Legendary - Updated With Screens/Previews Etc..

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PostLegendary - Updated With Screens/Previews Etc..
by HailToTheKingBaby! » Tue Aug 26, 2008 8:42 pm

I remember reading about this a while back when it was still called "Legendary: The Box" and it sounded like a fresh idea for a FPS. Kinda forgot all about it since then. Just read a hands-on preview from Kotaku and it sounds like it might be a bit of a suprise gem if the rest of the game matches up to the first part they've played.

Game: Legendary (formerly - Legenday: The Box)
Platforms: 360/PS3/PC
Release: Oct 24th (360/PC), 31st Oct (PS3)
Website: http://www.legendarythegame.com/


Kotaku Hand's On (August 08):
Kotaku wrote:My first real “wow” moment at the Games Convention in Leipzig came when a griffin threw a taxi at me. Mind you it could have been a roc – I'm not exactly up to date on my mythical birds, but whatever it was it was impressive. It was exactly the sort of epic moment you'd expect from a game called Legendary, and after playing through a good 15 minutes of the beginning of the PC version I can see why they decided to remove “The Box” from the title. The box is nice and all, but what comes out of it is much more impressive.

The game starts out with the protagonist Charles Deckard at a museum, about to insert a mystical key into a mystical box...well, the magical box. The one you don't want to open? Yeah, he opens it, and in return it brands his hand with a mystic rune and unleashes doom upon the human race as we know it. It's a damn good thing that box came with that branding featuring, allowing the bearer to absorb mystical energy in order to heal himself, hurt mythical beasts, and solve puzzles, because otherwise we'd be completely screwed. Let's hear it for escape clauses!

Anyway, as soon as you are branded the museum begins to shake and break, fires breaking out, the earth heaving, tossing passersby to their deaths, fire and brimstone, dogs and cats, living together, etc. Your character gains some basic knowledge about his powers as he escapes while everything goes to hell around him. It's a common FPS mechanic...essentially placing you in the middle of a disaster movie where you can't get hurt, but it's done really well.

Things get even more exciting when you exit the museum, as we see some magnificent cinematics that effectively amount to the entirety of New York City doing the wave, streets, cars, people, and all as a wave of otherworldly energy floods the surroundings. Streets crack, people run screaming, and then the griffons show up and start tossing cars about.

You navigate a maze of cars, new paths opening as the griffons toss vehicles about as if they were really big birds tossing about cars, until you get to a place where you are completely stuck. Then some seriously awesome gooseberry fool goes down.

Suddenly cars and wreckage get sucking into this swirling vortex, slowly coalescing into a massive giant built from spare parts, easily the size of the skyscraper he then walks through, opening up your new path.

From there things move into more familiar puzzle-solving FPS ground, opening valves to put out fires as you make your way towards the subway system, hoping to find a way to escape the city. My last moments with the game were spent shooting at fire-spitting lava dogs in the ruined subway tunnels of New York. Th guy waiting in line for the game behind me had moved from intently staring to uncomfortably rubbing against me, so I fled.

So the first 15 minutes of the game hooked me. I am dying to see what else happens over the course of the game now. Gameplay was fast and smooth, though I didn't get a chance to play enough to determine if I like the combat yet or not. So far it's just been standard pistol fare, so I've know idea what happens when the big guns come out.

Still, I can assure you that Legendary did manage to live up to the name several times during my brief encounter. I'm looking forward to playing more when I am not surrounded by touchy Germans.

Game Pro Preview (July 07):
LEGENDARY: THE BOX was one of the best games at E3, a shooter where you battle the beasts of myth using real-world firepower.

From the guys who brought you the first slew of Medal of Honor games comes Legendary: The Box, an insanely intense first-person shooter where Pandora's Box has been accidentally unlocked (whoops), forcing you to battle a fearsome cast of mythological beasts. Not only is this the best game in independent publisher Gamecock's lineup, it's one of the most visually stunning games shown at E3 overall.

Apocalypse Now
Legendary begins by placing you in the role of Deckard, a professional art thief who has been hired to retrieve an artifact from a New York City museum. But the heist doesn't go as planned when the chest clamps onto his hand and sears a symbol into his flesh, which triggers the mythical Pandora's Box to open. The museum begins to crack and crumble as the first round of mythological creatures spew forth from the box. Armed with nothing, you must escape the museum before you are buried in hundreds of tons of concrete. You run for the exit with other museum guests, dodging falling rubble and earthquakes. This whole sequence is one of the most impressive first-level sequences since the original Half-Life train sequence.

Man vs. Myth
Downtown NYC rattles, cars bounce around on the street like toys, and an Armageddon-like hail of debris rains down on the city as enormous Griffons fly through the sky. If the player stands still for more than a moment they will be literally eaten alive by the Griffons, which are already chewing off the heads of everyone around you.

The game has a distinct action movie quality to its gameplay--as the rock music starts up and you're firing lead into monsters, flicks such as Aliens will come to mind. But the blockbuster feel to Legendary isn't done in such a way that makes it feel like a mindless arcade kill-everything-in-sight kind of game. Spark, the game's developers, notes that there is very little scripting in the game, and even though there are many moments of where the action is extremely thick, there are calmer moments where the game relies on slower-paced suspense to builds up to the massive fights with mythological creatures.

A Legendary Experience
Legendary is a shooter at heart, but there are several gameplay elements that add more dimension to the player's experience other than just annihilating enemy after enemy. For instance, you can extract life out of dead enemies by utilizing the power of the scar left on you from opening Pandora's Box.

The game is spread out across 8 episodes, the first being the New York City level just discussed. Another episode, titled Cathedral, takes place in London where huge werewolves are running around that you have to decapitate with bullets in order to keep them from resurrecting themselves. The werewolves behave depending on their mood, meaning that at first they will fight casually, throwing things at you, but once they become filled with rage, you'll have to wield deadlier weapons such as the Saw (a powerful automatic gun) to put them down. Human enemies who are part of the Black Order are also encountered in this episode.

Multiplayer modes will also be available for Legendary, but the developers insist on not doing it the way every other FPS game has done in the past. There will be no deathmatches, team deathmatches, capture the flag, etc. Instead, expect to play modes that you've never seen in any other game, modes that "have to include creatures," the developers explain.

Legendary: The Box ships in early Spring 2008 for Xbox 360, PS3, and PC and its sure to catch a whole lot of gamers by surprise.


Gameplay Video (Alpha Build):

EDIT: Just tarted up the first post to provide some more info after a bit of digging around.. anyone interested in this? Looks like could be a fresh new take on the FPS genre and the graphics look pretty nice if those screens are accurate..

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PostRe: Legendary - Updated With Screens/Previews Etc..
by Rik » Tue Aug 26, 2008 9:28 pm

The problem I have with this is that it's by Spark who did Turning Point Fall Of Liberty which had some great ideas done very badly.

I'll have to wait for reviews.

Neogaf: Riky
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PostRe: Legendary - Updated With Screens/Previews Etc..
by HailToTheKingBaby! » Tue Aug 26, 2008 9:34 pm

Good point. Guess that tried to do something original but failed badly..

Though the screens/previews for this do sound much more promising and it's been in development quite a while so fingers crossed they'll have used the time to make it as good as it sounds like it could be.

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PostRe: Legendary - Updated With Screens/Previews Etc..
by bigcheez2k3 » Tue Aug 26, 2008 10:01 pm

Hadn't even heard of this.

EDIT: Looks gooseberry fool...

Preezy wrote:She's the hottest thing to come out of the Ukraine since the Chernobyl fallout cloud :shifty:

I didded a youtube thing Clicky!
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PostRe: Legendary - Updated With Screens/Previews Etc..
by Jingle Ord The Way » Tue Aug 26, 2008 10:36 pm

Is this still due out in Novemeber? Indeed after Turning Point i'm not quite as looking forward to this as I once was.

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PostRe: Legendary - Updated With Screens/Previews Etc..
by HailToTheKingBaby! » Tue Aug 26, 2008 10:42 pm

October over here I think (dates from game.co.uk). Published by Atari - after Alone In The Dark I guess that might not bode well either but it's published by Game-C0ck in the US which has to be the best publisher name ever so that might make up for it..

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