Forum Guide

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PostForum Guide
by Garth » Sun Aug 17, 2008 2:31 pm


How do I...

Quick find codes:
To find a section quickly, hold down 'Ctrl' on your keyboard then press 'F'. A box will pop up, enter the code found within the square brackets to find the section quickly.

Private Messages [PM]
- Send a PM [SPM]
- Read a PM [RPM]
Bold, Italic, underlined and coloured test [TTC]
- Bold, Italic and Underlined [BIU]
- Coloured text [CLR]
Different size text [DST]
- Making text smaller [MTS]
- Making text larger [MTL]
Spoiler Boxes [SPB]
Editing Posts [EP]
Images, Videos and Links [IVL]
- Hosting an image [HIM]
- Posting an image [IMG]
- Post a link [LNK]
- Post a video [VID]
Signatures and Avatars [SA]
- Avatars [AV]
- Signatures [SIG]
Managing friends & foes [MFF]
- Managing friends [MFR]
- Managing foes [MFO]
Other Forum Features [OTH]
- Forum clock [CL]
- Search the forum [SR]
- Mark all topics read [MTR]
- Turn the word censor on/off [WCO]
- Disable images [TIO]
- Disable avatars [TAO]
- Disable signatures [TSO]
- Disable smileys [SIO]
- New post notifications [NPN]

Section: Private Messages. [PM]
...Send a Private Message (PM)? [SPM]
1. Locate a post of the person you want to send a PM (you can search for their username or just find one of their posts).
2. To send a PM from one of their posts click the 'PM' button at the bottom of their post.
2a. Find their profile and click on the 'PM' button.
3. Give the PM a subject and type a message into the 'Message Body' box.
4. Click Submit.

...Read private messages? [RPM]
1. If you have a PM you will get an email, inside the email will be a link to your inbox.
1a. On the side bar it shows your Avatar, underneath this is 'X Messages', click that to go to your inbox.
1b. At the top of the forum there is a user menu (Logout [yourusername] | X New Messages) Click on 'New Messages', it will take you to your inbox.

Section: Itallic, Bold, Underlined and Coloured [TTC]
...Make my text bold/italic/underlined? [BIU]
To make your text bold you use this BBCode:

Code: Select all


To get this:

1. Click on the 'B' when making a new post or thread. This will insert the BBcode into the post.
2. Type between the bold tags.

1a. Type the text you want to be bold.
2a. Highlight it.
3a. Click on the 'B' button.

To make your text italic you use this BBCode:

Code: Select all


To get this:

1. Click on the 'i' when making a new post or thread. This will insert the BBcode into the post.
2. Type between the Italic tags.

1a. Type the text you want to be italic.
2a. Highlight it.
3a. Click on the 'i' button.

To underline your text you use this BBCode:

Code: Select all


To get this:

1. Click on the 'u' when making a new post or thread. This will insert the BBcode into the post.
2. Type between the underline tags.

1a. Type the text you want to be underlined.
2a. Highlight it.
3a. Click on the 'u' button.

...Change the colour of my text? [CLR]
To change the colour of your text you use this BBCode:

Code: Select all


To get this:

1. Click on one of the colours to the right of the message box.
2. Type between the color tags.

1a. Type the text you want to be coloured.
2a. Highlight it.
3a. Click on the colour you want.

Section: Different size text [DST]
...Make text smaller? [MTS]
You can make test smaller by using the following BBcode:

Code: Select all


To get:
To make it even smaller you can use:

Code: Select all


To get:

Or, you can make text smaller by typing it out, highlighting it then clicking on the 'Font size' drop box then selecting the size you want.

The pre-set numbers aren't the only size options, for example:

Code: Select all

[size=60]Tiny + 10[/size]

To get this:
Tiny + 10

...Make text larger? [MTL]
You can make test larger by using the following BBcode:

Code: Select all


To get:
To make it even larger you can use:

Code: Select all


To get:

Or, you can make text larger by typing it out, highlighting it then clicking on the 'Font size' drop box then selecting the size you want.

The pre-set numbers aren't the only size options, for example:

Code: Select all

[size=210]Huge + 10[/size]

To get this:
Huge + 10

Section: Spoiler boxes [SPB]
To create a spoiler box you use the following BBcode:

Code: Select all


To get this:

You can click the 'Spoiler' button.

You can type the text you want to put in a spoiler box, highlight it then click on the 'Spoiler' button.

Section: Editing posts [EP]
...Edit a post?
1. Find the post you want to edit.
2. Underneath the post, on the right hand side, there is an "Edit" button, click that.
3. Edit the post, then click Submit.

Section: Images, videos and links. [IVL]

...Host an image? [HIM]
Here are a few sites that will host your images for free:
Image Shack.
Photo Bucket.

Please try to resize the picture you're going to use so it's a) Not massive (file size) and b) Looks better

...Post an image? [IMG]
You can post images using BBcode:

Code: Select all


To get an image like this:

...Post a link? [LNK]
You create links by using BBcode, to make a link use this:

Code: Select all


To get a link like this:

You can simplify the link, by doing this:

Code: Select all


To get a link like this:

You can combine links and images, like this:

Code: Select all


To get this:

...Post a video? [VID]
1. Click on the "YouTube" button and it will insert the required BBcode into the post.
2. Paste the link to the YouTube video between the two tags.

1a. Paste the YouTube link into a post.
2a. Highlight the link.
3a. Click on the YouTube button.

1b. Use the following BBcode:

Code: Select all


2b.To get this:

If you're using a YouTube link that has '' in it rather than '', use the YouTubeUK button or change the 'uk' part of the link to 'www'.

1. Click on the "GameVideos" button and it will insert the required BBcode into the post.
2. Paste only the video ID for the GameVideos video between the two tags.

1a. Paste the GameVideos video ID into a post.
2a. Highlight the video ID.
3a. Click on the GameVideos button.

1b. Use the following BBcode:

Code: Select all


2b.To get this:

1. Click on the "GameTrailers" button and it will insert the required BBcode into the post.
2. Paste only the video ID for the GameTrailers video between the two tags.

1a. Paste the GameTrailers video ID into a post.
2a. Highlight the video ID.
3a. Click on the GameTrailers button.

1b. Use the following BBcode:

Code: Select all


2b.To get this:

Section: Signature and Avatars. [SA]

...Add an avatar? [AV]
1. Go to your profile.
2. Click on "Profile".
3. Click on "Edit Avatar".
4. You can upload a custom avatar, or you can select an avatar from GRcade's Avatar Gallery.
5. Click submit.

Animated Avatars are not allowed.
Avatars must not be bigger than 45x45.
Avatars must not exceed 60KB.

...Add a signature? [SIG]
1. Go to your profile.
2. Click on "Profile".
3. Click on "Edit Signature".
4. Enter the information you want in your signature.
5. Click submit.

Image signatures are allowed.
Image signatures dimensions must not exceed 550x300px.
Image signatures file size must not exceed 350Kb.
No more than 6 lines of text.

Section: Managing friends and foes [MFF]
...Manage friends? [MFR]
1. Go to your Profile.
2. Click on 'Friends & Foes'.
3. Type the username(s) you want to add to your friends list.
4. Click submit.

3a. Click on 'Find a member'. A new window will pop up.
4a. Search for a username or select from the list, by marking the people you want to add.
5a. Scroll to the bottom and click 'select marked'.
6a. Click submit.

...Manage foes? [MFO]
1. Go to your Profile.
2. Click on 'Friends & Foes'
3. Click on 'Manage foes'.
4. Type the username(s) you want to add to your foes list.
5. Click submit.

4a. Click on 'Find a member'. A new window will pop up.
5a. Search for a username or select from the list, by marking the people you want to add.
6a. Scroll to the bottom and click 'select marked'.
7a. Click submit.

Section: Other forum features [OTH]
...Change the Forum Clock, it's wrong!? [CL]
1. Go to your profile.
2. Click on 'Board Preferences'.
3. Click on 'Edit Global Settings'.
4. Scroll down until you see 'My Time Zone' and 'Summer Time/DST is in effect'.
5. Change these settings to the correct time.

...Search the forum? [SR]
Click "Search" at the top of the forum, or use this link.

Using quote marks (" ") will search for that exact phrase. Putting a 'minus' sign before a word will remove it from the search, so for example if I were to put "Xbox, -PS3, -Wii" It would only bring up posts/threads with 'Xbox' in

...Mark all topics read? The forum icon stays Yellow/Orange. [MTR]
1. At the top right hand side of the forum there is a link labelled 'Mark all topics read'.
2. Click it to 'Mark all topics read'.
3. To mark all topics read in a specific forum, go to that forum and the 'Mark all topics read' link is in the same place.
4. Click it to 'Mark all topics read'.

...Turn the word censor off? [WCO]
1. Go to your profile.
2. Click on Board preferences.
3. Click on 'Edit display options'.
4. You'll find the Word Censor option on this page.

...Turn images off? [TIO]
1. Go to your profile.
2. Click on Board preferences.
3. Click on 'Edit display options'.
4. You'll find the image display option on this page.

...Turn avatars off? [TAO]
1. Go to your profile.
2. Click on Board preferences.
3. Click on 'Edit display options'.
4. You'll find the avatar display option on this page.

...Turn signatures off? [TSO]
1. Go to your profile.
2. Click on Board preferences.
3. Click on 'Edit display options'.
4. You'll find the signature option on this page.

...Turn smiley images off? [SIO]
1. Go to your profile.
2. Click on Board preferences.
3. Click on 'Edit display options'.
4. You'll find the smiley display option on this page.

...Get notified of new posts? [NPN]
1. Go to your profile.
2. Click on Board preferences.
3. Click on 'Edit posting defaults'.
4. You'll find the notification option on this page.

Thanks to Akai XIII for providing this guide.

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