Game of Thrones (TV) - US Pace - NO BOOK DISCUSSION (that means NO BOOK DISCUSSION)

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PostRe: Game of Thrones (TV) - US Pace - NO BOOK DISCUSSION (that means NO BOOK DISCUSSION)
by 1cmanny1 » Mon Jun 20, 2016 8:36 am

Yep was a very good, brutal episode.

Finally Ramsay got what was coming. Rickon deserved to die, I only hope Bran suffers the same fate soon. The giant dying was the saddest part of the episode.

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PostRe: Game of Thrones (TV) - US Pace - NO BOOK DISCUSSION (that means NO BOOK DISCUSSION)
by Albert » Mon Jun 20, 2016 10:13 am

That was amazing. Some of the best TV I think I have ever seen.

I got chills when John Snow Charged them all by himself and his men had to play catch-up, and then got more chills when the onion knight charged in, and then again with the Giant and the Gate.

The battle itself was movie quality, in fact the sequence in the middle where it appeared to be one long shot with JS fending off numerous Calvary and swordsmen may be the best battle scene I think I have ever seen in either movie or tv format.

I'm genuinely astounded at the quality of that episode from start to finish. I've still got chills thinking about it.

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PostRe: Game of Thrones (TV) - US Pace - NO BOOK DISCUSSION (that means NO BOOK DISCUSSION)
by Return_of_the_STAR » Mon Jun 20, 2016 10:28 am

Great episode. Amazing fighting scenes, especially near the start of the battle where the focus is on Jon snow, so many near misses for him where someone is about to attack him but gets taken out by a horse or someone else. Very well shot. Pretty obvious that Ramsey would get fed to his dogs when he said that they hadn't been fed for 7 days. Brutal.

Shame Wun Wun (the giant) died. Again I expected him too but didn't want him too especially after he survived the main battle.

The meereen stuff ended how I expected it to, I didn't expect a big battle there with the one at winterfell as well.

Also going on what tyrion said to dany about the mad King and wildfire

its obvious to me that cersei will burn down part of kings landing next week

Oh and dany having a near orgasm when she found out that yara wanted to rule the iron islands.

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PostRe: Game of Thrones (TV) - US Pace - NO BOOK DISCUSSION (that means NO BOOK DISCUSSION)
by Hexx » Mon Jun 20, 2016 10:33 am

I thought it was boring - very well shot, well made, great production values etc etc - but boring.

Did anything happen in the episode that people didn't predict? There wasn't a single curve ball (or curved run ;)). There's something satisfying about seeing it play out, but at the same time felt it was missing something.

It might be the most predictable episode episode of GoT they've ever done?

Last edited by Hexx on Mon Jun 20, 2016 10:40 am, edited 1 time in total.
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PostRe: Game of Thrones (TV) - US Pace - NO BOOK DISCUSSION (that means NO BOOK DISCUSSION)
by Return_of_the_STAR » Mon Jun 20, 2016 10:37 am

im guessing Jamie takes out the Freys :D

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PostRe: Game of Thrones (TV) - US Pace - NO BOOK DISCUSSION (that means NO BOOK DISCUSSION)
by Herdanos » Mon Jun 20, 2016 10:40 am

It was a very good episode, but

it's like we've forgotten what Game of Thrones is all about. Well, a little bit, anyway.
Ned losing his head was incredible because it was so unexpected.
The battle of Blackwater had unexpected twists - the explosion of wildfire, Tyrion being attacked, Twin showing up.
The Red Wedding, also totally unexpected - even if you had a sense of foreboding, the scale of the massacre was something else.
The attack on Castle Black, again the scale of it was unexpected, as well as the sheer epic nature of it all - it was a first for the series.
Hardhome came out of nowhere and for me is still the best episode.
And this...?

It was suitably epic, although (again this seems to be a feature of this season) we covered a lot of ground very, very quickly.
And while it was all very satisfying, there were literally no surprises.
Everyone expected Rickon to die, and Ramsey to goad Jon and Sansa somehow as he did it. We expected Jon's army to be losing and then for Baelish to rock up and save the day. We expected none of the main characters to die save for Ramsey. We expected Sansa to be the one to finally put Ramsey's lights out. We even expected Davos to come across Shireen's remains (although TBH we didn't expect it this time around).
The only unexpected part IMO was that it wasn't all in the North. I'm glad the Mereen stuff was moved on here (more expected 'twists' - Yara and Theon to declare their allegiance to Danaerys, the dragons to burn the fleet) so perhaps we can look forward to some unexpected plot points in episode ten, which is meant to be the longest in the series' history.

Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed it, but we saw it all coming and there were zero twists. If it's tied to a followup episode full of unexpected mayhem I'll be delighted but as it is, for me, this episode was just an impressive and well-directed set-piece, and not a 'moment' that I'll remember, in the same way as I'll remember other amazing moments from the show.

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PostRe: Game of Thrones (TV) - US Pace - NO BOOK DISCUSSION (that means NO BOOK DISCUSSION)
by Grumpy David » Mon Jun 20, 2016 10:40 am

What an epic episode!

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PostRe: Game of Thrones (TV) - US Pace - NO BOOK DISCUSSION (that means NO BOOK DISCUSSION)
by Albert » Mon Jun 20, 2016 10:54 am

I think I quite liked the fact that there weren't any twists in the episode. If every episode comes with an obligatory twist then you just start to expect them and they lose their impact.

I did think JS was going to die when he was being trampled, as that felt like a typical GOT thing to do, and kill off a major character in a truly non noble/epic manner, so the fact that he didn't was a nice non twist for me, and only possible as I had been conditioned to think down that route from previous episodes/twists from the series.

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PostRe: Game of Thrones (TV) - US Pace - NO BOOK DISCUSSION (that means NO BOOK DISCUSSION)
by Cuban Pete » Mon Jun 20, 2016 11:23 am

Can't wait to watch again on UK pace! Loved it. I liked how, whilst being awesome, John was shown to be a bit vulnerable still in battle. I do like how Ramsey was a horrible evil banana split but still very aware of himself, like when John twisted the one-on-one into Ramsay not fighting for his army, and then the realisation that strawberry dogs are going to eat me

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PostRe: Game of Thrones (TV) - US Pace - NO BOOK DISCUSSION (that means NO BOOK DISCUSSION)
by RockerShaun » Mon Jun 20, 2016 11:47 am

Great episode - I think we all knew Jon would probably win and that Rickon would more than likely bite the dust. Such a shame to see the Giant finally killed but without him they probably wouldn't have been able to break throug the gate. The battle itself was fantastic, Jon nearly died about 58 times and at the point where he is suffocating beneath his panicking army the old familiar sadness music starts playing suggesting he's about to bite the dust again. But no. He owes Littlefinger a few beer vouchers but I still wouldn't trust Littlefinger - he wants to marry Sansa so that he can be Lord of Winterfell and Jon is probably a potential obstruction to that.

Be interesting to see what happens with the rest of the Northern houses now. We didn't see Lord Karstark die in that episode and you wander just how the remnants of the Karstarks and Umbers will feel towards Jon and Sansa now. Then there are the houses such as the Manderlys that fought for neither side in that battle.

Davos Vs Melisandre could be interesting too.

I fully expect Tommen will die at the end of the next episode to provide the cliffhanger leading into next season. Maybe even Loras Tyrell as well.

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PostRe: Game of Thrones (TV) - US Pace - NO BOOK DISCUSSION (that means NO BOOK DISCUSSION)
by Hexx » Mon Jun 20, 2016 11:52 am

RockerShaun wrote:
but I still wouldn't trust Littlefinger - he wants to marry Sansa so that he can be Lord of Winterfell and Jon is probably a potential obstruction to that.

Unless I've miscounted, the forces in Winterfell are now technically mostly loyal to Littllefinger aren't they? Then probably Sansa...Jon's bottom of the ladder

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PostRe: Game of Thrones (TV) - US Pace - NO BOOK DISCUSSION (that means NO BOOK DISCUSSION)
by Return_of_the_STAR » Mon Jun 20, 2016 12:02 pm

Thinks I don't understand about GOT is the army sizes. I watch an old episode yesterday, Renly said he had 100,000 men and he was only one of the Baratheons. Stanis had thousands of others. So why are the army sizes now so small? Where all all the soldiers who would have fought for house stark? Winterfell sits in a massive landbase I always thought the house of stark was the largest house of the north. They didn't all die in the red wedding. There's simply no way they could have all been wiped out by the Freys. Didn't robb stark have 40,000 men which still seems too low especially as he was supposed to have had most houses in the north loyal to him.

They way it has been made to look the Starks have got an abandoned castle back to rule over with no men of fighting age left in most of the north. If any of the northern armies switched to fight for Ramsey then they've just all been killed.

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PostRe: Game of Thrones (TV) - US Pace - NO BOOK DISCUSSION (that means NO BOOK DISCUSSION)
by Herdanos » Mon Jun 20, 2016 12:05 pm

Return_of_the_STAR wrote:Thinks I don't understand about GOT is the army sizes. I watch an old episode yesterday, Renly said he had 100,000 men and he was only one of the Baratheons. Stanis had thousands of others. So why are the army sizes now so small? Where all all the soldiers who would have fought for house stark? Winterfell sits in a massive landbase I always thought the house of stark was the largest house of the north. They didn't all die in the red wedding. There's simply no way they could have all been wiped out by the Freys. Didn't robb stark have 40,000 men which still seems too low especially as he was supposed to have had most houses in the north loyal to him.

They way it has been made to look the Starks have got an abandoned castle back to rule over with no men of fighting age left in most of the north. If any of the northern armies switched to fight for Ramsey then they've just all been killed.

I imagine the numbers are lower now because of the number of men killed in the battles seen so far in the show, and to have the numbers inflated simply so they seem as impressive as the earlier ones would be unrealistic*. Although it does seem at odds with the passage of time in the show - just how long has been and gone since S1? It doesn't help that they have a stupid calendar where summers and winters can last years.

*Unrealistic within the constraints of the show's universe, I mean. Not unrealistic in general, we jumped that shark a while ago.

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PostRe: Game of Thrones (TV) - US Pace - NO BOOK DISCUSSION (that means NO BOOK DISCUSSION)
by Return_of_the_STAR » Mon Jun 20, 2016 12:07 pm

Return_of_the_STAR wrote:Thinks I don't understand about GOT is the army sizes. I watch an old episode yesterday, Renly said he had 100,000 men and he was only one of the Baratheons. Stanis had thousands of others. So why are the army sizes now so small? Where all all the soldiers who would have fought for house stark? Winterfell sits in a massive landbase I always thought the house of stark was the largest house of the north. They didn't all die in the red wedding. There's simply no way they could have all been wiped out by the Freys. Didn't robb stark have 40,000 men which still seems too low especially as he was supposed to have had most houses in the north loyal to him.

They way it has been made to look the Starks have got an abandoned castle back to rule over with no men of fighting age left in most of the north. If any of the northern armies switched to fight for Ramsey then they've just all been killed.

I imagine the numbers are lower now because of the number of men killed in the battles seen so far in the show, and to have the numbers inflated simply so they seem as impressive as the earlier ones would be unrealistic*. Although it does seem at odds with the passage of time in the show - just how long has been and gone since S1? It doesn't help that they have a stupid calendar where summers and winters can last years.

*Unrealistic within the constraints of the show's universe, I mean. Not unrealistic in general, we jumped that shark a while ago.

Yeah the time frames have never made sense. Well they seemed to make sense initially as people would have to travel places and it would take time but now they all seem to have dragons and you some story lines seem to be set over a couple of days whilst over seem to be over months yet they all run concurrently.

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PostRe: Game of Thrones (TV) - US Pace - NO BOOK DISCUSSION (that means NO BOOK DISCUSSION)
by Jazzem » Mon Jun 20, 2016 12:47 pm

Well that was rather good.

I thought both Jon and the ginger wildling guy (never did catch his name <_<) were going to die, was relieved they didn't! But that does tie int me feeling the show is less cut-throat in its "no character is safe" attitude than it once was. Not that I mind much when the content is as spectacular and engaging as that episode was!

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PostRe: Game of Thrones (TV) - US Pace - NO BOOK DISCUSSION (that means NO BOOK DISCUSSION)
by chalkitdown » Mon Jun 20, 2016 1:59 pm

That was amazing. Up there with the best the show has ever done.

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PostRe: Game of Thrones (TV) - US Pace - NO BOOK DISCUSSION (that means NO BOOK DISCUSSION)
by Photek » Mon Jun 20, 2016 2:18 pm

The Cinematography was of the highest standard, you could make posters out of most of that episode. Suitably Epic. Can't wait to watch it again later with the missus.

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PostRe: Game of Thrones (TV) - US Pace - NO BOOK DISCUSSION (that means NO BOOK DISCUSSION)
by SEP » Mon Jun 20, 2016 2:47 pm

Holy fuckballs that was strawberry floating incredible.


PostRe: Game of Thrones (TV) - US Pace - NO BOOK DISCUSSION (that means NO BOOK DISCUSSION)
by 7256930752 » Mon Jun 20, 2016 3:01 pm

Albear wrote:That was amazing. Some of the best TV I think I have ever seen.

I got chills when John Snow Charged them all by himself and his men had to play catch-up, and then got more chills when the onion knight charged in, and then again with the Giant and the Gate.

The battle itself was movie quality, in fact the sequence in the middle where it appeared to be one long shot with JS fending off numerous Calvary and swordsmen may be the best battle scene I think I have ever seen in either movie or tv format.

I'm genuinely astounded at the quality of that episode from start to finish. I've still got chills thinking about it.

My thoughts exactly. Incredible.

I'd like to go back and watch S1, I remember at the time thinking that it looked very cheap so there must be a hell of a contract with the show as it is now.

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PostRe: Game of Thrones (TV) - US Pace - NO BOOK DISCUSSION (that means NO BOOK DISCUSSION)
by SEP » Mon Jun 20, 2016 3:09 pm

If that episode doesn't get an award, we riot.


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