GRcade SigSwap 2009 - The Grand Unveiling! And vote please

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PostGRcade SigSwap 2009 - The Grand Unveiling! And vote please
by Mockmaster » Sat May 09, 2009 7:10 pm



Welcome to the Grand unveiling of the Sigs! It's been a long week, but finally we're here. Before you scroll down, I'd like, as part of this process, to hand out awards. But I'd like you, the reader/poster, to vote on the awards, whether or not you actually took part in SigSwap. So, it's not essential, but I'd be grateful if everyone who posts in this thread, also submits votes in their post using this template:

Most Suited Sig -
Best Sig Partnership -
Worst Sig Partnership -
Most lolworthy Sig -

Remember, all entrants must wear their sigs for a minimum of 2 weeks!

Thanks to everyone who took part.


Mr. Plough and IronHide

Mr. Plough's sig for Ironhide:


Mr Plough wrote:Well I didn't know too much about Ironhide so a little research was in order. The first results in his post search revealed that his specialist mastermind subject would be Simpsons quotes and he had posted a lot in that Canyonaro thread. So here it is. A simple sig (ish) with a classic (ish) Simpsons quote. I was tempted to go down the Transformers route instead because of his username but decided to stick with The Simpsons because its something I know. Enjoy :)

IronHide's sig for Mr. Plough:


IronHide wrote:Aside from the obscure Simpsons reference there wasn't really that much thought involved in the design, it just sort of evolved over time as I fiddled with various effects in

DML and Moriquendi

DML's sig for Moriquendi:


DML wrote:The world needs protecting from Alvin. The all seeing eye shall save us all.


Moriquendi's sig for DML:


Moriquendi wrote:When I found out who my partner was yesterday, I started to do some research but nothing really caught my attention. I did however notice his interest in werewolfs Which led me to this signature. Spent a fair few hours today to make it as perfect as possible. So hopefully he really does love werewolfs ;)

SpaceJebus and Lucien

SpaceJebus's sig for Lucien:


SpaceJebus wrote:Looking through Lucien's post history there was a lot based around debating stuff in off topic which didn't suggest much for sig material but luckily the majority of the recent ones were in the SF4 thread. I found a Lucien font to use for the text but it didn't show up very well so I used one that was as close in style as possible.

Hope you like it Lucien (and are still using Rose!)

Lucien's sig for SpaceJebus:


Lucien wrote:My sig for SpaceJebus, not the greatest but I only had a small amount of time joining the swap at the eleventh hour.

For my sig I tried to find things SpaceJebus was into and saw he'd posted a good few times in the poker thread... hence a picture of someone random playing poker. I know from his gamertag he likes rock band, well... I couldn't find any good pictures for that so I'm hoping he's also a Guitar Hero fan and appreciates Judy Nails... hence her picture with a 'JS' spraypainted in the background. The last picture is because he mentioned liking an old Sam and Max game. And so there is Sam? Max? strangling a cat.

I put a banner underneath unfortunately when saving the colours faded a bit and I can't seem to fix the colour in that back to how it looked. Yes, because the banner was stunning before that!

Winckle and smurphy

Winckle's sig for smurphy:


Winckle wrote:I made this because the smurphster loves left 4 dead and is always playing it on steam, and I think that he truly believes the PC to be the ultimate gaming platform in his heart of hearts. I think I should have used the right side space a little more, but I couldn't think of something interesting to put there. Anyway, hope you enjoy it smurphy.

smurphy's sig for Winckle:

Image Image

smurphy wrote:I suppose I'm going for the obvious here, but I like to think I executed it better than some would. It almost pains me to write that second bit, but it should be worth it. Thanks go out to Hexx, Bunches McGinty, Bigerich, Rog and some other people with reprehensible games like Halo Wars and CoD5 in their recently played for use of their gamercards as templates!

aaronayl1 and Prototype

Prototype's sig for aaronayl1:


Prototype wrote:Aaronayl1 likes japan and he likes tittyfucking.

This is signature nirvana for him.

aaronayl1's sig for Prototype:


aaronayl1 wrote:"Bros. 'Till the End" recounts the timeless tale of two people down on their luck on opposite sides of the tracks. Through hardships, a struggle for survival and circumstances that threw them together, these two would-be enemies had no option but to work with each other. A symbiotic relationship that earned their mutual respect, and eventually friendship.



Bros 'till the end.

Alvin Flummux and Zenigame

Alvin Flummux's sig for Zenigame:


Alvin Flummux wrote:Well, I always tend to confuse Zenigame for Aneurin, as it's the sort of oddball name he'd choose and they just look the same to me, so I had to delve in to Zeni's post history to uncover the man behind the mysterious mystery. What did I find? I found a man who loves his cows (specifically, gigantic cows) and, more importantly, a man with a deep seated desire to be ruled by them.

So I've decided to pay homage to this great cow-loving forumite by putting a cow in his signature. And him too, natch. Unfortunately the cow did a poo as I saved so he's got a cheeky look on his long, bovine face.


Zeni loves his cattle, the little Squirtley minx.

Zenigame's sig for Alvin Flummux:


Zenigame wrote:Reasons.

Ah, it's too simple having Alvin. I could have just found the fattest beast of a woman on the internet and he'd probably be happy enough. But I went down the more personal route and chose to stick with two of Alvin's best fantasies; Cream the Rabbit (that's her name, not instructions) and Bree from Neighboughs.

Spare a thought for me though. Some of the stuff I seen while looking for suitable pictures... it was horrifying.

If Alvin is asked to remove the sig I have provided a censored version too:


JK and Anung

JK's sig for Anung:


I will now attempt to describe my creative process in forming this fine signature.

Using my ability to think about events that happened in the past, I recalled the fact that Anung has a penchant for cross dressing. My first thoughts was to create a banner that simply said lol u were dresses nob biscuit, but on second thoughts I deemed this to be too immature, even for GRcade. As such, I plumbed the deep recesses of my abnormally large brain in the hope I would stumble upon a little fact or nugget of information that I could use to turn this into the finest signature ever made.

Unfortunately I couldn't think of anything. So instead I've got Anung chatting on some gooseberry fool daytime woman programme about what all the fashionable transvestites will be wearing this summer.

Broon is how people from Scotland say brown. This is a fact.

Anung's sig for JK:


Anung wrote:Now i dont really know JK super well, so i spent a few minutes staring into space. During this time i was thinking what i know about JK, While staring into the great beyond.... i glanced upon my Keyboard. And something caught my eye, J and K right next to each other as some kind of omen to help me sig this gooseberry fool of this place. Managed to find a pic of JK he posted aswell (Giving someone the fingers no less) a picture which gives testament to JK completley (it better be him or im buggered). Plus he has a blog too, one i felt need ritzed up and whored to the high hills.


killaroo and <]:^D

killaroo's sig for <]:^D:


killaroo wrote:Reasons : researched his posts and saw:

- he likes cooking, (the clown looks like it is wearing an apron)
- his avatar is kermit
- his username looks like a clown

Athough it looks gooseberry fool, it actually took me bout 10 minutes to make :( :oops: :lol:

<]:^D's sig for killaroo:

<]:^D failed to meet the deadline and has been ELIMINATED. A kind mystery donor then donated a sig for Killaroo. Then someone else did. Then someone else. killaroo must wear them all on a rotation basis for the 2 week duration.

Mystery Donor 1 wrote:Image

For Killaroo, obviously!

Mystery Donor 2 wrote:Image

A kangeroo with a bandolier, dynamite and a tommy gun.
Can't get more killer kangeroo than that.

Mystery Donor 3 wrote:Image

My motivation behind it is that I remember reading that he quite liked Pantera. He also likes Miley Cyrus, but I didn't want to get either of us banned with the idea I had for that one. Thinking it looked a bit bland, I added the little tribute to Dimebag Darrel, who died doing what he loved. I think we can all identify with that.

MCN and LewisD

MCN's sig for LewisD:


MCN wrote:I was quite chuffed when I found out I got Lewis, as he is one of the members I know quite well. To this end, I decided to use his career as a chef and his desire to "do a strawberry float on Felicity Kendal" in this signature. During my travels, I encountered an American food brand by the name of "Chef Boyardee", which I thought translated nicely into Chef LewisDee. I was going to include some breasts, too, but I decided that would be too risque.

LewisD's sig for MCN:


I thought long and hard about MCN's sig.. I literally had about 4 different ideas going through my head.
I'll admit, three ideas involved soldiers beating up women, or having psychological trauma from the stresses of war.

However, I thought MCN deserved a break, he's forever berated about his problems with his service in the army. And forever ripped into for his unfortunate incident with that chavvy bitch in the club (who deserved a slap anyway), and despite his constant disagreeing with people, I reckon he's a pretty sound fella underneath.

So, I'm being kind to him with this, I decided to keep the military theme running through the sig, with the camoflauge pattern in the lettering and the soldier (serving in Afghanistan I think), because everyone knows he was in the armed forces, so it made sense to keep that.

He's also taken up a recent love of baking bread, and a keen interest in cooking as a whole.
Thus the large loaf of bread being handed to the small boy.
And because MCN has turned his back on the military, and taken up being a pacifist (lol) you could say he's 'making peace, not war.'

However, MCN is infact. Making Bread, not war.

Madness and Oh Teh Noes

Oh Teh Noes's sig for Madness:


I decided to go with the theme of madness 'cos, well, y'know. He's called Madness. So I added that scene from The Shining, and also his name, and Suggs from Madness. Also I added a little Captain Pointy to try to persuade him to come back to PG (pleeeeeeeeeease) and a disclaimer stating that the sig has nothing to do with Sparta. As soon as I added that, though, I realised it did.

It's not the best sig in the world, 'cos I'm shite at the GIMP, but I hope you like it, dude. :D

Madness's sig for Oh Teh Noes:


Madness wrote:Well Noes is renowned for looking older than he is. To reflect this I selected a picture of him to show this to my audience. The picture of the bagfireface is the original "Oh Teh Noes" picture.

That's about it.

Skarjo and Trugamez

Skarjo's sig for TruGamez:


Skarjo wrote:As ever, what I had in my head had to be filtered through my appalling Paint skills (you genuinely don't want to know how long this actually took me). But in researching Mr Gamez, I saw a certain prediliction for Miss Cyrus, and a certain desire to buy a DSi to play Chinatown Wars on. I thought I could summarise how both pastimes are all in a days work for Mr Gamez. Rejected slogans were 'Play Games, Shag Cyrus....Happy Days!' and the awful, 'Tru Gamez, be True to your Gamez'. I chose a nice summery meadow at sunset for background to welcome in the new season, but to also acknowledge that nothing really cool ever happens before the sun goes down.

Once again, I aplogise for being so gooseberry fool at paint.

TruGamez's sig for Skarjo:


TruGamez wrote:Well, for my Sig for Skarjo, I decided to take his fondness of Sackboy & the Town of Shotton & send him & Sackboy on a trip to its lovely Town Centre. I probably could have produced something better, but didn't have many creative idea's flowing.

zXe and jamcc

zXe's sig for jamcc:


zXe wrote:Still not familiar with many people on the forums yet as I've only been a here on here for a short while so I apologise in advance for the lack of comical value in your sig jamcc...heh. I decided to go for something pretty straight forward, had a browse of your posts and saw some of your interests and threw this together. The lime green is meant to give a warm summer feel to it, Hope you like it ;)

I know it's kind of a rip off of the grcade logo, but I thought it was a cool image to work with. Think of it as a member sig or something. Peace.

jamcc's sig for zXe:


jamcc wrote:Right, it shall be third time lucky for me as I shall not forget to comment on this sig, as I have done the last two times ( :fp: ).. Basically, I'm pretty gooseberry fool with Paint and only just getting to grips with Paint.NET, so I thought I'd draw a sig, as I've always been fairly decent art-wise.

Wasn't sure if I should have coloured the sig in or filled out the crowd but, as is often the case with art, simplicity is the way to go.

My stalking of MR XE didn't take long as I noticed he'd posted in the boxing thread quite a lot so boxing was an obvious theme to go with. Hope he thinks it's okay.. And I know the boxer's arm looks a bit bent. Pretty strange punching technique there.. :shifty:

Ta ta.


PS. the Z is a tatto and the XE is meant to be some kind of imaginary boxing glove brand. I thought it'd be clever..

Mommy and Falsey

Falsey's sig for Mommy:


Falsey wrote:Here is my entry. Its a hybrid of MS paint and any other free image editors I could find due to my personal PC being kia. I thought, gooseberry fool I dont know what he likes. He likes the fight club thread, thinks cheese is the best invention of all time, Has a busy fap schedule, and loves teh boobies. But I found it hard to put it down on a sig, so I basically ripped of his current sig, glammed it up a bit. My logic behind choosing that bird was that he stated, she gave him 'good wood' thats the reaction I want from a sig.

Mommy's sig for Falsey:

Mommy supplied Falsey with dual sigs. He can switch freely between the two at his leisure.



Mommy wrote:No clue with this chap. I know he likes Mila Jovovich and plays forza.

That's it.

Rog and Hulohot

Rog's sig for Hulohot:

Rog wrote:Well first thing I must warn you that the sig itself contains a spoiler from "The Man and The Lamb". What do you mean you've never heard of it?! It's a story written by none other than our Hulohot. Yes, I'm outing him now. As an avid Dan Brown fan he likes to write bizarre religious stories and Silent Hill fanfiction.

You can read his work here:

I've read some of them and he's a cross between Dan Brown and L.Ron Hubbard. He's a good writer but some of his work, like The LOL Conspiracy, is so bizzare it's funny. Anyway back to the spoiler. The quote along the bottom of the sig is the last line from The Man and The Lamb as it's an odd little story and I liked the punchline. So voila......


Obviously he's a Dan Brown fan so the sig is set in the catacombs of The Vatican for dramatic effect. With Hulohot being a master explorer/ghost hunter his inferior counterparts Indiana Jones and Yvette Fielding are searching for long lost relics that will give them a better understanding of their idol whilst progressing through a predictable romance sub-plot. First is the Chalice-of-Ellis named after Hulohots family name and it contains the last ever cocktail that Hulohot made in his days as a barman. Second is a self portrait of the legend himself in his boxers. Naturally it contains a hidden map to a secret World War II village full of nazi gold stolen by the catholics in 46.

As for Scatboy, it's what his workmates call him so I thought I'd put it on to see if it sticks.

I feel like I've made a tribute to Hulohot but overall I think I could've done better. The original did contain a Pope Terminator but I changed it as it was a bit too much. If I hadn't had wasted time on that I could have made improvements.

Hulohot's sig for Rog:


Hulohot wrote:I designed this signature around Rog's complaints about Metal Gear Solid 4. Most of his posts were negative, so I wanted to capture that. Really got into it, trying to make the background colours symbolic of the picture or person.

Was done in paint, took bloody ages. Hope you like, Rog.

LewisD also did a sig for me, and it's absolutely awesome, so many thanks!


Thanks again everyone!

Last edited by Mockmaster on Sun May 10, 2009 7:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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PostRe: GRcade SigSwap 2009 - The Grand Unveiling!
by Mommy Christmas » Sat May 09, 2009 7:13 pm

In before the lock. Now to read it all.

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PostRe: GRcade SigSwap 2009 - The Grand Unveiling!
by Banjo » Sat May 09, 2009 7:16 pm

I think the entire forum stopped posting to read this thread. I know I did.

JK's one for Anung! :lol:

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PostRe: GRcade SigSwap 2009 - The Grand Unveiling!
by Rog » Sat May 09, 2009 7:16 pm

I can't see the sig Hulohot made me. Photobucket isn't working here at all.

Smurphy wrote:I suppose I'm going for the obvious here, but I like to think I executed it better than some would. It almost pains me to write that second bit, but it should be worth it. Thanks go out to Hexx, Bunches McGinty, Bigerich, Rog and some other people with reprehensible games like Halo Wars and CoD5 in their recently played for use of their gamercards as templates!

I haven't had my xbox gamercard in my sig for about 3 months! I think you've gotten me confused with someone else.

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PostRe: GRcade SigSwap 2009 - The Grand Unveiling!
by Exxy » Sat May 09, 2009 7:16 pm

I thought aaron was Alvin's sig for a second.

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PostRe: GRcade SigSwap 2009 - The Grand Unveiling!
by False » Sat May 09, 2009 7:16 pm

Best thread ever, I love you all.

Thanks Mommy <3

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PostRe: GRcade SigSwap 2009 - The Grand Unveiling!
by Mommy Christmas » Sat May 09, 2009 7:17 pm

Cheers Falsey! Everything I could want. City & wank ammo!

And in a schoolgirls uniform! :twisted: :shifty:

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PostRe: GRcade SigSwap 2009 - The Grand Unveiling!
by Ironhide » Sat May 09, 2009 7:17 pm

Mine's pretty good, thanks Mr. Plough.

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PostRe: GRcade SigSwap 2009 - The Grand Unveiling!
by SEP » Sat May 09, 2009 7:17 pm

LewisD, I love you!

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PostRe: GRcade SigSwap 2009 - The Grand Unveiling!
by Mockmaster » Sat May 09, 2009 7:19 pm

Rog wrote:I can't see the sig Hulohot made me. Photobucket isn't working here at all.



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PostRe: GRcade SigSwap 2009 - The Grand Unveiling!
by Dragonite » Sat May 09, 2009 7:19 pm

Thanks DML :lol:

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PostRe: GRcade SigSwap 2009 - The Grand Unveiling!
by Rog » Sat May 09, 2009 7:20 pm

That's great :lol:

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PostRe: GRcade SigSwap 2009 - The Grand Unveiling!
by Cuttooth » Sat May 09, 2009 7:20 pm

Hulohot's for Rog is the stuff nightmares are made of.

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PostRe: GRcade SigSwap 2009 - The Grand Unveiling!
by Mommy Christmas » Sat May 09, 2009 7:21 pm

Clearly I'm the only one who observed the sig size limit.

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PostRe: GRcade SigSwap 2009 - The Grand Unveiling!
by SEP » Sat May 09, 2009 7:22 pm

Mommy wrote:Clearly I'm the only one who observed the sig size limit.

There doesn't seem to be an official size limit any more, apart from "be sensible".

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PostRe: GRcade SigSwap 2009 - The Grand Unveiling!
by False » Sat May 09, 2009 7:26 pm

MCN wrote:
Mommy wrote:Clearly I'm the only one who observed the sig size limit.

There doesn't seem to be an official size limit any more, apart from "be sensible".

I thought if I could have 2 gamercards strapped to eachother, a similarly sized sig shouldnt be an issue.

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PostRe: GRcade SigSwap 2009 - The Grand Unveiling!
by LewisD » Sat May 09, 2009 7:27 pm

MCN wrote:LewisD, I love you!

8-) No worries :D

I love mine.
I might wank over Ms.Kendal.

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PostRe: GRcade SigSwap 2009 - The Grand Unveiling!
by Mommy Christmas » Sat May 09, 2009 7:28 pm

I had a nice pic of Mila with her norks out. It lost clarity when it was so small.

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PostRe: GRcade SigSwap 2009 - The Grand Unveiling!
by Oh Teh Noes » Sat May 09, 2009 7:28 pm

Thanks Madness! :D


Dr Cottle wrote:My favourite flavour of popsicle is DICK.
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PostRe: GRcade SigSwap 2009 - The Grand Unveiling!
by LewisD » Sat May 09, 2009 7:29 pm

Mommy wrote:I had a nice pic of Mila with her norks out. It lost clarity when it was so small.

Just apply a tighter grip.

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