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Re: The GRcade Writing Competition 8 - *RESULTS DAY* >Pg 3

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2008 7:28 pm
by Pilch
Well done everyone! What a great competition this continues to be. I think the standard this year was the highest I've seen, though admittedly I haven't seen that many. Bring on the next original writing competition!

Re: The GRcade Writing Competition 8 - *RESULTS DAY* >Pg 3

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2008 10:35 pm
by Garth
Congrats to both Poncho and Jazzem :)

Re: The GRcade Writing Competition 8 - *RESULTS DAY* >Pg 3

Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2008 12:34 pm
by Call and Answer
Hero of Canton wrote:Well done, Call and Answer too - cracking review.

Thank you muchly fella.

Massive congrats to Poncho and Jazzem, both wonderfully written pieces. :D

Re: The GRcade Writing Competition 8 - *RESULTS DAY* >Pg 3

Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2008 1:21 pm
by Skippy
gooseberry fool.

Well done everyone though and thanks AI for putting on another great competition.

Re: The GRcade Writing Competition 8 - *RESULTS DAY* >Pg 3

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2008 2:51 pm
by Venom
As an entrant I just want to say a massive thanks to A.I. for going to a lot of effort to conduct this contest. Thank you.
I also wanted to say a ultra-massive thanks to everybody who voted and commented, and apologise for not voting as I left it until late and has a very busy week... :oops: BIG congratulations to Poncho & Jazzem for their wins, and a pat on the back for everyone who entered in the spirit of opportunity and adventure.

Hero of Canton made some very accurate observations, and I appreciate the time he put in to give feedback, and yes the piece was originally written for a mainstream newspaper (I got ripped off about a whole videogame concept but that's another story :cry: .) Eighthours thanks for saying "this is a good review for a mainstream audience" but I understand your sentiment about the 'apostrophe howlers.' Thank you as well Puffin and reactant mob driven.

A.I. thanks again.
Until next time!

Re: The GRcade Writing Competition 8 - *RESULTS DAY* >Pg 3

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2008 9:02 pm
by Poncho
Yes, a massive thank to A.I for running this :D

Re: The GRcade Writing Competition 8 - *RESULTS DAY* >Pg 3

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2008 11:43 pm
by Denster
Thanks for those that voted for my little piece.

The results "ceremony" was annoying though. you over egged the pudding AI.

Re: The GRcade Writing Competition 8 - *RESULTS DAY* >Pg 3

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2008 7:09 pm
by Lotus
I must confess that I didn't put as much effort into this as I could have done. I just grabbed an old review I did, unedited, and just entered it out of curiosity to see where it would end up. Ah well. Congrats to those who won.

Re: The GRcade Writing Competition 8 - *RESULTS DAY* >Pg 3

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2008 7:23 pm
by Skippy
The SSBB review was mine and I threw it together, glad I put the effort into the Spore review now :mrgreen: