Final Fantasy VII Rebirth [PS5]

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PostRe: Final Fantasy VII Rebirth [PS5] Out Today! 92 Metacritic
by sawyerpip » Sun Mar 03, 2024 12:12 pm

Chapter 5 :lol:

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PostRe: Final Fantasy VII Rebirth [PS5] Out Today! 92 Metacritic
by Hexx » Mon Mar 04, 2024 1:39 am

Oh my (materia spoilers in Corel region

HP absorb works with enemy skill!

Plasma discharge becomes more OP!!!

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PostRe: Final Fantasy VII Rebirth [PS5] Out Today! 92 Metacritic
by Rubix » Mon Mar 04, 2024 9:12 am

Just finished the Junon section and heading into Junon now.

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PostRe: Final Fantasy VII Rebirth [PS5] Out Today! 92 Metacritic
by Jenuall » Mon Mar 04, 2024 9:59 pm

Really wish that the devs of this would have learned the "less is more mantra", it could be applied in quite a few ways that would all enhance the experience. The foremost so far being from a story perspective:

Sephiroth was an all time great antagonist because he was a mystery for so much of the game, you witnessed the aftermath of his actions and got a sense of his power, you caught glimpses of an earlier version of him in flashbacks etc. Here, and on Remake, they are just ramming the dude down your throat from the get go and it's way less effective.

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PostRe: Final Fantasy VII Rebirth [PS5] Out Today! 92 Metacritic
by Jenuall » Tue Mar 05, 2024 12:31 pm

Everything done in the Grasslands area now, moving into the Mythril Mines!

I'm finding the combat a lot more enjoyable in this than Remake, that is definitely a big plus in Rebirth's column

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PostRe: Final Fantasy VII Rebirth [PS5] Out Today! 92 Metacritic
by Jenuall » Tue Mar 05, 2024 8:27 pm

Loving the idea of eco warrior Barret being perfectly happy shooting the strawberry float out of all this Mythril that the planet has spent generations growing and has been established exists nowhere else on the entire planet, just so be can collect some more materials for crafting gooseberry fool... :|

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PostRe: Final Fantasy VII Rebirth [PS5] Out Today! 92 Metacritic
by Godzilla » Tue Mar 05, 2024 8:32 pm

Up to chapter 12, 40 + hours in. Decided to head back to the first area and then work through the rest finding as much as I can.

Story is really well done so far and it's giving everyone time to shine. Some of the mini games are not for me, but I have managed to do most of them.

Wish my image sig would work
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PostRe: Final Fantasy VII Rebirth [PS5] Out Today! 92 Metacritic
by sawyerpip » Tue Mar 05, 2024 9:19 pm

Jenuall wrote:Loving the idea of eco warrior Barret being perfectly happy shooting the strawberry float out of all this Mythril that the planet has spent generations growing and has been established exists nowhere else on the entire planet, just so be can collect some more materials for crafting gooseberry fool... :|

He's a miner at heart after all.

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PostRe: Final Fantasy VII Rebirth [PS5] Out Today! 92 Metacritic
by Victor Mildew » Tue Mar 05, 2024 10:01 pm

The planets dyin' Jenuall!

Hexx wrote:Ad7 is older and balder than I thought.
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PostRe: Final Fantasy VII Rebirth [PS5] Out Today! 92 Metacritic
by Jenuall » Tue Mar 05, 2024 10:16 pm

There ain't no getta offa this mine cart we on!

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PostRe: Final Fantasy VII Rebirth [PS5] Out Today! 92 Metacritic
by Rubix » Wed Mar 06, 2024 7:32 am

Jenuall wrote:Really wish that the devs of this would have learned the "less is more mantra", it could be applied in quite a few ways that would all enhance the experience. The foremost so far being from a story perspective:

Sephiroth was an all time great antagonist because he was a mystery for so much of the game, you witnessed the aftermath of his actions and got a sense of his power, you caught glimpses of an earlier version of him in flashbacks etc. Here, and on Remake, they are just ramming the dude down your throat from the get go and it's way less effective.

100% mate!

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PostRe: Final Fantasy VII Rebirth [PS5]
by Rubix » Wed Mar 06, 2024 7:32 am

Just completed Junon, the game has started to pick up a bit now, really enjoyed that Chapter.

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PostRe: Final Fantasy VII Rebirth [PS5]
by Godzilla » Wed Mar 06, 2024 8:44 pm

50 hours in and currently 100% on 3 regions.

Enjoying backtracking and doing all the stuff I didn't do when I explored the first time. Still have to do the green side missions on each area too.

Feeling very powerful as I'm able to use skills almost constantly thanks to a good materia set up and use of synergy.

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PostRe: Final Fantasy VII Rebirth [PS5]
by Jenuall » Thu Mar 07, 2024 10:43 pm

20hrs in and just made my way to upper Junon, like the first Remake it has it's share of flaws but overall I'm really enjoying this

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PostRe: Final Fantasy VII Rebirth [PS5]
by sawyerpip » Fri Mar 08, 2024 2:02 am

Godzilla wrote:
Enjoying backtracking and doing all the stuff I didn't do when I explored the first time. Still have to do the green side missions on each area too.

I'd probably recommend prioritising these green missions over the other side content, just because they tend to focus on only one other character to accompany you in each one so you get some nice moments doing them.

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PostRe: Final Fantasy VII Rebirth [PS5]
by Jenuall » Fri Mar 08, 2024 3:33 pm

Anyone else surprised by the lack of discourse around this game? Not just on here but in general there's seems to be a real lack of buzz about it

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PostRe: Final Fantasy VII Rebirth [PS5]
by Cheeky Devlin » Fri Mar 08, 2024 3:59 pm

I'm actively avoiding it for fear of spoilers. That and I've been making rather slow progress (I think I'm about 8-10 hours in now) as I'm still just mucking about near the Chocobo Ranch. I've not progressed the story beyond that yet.

Aside from that I'm absolutely loving it though. I'm finally clicking with the combat again, which took me a wee while and I've gotten back in the flow of switching characters based on what I need to do. I've mastered all the weapon skills I've unlocked so far and I'm just wandering around near Kalm to see what all the open-world stuff is like.

It's not perfect though and I did see you mirror some of my feelings early on in the game. Specifically locking you in to a slow walking, or crawl while you're walking through an area. Pain in the arse.

I also find it a bit odd to be all about saving the planet before then strip mining the open-world for every resource you can find. Especially the lifesprings. Reminds me a bit of the Niko situation from GTA IV ("Oh I'm so fed up having to kill people" - murders EVERYONE).

Hopefully get some more time on it over the weekend. :wub:

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PostRe: Final Fantasy VII Rebirth [PS5]
by Jenuall » Fri Mar 08, 2024 4:16 pm

Yeah there's definitely a lot of ludonarrative dissonance going on. The Avalance crew often feel more like eco-terrorists than eco-warriors! :lol:

I have some story/focus concerns as well. (mild spoilers for stuff up to arriving in Junon) The narrative is a bit odd so far, it's lacking the drive of the original IMO. I'm 20 hours in and I still don't really feel like there's a properly compelling reason why anything is happening. The original has a very clear "following the man in black" goal for the time after you leave Midgar, whereas in this it's like - are we supposed to be chasing Sephiroth? Is that what it's about? Are we going to talk about those Whisper things again? Where did they go? We seem to be following the dudes in robes but nobody has given any real context for them? I guess we're trying to get away from Shinra who are looking for us... but then why do we head straight to the next nearest Shinra stronghold? And if they are desperate to catch us why do they give up so quickly to the point of allowing us to just wander around in front of them? :lol: It all feels a little bit sloppy.

It suffers a lot from many of the usual open world problems - icon hunts, leading you too much by the nose, appearing to be open but locking your exploration with barriers, a strangely dead feel to the overworld (no roaming NPCs to discover etc.), stumbling along areas that have nothing to do but are clearly set aside for some event later, having the characters discovering "long hidden secrets" that are literally around the corner from a town...

But, despite all of that I'm really enjoying it! The combat is really great, and the music is fantastic - those two things combined mean it's generally just fun to do knock about the world and encounter stuff which makes a huge difference in these games.

I'm having a great time with the card game as well, although Triple Triad will always have my heart :wub:

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PostRe: Final Fantasy VII Rebirth [PS5]
by Jenuall » Fri Mar 08, 2024 9:42 pm

Not a fan of how they've changed the military parade rhythm mini game. The input mechanism is either really badly explained or simply doesn't work

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PostRe: Final Fantasy VII Rebirth [PS5]
by Hexx » Sat Mar 09, 2024 2:19 am

*Strokes his President’s Special medal for 100k*

It works find you’re just terrible

Re spoilers

Yeah it’s still follow the men in robes who’ll lead them to Sephiroth they think. Combined with open world bloat slowing things down there’s a real lack of urgency.

Shinra told you both in the Rude/Elaine fight and if you’ve met Rufus. They don’t care about avalanche, they have other priorities like the men in black, Sephiroth and few other things I can’t remember if you’ve seen. Plus they’re just watching the party in case they help them achieve those aims.

You beat the Whispers in the last game, so why would they be around now? You also should have had a scene with Aerith and Red talking about then in under Juno. It’s taking a back seat but it’s there

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