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Re: Fitness & Martial Arts Thread

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 1:14 pm
by Grumpy David
TravelJug wrote:
jamcc wrote:*Point to post on previous page*

Any suggestions/ advice on a budget treadmill? I want to buy one as soon as I can!

I was in the middle of replying to you yesterday then my laptop battery ran out. :x

Anyway, the gist of it was: It's not the advice you want but you're probably safer doind your sprint training outdoors and save you and your mum alot of money. It'll be better for your knees and ankles outside too. Just invest in a good pair of running shoes. Treadmills are hard for interval training in the sense that it's hard to bring them up and down in speed quick enough for to justify the "intervals."

Yeah I got to agree with this. Budget treadmills = no no. The only ones worth considering are the one's which gym's have and they cost thousands. Get a good pair of running trainers (I recently bought some Asics whilst in the US, and they're very good) instead, you won't regret it.

TravelJug wrote:
Cubeamania wrote:
HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training)/Fartlek is good for fat loss and anaerobic activity, but for sustained aerobic activity the way to get better at it is, you've guessed it. Sustained aerobic activity. So I'd go with jogging but there's no reason why you can't do a HIIT session once or twice a week just to mix things up a bit. seem to know your stuff! :shock: I'm not shocked at that no. What I am shocked at is that I may have found someone else on this forum as interested in fitness/weights/nuritrition as me! Score!

I'm squating 95kg 5x5 at the minute. I'm going to push it up 2.5kg today and then i'll squat 100kg next. I didn't do weights for a few weeks there and it did the world of good. My strength went up. I was struggling with 90kg a few weeks ago.

My DeadLift is strawberry floating gooseberry fool. I'm on around 75kg. I'm just building it up slowly...

I'm mostly interested in weightlifting and getting better at cardio work. Annoyingly the gym I joined is quite rubbish when it comes to free weights equipment so I do DB squats (and plate loaded squat press, 160KG 5x5) and bench press as there is no squat or bench rack. Only the smith-machine version. It's not an ideal solution but its still better then using the smith machines. I was doing squats (5x5) with 30KG dumbells in each hand but its really the grip letting me down and it not a barbell that I can't lift more. For DB bench press (5x5), I've been doing 24KG in each hand. The only reason I can do proper deadlifts is because they have a lone barbell with collars. :lol: I'm very tempted to complain and see if they can get a proper squat and bench rack but seeing as I'm going Uni next month, there's not much point. I just hope my Uni gym has better free weights equipment. I hate those damn smith machines!

Re: Fitness & Martial Arts Thread

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 1:30 pm
by TravelJug
Cubeamania wrote:
I'm mostly interested in weightlifting and getting better at cardio work. Annoyingly the gym I joined is quite rubbish when it comes to free weights equipment so I do DB squats (and plate loaded squat press, 160KG 5x5) and bench press as there is no squat or bench rack. Only the smith-machine version. It's not an ideal solution but its still better then using the smith machines. I was doing squats (5x5) with 30KG dumbells in each hand but its really the grip letting me down and it not a barbell that I can't lift more. For DB bench press (5x5), I've been doing 24KG in each hand. The only reason I can do proper deadlifts is because they have a lone barbell with collars. :lol: I'm very tempted to complain and see if they can get a proper squat and bench rack but seeing as I'm going Uni next month, there's not much point. I just hope my Uni gym has better free weights equipment. I hate those damn smith machines!

So you use a smith machine then? Your Uni gym will have MUCH better equipment. Just wait til you'd doing the compound lifts with a barbell... :shock: It's much tougher than a smith machine. You may have to leave the ego out the door and build it up slowly...that's what I had to do. :(

Re: Fitness & Martial Arts Thread

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 1:46 pm
by Grumpy David
TravelJug wrote:
Cubeamania wrote:
I'm mostly interested in weightlifting and getting better at cardio work. Annoyingly the gym I joined is quite rubbish when it comes to free weights equipment so I do DB squats (and plate loaded squat press, 160KG 5x5) and bench press as there is no squat or bench rack. Only the smith-machine version. It's not an ideal solution but its still better then using the smith machines. I was doing squats (5x5) with 30KG dumbells in each hand but its really the grip letting me down and it not a barbell that I can't lift more. For DB bench press (5x5), I've been doing 24KG in each hand. The only reason I can do proper deadlifts is because they have a lone barbell with collars. :lol: I'm very tempted to complain and see if they can get a proper squat and bench rack but seeing as I'm going Uni next month, there's not much point. I just hope my Uni gym has better free weights equipment. I hate those damn smith machines!

So you use a smith machine then? Your Uni gym will have MUCH better equipment. Just wait til you'd doing the compound lifts with a barbell... :shock: It's much tougher than a smith machine. You may have to leave the ego out the door and build it up slowly...that's what I had to do. :(

The only smith machine I use is the plate loaded squat press (which is like 1.8xsquatting weight, apparently). Because there isn't a free weights bench rack or squat rack I use dumbbells for those exercises instead (as opposed to the smith machine version of bench and squat). I use the lone adjustable barbell in the gym for the deadlift as that doesn't require a rack. All freeweights for me.

Re: Fitness & Martial Arts Thread

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 2:00 pm
by Dowbocop
To add something to the treadmill debate, what's the general opinion on rowing machines? I'd be looking to improve my cardio with it, and I've heard that rowing is good for that.

Re: Fitness & Martial Arts Thread

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 2:22 pm
by TravelJug
Dowbocop wrote:To add something to the treadmill debate, what's the general opinion on rowing machines? I'd be looking to improve my cardio with it, and I've heard that rowing is good for that.

Well, it's not as easy to go out for a rowing sesh as it is a run! :) I'd say you can't go wrong with a concept 2 rower. It's one of the better pieces of gym equipment out there. I strawberry floating hate the thing though.

Re: Fitness & Martial Arts Thread

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 2:32 pm
by Dowbocop
TravelJug wrote:
Dowbocop wrote:To add something to the treadmill debate, what's the general opinion on rowing machines? I'd be looking to improve my cardio with it, and I've heard that rowing is good for that.

Well, it's not as easy to go out for a rowing sesh as it is a run! :) I'd say you can't go wrong with a concept 2 rower. It's one of the better pieces of gym equipment out there. I strawberry floating hate the thing though.

I'm looking for something a fraction of the price to be honest, £70 will be my upper limit. Take this for example. That would be ideal, the only problem appears to be that it looks really short, as in my arse would fall off the end of it!

Re: Fitness & Martial Arts Thread

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 2:33 pm
by Nova
I'm trying to work on my football/general stamina at the moment, and this is my weekly routine. Is it all over the place, cancelling each other out?

-Swimming (1000m)

-Bench Press (3x15)
-Fly (3x15)
-Bent over Rows (3x15)

-Run (2miles)
-Football (Soccer City stylee)

-Bicep Curls (3x15)
-Lateral Raise (3x15)
-Shrugs (3x15)
-Wrist Curls (3x15)

-Bench Press (Bench angled) (3x15)
-Fly (Bench angled) (3x15)
-Pullovers (3x15)

-Wrist Curls (3x15)
-Upright Rows (3x15)
-Barbell Curls (3x15)
-Narrow Grip Bench Press (3x15)


Is there room to do more? I want to fit more stuff in for stamina, but I'm reluctant to give up weights in case it's the wrong thing to do. All of this whilst trying only to spend an hour ish a day doing it (I'm going to uni and don't want to give myself hours and hours of stuff to do everyday)

Re: Fitness & Martial Arts Thread

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 2:43 pm
by Cropolite
I suppose you could fit in a longer run, our team go for a six mile run through the local forest once a week.

Re: Fitness & Martial Arts Thread

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 2:46 pm
by TravelJug
Dowbocop wrote:
TravelJug wrote:
Dowbocop wrote:To add something to the treadmill debate, what's the general opinion on rowing machines? I'd be looking to improve my cardio with it, and I've heard that rowing is good for that.

Well, it's not as easy to go out for a rowing sesh as it is a run! :) I'd say you can't go wrong with a concept 2 rower. It's one of the better pieces of gym equipment out there. I strawberry floating hate the thing though.

I'm looking for something a fraction of the price to be honest, £70 will be my upper limit. Take this for example. That would be ideal, the only problem appears to be that it looks really short, as in my arse would fall off the end of it!

I didn't mean one literally. That's just what I call the machine. My bad. In general a rowing machine is a good idea. I don't know about them and I may be able to help you out later but I'd dare say you'd need to spenf over £70 for a half decent one!

Re: Fitness & Martial Arts Thread

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 2:53 pm
by Dowbocop
TravelJug wrote:
Dowbocop wrote:
TravelJug wrote:
Dowbocop wrote:To add something to the treadmill debate, what's the general opinion on rowing machines? I'd be looking to improve my cardio with it, and I've heard that rowing is good for that.

Well, it's not as easy to go out for a rowing sesh as it is a run! :) I'd say you can't go wrong with a concept 2 rower. It's one of the better pieces of gym equipment out there. I strawberry floating hate the thing though.

I'm looking for something a fraction of the price to be honest, £70 will be my upper limit. Take this for example. That would be ideal, the only problem appears to be that it looks really short, as in my arse would fall off the end of it!

I didn't mean one literally. That's just what I call the machine. My bad. In general a rowing machine is a good idea. I don't know about them and I may be able to help you out later but I'd dare say you'd need to spenf over £70 for a half decent one!

Same with everything really, you get what you pay for! I might run by Debenhams or John Lewis and see if I can have a quick go on one of the cheap and cheerful ones. If I don't fall off the end when I row, then I don't see how it can be much of a problem. The spring loaded ones could be tightened manually as well (by strapping individual spring coils together) if they don't give me enough resistance.

Re: Fitness & Martial Arts Thread

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 4:04 pm
by ladybayred
Joined my local gym just over a week ago, with the intention of losing the beer gut I've developed over 2 years at uni. Currently I'm about 5'8" and weigh about 13.5 stone.
I play football twice a week (1 hour of 5-a-side and 1 full 11-a-side match) and would very much like to be able this season to run up and down all match from fullback position (unlike last season). When i joined up the instructor gave me a routine to be carried out roughly 4 times per week of:
Warm up:
5 mins on a bike
10 mins on interval setting on a x-trainer
Main Session:
12 x 3 :press ups
12 x 3 :assisted pull ups
12 x 3 :lunges (for each leg)
12 x 3 :Calf stretch type things done on a ledge
3 x hold for 1 minute : Forget there name, similar position to a press up except with bent arms, instead of pushing up and down i have to hold my body steady (the aim is to exercise my abs I believe).
12 x 3 : Stretches, basically lying on my front and arching my back upwards, with my arms held at the bottom of my spine.
10 Mins : I don't like running machines (I blame it on being flat footed) so I have been told to use a slightly different form of X- trainer which after I start moving in circles begins to mimic a running motion (also on a much higher resistance then normal).
Warm down:
5 mins : walk on running machine

Been 4 times so far, with the last couple of times adding 5 minutes each onto the 3 cardio workouts. Not really a fan of the routine or at least the 2 press up like exercises (I don't think i do them right + my arms are really very weak).
With Leeds festival this weekend and some Uni re-sits next week i can't see me going for the next 1.5 weeks, but will hopefully get a routine going there-after.
Any advice as to any other ways or machines i can use to improve my abs and arms without doing the press up like things? Am i getting enough cardio in to really lose some weight/ improve my cardio?
Also can anybody recommend me some good (cheap) trainers to use, as I am currently training in some old battered k-swiss tennis shoes?

Re: Fitness & Martial Arts Thread

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 4:07 pm
by TravelJug
Nova wrote:I'm trying to work on my football/general stamina at the moment, and this is my weekly routine. Is it all over the place, cancelling each other out?

Right, for a start you have too many isolation exercises that will get you no where and not enough compound lifts, and you're right. It is a wee bit all over the place. I'm not sure what you mean by "cancelling eachother" out though.

-Swimming (1000m)
I wish I could swim 1000m...

-Bench Press (3x15) Chest
-Fly (3x15) Chest
-Bent over Rows (3x15) Back

Tuesday works both your chest and your back...probably safer working one major upper body muscle group at a time. If this is your chest day then try something like this:

Chest Press/Inc Chest Press (Vary it from sesh to sesh)
Dumbbell Flyes
Tricep Dips
Tricep Pushdowns/SkullCrushers (Whatever you prefer)

-Run (2miles)
-Football (Soccer City stylee)

-Bicep Curls (3x15)
-Lateral Raise (3x15) Shoulders
-Shrugs (3x15) Shoulders (can be bad for them depending on form.)
-Wrist Curls (3x15) Get out of my face...

Thrusday could be you Back day:

Bent Over Row
Wide Grip Pull Ups
Hammer Curls/EZ Bar Curls

-Bench Press (Bench angled) (3x15) Chest
-Fly (Bench angled) (3x15) Chest
-Pullovers (3x15) ... :?

Unless you're doing a push/pull or upper/lower split, don't do weights on consecutive days and instead leave at least a days rest in between.

-Wrist Curls (3x15) Ugh...
-Upright Rows (3x15) Back & Bis
-Barbell Curls (3x15) Biceps
-Narrow Grip Bench Press (3x15) Triceps

Wrist Curls? Get that outta my face lad! :)

Saturday could be shoulders and legs (abs if you really want to...)

Lunges? (Not 5x5)
Over Head Press
Lateral Raises


Is there room to do more? I want to fit more stuff in for stamina, but I'm reluctant to give up weights in case it's the wrong thing to do. All of this whilst trying only to spend an hour ish a day doing it (I'm going to uni and don't want to give myself hours and hours of stuff to do everyday)[/color]

meh, you should be able to fit that sech in within an hour. Doing heavy weights will pump up your cardio if you reduce rest time...and no, you won't wake up liek Arnie. :)

Re: Fitness & Martial Arts Thread

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 4:40 pm
by Spike
I hit the gym pretty hard. So im in good shape (if I don't say so myself) though I want to improve my cardio for football as I've always been more of a sprint man

After Michael Phelps exploits in the swimming pool I thought I'd get back into the pool for the first time in years. strawberry float was I tired after a few laps :lol:

Re: Fitness & Martial Arts Thread

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 4:47 pm
by Loire
Can I have two chocolate bars and a cup of tea twenty minutes before a workout? Because that's what I've just done.

Re: Fitness & Martial Arts Thread

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 4:47 pm
by Nova
Thanks for your advice, TravelJug!

I guess I can only do 3 sessions of weight lifting then, as I literally have no time on Sundays. I'll work out a new routine based on your advice and see where I get :)

(Oh, and the 1000m is not freestyle, feck no!)

Re: Fitness & Martial Arts Thread

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 4:54 pm
by Spike
Loire wrote:Can I have two chocolate bars and a cup of tea twenty minutes before a workout? Because that's what I've just done.

Nutrition is a very important component, so if you 'gas' before you have completed your workout this is probably why.

Re: Fitness & Martial Arts Thread

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 4:56 pm
by Loire
Ah, but it's not going to in anyway hinder my muscle development is it? I mean, how much blood does digesting chocolate rid you of :P!

Re: Fitness & Martial Arts Thread

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 5:04 pm
by Spike
Yes it will, to maximise gains from your workouts you need to eat right throught out the day, particularly before and after a workout. I usually eat a jacket potato with tuna & sweet corn an hour or so (slightly more) before and drink a protein shake and eat a banna within half an hour of finishing. Thats me anyway.

Re: Fitness & Martial Arts Thread

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 5:21 pm
by Loire
I've been told to have protein shakes after. I guess everyone's different - but how the hell do you figure out what's best for you :x!

Re: Fitness & Martial Arts Thread

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 5:29 pm
by Spike
Everyone is different so what works well for some may not be so effective for others. I've gone by articles I've read in magazines and the internet. Either way biscuits and tea isn't gonna cut it :lol: