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Re: Gears of War: Ultimate Edition (X1) - XB360 Gears download tokens going out now (p12)

Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2015 11:11 am
by Ste
Got this in the sale and had a quick go of this last night to make sure I got the codes. Code for the first one will be up for grabs if anyone is interested.

While I obviously liked the game, having bought the re-master, my first impressions exceeded expectations. Graphically it seemed so much cleaner and clearer than what I remember - playing on a 55" now rather than a 40" screen which also helps. Quite looking forward to playing through this again now.

Re: Gears of War: Ultimate Edition (X1/Win10) - XB360 Gears download tokens going out now (p12)

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2016 7:18 pm
by Pedz
I have a code for 3 and a code for Judgement, if anyone needs them. I know it's unlikely, but thought I'd ask.

Re: Gears of War: Ultimate Edition (X1/Win10) - XB360 Gears download tokens going out now (p12)

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2016 10:53 pm
by Ste
Ive got a code for the first if anyone is interested.

Re: Gears of War: Ultimate Edition (X1/Win10) - XB360 Gears download tokens going out now (p12)

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2016 1:22 pm
by more heat than light
Bit of a random one, but does anyone have a spare Gears 3 code? It appears that I forgot to grab it when it went GWG. :fp:

Re: Gears of War: Ultimate Edition (X1/Win10) - XB360 Gears download tokens going out now (p12)

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2016 1:37 pm
by Pedz
I think I have a gears 3 code still. Lemme check.

Re: Gears of War: Ultimate Edition (X1/Win10) - XB360 Gears download tokens going out now (p12)

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2016 11:07 am
by Monkey Man


We are excited to share that a new title update for Gears of War: Ultimate Edition arrives Tuesday 23rd February! Since our last title update, we've been monitoring your feedback across the web, and used that to fuel some key improvements for our fans that improve the overall experience of playing Ultimate Edition. Alongside the improvements and fixes in the Title Update listed below, we've also revisited our playlists to make some additional tweaks in terms of what's on offer. Read on for all the info!


The latest Title Update for Gears of War: Ultimate Edition brings the following improvements and fixes:

Kills in Social playlists now also count towards the ‘Seriously’ achievement

When we introduced our new Competitive Playlists to make our offering more focused, ‘Seriously’ only counting kills in Competitive didn’t make as much sense. As such, we’ve now updated the achievement to count both Social and Competitive playlist kills so you can work towards the achievement in any mode you want!

Improvements to Boomshot hit registration

At times, the Boomshot has had inconsistent performance. We’ve addressed a few of these items that should help the Boomshot perform more consistently – including a fix that should resolve the issue where the Boomshot fails to damage an enemy when fired at their feet. Thanks you to all our fans who provided detailed feedback and videos that helped us improve the way the Boomshot performs.

Addressed some matchmaking issues that caused long wait times
Improvements to hit registration on downed enemies (sponging)
Small improvements to the Left Trigger Issue
Fixed hit detection when shooting an enemy in cover against the top pillars on Clocktower
Removed POI on Right Stick for Alternate Control Scheme
Bug fixes and general improvements
These issues were chosen based on a mix of community feedback and design decisions to improve the quality of life for our fans playing Ultimate Edition!


Along with the improvements for Title Update 2, we've also been working on a new format for our playlists based on the recent Blitz feedback among other items. The changes going live alongside the Title Update are below:

Increased Execution XP to better match the gain in other modes

Execution is a mode that can be highly rewarding, but also extremely punishing. To better reward players who take on the challenge of Execution, we've increased the XP gain in the mode significantly.

Moved Blitz from Competitive to Social
Added a new Competitive TDM playlist

We’ve been excited to see such a positive reaction to the new, faster Blitz mode. We wanted to address community feedback about quitters impacting games - as such, we’ve moved Blitz to Social so join in progress backfilling can replace any teammates who quit. To ensure fans of Respawn Gametypes have an option to play a competitive matchmaking experience, we’ve added an additional TDM playlist to the game in the Competitive category.

Returned Warzone as a permanent playlist
Returned Assassination as a playlist for a limited time

Warzone is also returning as a permanent social playlist based on fan feedback. While Assassination has returned as a playlist, this is for a limited time only – we will be returning the event to ‘special event’ status in the future.


To celebrate the update to the Seriously achievement, which now counts kills in any mode across Social and Competitive Playlists, we're running a special one-week only event called 'Seriously TDM'.

Grab some friends and get slaying with 30 respawn TDM in a first to two round scenario, helping you rack up the kills on your march towards Seriously in Ultimate Edition. This mode can be found in the 'Social' category until 12pm PST on February 29th.

How big is the update?
The update is around 5GB and is mandatory to install in order to play while connected to LIVE. We recommend you leave your Xbox in the Always On power mode so the update can download in the background once it's deployed.

Will Seriously count my kills in Social from before the update?
The achievement will not retroactively add your kills from social games before the update to your achievement progress. From the update onwards, you'll be able to add to your kill count in any Social or Competitive playlist.

How does moving Blitz to Social combat quitters?
With the move to 2 rounds to win, following in the footsteps of King of the Hill, Blitz suffered in Competitive because a quitting team member would have a big impact on the team. We're moving Blitz to Social in order to allow 'joining in progress', where players can be matchmade into empty slots on an active team, which Competitive does not allow. This works effectively for King of the Hill, and we expect the same success for Blitz.

What happens to the TDM Leaderboards?
TDM leaderboards will now only register in Competitive TDM matches. All your leaderboard stats will transfer to this leaderboard, even if they were earned in Social matches before the update.

Why is Assassination only returning as a playlist temporarily?
Assassination is notably behind the other modes in terms of player population, which results in a less than ideal matchmaking experience. While we have returned it for now to offer a bigger window for players to earn the 'Mix It Up' achievement, the mode will be moving back to being a 'Special Event' playlist only at some point in the future.

Will Warzone disappear during Special Event periods?
It will not! At this time, Warzone is sticking around permanently, even when a Special Event is running.

What is POI?
POI (Point of Interest) is the 'Y Button to Look' prompt for default control users. Users using alternate controls for Multiplayer reported accidental stick clenching causing them deaths in multiplayer, so the function was removed on alternate controls. ... tle-update

Re: Gears of War: Ultimate Edition (X1/Win10) - XB360 Gears download tokens going out now (p12)

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2016 11:09 am
by Monkey Man
PC Specs -

RECOMMENDED SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS FOR 1920X1080P · OS: 64 bit Windows 10 - version 1511 · Processor: Intel Core i5 @3.5GHz+ or AMD FX 6-core · Memory: 8 GB RAM (4 GB VRAM) · Graphics: GeForce GTX 970 or Radeon R9 290X · Hard Drive: 60 GB available space · DirectX 12

RECOMMENDED SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS FOR 4K · OS: 64 bit Windows 10 - version 1511 · Processor: Intel Core i7 @ 4Ghz or AMD FX 8-core · Memory: 16 GB RAM (6+ GB VRAM) · Graphics: Geforce GTX 980 Ti or Radeon R9 390X · Hard Drive: SSD + 60 GB available space · DirectX 12

MINIMUM SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS · OS: 64 bit Windows 10 – version 1511 · Processor: Intel Core i5 @ 2.7Ghz or AMD FX 6-core · Memory: 8 GB RAM (2 GB VRAM) · Graphics: Geforce GTX 650 Ti or Radeon R7 260x · Hard Drive: 60 GB available space · DirectX 12

KNOWN ISSUES: We are aware of an issue that sometimes occurs where the download progress bar does not accurately display progress, please be patient with your download or title update.

Re: Gears of War: Ultimate Edition (X1/Win10) - Feb Update & PC Specs (p14)

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2016 2:08 pm
by Monkey Man

£22.97 or $10.75 (Indian Store).

Re: Gears of War: Ultimate Edition (X1/Win10) - Out NOW for Win10 (p14)

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2016 3:55 pm
by Super Dragon 64
Windows Store? I'm out.

Re: Gears of War: Ultimate Edition (X1/Win10) - Out NOW for Win10 (p14)

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2016 8:52 pm
by Cal
The PC game runs quite poorly on my rig. I have an i7 quad, GTX 760 (2GB) and 12GB RAM running (obviously) Win10 64-bit.

The most apparent problem is even when running on 'medium' settings textures don't fully load in - that same old Unreal problem of old, where it took a while for some textures to fully load in to their best resolution, only here some just don't get beyond the blurry bitmap stage at all, even if I stand still in-game and wait around. Actual gameplay appears to be fine - everything appears to be working normally. This makes me think perhaps the texture issue is not a problem with my PC or GPU, but with game engine itself. I dunno. Disappointing. Guess I'll have to wait a month for a patch to sort this out. I felt guilty enough spending almost £23 on Windows Store to purchase this (I have all the Gears game already on 360)...somehow I just never, ever, learn. :|

[EDIT - Update]

After almost an hour of being shoved from pillar to post by online chat and then by phone, Microsoft Support just confirmed my refund. I spent an hour last night just trying to get the game to display textures correctly and finally gave up. The icing on the cake was discovering that none of the MP maps (none - and that includes all the DLC maps that come as part of the game) support offline bot play. Nah, I'd rather have my miserly £23 back, thanks. Result. I'll stick to my GoW games on 360 - they all work nicely!

Re: Gears of War: Ultimate Edition (X1/Win10) - Out NOW for Win10 (p14)

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2016 2:02 pm
by Monkey Man
Update out next week for Windows 10 -

Hi everyone,

My name is Cam, I’m the Technical Director for Gears of War: Ultimate Edition on Windows 10. The team and I have been reading the forums and looking over social media and other gaming communities daily. Here’s an update on what we’re working on.

We have an update scheduled for next week that contains the following:

Performance optimizations
Refactor of texture settings to better reflect VRAM requirements and to better manage the texture levels for each setting.
Ambient Occlusion tweaks.
Tuned mouse coming out of roadie run.
Disabled mouse smoothing.
We will also be deploying some updated optimized playlists to help with matchmaking. We were hoping to get these out before the weekend but will instead get these out early next week.

There are some common questions that I’d like to cover here.

Textures not loading
This will be improved by the update next week. We’ll continue to make improvements here where we can.

NAT problems
We are looking into why this is happening. While we work on discovering the root cause, we are discussing changes we can do to help matchmaking if you are erroneously given the wrong NAT type.

Long Queues
Our playlist change coming early next week should help with this.

21:9 Support
We hear you and we are adding ultra-wide resolutions to the game.

Mouse Acceleration
Our update next week will disable mouse smoothing and increase the responsiveness coming out of roadie run. I’ll continue to read the feedback after the update.

Achievements not unlocking
We’re working on tracking down the reason this would happen.

Other items we are working on:
- Reducing hitches on start of level.
- Reducing hitches when streaming level chunks.
- Reducing audio stutter on older CPU’s.

Please continue to provide feedback and ask questions in our Technical Support forum as we are always listening. We greatly appreciate the feedback and thanks again for the support. ... 83c4/posts

Re: Gears of War: Ultimate Edition (X1/Win10) - Out NOW for Win10 (p14)

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2016 6:43 pm
by BID0
10 years later and I finally got Seriously for the original game this weekend. Now I'm filled with regret.

Re: Gears of War: Ultimate Edition (X1/Win10) - Out NOW for Win10 (p14)

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2016 9:28 pm
by Photek

Re: Gears of War: Ultimate Edition (X1/Win10) - Out NOW for Win10 (p14)

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2016 7:53 am
by KjGarly
Photek wrote:What?

Killed 10,000 people in Versus competitive matches achievement.

Re: Gears of War: Ultimate Edition (X1/Win10) - Out NOW for Win10 (p14)

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2016 8:05 pm
by Monkey Man
Hello –

We are releasing a new Title Update for Gears of War: Ultimate Edition on Tuesday March 29th in the morning and early afternoon hours Pacific Time. Below are the update notes that are included in this Title Update.

Ultra-wide resolutions (2560x1080 and 3440x1440) added to the game.
Pipeline state object cache optimizations to reduce hitches during level transitions.
Fixed a bug that could cause full Unreal garbage collect unnecessarily, leading to minor visual hitches.
Fixed a visual corruption bug that would rarely affect NVIDIA cards when changing resolutions and VRAM became over committed.
Added support for setting anisotropic filtering level through the INI file.
Fixed lack of mouse input when using lowest mouse sensitivity and fully zoomed in with sniper rifle and moving the mouse very small amounts.
Adjustments to low (1GB VRAM) texture setting.
Added ability to toggle an FPS counter. Press the “Delete” key at any time to turn the counter on/off.

If you experience any issues, please make sure to provide notes in our Technical Support and Help forums. We will be providing additional updates on further changes in the near future. Thank you again for your support! ... ab86/posts

Re: Gears of War: Ultimate Edition (X1/Win10) - Out NOW for Win10 (p14)

Posted: Wed May 11, 2016 8:17 pm
by Monkey Man

A new Title Update will be available today for Windows 10 Ultimate Edition owners. This update includes the new features now available on UWP apps including v-sync toggle options and frame rate options.

Please make sure you have the latest Windows Updates before updating.

Title Update 5 - Patch Notes

- Added v-sync toggle to video options. Toggle “off” to not be limited by your monitors refresh rate. Note: This requires an OS update that can be found here:

- Added frame rate limit selector to video options. Use to reduce your frame rate if you are getting too much tearing, or choose unlimited to let the game render as fast as possible. Note: This option is best used with v-sync off. With v-sync on, it will force the game onto a refresh interval (render every refresh, every second refresh, etc.).

- Added anisotropic filtering setting to video options.

- Added FPS counter toggle to video options.

- Fixed a bug where post processing could become disabled.

- Fixed a bug where PSO’s could be created on the fly instead of read from the cache, causing hitches.

Thank again for all the feedback over the past few months since launch.


Re: Gears of War: Ultimate Edition (X1/Win10) - Update out for Win10 inc v-sync toggle & frame rate options

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2016 11:02 pm
Got round to starting this tonight, it looks good but the partner A.I is a bit of a mess, all the members of my team keep wandering and getting stuck in walls :slol: