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Re: Last film you watched and your rating

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2019 8:11 am
by FatDaz
Ad7 wrote:Den of thieves- 8/10

I really enjoyed this, Gerrard butler ate his way through the entire film I think, and while it was a bit predictable, it was well shot and acted.

I enjoyed it but it was a bit of a Heat rip off

Re: Last film you watched and your rating

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2019 8:29 am
by Victor Mildew
I think there was a fair few films ripped off, things like the bad boys prom date.

Re: Last film you watched and your rating

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2019 10:42 am
by Godzilla
Sympathy for Mr Vengeance - 7/10

Very well made and interesting but no where near the level of Oldboy, the second film of the Vengeance trilogy.

Re: Last film you watched and your rating

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2019 3:03 pm
by fry87
Alien Covenant - Enjoyable enough with some good set pieces and performance from Fassbender, but too predictable to be great. 7/10

Noctunal Animals - Nothing like I'd expected it to be. Good performances from the leads and overall a gripping watch. 8/10

Re: Last film you watched and your rating

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2019 3:36 pm
by mcjihge2
Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows.

I had always dismissed Robert Downey Jr. When he appeared in the first holmes film, I thought whats this yank druggie doing playing an English icon? I enjoyed ironman, the Tony stark character he played was the arrogant playboy that i believed he was portrayed as in the media. Yes he was redeemed. I didnt watch ironman 2 or 3. The first avenger and winter soldier are my favourite marvel films so I was on team Cap. However on rewatching with the other avenger films and the iron men on netflix Ive warmed to him. I recently watched his first Holmes film and was pleasantly surprised that he was good in it and wasnt the abomination it thought it might be. This sequel improves on the original in every aspect, slick, its funny, clever, well paced, well filmed, excellent locations, good set/costumes and well acted. Downey makes a very good Holmes. 8/10.

Re: Last film you watched and your rating

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2019 5:10 pm
by Alvin Flummux
Has anyone here been to see The Kid Who Would Be King? Trailed looked like ass, but it's got a critical 88% (67% audience) on RT right now and I'm suddenly wondering if it might be something to see.

Re: Last film you watched and your rating

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2019 6:30 pm
by floydfreak
mcjihge2 wrote:Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows.

I had always dismissed Robert Downey Jr. When he appeared in the first holmes film, I thought whats this yank druggie doing playing an English icon? I enjoyed ironman, the Tony stark character he played was the arrogant playboy that i believed he was portrayed as in the media. Yes he was redeemed. I didnt watch ironman 2 or 3. The first avenger and winter soldier are my favourite marvel films so I was on team Cap. However on rewatching with the other avenger films and the iron men on netflix Ive warmed to him. I recently watched his first Holmes film and was pleasantly surprised that he was good in it and wasnt the abomination it thought it might be. This sequel improves on the original in every aspect, slick, its funny, clever, well paced, well filmed, excellent locations, good set/costumes and well acted. Downey makes a very good Holmes. 8/10.

He is really good in Kiss Kiss Bang Bang

Re: Last film you watched and your rating

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2019 6:35 pm
by Tafdolphin
I mean, he was nominated for an Oscar for Chaplin.

Re: Last film you watched and your rating

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2019 9:50 pm
by Floex
Alita: Battle Angel - 6.5/10

Let’s start with the got us all talking about this film in the first place, Alita. For the most part, she is a triumph as a character. You really feel for the character, very naive to the world yet you see a character come to understand who and what she is. Some weird smiling to one side, it’s quite incredible what the animators achieved.

Which leads into the CG. The CG is pretty incredible it has to be said. A level and above an average Marvel movie. Does it have the strongest set pieces, no but did it give glimpses to what’s in store for the franchise if given half a chance. The machine and androids are impeccably done. There’s a great world that has huge potential to built here.

The script is a bit ropey, well quite abit actually. Far too much emphasis on Alita’s love interest for one, Just wasn’t feel that plot line at all. Mahershala Ali is wasted, when you have an incredible actor onboard and hardy give him anything to work with is a disappointment. The relationship between Alitia and Edo was probably the strongest part character wise.

The film reminded me a mix of Tron 3 and the visuals of Metal Gear Revenegnce. It has these huge spectacles but they don’t really go anywhere. You get glimpses of say a war which I was desperate to see more of. Yet we get scenes involving skating, while well done, were just dull.

The potential for a franchise is strong, it’s a good starting point if a little unforgettable for a first movie but I welcome more of Alita.

Re: Last film you watched and your rating

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2019 10:03 am
by OrangeRKN
But what about the eyes???

Re: Last film you watched and your rating

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2019 8:15 pm
by Vermilion
The Cloverfield Paradox - 7/10

A lot of reviewers found it confusing, but i had no trouble understanding it, and the story tied in well with the other Cloverfield movies.

Re: Last film you watched and your rating

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2019 8:25 pm
by Ecno
Green Book 8/10- This was slightly different than I thought it would be. It reminded me of a buddy cop film, with the way the two leads interact with one another and is very witty in places. It does touch the surface of racism in the Jim Crow era of the United States, but I did think the main thrust of the story is the relationship between the two leads. Just short of a 9 in my opinion.

Re: Last film you watched and your rating

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2019 8:28 pm
by Ecno
Alvin Flummux wrote:Has anyone here been to see The Kid Who Would Be King? Trailed looked like ass, but it's got a critical 88% (67% audience) on RT right now and I'm suddenly wondering if it might be something to see.

Like you I saw the trailer, and thought the trailer looked like something which would get 23% on RT and be a poor kids film.

I couldn't remember the name and when I saw 88% on RT, I thought it was going to be a film about a rising boxer who was paralysed on his first professional debut opposed to the trailer I saw about a school kid who becomes King Arthur.

Still inclined to give it a miss though, as I can't imagine it being that good.

Re: Last film you watched and your rating

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2019 8:34 pm
by Alvin Flummux
BlacKkKlansman - A very well written and acted film, based on real events from the 1970s. A disturbingly relevant film, and a somewhat uncomfortable watch, but damn is it worth seeing.

Ecno wrote:
Alvin Flummux wrote:Has anyone here been to see The Kid Who Would Be King? Trailed looked like ass, but it's got a critical 88% (67% audience) on RT right now and I'm suddenly wondering if it might be something to see.

Like you I saw the trailer, and thought the trailer looked like something which would get 23% on RT and be a poor kids film.

I couldn't remember the name and when I saw 88% on RT, I thought it was going to be a film about a rising boxer who was paralysed on his first professional debut opposed to the trailer I saw about a school kid who becomes King Arthur.

Still inclined to give it a miss though, as I can't imagine it being that good.

Aye, I'll not see it in the cinema either. I might give it a watch when it hits Netflix or Hulu though.

Re: Last film you watched and your rating

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2019 8:36 pm
by Floex
It’s Joe Cornish’s new film so glad to hear it’s review well!

OrangeRKN wrote:But what about the eyes???

I’m still not sure why they went that way. Sure, she has big eyes in the manga and they alluded to why she looks different but outside of that...

Re: Last film you watched and your rating

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2019 9:32 pm
by Ecno
Michael Inside 8/10 - A short (1h 35m) but powerful film about an 18 year kid in Ireland sent to prison. I won't say too much more but it's on Netflix and worth a watch.

Re: Last film you watched and your rating

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2019 10:58 am
by Jenuall
Lion King - 9/10

Watched this with the kids over the weekend, still a brilliant movie and probably the high point of the "Disney Renaissance" period of the late 80s to mid 90s. A great story which still manages to be surprisingly moving despite knowing all the beats so well, fantastic music (both incidental and the songs), and a stunning look to the whole thing make for a wonderful package.

Long live the king!

Re: Last film you watched and your rating

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2019 12:50 am
by NBK
Beast - 8/10

Not a Disney spin-off as the title might suggest, but instead a tale of love, murder and some really annoying woman who's married to a pilot (very minor character, but I guarantee that a swear word or two will be thrown her way while you watch it).

It won the Bafta for Best British debut yesterday, and well deserved it was too.

Just don't go in expecting any dancing crockery.

Re: Last film you watched and your rating

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2019 10:53 am
by Rocsteady
BlacKkKlansman - 10/10.

Re: Last film you watched and your rating

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2019 7:45 am
by Vermilion
Fantastic 4: Rise of the Silver Surfer - 6/10

The greatest Fantastic 4 movie ever made, though when you consider the competition, that's not really saying much.