!!! Right, my own feelings aside. You've decided to give the Doctor a massive new origin story and have made THE DOCTOR A CHILD ABUSE VICTIM? Taken the blank slate that was the pre Hartnell era, stuck the current Doctor in the most passive helpless state and do this?
30:00- Ryan seems to think the bloke living in a tent has deliberately chosen to not build doors. Well done Ryan. Ryan also finally gets to live his Call of Duty dreams. The Cyberfam turn up. Its dorky but kind of fun.
33:00- HAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA. All this time. All that set up. Bringing back Jack and you kill off the Lone Cyberman like that. HAHAHAHAHAAAA. I mean I suppose with the death particle you've killed anything interesting left so now you might as well but jesus. What a waste. Good job the CyberGoo didn't use any of those powers we saw it use just a couple of eps ago..... again.
Still I do love the TCE and the little tiny Cyberman. :wub: The Master now reveals he is having suicidal thoughts which is extremely odd for a man with a bunch of plans going on. Characterisation that makes little sense and by the end seems even less so. A word about Sacha Dhawan as the Master. I think he is amazing..... but I'm not sure I really like just how over the top he gets. At points I feel more like I'm watching the joker. I'm not even sure Simm under RTD was THIS mad.
36:00- Apparently the Time Lords lied to create a "noble creation myth" I'm not really sure what this is meant to mean seeing as I think this is actually the first time we have had how they discovered regeneration explained. I think we would all expect it to be something along the lines of a studying a natural process and developing it. Like basically any form of medical breakthrough. This just involves abduction and probably repeated child murder. I can kind of understand the Masters anger. In his mind anyway but.... both being Time Lords that can regenerate they of course share some DNA. I mean.... THATS HOW IT WORKS.
37:00- SHOW ME THE REST the Doctor shouts. No, how about you go and look for it? You discover it. You do something other then stand around being told this? Nah best have it explained to you.
37:30- Tom Clancy's Time Lord The Division tm. Right here we really go? Is this it? The real thing Cribbers wants to get to? The idea of a secret club of interfering Time Lords? And the Doctor was one of them? Mate with Gallifrey back you could have just had them running about doing whatevs whenever. And the Doctor goes off and interferes all the bloody time! Even FOR the Time Lords. So now the Doctor says she has been seeing images of Ireland in her head. This is TOTAL strawberry floating BULLSHIT. At no point in the previous ep do we see her react like she sees them. Or that its linked directly to her in anyway. This is beyond piss poor. It's a joke.
38:30- REDACTED. How very lucky the Time Lords went to the trouble of scribbling out all this info they didnt want getting out expect those other bits. Again, if the Doctor was discovering this first hand not only would it be more dramatic it wouldn't need shite like this to create false suspense. Crucially its "all but erased". Meaning its still there. This is important.
39:30- So Tecteun put a filter on the Matrix data so it looked like Ireland so it wouldn't be remarkable. But also it was redacted but not enough of it was so wtf? You are trying so so soooooooooooo hard to be clever Cribbers but frankly, you are not. You try and explain it as a kind of clue left behind by Tecteun for the Doctor but this person wiped her memories clean and the Master beamed the Irish stuff into the Doctors head. Not the unfiltered stuff. The Irish bits. As before, bullshit. The truth is this is a mess of bollocks. Mushy cardboard bollocks.
41:30- So now its time for the Cybermasters. And I thought the drones where stupid looking! LOL. Ok in fairness if you are gonna do this you might as well go for it. Fair enough. I think I could just stomach it better if they hadn't appeared so soon. Like if this was after a period of time. The idea of of Time Lord Cybermen has legs but wouldn't this have worked so much better if they had actually been the ones that took out Gallifrey and converted them? Rather then Master puppets? It's wasted here. Plus I have no idea how dead Time Lord parts can regenerate. I mean if they could they wouldn't be dead. The Master must have spent ages making this stuff and designing these suits. How very suicidal of him.
44:00- The fam make it to Gallifrey. Note- its Yaz that crosses over first. The one who is meant to have the sense of adventure. Like I said, she is the one of the 3 that would most work alone. A good choice.
45:00- Ruth Doctor is here now. To say it doesn't matter that her life isn't what she thought it was. Er ok. If you like. I suppose its about what you are now that matters and what you do etc. More on that later though.......
48:00- So the Doctor is going to break out of the Matrix by remembering all the life she has had including the bits she doesnt remember and only knows about it because it is in the Matrix. She overloads the Matrix WITH DATA IT ALREADY HAS. This is monumentally stupid. Even when you ignore thats its capable of storing ALL Time Lord knowledge. IT ALREADY KNOWS THIS STUFF. This is so bad. Oh and somehow it causes the white rings of rigidity to die. This makes total sense of course. Maybe they should have just not been there? Oh and using the main theme is so on the nose here its feels banal to me.
49:00- The fam have found the Doctor in this massive place! So here we go.... can confirm, the lady says there is a myth around the Lone Cyberman and the death particle will take out all organic life on a planet. She does not know about the shrinking. How convenient to suddenly apply a limit to the death particle. I can actually see the stitches in the script breaking up through the tv screen. So now the Doctor is suggesting a genocide on Gallifrey is the solution. We've seen this before eh Cribbers?
53:00- Apparently the Master left behind the CyberMini with the death particle. The Master and his batshit plans eh. He must of known the Doctor would blow the Matrix and the prison force field thing and then go and fine it. Oh and the Cybermen start attacking again. They miss. Their ship goes boom. The action scenes in this story are dreadful.
55:00- Man I love this set. So much better then the actual TARDIS set we have. The Doctor says she will die to save this universe and her fam.... "in a heartbeat". As she leaves the door shuts behind her.
58:00- The Master says he wants to conquer everything now he has the CyberMasters. Again. Very suicidal.
59:00- The Doctor explains that finding out about her past has made her more, by making her herself. So basically finding out about her past has changed nothing as she will still be the Doctor and do Doctor things. But now she is "more". The change is there is no change. But she says she is "so much more then you" to the Master. Which is very..... errrr.... iffy. She is more because she has the special DNA? Like I said this is eugenics and she says she is more. And I know this is accidental, but man is it strawberry floating odd to have a white person say this to a coloured person in this context. But then I think back to the Doctor leaving the Master to the Nazis and basically uses racism as a trap against him. Again I don't think this is intentionally racist, just clumsy and somewhat tone deaf. Like how we regularly get mixed messages about using weapons and how apparently its terrible that the Time Lords wiped her memory but it was fine for the Doctor to do that earlier in the series. The Cribbnel era just hasn't got a handle on its own themes. This is the Doctor claiming a superiority over the Master because she is the special one.
1:01:00- We've seen this before from Parting of the Ways and it was soooo much better then. 9 got lucky with Rose being Bad Wolf for sure but he was prepared to die rather then commit another genocide. The Master eggs on the Doctor to do something she just claimed she would do in a heartbeat. The Master is very happy to be destroyed just having built his new CyberMasters. The Doctor hesitates and doesn't press the button.
1:01:30- Then the old bloke appears. Saying he followed her out (the door did shut btw). None of the CyberMasters shoot at him or even react to the situation. The Master doesnt attempt to stop him even during the chat they have. The old bloke suddenly lets out some stuff about him being the reason the CyberGoo ends up back in time like he had access to time travel tech or something I really dunno I dont care because its out of nowhere.
1:02:00- Then it happens. IT happens. The Doctor runs off and lets the bloke do the genocide instead. Palms off the responsibility to someone else. Lets someone else die because she didn't have it in her. She actually lets this happen. I think one of the worst things is at no point does the Doctor try and find an alternative. Doesn't use the Death Particle as a bargaining chip. Doesn't try to talk him out of it. There isn't a failed plan. Its just I'm gonna do a genocide and then I'm not and I'm going to pass the buck. In a heartbeat eh?
You hear the Master give some orders which means he survives. How very suicidal of him.
1:03:00- hahahahaaaa. The TARDIS house. Man I do love a chameleon circuit joke. Wonder what happens when the council find out. "She got us hurm." That she did Yaz. That she did. Please all of you just stay there.
"What? What? What?" I'd say this was a nice throwback but given how much Cribbers has lifted from other things, mainly RTD, I just found this irritating.

I knew the Daleks were coming up. Was leaked ages back. In fact so long ago I wondered if they would turn up at the end of this series. Lets hope its better then the last Dalek story.

Even viewed in isolation this ep has many failings. Viewed in context its even worse and whats its done for the overall lore of the show is a massive issue on a personal level for me. I could maybe overlook that if I felt it had a reason, a strong story to go with it. Like how the War Doctor turns up. But that itsn't this. Was this all so the Morbius Doctors could be explained even though they really didn't have to? Because they could have just been Morbius faces? No one really cares. It calls into question so many things across the shows history. Like why did the Doctor need a new set of regens if he can just rengenerate forever? Also going forward the Doctor should just be reckless and not care about dying because she will just change forever its fine.

So in a nutshell, Cribbers has taken the mysterious non-origin of the Doctor, which could have been anything from a humble chap looking to get away and see the sights to fleeing a war to a long plot to one day topple the Daleks and you replaced that with..... time traveling Jason Bourne but with added child abuse? Stripped away a sense of agency that character had and given us our first female Doctor and made her the most passive, cowardly, inept version of the character ever seen? I just cant quite get over it.

I've seen some say its great because it makes the Doctor mysterious again and I just think.... wat? Like what could be more mysterious then someone basically not having an origin? Having a historic vacuum that writers can dip into if they want but also just ignore. It sure has opened up so many possibilities in a show that can go anywhere and anywhen..... huh? Also out of the 5 last series finales this is the 3rd Master/Cybermen one and the second set on Gallifrey. The Cybermen here were are one of the weakest appearances thematically to.

But here is the real kicker. HOW DOES THE MASTER EVEN WORK OUT THE TIMELESS CHILD IS THE DOCTOR? Of all the scenes he shows what actual evidence is there? I mean if we to actually assume what he says is true.... then the entire thing is built on an enormous gaping issue. Perhaps this is because its all going to be retconned and its missdirection but given how the show under Cribbers has gone I wont get my hopes up. This is the man who thought the Ireland stuff worked the way it did. Given how "functional" his character work is its pretty depressing how poor his plotting is as well.

Thanks to anyone that went through that. Its taken me most of this week. I've got a few ideas on what I would have done with some of these concepts but I'll that for another time.

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PostRe: Doctor Who- "The Timeless Child" Pedz says "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!"
by shy guy 64 » Sat Mar 07, 2020 3:57 pm

The Watching Artist wrote:But here is the real kicker. HOW DOES THE MASTER EVEN WORK OUT THE TIMELESS CHILD IS THE DOCTOR? Of all the scenes he shows what actual evidence is there? I mean if we to actually assume what he says is true.... then the entire thing is built on an enormous gaping issue. Perhaps this is because its all going to be retconned and its missdirection but given how the show under Cribbers has gone I wont get my hopes up. This is the man who thought the Ireland stuff worked the way it did. Given how "functional" his character work is its pretty depressing how poor his plotting is as well.

thatll probably help the theory that the whole thing was just the master trying to manipulate the doctor in some even more bizarre long term plan

anyway i think its worth noting that this year will mark the 50th anniversary of the 3rd doctor and iconic enemies autons/nestene and the silurions

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PostRe: Doctor Who- "The Timeless Child" Pedz says "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!"
by The Watching Artist » Tue Mar 10, 2020 2:21 pm

Ratings low but ratings bad?
The conclusion to this year's series of Doctor Who, The Timeless Children, had an official rating of 4.69 million viewers. The figure is the lowest consolidated figure for an episode of Doctor Who since the series returned in 2005, a record previously held by the 2017 story, The Eaters of Light. Out of 861 episodes of Doctor Who broadcast since 1963, only 33 have achieved a lower rating.

To put the figure in perspective, it was still the 30th most-watched programme on British TV for the week, much higher that the position achieved by the majority of episodes of Doctor Who shown over the years. The episode had a 21.5% share of the total TV audience.

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PostRe: Doctor Who- "The Timeless Child" Pedz says "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!"
by Hexx » Tue Mar 10, 2020 3:33 pm

Who the strawberry float is Cribbers

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PostRe: Doctor Who- "The Timeless Child" Pedz says "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!"
by The Watching Artist » Tue Mar 10, 2020 3:43 pm

Hexx wrote:Who the strawberry float is Cribbers


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PostRe: Doctor Who- "The Timeless Child" Pedz says "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!"
by Hexx » Tue Mar 10, 2020 3:48 pm

Just sounds like you meant to say Chibbers and got it wrong

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PostRe: Doctor Who- "The Timeless Child" Pedz says "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!"
by The Watching Artist » Tue Mar 10, 2020 3:50 pm

Hexx wrote:Just sounds like you meant to say Chibbers and got it wrong

The Watching Artist wrote:"What.... What!?" might as well just rename him Cribbers now.

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PostRe: Doctor Who- "The Timeless Child" Pedz says "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!"
by jawa4 » Tue Mar 10, 2020 4:09 pm

The Watching Artist wrote:...Right so here I go!...

Just read through your analysis and opinion piece, Matt... that was comprehensive!

As you know, I'm a pretty casual Who fan. I've seen (nearly) all of the episodes over the course of the past fifteen years (i.e. I've watched all of "new Who" as it has been released and also seen "classic Who" courtesy of the Twitch Marathons). I never remember the storylines even though I enjoy watching the episodes.

I'm sad that, as a hardcore fan of Who, these past two series haven't delivered for you. I feel disappointed with them, too; from my casual fan perspective I often don't notice discrepancies in Who lore but I do believe that these series have had too many episodes with woeful characterisation and uninteresting storylines.

It's not the characters themselves that I'm frustrated by. I love there being a female doctor and I really like the variety in the companions. I think it had been their interaction in the stories that has left me feeling underwhelmed; it has never felt to be that exciting or memorable. On occasions there have been conversations that felt natural and a degree of emotion coming to the fore; but generally it has all been pretty forgettable.

There feels to be so much potential with the crew and the seemingly decent budget but, for me, it has fallen short. The glint of light is that I far preferred this latest series to the previous one; there were some episodes I kinda enjoyed. I do wonder where we go from here, though. I'll be watching but I think there is some change needed.

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PostRe: Doctor Who- "The Timeless Child" Pedz says "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!"
by shy guy 64 » Tue Mar 10, 2020 7:35 pm

some parts of the last episode felt like hed left it to fill in the gaps ourselves

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PostRe: Doctor Who- "The Timeless Child" Pedz says "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!"
by Garth » Tue Mar 10, 2020 7:41 pm

Watched the final three episodes again last night and I still don't like the idea of the Doctor being the Timeless Child and the origin of Time Lord regeneration. I do agree though that overall this series was better than the previous one.

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PostRe: Doctor Who- "The Timeless Child" Pedz says "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!"
by The Watching Artist » Wed Mar 11, 2020 11:06 am

Garth wrote:Watched the final three episodes again last night

:shock: Brave Garth. :shock:

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PostRe: Doctor Who- "The Timeless Child" Pedz says "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!"
by Jenuall » Wed Mar 11, 2020 11:28 am

Scores on the doors, my ratings for each episode this season:

| Episode | Score |
| Spyfall (Pt 1) | 5 |
| Spyfall (Pt 2) | 6 |
| Orphan 55 | 4 |
| Nikola Tesla's Night of Terror | 6 |
| Fugitive of the Judoon | 5 |
| Praxeus | 4 |
| Can You Hear Me? | 6 |
| The Haunting of Villa Diodati | 7 |
| Ascension of the Cybermen | 5 |
| The Timeless Children | 4 |

Not a pretty sight. I do think this set of episodes was better than Chibnall's first, but for me it's still by far the weakest period of the New Who era. Even the weakest seasons we had before this had a few standout episodes that made up for things but this has just been a slog to get through. :cry:

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PostRe: Doctor Who- "The Timeless Child" Pedz says "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!"
by The Watching Artist » Wed Mar 11, 2020 2:29 pm

Jenuall wrote:Scores on the doors, my ratings for each episode this season:

| Episode | Score |
| Spyfall (Pt 1) | 5 |
| Spyfall (Pt 2) | 6 |
| Orphan 55 | 4 |
| Nikola Tesla's Night of Terror | 6 |
| Fugitive of the Judoon | 5 |
| Praxeus | 4 |
| Can You Hear Me? | 6 |
| The Haunting of Villa Diodati | 7 |
| Ascension of the Cybermen | 5 |
| The Timeless Children | 4 |

Not a pretty sight. I do think this set of episodes was better than Chibnall's first, but for me it's still by far the weakest period of the New Who era. Even the weakest seasons we had before this had a few standout episodes that made up for things but this has just been a slog to get through. :cry:

Be interested to see your series 11 scores

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PostRe: Doctor Who- "The Timeless Child" Pedz says "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!"
by Jenuall » Wed Mar 11, 2020 3:03 pm

The Watching Artist wrote:
Jenuall wrote:Scores on the doors, my ratings for each episode this season:

| Episode | Score |
| Spyfall (Pt 1) | 5 |
| Spyfall (Pt 2) | 6 |
| Orphan 55 | 4 |
| Nikola Tesla's Night of Terror | 6 |
| Fugitive of the Judoon | 5 |
| Praxeus | 4 |
| Can You Hear Me? | 6 |
| The Haunting of Villa Diodati | 7 |
| Ascension of the Cybermen | 5 |
| The Timeless Children | 4 |

Not a pretty sight. I do think this set of episodes was better than Chibnall's first, but for me it's still by far the weakest period of the New Who era. Even the weakest seasons we had before this had a few standout episodes that made up for things but this has just been a slog to get through. :cry:

Be interested to see your series 11 scores

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... data acquired ...

| Episode | Score |
| The Woman Who Fell to Earth | 7 |
| The Ghost Monument | 5 |
| Rosa | 6 |
| Arachnids in the UK | 4 |
| The Tsuranga Conundrum | 4 |
| Demons of the Punjab | 6 |
| Kerblam! | 4 |
| The Witchfinders | 5 |
| It Takes You Away | 5 |
| The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos | 4 |

So an average of 5.0 versus my 5.3 for the most recent series. Not exactly a massive improvement! :lol:

I was hopeful after The Woman Who Fell to Earth - Jodie was full of energy and desire to share her excitement with those around her which felt right, there was an interesting mix of companions who showed potential, the production was as good as ever etc. Ghost Monument was a bit of a bog standard fare but everyone expects a few of those in a series and Rosa picked things back up a bit with a nice return to historical and somewhat education aspects of the show ... but then it just seemed to give up and go nowhere.

They don't seem to know how to do a coherent series arc or character progression for anyone. Those are things that you can get away with to an extent if you are delivering great standalone stories each week, but we're not getting that either!

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PostRe: Doctor Who- "The Timeless Child" Pedz says "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!"
by imbusydoctorwho » Wed Mar 11, 2020 3:04 pm

Might as well put my scores for the latest series.

Spyfall (Pt 1) 7
Spyfall (Pt 2) 5
Orphan 55 3
Nikola Tesla's Night of Terror 7
Fugitive of the Judoon 7
Praxeus 3
Can You Hear Me? 4
The Haunting of Villa Diodati 7
Ascension of the Cybermen 7
The Timeless Children 5

Overal a much better series than the last, but then again that isn't saying much. We had quite a few good and enjoyable episodes, but nothing brilliant like we had years ago. There's still a handful of pretty dreadful epsiodes that was too preachy with it's politics, and bar Bradley Walsh the fam was still pretty fogettable and uninspired bunch of companions.

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The Watching Artist
Joined in 2008

PostRe: Doctor Who- "The Timeless Child" Pedz says "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!"
by The Watching Artist » Sun Mar 15, 2020 5:53 pm


Moff :lol: :lol: :lol:

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PostRe: Doctor Who- "The Timeless Child" Pedz says "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!"
by Hexx » Sun Mar 15, 2020 7:34 pm

Andrew Ellard rewrites Bad Wolf/Parting of the Ways in the style of The Timeless Children:

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