GRcade Tasks of the Week: Week 5 - New Tasks Ahoy!

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PostGRcade Tasks of the Week: Week 5 - New Tasks Ahoy!
by Mockmaster » Mon Oct 05, 2009 3:48 pm

Hello and welcome to Week 5 of GRcade Tasks of the Week.

If you are new to 'Tasks of the Week', this is the kind of thing you can either dip in and out of at your leisure, or contest seriously to take the ultimate title of TASK MASTER.

The low-down: Each week, I set a series of tasks. These tasks are not supposed to be chores. They are supposed to be positive, motivational experiences. Things that spice life up a little. Some are incredibly simple, others require more of a challenge. All, I hope, make a normal day a little less normal and make life a bit interesting.

I will be running this for 8 weeks, at the end of which I will award the winner (the person who scores the most points) an awesome prize, along with the sought after title of TASK MASTER. But the real prize is the satisfaction of achieving these tasks and the experiences you have in the process of doing so.

The 6 tasks comprise of:

- 2 Easy Tasks (1 point each)

- 2 Medium Tasks (3 points each)

- 2 Hard Tasks (5 points each)

2 bonus points for completing all 6 tasks.

Various extra bonus points for certain tasks.

The Week 4 Table


The table is possibly initially a little deceptive as there are a few late points here and there to be added.


Easy (1 point each)

The Circle of Life


It’s so easy to rush through life without really appreciating the days that pass or the passage of time, only stopping by briefly to reflect on this on birthdays. This task will assist you with this appreciation whilst showing you the beauty of life. For one day only, you need to wake up in time to watch the sun rise and then take the time out in the evening to watch it set. There are good places and bad places to do this of course although it will be a pass anywhere you choose.

Blog it.

Blogging is all the rage these days. Twitter. Facebook. It's not only ordinary folks who do it, politicians, celebrities, even royalty get in on the act. Noting down your thoughts on a daily basis. Diary you say? Yes, similar to. But blogging is different in that people blog so that others can read it. It's open to everyone. I would like you to write a publicly open blog for a minimum of 3 days in a row. There are lots of blog sites, such as, where you can sign up and start straight away. What you put down in the blog is up to you. People blog in different styles. They may put their innermost thoughts or inconsequential things, such as 'Am off out to buy some Pedigree Chum.' You can use an alias perhaps, and write as if you were someone else. A fantasist. Up to you entirely. Again, the amount you write each day is for you to decide. A few lines here and there or an in depth synopsis. Embrace the Blogosphere!! You must link daily to the blog in this thread.

(I realise this task may be a gimme for those of you that already have a blog. If you do, I'd like you to try something different with it, such as write it in a different style.)

Medium (3 points each)

The Year Ahead


The year is nearly up, and we must start to look forwards to what 2010 will bring. For this task, I want you to design, print and make a calendar for 2010. You can use any design you like for this task and you can pre-include any important dates into your calendar pre-printing such as your birthday or special events. You could even put in more personal dates like deadlines for achieving certain things. It's all very flexible. But, to pass the task, there needs to be a genuine product at the end of it - something you could hang on your wall or that can free-stand on a desk.



Remember Cast Away with Tom Hanks? Stuck on an island all by himself, he resorted to making an imaginary best friend out of a volleyball, and he called him Wilson. They ended up forging a bond that transcended time and space. For this task, I want you to make a new friend, out of any material you so choose, and give him a name.

Bonus Points - Visual Evidence of your friend will get you 1 extra Bonus Point.

Hard (5 points each)

Cabin Fever


Some of us in life are less fortunate than others. It's important to appreciate what we have by sometimes sampling life from the perspective of those people. For 1 entire day, you must remain confined to a single room. Apart from necessities like visiting the bathroom, you must stay in the designated room for an entire day. You are allowed into the kitchen to retrieve food/drink but you must eat the food in your room (or 'cabin'), and you must not remain in the kitchen for longer than 3 minutes at a time. You are allowed a maximum of 3 trips to the kitchen throughout the day. 2 minutes? That's crazy. How can you cook a nutritious meal in that time? Well, you can't. But you are allowed to have other people cook for you and bring you food to the room if you are desparate for a hearty meal. Or you can prepare food on the previous day. Maybe you'll use the time to get some work done. Maybe you'll meditate. Maybe you'll think. Maybe you'll be bored out of your mind. Maybe you'll start observing people from your window, watching the world go by. You will experience emotions that you don't normally experience. Get in the mood, because you are about to experience......Cabin Fever.

Bonus Point: 1 bonus point for taking a picture of your self imposed 'Cabin'/room.

Different Day

One of the reasons I started the Task threads was to encourage you to look at life a little differently than you normally would. New experiences, challenges, etc etc. This task perhaps epitomises this in condensed form, so try and really give it your best shot.

Pick a normal day, any one single day, and do things..... differently. This can be as small a detail as get out on the other side of bed to going to a different supermarket to do your shopping. Browsing different websites. Eating Bourbons instead of Custard Creams. Wearing different clothes. Dancing around like a fool. Sitting in your chair in a different way. Donating to charity. Skiving off work. Anything. You get the idea. But the majority of things that you do on that day must be different. The day must feel sufficiently different, almost like you are someone else inhabiting your body for the day, in control of his/her actions. That's how you should approach it. If, at the end of it, you can list at least 20 things (major or minor) you did differently to normal, it's a Task GET!

All Tasks must be finished by 9pm on Sunday the 11th of October.

Last edited by Mockmaster on Mon Oct 05, 2009 8:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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PostRe: GRcade Tasks of the Week: Week 5 - New Tasks Ahoy!
by The People's ElboReformat » Mon Oct 05, 2009 4:21 pm

Ooh, nice tasks. Luckily not many requiring photographic evidence (unless wanting bonus points) because I've lost the use of my former replacement laptop and am not sure if i can get my phonecamera to work with this other laptop I'm on now.

Can do the circle of life task on the day i have to get up early for Uni. Because I'm always up before the sun is on that day. ¬_¬

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PostRe: GRcade Tasks of the Week: Week 5 - New Tasks Ahoy!
by Ironhide » Mon Oct 05, 2009 4:27 pm

Would not posting on here for a day count for Different day?

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PostRe: GRcade Tasks of the Week: Week 5 - New Tasks Ahoy!
by Mockmaster » Mon Oct 05, 2009 4:28 pm

IronHide wrote:Would not posting on here for a day count for Different day?

Of course. Doing anything differently to what you normally do counts towards Different Day.

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PostRe: GRcade Tasks of the Week: Week 5 - New Tasks Ahoy!
by Psychic » Mon Oct 05, 2009 4:28 pm

Can I just post the blog stuff in here? Cba with setting up one for 3 days.

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PostRe: GRcade Tasks of the Week: Week 5 - New Tasks Ahoy!
by Moggy » Mon Oct 05, 2009 4:29 pm

I am not joining in as I am too lazy but Cabin Fever would be piss easy for me. I live in a flat where the kitchen is in the same room as the living room. :lol:

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PostRe: GRcade Tasks of the Week: Week 5 - New Tasks Ahoy!
by Mockmaster » Mon Oct 05, 2009 4:29 pm

PsychicSykes wrote:Can I just post the blog stuff in here? Cba with setting up one for 3 days.

It takes literally 1 and a half minutes to set up a blog on Livejournal.

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PostRe: GRcade Tasks of the Week: Week 5 - New Tasks Ahoy!
by Pontius Pilate » Mon Oct 05, 2009 4:30 pm

Yeh, maybe Ill find a different forum to post on for a day!

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PostRe: GRcade Tasks of the Week: Week 5 - New Tasks Ahoy!
by Mockmaster » Mon Oct 05, 2009 4:31 pm

Remember that for Different Day, you have to do lots of things differently. The entire day should 'feel' different, even if its only lots of little things you change.

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PostRe: GRcade Tasks of the Week: Week 5 - New Tasks Ahoy!
by The People's ElboReformat » Mon Oct 05, 2009 4:33 pm

I'll pay attention in lectures and maybe even take notes for the Different Day task. :o

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PostRe: GRcade Tasks of the Week: Week 5 - New Tasks Ahoy!
by Pontius Pilate » Mon Oct 05, 2009 4:34 pm

I'll go to the uni library :shock:

The cabin one...Does it start as soon as you wake up? No shower? :o

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PostRe: GRcade Tasks of the Week: Week 5 - New Tasks Ahoy!
by The People's ElboReformat » Mon Oct 05, 2009 4:44 pm

I'll go to lectures that I'm not even supposed to go to. Ones from completely different courses. :o

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PostRe: GRcade Tasks of the Week: Week 5 - New Tasks Ahoy!
by Pontius Pilate » Mon Oct 05, 2009 4:45 pm

I'll go to your lectures and you can go to mine!

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PostRe: GRcade Tasks of the Week: Week 5 - New Tasks Ahoy!
by The People's ElboReformat » Mon Oct 05, 2009 4:47 pm

Ryan0rz wrote:I'll go to your lectures and you can go to mine!

What are you doing? Not that it matters, anything would be more interesting than the gooseberry fool I have to sit through.

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PostRe: GRcade Tasks of the Week: Week 5 - New Tasks Ahoy!
by Pontius Pilate » Mon Oct 05, 2009 4:50 pm

Nah my course is rubbish...Well some of it's quite interesting. You can choose between History of work and leisure...Crime: Race and gender, or Researching the social world... :fp: God this semester is balls.

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PostRe: GRcade Tasks of the Week: Week 5 - New Tasks Ahoy!
by The People's ElboReformat » Mon Oct 05, 2009 4:52 pm

Ryan0rz wrote:Nah my course is rubbish...Well some of it's quite interesting. You can choose between History of work and leisure...Crime: Race and gender, or Researching the social world... :fp: God this semester is balls.

What course is it?

My lectures are far more boring. I've got like... Strategic Business Information Systems... or Electronic Commerce... or that one about doing dissertations. In fact why not do my dissertation for me? That'll be something different. :shifty:

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PostRe: GRcade Tasks of the Week: Week 5 - New Tasks Ahoy!
by Pontius Pilate » Mon Oct 05, 2009 4:54 pm

:lol: :lol:

Social Sciences...3rd year now. :x

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PostRe: GRcade Tasks of the Week: Week 5 - New Tasks Ahoy!
by The People's ElboReformat » Mon Oct 05, 2009 4:55 pm

Ryan0rz wrote::lol: :lol:

Social Sciences...3rd year now. :x

3rd year? You a direct entrant?

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PostRe: GRcade Tasks of the Week: Week 5 - New Tasks Ahoy!
by Pontius Pilate » Mon Oct 05, 2009 4:56 pm

Nope been going to cale for the past 2 years. :lol:

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PostRe: GRcade Tasks of the Week: Week 5 - New Tasks Ahoy!
by The People's ElboReformat » Mon Oct 05, 2009 4:59 pm

Kept that one quiet. :o

Or, more likely, I just never paid enough attention.

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