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Re: PS5 confirmed - coming 2020, AMD Zen 2 CPU, 8K Navi Ray-Tracing GPU, SSD, PSVR, physical media, backwards compatible

Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2019 10:20 am
by Peter Crisp
so the rumours seems to suggest this will be about 14TF.
Is that a lot these days? The One X is 6TF so having a next gen console be 14 doesn't seem all that outrageous but how hard is it to build a PC with 14TF?

Are we talking £1500 or £750 for a PC with that spec?

Re: PS5 confirmed - coming 2020, AMD Zen 2 CPU, 8K Navi Ray-Tracing GPU, SSD, PSVR, physical media, backwards compatible

Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2019 10:30 am
by NickSCFC
Peter Crisp wrote:so the rumours seems to suggest this will be about 14TF.
Is that a lot these days? The One X is 6TF so having a next gen console be 14 doesn't seem all that outrageous but how hard is it to build a PC with 14TF?

Are we talking £1500 or £750 for a PC with that spec?

Most of the rumours were indicating a 10-12 tflop GPU, not enough to handle ray tracing as far as I know.

Re: PS5 confirmed - coming 2020, AMD Zen 2 CPU, 8K Navi Ray-Tracing GPU, SSD, PSVR, physical media, backwards compatible

Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2019 10:35 am
by Saint of Killers
BC is a nice option to have but if I buy a PS5 it will be because, as with PS3 and 4, its exclusives appeal more than MS's efforts. That may change what with the studios MS has bought as of late, but right now it's the PS5's likely library of next gen games that's got me interested in it.

Re: PS5 confirmed - coming 2020, AMD Zen 2 CPU, 8K Navi Ray-Tracing GPU, SSD, PSVR, physical media, backwards compatible

Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2019 4:26 pm
by Sandy
Peter Crisp wrote:so the rumours seems to suggest this will be about 14TF.
Is that a lot these days? The One X is 6TF so having a next gen console be 14 doesn't seem all that outrageous but how hard is it to build a PC with 14TF?

Are we talking £1500 or £750 for a PC with that spec?

It's hard to quantify the price of a PC with a similar spec. If the metric they're using is simply the calculation for the GPU then this level of performance is inline with a slightly overclocked 1080ti which is just over 11TF normally and can hit 14TF when OC'd. The RRP for the 1080ti when it came out was starting from £700.

PCs then have many other factors which make them faster (or slower) - CPU, RAM, NvME SSDs etc. This aspect of a PC build could cost you anything from £300 more to £1500 more. So it's a variable and not a like for like comparison.

If they're hitting that kind of performance power on the next gen console then you're going to see very nice looking native 4K games. 60fps should become more common place on games that aren't pushing the boundries of photorealism.

The thermal solution will have to be good for this kind of computer. It's 7nm so will run cooler but console are also normally very small with bad air circulation. Thermal bottlenecking may be the main limiting factor for the consoles.

The other thing that will be interesting to see is if they can actually make the machines fast enough to meet demand. Intel have had a bit of a shitshow trying to get their 10nm processors (arguably the same as the 7nm we're talking about here) out the door and so far the only mass produced 7nm processors have been for mobile devices. This is why there's zero chance of seeing 2019 consoles.

Re: PS5 confirmed - coming 2020, AMD Zen 2 CPU, 8K Navi Ray-Tracing GPU, SSD, PSVR, physical media, backwards compatible

Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2019 11:35 pm
by Monkey Man

Re: PS5 confirmed - coming 2020, AMD Zen 2 CPU, 8K Navi Ray-Tracing GPU, SSD, PSVR, physical media, backwards compatible

Posted: Fri Apr 26, 2019 9:20 am
by Saint of Killers
Mid-late 2020 for PS5.

Re: PS5 confirmed - coming 2020, AMD Zen 2 CPU, 8K Navi Ray-Tracing GPU, SSD, PSVR, physical media, backwards compatible

Posted: Fri Apr 26, 2019 9:42 am
by Peter Crisp
I'm not sure anyone was expecting a launch in the first half of 2020 and I expect a year of reveals and build-up.

Re: PS5 confirmed - coming 2020, AMD Zen 2 CPU, 8K Navi Ray-Tracing GPU, SSD, PSVR, physical media, backwards compatible

Posted: Fri Apr 26, 2019 9:54 am
by KK
What is ray tracing and what's so special about it?

Re: PS5 confirmed - coming 2020, AMD Zen 2 CPU, 8K Navi Ray-Tracing GPU, SSD, PSVR, physical media, backwards compatible

Posted: Fri Apr 26, 2019 10:02 am
by Peter Crisp

While it may be supported by next gen I don't think games will use it as it's a huge resource hog and I'd rather just have super stable 4K 60fps.

Re: PS5 confirmed - coming 2020, AMD Zen 2 CPU, 8K Navi Ray-Tracing GPU, SSD, PSVR, physical media, backwards compatible

Posted: Fri Apr 26, 2019 10:37 am
by KK
I like how that video begins with 'here's Star Wars using it'...but then quickly reveals we're not getting anything that will look like that. :x

Re: PS5 confirmed - coming 2020, AMD Zen 2 CPU, 8K Navi Ray-Tracing GPU, SSD, PSVR, physical media, backwards compatible

Posted: Fri Apr 26, 2019 10:45 am
by Sandy
The Star Wars demo is a photo-realistic video though and requires hugh amounts on compute power. The ray-tracing itself is the same, just the quality of the graphical models that it'll be tracing from and to will not be of as high a quality in current video games.

It's effectively realistic light mapping and reflections. Previously this has not been how shadows, lighting and reflections have been represented.

It'll make scenes more lifelike and in turn more immersive.

Re: PS5 confirmed - coming 2020, AMD Zen 2 CPU, 8K Navi Ray-Tracing GPU, SSD, PSVR, physical media, backwards compatible

Posted: Fri Apr 26, 2019 10:53 am
by Gemini73
Just like many believed PS4 and X1 would breeze 1080p/60 fps AND be ahead of high end PC rigs for years to come I've no doubt many will also believe PS5 games will look as good as the new Star Wars films.

Never underestimate the hype machine.

Re: PS5 confirmed - coming 2020, AMD Zen 2 CPU, 8K Navi Ray-Tracing GPU, SSD, PSVR, physical media, backwards compatible

Posted: Fri Apr 26, 2019 11:13 am
by Albert
Iraq has a load on backorder

Re: PS5 confirmed - coming 2020, AMD Zen 2 CPU, 8K Navi Ray-Tracing GPU, SSD, PSVR, physical media, backwards compatible

Posted: Fri Apr 26, 2019 11:15 am
by Peter Crisp
Yep, as much as I'd like to see super snazzy ray tracing in its full glory it's pretty obvious even super high end PC's won't be able to do 4K 60 ray tracing any time soon so I have a feeling even a mid gen refresh in 6 years still won't give us machines capable of it.

8K and ray tracing are the future maybe but not yet.

What they need to do is slap an OLED screen on the top of the next gen consoles as everyone would just love that.
Just imagine the entire top of a PS4 being an OLED screen and then wonder how you lived before that was a thing :wub: .

Re: PS5 confirmed - coming 2020, AMD Zen 2 CPU, 8K Navi Ray-Tracing GPU, SSD, PSVR, physical media, backwards compatible

Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2019 7:50 am
by Saint of Killers
AMD board leak hints at next-gen 'Navi' graphics tech ... s-pcb-leak

Re: PS5 confirmed - coming 2020, AMD Zen 2 CPU, 8K Navi Ray-Tracing GPU, SSD, PSVR, physical media, backwards compatible

Posted: Tue May 21, 2019 3:49 am
by Venom
At a Sony meeting where some journalists were allowed to attend Wall Street Journal tech reporter Takashi Mochizuki reports that Sony said:

Sony CEO, "Anytime, anywhere, continuously" as a language that represents the seamless PlayStation.

Sony CEO: to ensure PlayStation will remain as the best place to play, SIE to work on keeping & improving relationships with outside game developers.

Sony: In explaining PlayStation's seamless feature, the company used the phrase "anytime, anywhere, without disconnections"

This is the first statement by Sony on their cloud gaming goals for the next-generation. If I'm interpreting it right it means you will be able to access your PlayStation anywhere.

Sony also revealed a loading speed comparison between PS4 and the next-generation PS5.

Re: PS5 confirmed - coming 2020, AMD Zen 2 CPU, 8K Navi Ray-Tracing GPU, SSD, PSVR, physical media, backwards compatible

Posted: Tue May 21, 2019 7:57 am
by jawafour
I wonder if Sony is going to offer both a traditional console and a streaming option - à la Stadia - as their PS5 service?

Re: PS5 confirmed - coming 2020, AMD Zen 2 CPU, 8K Navi Ray-Tracing GPU, SSD, PSVR, physical media, backwards compatible

Posted: Tue May 21, 2019 8:06 am
by Saint of Killers
They bloody better - my internet connection is so average that PS4 won't even let me do share play :lol: :cry: (Unless a streaming console also allows us to download the game as a whole...)

Re: PS5 confirmed - coming 2020, AMD Zen 2 CPU, 8K Navi Ray-Tracing GPU, SSD, PSVR, physical media, backwards compatible

Posted: Tue May 21, 2019 8:16 am
by Poser
It's the weirdest non-launch ever. Everything feels backwards and it's weirding me out. :lol:

Re: PS5 confirmed - coming 2020, AMD Zen 2 CPU, 8K Navi Ray-Tracing GPU, SSD, PSVR, physical media, backwards compatible

Posted: Tue May 21, 2019 8:40 am
by NickSCFC