Game of Thrones (TV) - US Pace - NO BOOK DISCUSSION (that means NO BOOK DISCUSSION)

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Victor Mildew
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PostRe: Game of Thrones (TV) - US Pace - NO BOOK DISCUSSION (that means NO BOOK DISCUSSION)
by Victor Mildew » Thu Aug 24, 2017 4:58 pm

Gendry revealed to be the one smithing the plot armour this whole time.

Hexx wrote:Ad7 is older and balder than I thought.
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PostRe: Game of Thrones (TV) - US Pace - NO BOOK DISCUSSION (that means NO BOOK DISCUSSION)
by Denster » Thu Aug 24, 2017 6:18 pm

Very good.

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Victor Mildew
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PostRe: Game of Thrones (TV) - US Pace - NO BOOK DISCUSSION (that means NO BOOK DISCUSSION)
by Victor Mildew » Thu Aug 24, 2017 10:49 pm


Hexx wrote:Ad7 is older and balder than I thought.
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Saint of Killers
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PostRe: Game of Thrones (TV) - US Pace - NO BOOK DISCUSSION (that means NO BOOK DISCUSSION)
by Saint of Killers » Fri Aug 25, 2017 6:57 am

You look like someone turned on the tiny heads cheat.

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PostRe: Game of Thrones (TV) - US Pace - NO BOOK DISCUSSION (that means NO BOOK DISCUSSION)
by Rik_ » Fri Aug 25, 2017 8:38 pm

Came up with a new theory about how the Night King gets his intel earlier. A lot of people are saying he warged into that wight that the Fellowship of the Bros were trying to kidnap when it screamed and brought the army running to them, so what if NK can warg but only into the undead? And then you have Cersei who takes FrankenMountain everywhere with her, so presumably he hears all the good goss in her councils, including the fact that Jon and Dany are working together and that they want to bring some proof of the army of the dead to Cersei to get her on side. So the NK wargs the Mountain and finds all that out through him, then sets up his plan to get a metal as strawberry float zombie dragon to strawberry float gooseberry fool up with.

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PostRe: Game of Thrones (TV) - US Pace - NO BOOK DISCUSSION (that means NO BOOK DISCUSSION)
by Peter Crisp » Fri Aug 25, 2017 9:10 pm

It would be rather funny if he found out that turning a dragon into an ice dragon made it unable to fly as it's too heavy.

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PostRe: Game of Thrones (TV) - US Pace - NO BOOK DISCUSSION (that means NO BOOK DISCUSSION)
by Met » Fri Aug 25, 2017 10:59 pm

Why do people think they planned to get the dragon from step 1? To me it seemed more like "Oh look, dragons...Hey, I've got a crazy idea. Here, pass me the spear."

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PostRe: Game of Thrones (TV) - US Pace - NO BOOK DISCUSSION (that means NO BOOK DISCUSSION)
by Rik_ » Sat Aug 26, 2017 1:02 am

Idk, I was mainly just having a bit of fun with that one, but I guess the main draw for people coming up with these sort of theories is that it's a more satisfying explanation than the Night King stopping his whole army for a few days just to kill a couple of guys on a rock. I mean, the way he chucked that javelin, I'm willing to bet he could have just thrown wights across at them and strawberry floated them up that way if he'd wanted to.

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PostRe: Game of Thrones (TV) - US Pace - NO BOOK DISCUSSION (that means NO BOOK DISCUSSION)
by Denster » Sat Aug 26, 2017 7:47 am

The impression I get with the Night King is that he's just got a remorseless implacability. He has no problem with delays or being sidetracked - it's an opportunity for him to show how easily he'll deal with any threat. It's a really menacing quality as he doesn't speak or show emotion. He just deals ruthlessly with any perceived threat or obstacle. Hardhome - sees Jon kill a walker and take the wildlings but just throws the dead from the cliff shows his power and menace but with poise.Then the TER - trains Bran - NK surprises them and kills several characters as a result. He now knows Bran is a player in the game but again no panic - just a measured approach to the wall. Jon tries to catch a wight - NK is happy to stop - again to demonstrate how he just gets things done. Then of course - his golden moment. The fire breathing game changers arrive and he calmly plucks one from the sky and then steals it for himself.

It's almost like he is winter itself or death itself. Slowly but surely moving towards the living with no concerns that anything they can do will stop him. I really like that aspect of him and he makes a great big bad.

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PostRe: Game of Thrones (TV) - US Pace - NO BOOK DISCUSSION (that means NO BOOK DISCUSSION)
by Moggy » Sat Aug 26, 2017 7:57 am

Met wrote:Why do people think they planned to get the dragon from step 1? To me it seemed more like "Oh look, dragons...Hey, I've got a crazy idea. Here, pass me the spear."

I agree. He saw the dragons arrive and thought "well, this is a good opportunity!".

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PostRe: Game of Thrones (TV) - US Pace - NO BOOK DISCUSSION (that means NO BOOK DISCUSSION)
by Denster » Sat Aug 26, 2017 8:22 am

Yes. Definitely.

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Saint of Killers
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PostRe: Game of Thrones (TV) - US Pace - NO BOOK DISCUSSION (that means NO BOOK DISCUSSION)
by Saint of Killers » Sat Aug 26, 2017 10:21 am

There are questions created by the manner in which the scene was set which cause me to think that maybe it was a trap. But! Given the fact we don't see any pre-planning to set a trap for the Fellowship, I accept that it is more than likely there was no plan by Night King.

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Victor Mildew
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PostRe: Game of Thrones (TV) - US Pace - NO BOOK DISCUSSION (that means NO BOOK DISCUSSION)
by Victor Mildew » Sat Aug 26, 2017 11:09 am

strawberry floating hell Denny :lol: :wub:

All I see is a one dimensional hastily written tv character being necessarily made in to the big bad of the show.

Hexx wrote:Ad7 is older and balder than I thought.
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Saint of Killers
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PostRe: Game of Thrones (TV) - US Pace - NO BOOK DISCUSSION (that means NO BOOK DISCUSSION)
by Saint of Killers » Sat Aug 26, 2017 11:38 am

Denster wrote:Yes. Definitely.


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PostRe: Game of Thrones (TV) - US Pace - NO BOOK DISCUSSION (that means NO BOOK DISCUSSION)
by Denster » Sat Aug 26, 2017 12:04 pm

Ad7 wrote:strawberry floating hell Denny :lol: :wub:

All I see is a one dimensional hastily written tv character being necessarily made in to the big bad of the show.

Nah man, It's all there. I just love that poise he has. It's a as if to say - I've strawberry floating got this.

Jon picked up on that at Hardhome. That's why his whole focus changed. He realised what they were up against. That alien, cold ruthlessness.

It's strawberry floating mint.

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PostRe: Game of Thrones (TV) - US Pace - NO BOOK DISCUSSION (that means NO BOOK DISCUSSION)
by Denster » Sun Aug 27, 2017 12:11 pm

Looking forward to the Denouement. Last season's was one of the finest. Let's hope it's on a par.

I'm out on the town but sobering up from midnight for the replay (after the first showing) at around 3.30 am.

:toot: :toot: :toot: :toot:

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PostRe: Game of Thrones (TV) - US Pace - NO BOOK DISCUSSION (that means NO BOOK DISCUSSION)
by deathofcows » Sun Aug 27, 2017 1:11 pm

Still, the Night King's face is so much worse than his Voldemort guise in Hardhome :(

Perhaps one of the few cases in the history of ever that I'd prefer the CG character.

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PostRe: Game of Thrones (TV) - US Pace - NO BOOK DISCUSSION (that means NO BOOK DISCUSSION)
by Victor Mildew » Sun Aug 27, 2017 1:13 pm

I had no idea it was CG in hard home. Looks like some rubbish old man now.

Hexx wrote:Ad7 is older and balder than I thought.
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PostRe: Game of Thrones (TV) - US Pace - NO BOOK DISCUSSION (that means NO BOOK DISCUSSION)
by Mafro » Sun Aug 27, 2017 6:36 pm

Anyone else staying up to watch it live tonight?

Fisher wrote:shyguy64 did you sell weed in animal crossing new horizons today.

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Victor Mildew
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PostRe: Game of Thrones (TV) - US Pace - NO BOOK DISCUSSION (that means NO BOOK DISCUSSION)
by Victor Mildew » Sun Aug 27, 2017 7:24 pm

Mafro wrote:Anyone else staying up to watch it live tonight?


Hexx wrote:Ad7 is older and balder than I thought.

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