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Re: HDYFRN - ONM's Best Export Since 2008 - Die Hard doesnt have any sequels

Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2018 5:17 pm
by Minoru
Evil Ted wrote:I'd assume it's awfully stressful having parasitic worms living in you.

*checks eyes in mirror*

Re: HDYFRN - ONM's Best Export Since 2008 - Die Hard doesnt have any sequels

Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2018 5:44 pm
by Lorn64
Did someone from SONM draw that picture that shows up when you go onto the website now?

Re: HDYFRN - ONM's Best Export Since 2008 - Die Hard doesnt have any sequels

Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2018 5:46 pm
by That
Lor64 wrote:Did someone from SONM draw that picture that shows up when you go onto the website now?

It's by H.Kazuhira.

Re: HDYFRN - ONM's Best Export Since 2008 - Die Hard doesnt have any sequels

Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2018 5:51 pm
by Lorn64
Karl wrote:It's by H.Kazuhira.

Ah, okay...
Well done to him then... It's a really nice drawing.

Re: HDYFRN - ONM's Best Export Since 2008 - Die Hard doesnt have any sequels

Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2018 8:14 pm
by StormSleepStatic
had no idea sonm was closing when it actually mattered, but hey ho! let's give this a shot. thanks for archiving it.

Re: HDYFRN - ONM's Best Export Since 2008 - Die Hard doesnt have any sequels

Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2018 8:21 pm
by DarkRula
So a goof happened and now the Off-Topic of SONM is littered with out-of-date SONM Discord invite links. This is the only one that will work.

Re: HDYFRN - ONM's Best Export Since 2008 - Die Hard doesnt have any sequels

Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2018 8:50 pm
by Vermilion
Went out and purchased half a dozen easter eggs today.

Unfortunately, none of them are for me :(

Re: HDYFRN - ONM's Best Export Since 2008 - Die Hard doesnt have any sequels

Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2018 10:16 pm
by Fabong

Re: HDYFRN - ONM's Best Export Since 2008 - Die Hard doesnt have any sequels

Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2018 10:35 pm
by Jezo

Re: HDYFRN - ONM's Best Export Since 2008 - Die Hard doesnt have any sequels

Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2018 10:45 pm
by RichardUK
The only people I used to buy them for were my nieces but now I just give them money or buy something I think they would like

Re: HDYFRN - ONM's Best Export Since 2008 - Die Hard doesnt have any sequels

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2018 8:11 am
by Vermilion
Fabong wrote:Image

Funniest thing i've seen this morning. :lol:

Re: HDYFRN - ONM's Best Export Since 2008 - Die Hard doesnt have any sequels

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2018 10:22 am
by OrangeRKN
Lor64 wrote:
Karl wrote:It's by H.Kazuhira.

Ah, okay...
Well done to him then... It's a really nice drawing.

He tweeted it out too: ... 4276024320

Also, Troggy did a cool doodle that he posted before SONM closed, if you didn't see it

Re: HDYFRN - ONM's Best Export Since 2008 - Die Hard doesnt have any sequels

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2018 10:47 am
by Tsunade
I want to hibernate, I'm far too cold!

Re: HDYFRN - ONM's Best Export Since 2008 - Die Hard doesnt have any sequels

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2018 4:57 pm
by Lorn64
OrangeRakoon wrote:He tweeted it out too: ... 4276024320

Also, Troggy did a cool doodle that he posted before SONM closed, if you didn't see it

Oh, cool... I threw him a like and a comment on it. (:

And no, I did not see that one from Troggy... Very nice!

Re: HDYFRN - ONM's Best Export Since 2008 - Die Hard doesnt have any sequels

Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2018 1:07 am
by RichardUK
Tsunade wrote:I want to hibernate, I'm far too cold!

I find the rain to be worse than the cold, it never seems to completely stop raining here lately

Re: HDYFRN - ONM's Best Export Since 2008 - Die Hard doesnt have any sequels

Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2018 12:53 pm
by masa
im in a bit of a fix and not really sure what i should do with myself right now tbh. I'll be starting uni for sure come September/October depending wherr i go, but im not sure what to do during the interim.

Currently im renting my parents old house in Plymouth (they moved to Scotland last month) and the plan currently is to keep working until June-ish when they come down to fully clear the house out, and i would quit my job and pack up all my things as well and move to Scotland with them and basically take a long holiday, visit family, go sort myself out for starting uni etc etc

Thing is rn that like, i hate my job and cannot strawberry floating wait to quit. Now that i know i have a direction in life im just fed up of spending the majority of my time at work (if im working im normally out the house at 9.20am, home after 10pm) and dealing with gooseberry fool work and my boss who is incapable of running his business. Leaves me little time to pusue anything outside reading every chance i get and getting out and seeing friends almost all day on my days off. I've randomly fallen asleep twice in the last 2 days and had to cancel plans last night cause i was just exhausted. Im just fed the strawberry float up and getting burnt out. I'm extremely unhappy with how my life is right now, and im genuinely eager to quit my job asap (most likely in April) and just do something else with my time, ive been here 3 years and im strawberry floating sick of it.

Thing is, i just dont know what i would fill that extra time with. Im really struggling to come up with anything. I really dont want to get another gooseberry fool job but i also (as nice as it would be) dont wanna just sit in Scotland and read. I've considered backpacking or travelling or something, but i dont really have anyone to go with and ive never really done it properly before so i just wouldnt be sure where to start. I thought about volunteering on something or finding a shitty internship or a summer school or something, but i dont know what i would do and i dont even know where to start looking, and theres the fact that most of the cool stuff will be filled up already. I could try and write or get more involved with local Labour politics, but right not theres only so much i could achieve with that.

I just really dont know what to do and it is frustrating the strawberry float out of me.

Re: HDYFRN - ONM's Best Export Since 2008 - Die Hard doesnt have any sequels

Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2018 10:08 pm
by Jezo
Have you tried 'going with the flow' as it were? You don't necessarily have to do something with a purpose or with meaning. Think to yourself right now, at this very moment, and ask yourself "What would make me happy right now?" Right now you're thinking ahead, about how you want to maximise your time off. Savour it. From the sounds of it, your job is very time consuming and demanding, you'll have lots more free time once you've quit. Legit, savour the time you have off. Perhaps fulfil those plans, go see friends, literally do whatever you want. You'll probably get a decent amount of free time at uni too. Basically all I'm saying is don't restrict yourself to things you feel you should be doing, and just concentrate on chilling and being happy. That is, if doing the former does frustrate you. Some people like to feel that sense of purpose and meaning in everything they do and structure their lives out entirely.

Re: HDYFRN - ONM's Best Export Since 2008 - Die Hard doesnt have any sequels

Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2018 11:08 pm
by Wrathy
@ masa money is good tho... still repping the option to stay and save for a while longer and then spend a few months travelling and gooseberry fool

me personally... feel quite good actually. signed up for two pokemon cards competitions back to back over a weekend so find myself booking hotels and stuff now as well as simply blocking out the weekend. I really enjoy the game and it's pretty neat to be stepping up to a relatively high level of play.

Re: HDYFRN - ONM's Best Export Since 2008 - Die Hard doesnt have any sequels

Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2018 3:31 am
by Minoru
Wrathy wrote:me personally... feel quite good actually. signed up for two pokemon cards competitions back to back over a weekend so find myself booking hotels and stuff now as well as simply blocking out the weekend. I really enjoy the game and it's pretty neat to be stepping up to a relatively high level of play.

I used to play, not very competitively or anything but I enjoyed a league tournament and I'd win some matches. I liked playing my Raticate deck when half the league were playing Mewtwo. It got too expensive though and I haven't played at all since rotation. Plus my anxiety got too bad and I couldn't really face going anymore :|

Re: HDYFRN - ONM's Best Export Since 2008 - Die Hard doesnt have any sequels

Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2018 7:00 am
by Wrathy
Minoru wrote:
Wrathy wrote:me personally... feel quite good actually. signed up for two pokemon cards competitions back to back over a weekend so find myself booking hotels and stuff now as well as simply blocking out the weekend. I really enjoy the game and it's pretty neat to be stepping up to a relatively high level of play.

I used to play, not very competitively or anything but I enjoyed a league tournament and I'd win some matches. I liked playing my Raticate deck when half the league were playing Mewtwo. It got too expensive though and I haven't played at all since rotation. Plus my anxiety got too bad and I couldn't really face going anymore :|

Oh now that’s unfortunate and I’m sorry to read it!! I actually got into the hobby primarily as a social thing and tumbled down the competitive rabbit hole when I discovered I actually really enjoy it. But yeah it’s quite hard to keep up with financially and tbh if I had to play on a budget I’m not sure I would play at all >_>