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Re: Monster Hunter (makes my willy) Rise - Switch out March 26th 2021 Worldwide

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2020 4:13 pm
by OrangeRKN
3U was my series nadir as I didn't even play it, coming after Tri which I just couldn't get into because it was on wii (and the swimming was rubbish). 4U was my proper return, followed by Generations, and while I liked World and played a good 60+ hours it didn't stick with me because, again, it wasn't handheld. I played Generations on Switch after World and still prefer it so I'm not worried about the gameplay style.

Re: Monster Hunter (makes my willy) Rise - Switch out March 26th 2021 Worldwide

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2020 7:30 pm
by HaruKazuhira
Tri was a mixed bag for a lot of veteratans, but it will forever hold a special place in my heart. Being the first online experiene with MH, it blew my mind and the community during the early days was so damn wholesome. We had a small group of folks back in the old ONM forums too where we'd regularly play and hang out. I miss those times dearly. The online hub in World just didn't have that aspect for me since it mostly felt like passing by randoms just looking for help. I'm sure people did find friends and build small groups of families, but the discoverability aspect was missing from Tri. I'm hoping Rise brings that back somewhat but they seem to favour the more random aspect with online now.

Re: Monster Hunter (makes my willy) Rise - Switch out March 26th 2021 Worldwide

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2020 7:44 pm
by Mafro
The SOS signal completely killed the gathering hub stuff stone dead, barely anyone seemed to joint the actual lobbies compared to that. I miss arm wrestling.

Re: Monster Hunter (makes my willy) Rise - Switch out March 26th 2021 Worldwide

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2020 7:46 pm
by OrangeRKN
I don't really like the call for help mid quest and get a randomer appearing thing in world.

EDIT: SOS is the word(?) I was looking for!

Re: Monster Hunter (makes my willy) Rise - Switch out March 26th 2021 Worldwide

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2020 9:03 pm
by HaruKazuhira
SOS is probably not going away considering how much it was used. I never used it in base game World but did start abusing it late game IB where soloing just wasn't as viable and I needed to save time on grinding. I think they just need ways to incentivise players going into gathering halls and it would help a ton with meeting more hunters.

Re: Monster Hunter (makes my willy) Rise - Switch out March 26th 2021 Worldwide

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2020 2:30 pm
by Mafro

Re: Monster Hunter (makes my willy) Rise - Switch out March 26th 2021 Worldwide

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2020 6:18 pm
by HaruKazuhira
Might have to reunite with my old buddy Lance because that new dragoon lunge like attack got me hype. Seems like Wire Bug lets combo into all sorts of things which is wild.

I've noticed how a lot of the sound effects from weapons don't seem to have that feeling of impact compared to older games. Sounds almost more blunt and cartoony, it's hard to explain.

Re: Monster Hunter (makes my willy) Rise - Switch out March 26th 2021 Worldwide

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2020 11:58 am
by OrangeRKN
Rewatching the trailer... this better have monster hunter language option like World did!

Re: Monster Hunter (makes my willy) Rise - Switch out March 26th 2021 Worldwide

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2020 3:29 pm
by Mafro
TGS gameplay footage :wub:

Re: Monster Hunter (makes my willy) Rise - Switch out March 26th 2021 Worldwide

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2020 11:02 pm
by HaruKazuhira
The UI is making me feel super nostalgic. Gameplay looks clean and crisp as expected. The different types of Wire bug look really fun and I love that exporation is actually encouraged more.

Re: Monster Hunter (makes my willy) Rise - Switch out March 26th 2021 Worldwide

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2020 10:16 am
by Met
I played a lot of World, but never got round to picking up IB. I then tried to play the demo of the one that was on the Switch later, but found it to be too janky, flat and "old style" for my tastes.

So I'm glad Rise looks to be a meeting point between the two. So far my only gripe is that the actual "arenas" they've shown off still just look like big, flat, empty areas so there's no environmental interaction, like I enjoyed in World, but it's early days and we only saw half of one area. And without getting hands on I can't actually tell what kind of nonsense the bugs can get up to.

Overall, I'll be looking into this.

Re: Monster Hunter (makes my willy) Rise - Switch out March 26th 2021 Worldwide

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2020 11:14 am
by Mafro
I'm looking forward to this more than any next-gen stuff tbh.

Re: Monster Hunter (makes my willy) Rise - Switch out March 26th 2021 Worldwide

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2020 5:50 pm
by HaruKazuhira
Part of me really glad the Clutch claw is gone too. I think it felt great and novel for a while but in IB they made it feel more of a chore at times with how you had to damage monsters. Wire Bugs seem to add an actual layer of strategy with how they're utilised during fights.

Re: Monster Hunter (makes my willy) Rise - Switch out March 26th 2021 Worldwide

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2020 7:26 pm
by HaruKazuhira

Buncha outlets have had a chance to interview the directors. Linking Arekks vid as he goes over a lot of key stuff you might see elsewhere.

Rise really does seem the best of both new and old gen which is cool. Looks like SOS is back, which I felt was expected tbh. Also interesting that online lobbies will be back to 4 players per Guild Hall again, which is a step back from World but understandable since it's on Switch. One thing that I felt super relieved to have back are non timed event quest. One of the things that really bugged me with World. Glad it's back to the older system now.

Re: Monster Hunter (makes my willy) Rise - Switch out March 26th 2021 Worldwide

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2020 7:31 pm
by OrangeRKN
Timed events are rubbish so that's great

I should just be able to ignore SOS, I'll be playing this mostly local multi anyway

Re: Monster Hunter (makes my willy) Rise - Switch out March 26th 2021 Worldwide

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2020 8:19 pm
by Mafro
I completely missed out on the Resi crossover stuff so I’m glad they’re ditching the “you had to be there” shite.

Re: Monster Hunter (makes my willy) Rise - Switch out March 26th 2021 Worldwide

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2020 8:24 pm
by HaruKazuhira
The game has been in dev for roughly almost 4 years too, so it's safe to assume this isn't a run off the mill spin off. I think it would of also been cool to see a new weapon for the this game but having them focus on updating movesets and adding an entire layer of gameplay mechanics with the Wire Bug seems the better move.

Re: Monster Hunter (makes my willy) Rise - Switch out March 26th 2021 Worldwide

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2020 3:06 pm
by Mafro
Collectors edition is up on the UK store! ... 07713.html

Preodered :D

Up on ShopTo as well ... n-p518436/

Re: Monster Hunter (makes my willy) Rise - Switch out March 26th 2021 Worldwide

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2020 8:08 pm
by HaruKazuhira

We finally have ground teching. A mechanic I've wanted since Unite lol. Tho it's a lot flashier since we're utilising Wirebugs. I think this is neat way to balance it too since they're on cool down. I hope this also means monsters are more smarter an agressive to account for this.

Re: Monster Hunter (makes my willy) Rise - Switch out March 26th 2021 Worldwide

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2020 11:48 pm
by OrangeRKN
Does "ground teching" mean a quick recovery from knock down?

The bowgun looks to be world style, which is neat