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'Hard up' students turning to sex-cam sites to earn money

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2011 4:02 pm
by KK
Moaned Off wrote:After it was revealed yesterday that an increasing number of women are using the sex industry to pay their way through university, one woman has told her story of stripping while studying.



Emma Green, of Glamorgan, Wales, turned to stripping on a webcam for men and earned £200-a-week to fund her studies.

The 25-year-old, who studied multi-media design at Glamorgan University before spending another year at a beauty therapy college in 2009, says a normal part-time job was out of the question because of her intense course workload.

‘I loved both courses, but there were no grants, no funding. Nothing. I literally had nothing to live on’, she told The Sun.

Emma spoke out after the National Union of Students warned that as well as sex work, students are turning to gambling and medical experiments to pay for their education.


Another degrading photo. We thought you should see it.

Emma said some weeks she was living on as little as £40 before stripping and after claiming a student loan, she found herself buried in debt.

A friend told her about the webcam work and informed her that all she needed was a computer with a camera


Can't believe how disgusting this is. Here's another photo.

‘It seemed too good to be true so I tried it out and I must admit the first time I was nervous and didn’t make much money,’ Emma told the newspaper.

‘But after a few goes and the initial shock of going topless and stripping down to my thong, I began to get used to it’, she added.


Argh look, another one. I'm gonna throw up.

Miss Green, who now works for Britain’s Got Webcams, says she would strip for two to three hours a night each week – earning between £16 and £20 per hour.

The wage was enough to pay her fees and Emma, who lives with her parents in Glamorgan, says she still now earns £200 a week with the company.

She says she’ll stop stripping once she finds a full time job but says there are none available at the moment for young people.

Emma said: ‘I earn my own money and I’m getting through this recession in the best way I can without having to live off the state.’

Government reforms mean universities can start charging up to £9,000 annually in tuition fees from next year.

In addition, the education maintenance allowance (EMA) for 16 to 19-year-olds has been scrapped.

It is these reforms that are causing students to turn to the 'informal' sector for money, according to the NUS.

Estelle Hart, the NUS national women’s officer, told BBC Radio 5 Live Breakfast: 'Students are taking more dangerous measures.

'In an economic climate where there are very few jobs, where student support has been massively cut, people are taking more work in the informal economy, such as sex work.

'It’s all dangerous unregulated work, simply so people can stay in education.


Yeah that's right, advertise the magazine as well. She's even got a white sofa to hide all the cum stains. strawberry floating livid now... ... -fees.html

Look what a Tory government is forcing women to do. Best vote for them again next election.

Re: 'Hard up' students turing to sex-cam sites to earn money

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2011 4:04 pm
by Dr. ogue Tomato
Wait so £40 after rent or before, if it's before then her parents are rich as strawberry float and should be helping her through uni, and I'd say £40 a week is reasonable for living on, if thats after rent.

Re: 'Hard up' students turning to sex-cam sites to earn mone

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2011 4:13 pm
by Cal
Just for some balance, can we also be told how many hard-up male students have turned to selling their bums for cash? Some links would be handy. ;)

Re: 'Hard up' students turning to sex-cam sites to earn mone

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2011 4:15 pm
by Beans
I for one welcome our new student sex worker overlords.

Re: 'Hard up' students turning to sex-cam sites to earn mone

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2011 4:16 pm
by Fatal Exception
I lived off less than £40 a week at Uni after rent. If I could have made money by wanking into a webcam I probably would have.

Re: 'Hard up' students turning to sex-cam sites to earn mone

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2011 4:17 pm
by Rubix
I put her in the Celeb topic (even though she isnt)

Re: 'Hard up' students turning to sex-cam sites to earn mone

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2011 4:19 pm
by Dig Dug

Re: 'Hard up' students turning to sex-cam sites to earn mone

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2011 4:24 pm
by satriales
Funny how that article just happens to have a lot more pics than usual. :roll:

the National Union of Students warned that as well as sex work, students are turning to gambling and medical experiments to pay for their education.

I lived off poker winnings at university. :shifty:

Re: 'Hard up' students turning to sex-cam sites to earn mone

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2011 4:26 pm
by Fatal Exception
Sir Cliff wrote:Funny how that article just happens to have a lot more pics than usual. :roll:

the National Union of Students warned that as well as sex work, students are turning to gambling and medical experiments to pay for their education.

I lived off poker winnings at university. :shifty:

Conversely my friend lost his whole student loan on poker and spent 3 months shoplifting from Tesco for a living.


'Hard up' students turning to sex-cam sites to earn money

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2011 5:16 pm
by Oh Teh Noes
I don't see what's wrong with it. It's not like she's in any danger. You're in more danger working at bloody Asda.

Re: 'Hard up' students turning to sex-cam sites to earn mone

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2011 5:17 pm
by aayl1
£40 a week is PLENTY, provided your student loan pays for most of the rent. I'd take that right now. Hell I'll probably strip for that, too.

Re: 'Hard up' students turning to sex-cam sites to earn mone

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2011 5:35 pm
by melatonin
KKlEIN thread.

Re: 'Hard up' students turning to sex-cam sites to earn mone

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2011 5:42 pm
by JiggerJay
aaronayule1 wrote:£40 a week is PLENTY, provided your student loan pays for most of the rent. I'd take that right now. Hell I'll probably strip for that, too.

Sure we can all chip in!

Re: Re: 'Hard up' students turning to sex-cam sites to earn

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2011 6:12 pm
by Cuttooth
lewismistletoenin wrote:KKlEIN thread.

I come for the tabloids, I stay for the captions.

Re: 'Hard up' students turning to sex-cam sites to earn mone

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2011 6:30 pm
by Igor
FEstive FEast wrote:
Sir Cliff wrote:Funny how that article just happens to have a lot more pics than usual. :roll:

the National Union of Students warned that as well as sex work, students are turning to gambling and medical experiments to pay for their education.

I lived off poker winnings at university. :shifty:

Conversely my friend lost his whole student loan on poker and spent 3 months shoplifting from Tesco for a living.

Evidently, he was better at shoplifting than he was at poker.

Re: 'Hard up' students turning to sex-cam sites to earn mone

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2011 10:41 pm
by Moggy
Cal wrote:Just for some balance, can we also be told how many hard-up male students have turned to selling their bums for cash? Some links would be handy. ;)

I hope that link doesn't work but am too scared to click it in case it does!

Re: 'Hard up' students turning to sex-cam sites to earn mone

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2011 11:36 pm
by Shadow
These students are making me hard-up, ifyaknowwadamsayin.