Last film you watched and your rating

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PostRe: Last film you watched and your rating
by OrangeRKN » Mon Jan 14, 2019 1:11 pm

Jenuall wrote:I get the setup of the film and the intended motivation for Joe, but sending your entire army to attack/shoot/explode the rig carrying your wives (one of whom is, as noted, heavily pregnant) seems like a bit of a stupid way to secure your potential for an h eir! :lol:

Their consistent approach is to try and disable/halt the rig and/or to board the rig and capture the wives. Immortan Joe not wanting any harm to come to the wives and his unboard child is a specific plot point when the pregnant wife uses her body to shield Furiosa from being shot.

Jenuall wrote:If Gas Town is the only source of fuel, and the rig we see them send to collect the fuel is not exactly huge, it seems reasonable to assume that Joe's Citadel does not have significant local reserves of fuel. Therefore pissing the stuff away on pyrotechnics still seems counterproductive to me.

As said we see very little of Gas Town and the film gives us no knowledge or how much fuel reserves Immortan Joe has, other than it evidently not being a problem. Assuming he has little because the rig isn't huge is reaching, especially when we don't know how often they go on supply trips or what reserves they already have. Really though, it's not that important. The film establishes that Immortan Joe has access to fuel, and throughout the rest of the film it is evident that he has enough fuel for it to not factor into the plot any further. There is no inconsistency in the plot or contradiction in how fuel is used and valued.

Jenuall wrote:We're supposed to believe that Joe seems himself as the best leader for the people - they come to Joe as he's supposed to offer them a better life than the alternatives, and that they stick with him from a combination of "devotion to a charismatic leader" but also a healthy dose of "we haven't got any other strawberry floating choice". Doing stupid things like wasting the precious amount of fuel you have is a surefire way to make your followers think "hold on, maybe this Joe guy is just a twat and we should overthrow him? Also why is he not letting us have any of that plentiful water he seems to have? And why does he get to shag all the best looking birds?!"

The War Boys are essentially a cult, indoctrinated (as we see in the film) from a very young age, and brought up with Immortan Joe as both their father figure and as a godlike entity. These are kids that are willing to kill themselves in battle because of their belief in an afterlife, their indoctrination could not be more clear. Immortan Joe lives at the top of a heavily defended fortress from which he controls all access to the water. The War Boys are completely dedicated to Immortan Joe, and the general populace who live at the foot of the citadel lack any means whatsoever to challenge him. The Bullet Farm and Gas Town are in an alliance with Immortan Joe primarily through trade, as water is a valuable resource, but also because the War Boys are a formidable army to face.

Again I see no inconsistency in the setup or in how the plot plays out.

You're right that it should be enjoyed as the big action film that it is and that it intends to be, but I wouldn't call it dumb - everything about the film is smartly made and directed.

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PostRe: Last film you watched and your rating
by Call and Answer » Mon Jan 14, 2019 1:50 pm

The Favourite. It's a film I'd say I appreciated rather than liked. I enjoyed watching the period power struggle between Queen Anne's ladies in waiting, it's full of fine turns by talented actors, and it's often sharply comic. By design however, this is a cold tale, uneasy and duplicitous; none of the characters are especially likeable, and the film's decision to shoot many scenes with fish eye lenses amplifies the distance you as an audience member feel from those onscreen. Again, I can appreciate that, I think its a clever way to convey the odd and aloof behaviours of the British aristocracy in the early 1700s, their gilded isolation gifted by birth from the common people and even from each other. But it doesn't leave me fond of them.

Also, fair warning, this is a period film that takes more influence from The Thick Of It than from Downton Abbey. There's cursing, with a capital C word (or 7). If your nan wants to see it, well... just be aware.

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PostRe: Last film you watched and your rating
by Rapidly-Greying » Mon Jan 14, 2019 9:08 pm

He's Out There on Netflix. What a surprisingly good film, a really genuinely creepy little horror thriller with good acting and doesn't follow every single horror trope. And the hot blonde from Chuck is in it.


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PostRe: Last film you watched and your rating
by Jenuall » Tue Jan 15, 2019 11:12 am

OrangeRKN wrote:
Jenuall wrote:I get the setup of the film and the intended motivation for Joe, but sending your entire army to attack/shoot/explode the rig carrying your wives (one of whom is, as noted, heavily pregnant) seems like a bit of a stupid way to secure your potential for an h eir! :lol:

Their consistent approach is to try and disable/halt the rig and/or to board the rig and capture the wives. Immortan Joe not wanting any harm to come to the wives and his unboard child is a specific plot point when the pregnant wife uses her body to shield Furiosa from being shot.

Nux literally aims to explode the entire rig as his aim to prove his worth by dying in battle! Also isn't it Joe that is trying to shoot Furiosa when the pregnant one sacrifices herself? Not exactly a safe point of engagement if the people you are trying to save are within "human shield" distance of your target! Oh and isn't it even Joe's vehicle that runs over the pregnant wife? :lol: I guess I can accept that the aims of Joe himself were to protect and rescue the wives, but he goes about it in a pretty reckless fashion!

OrangeRKN wrote:
Jenuall wrote:If Gas Town is the only source of fuel, and the rig we see them send to collect the fuel is not exactly huge, it seems reasonable to assume that Joe's Citadel does not have significant local reserves of fuel. Therefore pissing the stuff away on pyrotechnics still seems counterproductive to me.

As said we see very little of Gas Town and the film gives us no knowledge or how much fuel reserves Immortan Joe has, other than it evidently not being a problem. Assuming he has little because the rig isn't huge is reaching, especially when we don't know how often they go on supply trips or what reserves they already have. Really though, it's not that important. The film establishes that Immortan Joe has access to fuel, and throughout the rest of the film it is evident that he has enough fuel for it to not factor into the plot any further. There is no inconsistency in the plot or contradiction in how fuel is used and valued.

Yeah, it probably is a reach to assume too much about fuel reserves, but I still think the way things play out makes one of the central concepts of the movie harder to believe - either fuel is valuable and rare or it isn't. If it isn't that rare then those in control of it would not have as much power as demonstrated in the film, if it genuinely was so rare then it wouldn't be so liberally wasted on non-essential activity.

I'm not arguing that it's a major tear in the core concept of the movie, just that its hard to maintain belief in the concept that fuel is rare and valuable (a fairly key pillar for the franchise in general) whilst at the same time seeing something play out that seems intent on wasting so much of it. But yes maybe I am being too analytical, it's perfectly plausible that Joe is just borderline insane and couldn't give a gooseberry fool about wasting so much fuel to try and reclaim his wives.

OrangeRKN wrote:
Jenuall wrote:We're supposed to believe that Joe seems himself as the best leader for the people - they come to Joe as he's supposed to offer them a better life than the alternatives, and that they stick with him from a combination of "devotion to a charismatic leader" but also a healthy dose of "we haven't got any other strawberry floating choice". Doing stupid things like wasting the precious amount of fuel you have is a surefire way to make your followers think "hold on, maybe this Joe guy is just a twat and we should overthrow him? Also why is he not letting us have any of that plentiful water he seems to have? And why does he get to shag all the best looking birds?!"

The War Boys are essentially a cult, indoctrinated (as we see in the film) from a very young age, and brought up with Immortan Joe as both their father figure and as a godlike entity. These are kids that are willing to kill themselves in battle because of their belief in an afterlife, their indoctrination could not be more clear. Immortan Joe lives at the top of a heavily defended fortress from which he controls all access to the water. The War Boys are completely dedicated to Immortan Joe, and the general populace who live at the foot of the citadel lack any means whatsoever to challenge him. The Bullet Farm and Gas Town are in an alliance with Immortan Joe primarily through trade, as water is a valuable resource, but also because the War Boys are a formidable army to face.

Again I see no inconsistency in the setup or in how the plot plays out.

The War Boys are definitely an interesting concept, indoctrinated to see Joe as their God and to effectively worship machines and all things mechanical above organic - even seeing their bodies more as machines than flesh. One thing that I didn't quite get however was that as far as I could tell the idea is supposed to be that the strongest and healthiest from the general populace are accepted into the citadel to join Joe's personal army of War Boys. As those who are let into the citadel they should also have greater access to Joe's water supply, and his doctor (or "Organic Mechanic" :D ) which should help keep them in better condition than those trapped outside. If these are the strongest then why are they all seemingly on the brink of dying and need "blood bags" to keep them alive?

OrangeRKN wrote:You're right that it should be enjoyed as the big action film that it is and that it intends to be, but I wouldn't call it dumb - everything about the film is smartly made and directed.

Yeah it is a hugely enjoyable action movie, it's well made and there is plenty about it that can be admired, and by the standards of this sphere of film making it's probably not fair to call it dumb. I think I'm still in a bit of a nit-picky mood with it and trying to work out why I thought it was shite on the first viewing! :lol:

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PostRe: Last film you watched and your rating
by floydfreak » Tue Jan 15, 2019 8:35 pm

Kiss Kiss Bang Bang 8/10

Michelle Monaghan in this is sexy as hell


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PostRe: Last film you watched and your rating
by Vermilion » Thu Jan 17, 2019 8:36 am

The Nun - 7/10

An enjoyable horror with plenty of good scares.

Warm Bodies - 5/10

Half decent but mostly forgettable zombie story.

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PostRe: Last film you watched and your rating
by Godzilla » Thu Jan 17, 2019 7:46 pm

Bird Box - 9/10

The very definition of gripping. Really well made, Well explained and acted. The Mist meets The Crazies with a bit of Crossed thrown in there too. Really enjoyed it and was happy it was over two hours long as it really gave a lot of time for characters to reveal more of themselves.

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PostRe: Last film you watched and your rating
by floydfreak » Thu Jan 17, 2019 11:42 pm

Skyscraper 4/10

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PostRe: Last film you watched and your rating
by RoundMU » Fri Jan 18, 2019 4:26 pm

Green Book - 10/10

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PostRe: Last film you watched and your rating
by pixelwinx » Sat Jan 19, 2019 2:35 pm

Clown on Netflix.

Not as bad as I was probably expecting. I don’t know why I bother with the horror genre as always find them cliched and disappointing. Whilst this was nothing amazing I did quite like the real world element to it and did actually feel some empathy towards the main character. It won’t change your would bet there are worse ways of spending 90 minutes.


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PostRe: Last film you watched and your rating
by pixelwinx » Sat Jan 19, 2019 2:43 pm

pixelwinx wrote:Clown on Netflix.

Not as bad as I was probably expecting. I don’t know why I bother with the horror genre as always find them cliched and disappointing. Whilst this was nothing amazing I did quite like the real world element to it and did actually feel some empathy towards the main character. It won’t change your worlld but there are worse ways of spending 90 minutes.


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PostRe: Last film you watched and your rating
by Oblomov Boblomov » Sat Jan 19, 2019 8:26 pm


So much better than that sexist claptrap The Last Jedi.

Does exactly what it should do — makes that moment in The Force Awakens even harder to embrace without dancing the salty eyeball tango.

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PostRe: Last film you watched and your rating
by Godzilla » Sat Jan 19, 2019 8:53 pm

Glass - 1/10

And that's being generous.

Nothing like Unbreakable, not as focused or interesting as Split.

It goes meta, so very meta and think it's the smartest movie ever made. You know it's a bad M Night flick when he has a long cameo in it.

The last 15 or so minutes though. My god it's bad. Take three interesting characters... What they actually do with them..... So poor.

The meta stuff is so terrible, I expected the final scene to end with a few characters winking at the camera.

A terrible film I'll never watch again.

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PostRe: Last film you watched and your rating
by SandyCoin » Sat Jan 19, 2019 9:35 pm

Bird Box 4/10

Some decent moments but on the whole incredibly forgettable.

The fact everyone has been talking about this on social media should have warned me it was gonna be gooseberry fool, but thought I'd give it a chance.

A couple of ok scenes but as far as end of the world style films go this was just...nothing. I really can't think of much to even say about it, which is a bit odd. A nothing film. Just stupid and pointless really.

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PostRe: Last film you watched and your rating
by Nibble » Sat Jan 19, 2019 9:42 pm

Oblomov Boblomov wrote:Solo

that moment in The Force Awakens

What moment be that, then?

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PostRe: Last film you watched and your rating
by Tafdolphin » Sat Jan 19, 2019 9:58 pm

Oblomov Boblomov wrote:Solo

So much better than that sexist claptrap The Last Jedi.

Does exactly what it should do — makes that moment in The Force Awakens even harder to embrace without dancing the salty eyeball tango.

Solo is comfortably the worst Star Wars film since Attack of the Clones. And I've heard TLJ called many things, but sexist isn't one of them. Care to elaborate how so?

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PostRe: Last film you watched and your rating
by Oblomov Boblomov » Sat Jan 19, 2019 10:05 pm

No one could accuse me of inefficiency :lol:.

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PostRe: Last film you watched and your rating
by Tafdolphin » Sat Jan 19, 2019 10:06 pm

So. It's not sexist and you were just bring contrary?

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PostRe: Last film you watched and your rating
by Oblomov Boblomov » Sat Jan 19, 2019 10:09 pm

Tafdolphin wrote:So. It's not sexist and you were just bring contrary?

I bring it all.

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PostRe: Last film you watched and your rating
by Tafdolphin » Sat Jan 19, 2019 10:12 pm


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