MM GRcade Cup - New Sign Ups, pg8!

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PostRe: MM GRc Cup - Silly Season begins: 24hrs to change teams!
by Cuttooth » Thu Aug 11, 2022 7:28 am

I'll take a chance on that Van Dort seat. Sorry Rawrgna. :shifty:

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PostRe: MM GRc Cup - Silly Season begins: 24hrs to change teams!
by Captain Kinopio » Thu Aug 11, 2022 7:48 am

Absolutely howling at the preference on pit strategy is given to my team mate despite leading him during both windows.

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PostRe: Motorsport Manager GR Cup - Silly Season
by Roonmastor » Thu Aug 11, 2022 12:26 pm

Van Dort confirm Cuttooth into their car for the remainder of the season. This leaves Rawrgna without a race seat and Kitano Sport now looking for a new driver to partner Neo Cortex.

Cuttooth cited Van Dort's ability to provide a car that can challenge for podiums as the reason for the move.

Roonmastor wrote:Silly Season begins!

Mid-season seat moves are now live (subject to the edits not breaking the game). If you want to drive for a different team then now is your chance!

Silly Season Rules:

- You can only move to an available seat. This is defined as any "at risk" seat, "vacant" seat or "abandoned" seat.
- Any driver in any league can move to any available seat, even if you are not currently "in the game"
- First person to request the move in the thread gets the seat.
- If you are currently in an At Risk seat which someone opts for, then you will become a free agent unless you opt into another available race seat.
- If a person moves, their original seat becomes vacated and can be picked up.
- You can pull a Piastri and abandon your race seat by declaring this in the thread, hoping to open up another race seat with further moves that you can then request to move to.
- The opportunity to move seats will end at 9pm on 11th August.
- Silly season does not prevent any in-game seat changes from taking place as normal.

Seats at Risk:

Jam Master-Jay - Thornton Motorsport
Captain Red Dog - Chariot Racing
Grin WithoutaKat - Rezzato Corsa
Lotus - Velan Racing
Vacant - Kitano Sport

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PostRe: MM GRc Cup - Silly Season begins: 24hrs to change teams!
by Herdanos » Thu Aug 11, 2022 1:25 pm

I'll have GrinWithoutaKat's seat. Why not? :shifty:

Sorry Grin! :slol:

Last edited by Herdanos on Thu Aug 11, 2022 1:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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PostRe: MM GRc Cup - Silly Season begins: 24hrs to change teams!
by Jenuall » Thu Aug 11, 2022 1:36 pm

Only just spotted this as it kicked off when I was on holiday, it's a really nice idea! :toot:

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PostRe: MM GRc Cup - Silly Season begins: 24hrs to change teams!
by False » Thu Aug 11, 2022 2:33 pm

I’m staying!

Welcome to the team cuttooth, I’ll show you where we keep the beef burgers

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PostRe: MM GRc Cup - Silly Season begins: 24hrs to change teams!
by Roonmastor » Thu Aug 11, 2022 4:44 pm

Herdanos has been promoted up from Archer BMR into the Rezatto Corsa drive, displacing Grin WithoutaKat. Herdanos is part of the Rezatto young driver programme and has obviously impressed in the BMR, despite its lowly performance in the Euro league.

This leaves a vacancy at Archer BMR, and Grin WithoutaDrive

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PostRe: MM GRc Cup - Silly Season begins: 24hrs to change teams!
by Roonmastor » Thu Aug 11, 2022 6:17 pm

Round 4 - European Racing Series (League 3)


The Silva pairing of Jenuall and Kasanova, secured two of the three podium positions, allowing the Silva team to close the gap to ZRT to a mere two points.

Denster's impressive drive managed to split the two Silva's, and has put the Octane into joint third in the Constructors.

Mediocre results from the title protagonists means that Ob Blob only closed the gap to SEP by 1pt, and had allowed the Icelander Faceman to pull himself into title contention with his 4th place finish. The tightening of the field means that the top 12 in the Driver's Championship will still be able to dream of lifting the coveted trophy.

In his farewell drive, Dan managed to secure a competitive 11th place for Archer BMR. He will be hoping to go at least one better in his Rezatto Corsa drive next time out.

Roonmastor wrote:Silly Season begins!

Mid-season seat moves are now live (subject to the edits not breaking the game). If you want to drive for a different team then now is your chance!

Silly Season Rules:

- You can only move to an available seat. This is defined as any "at risk" seat, "vacant" seat or "abandoned" seat.
- Any driver in any league can move to any available seat, even if you are not currently "in the game"
- First person to request the move in the thread gets the seat.
- If you are currently in an At Risk seat which someone opts for, then you will become a free agent unless you opt into another available race seat.
- If a person moves, their original seat becomes vacated and can be picked up.
- You can pull a Piastri and abandon your race seat by declaring this in the thread, hoping to open up another race seat with further moves that you can then request to move to.
- The opportunity to move seats will end at 9pm on 11th August.
- Silly season does not prevent any in-game seat changes from taking place as normal.

Seats at Risk:

Jam Master-Jay - Thornton Motorsport
Captain Red Dog - Chariot Racing
Lotus - Velan Racing
Vacant - Kitano Sport

Vacant - Archer BMR

Will anyone else snipe a drive in Silly Season?

Rinks wrote:

Preezy wrote:

Bertie wrote:

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PostRe: MM GRc Cup - Silly Season begins: 24hrs to change teams!
by mcjihge2 » Thu Aug 11, 2022 6:26 pm

Can i drive for Kitano Sport please.

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PostRe: MM GRc Cup - Silly Season begins: 24hrs to change teams!
by rinks » Thu Aug 11, 2022 6:39 pm

Nah, I’ve got used to the idea of retirement now.

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PostRe: MM GRc Cup - Silly Season begins: 24hrs to change teams!
by Vermilion » Thu Aug 11, 2022 8:08 pm

I'm happy to stcik with my team, even though i had another shocker of a race.

Still won more races than most of you losers though. :datass:

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PostRe: MM GRc Cup - Silly Season begins: 24hrs to change teams!
by Roonmastor » Thu Aug 11, 2022 8:24 pm

Round 5 - Asia-Pacific Supercup (League 2)



Lagamorph has a stormer of a Canadian GP, with a full haul of points from the weekend in his first points finish of the season. He is now 4th in both standings.

KKlein's podium allows him to close up to Garth and the duo are joint top of the driver's championship.

ShyGuy64 and Buffalo's points finishes are their first of the season.

Commentator's nightmare mcjihge2 has been signed by Kitano Sport. Some say he is sim driver from Switzerland who is famous for his YT videos. Only time will tell if this is a smart move for Kitano Sport.

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PostRe: MM GRc Cup - Silly Season begins: 24hrs to change teams!
by Roonmastor » Fri Aug 12, 2022 5:35 pm

European Racing Series - Round 5 - Results



An emphatic win from Eastwood Motorsport's Faceman puts him 4pts clear of the only man who could keep close to him in the Ardennes, Silva's kazanova Frankenstein, who shoots up from 7th in the Driver's standings to 2nd.

SEP had a day to forget, falling from the Championship lead to a lowly 10th, with his last place finish in Belgium, demonstrating just how tight this league is at the halfway mark.

Grin made his debute with the Archer BMR outfit, his only haven after his GRc seat was lost, and finished a respectable 13th, although he most likely hoped to beat his teammate Saint of Killers, who made it up to 6th.

Dual's podium has brought Firebird up into third in the constructors, despite being jumped by Eastwood. However, it is Silva still sitting in the promotion spot.

GRcade Cup - Round 4 - Qualifying



Kinopio sniped pole from Red Dog in the dying stages of Qualifying, to lead a front row lock out for Chariot Racing. The duo were 3rd and 1st respectively after the first round of runs and went late onto the track, rolling the dice with the looming threat of rain in the air in this session leading the other teams to go out earlier when the track was greener. Rain which never materialised.

Neo Cortex had a great performance in the lacklustre Kitano Sport finishing on the 2nd row, with his team mate on the back row in his debut.

Transferees Cuttooth and Herdanos finished four rows behind their team-mates in their debuts.

Championship contenders Devlin and Kanbei are 8th and 9th respectively, with Mildew given a fair chance of gaining ground up in 5th, although ReturnOfTheStar is expected to win from third.

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PostRe: MM GRc Cup - Silly Season begins: 24hrs to change teams!
by Roonmastor » Fri Aug 12, 2022 6:04 pm

Channel 4 Post Qualifying Interview with Roon Mastor

SJ: First of all congratulations on that 1-2. That came out of nowhere! Those Chariots are on fire.

RM: Aha, well thank you. The guys back at the factory and the trackside crew here having been working really hard and it's great to see that hard work paying off but even we are a bit surprised at just how well it's gone.

SJ: Where did that pace come from? You were ahead in both runs.

RM: Well I think this track just suits our car's characteristics more than the others we have visited. I think you can see that a little bit with some other cars looking a bit out of sequence, but I think our strategists looked to roll the dice on the rain not coming out and going late, especially as previously this season we have gone for early runs expecting rain and then underperforming against our expectations.

SJ: I think it is fair to say that your driver Kinopio has been vocal about the team's and the car's performance this season. He doesn't strike me as the type to jump around in excitement but he must have a smile on his face today.

RM: Yeah, I'm sure he does. Look, we haven't been as high up the grid as we would have liked in previous races and Kinopio is a competitor and he wants to be further up the grid. But that energy drives us forward as a team and if I had a driver happy to be finishing in the bottom three each week then he wouldn't be a driver with us for long. And when we get the car hooked up, look what he can do!

SJ: Rumour has it that you were looking to replace Captain Red Dog. Thanking your lucky stars you didn't?

RM: Our car is quite aggressive on the tyres and that works against CRD because he can't lean on them as much as he would like to in the race, and then they fall out of the operating temperature. We're working with him to solve that particular issue.

DC: It hasn't escaped out notice that the elements of your wings are quite well developed compared to some of your competitors, has that given you the edge today?

RM: Yes and no. We've been developing the car to be more suited to one-lap pace. The wings are part of that, but other components do the same. So our peak performance can be very good when we get it hooked up. We've also spent a lot of time getting to grips with those new parts this weekend and that has helped us out. The downside to that is that we'll probably not win in the race tomorrow, as our long run pace didn't look good, but you never know. There are no points for Saturday, but you're much more likely to score them if you start on pole rather than 18th.

SJ: Are you going to get CRD to hold up the pack and let Kinopio scamper away? Is that your best chance tomorrow?

RM: If you ask CRD, he'll ask if Kinopio can hold the others up for him. I think when you are at the front you just have to try and make the most of the clean air in front of you. Even if you go backwards, you won't lose as much time as you might as the pack spreads out in the opening laps. And going long in the first stint means harder tyres that might lose you 6 places off the line due to a slow getaway.

SJ: Thank you for your time Roon. Enjoy your evening.

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PostRe: MM GRc Cup - Silly Season begins: 24hrs to change teams!
by Vermilion » Fri Aug 12, 2022 7:09 pm

12th on the grid :fp:

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PostRe: MM GRc Cup - Silly Season begins: 24hrs to change teams!
by Roonmastor » Sat Aug 13, 2022 10:11 am

GRcade Cup - Round 4 - Race

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PostRe: MM GRcade Cup - Round 4
by Captain Kinopio » Sat Aug 13, 2022 11:56 am

GP2, GP2 Engine.

Also not happy with strategist, brought me in a lap too late on first stint and then bringing me in early for second stop. Would have been preferable to stay out another lap or two and then go on to Ultras.

Happy with progress team has made but privately wonders whether team mate has what it takes for F1. Everyone at Chariot needs to push the team forward. Going from 2nd to 16th does not do that.

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PostRe: MM GRcade Cup - Round 4
by Vermilion » Sat Aug 13, 2022 2:42 pm

Finally had a decent race, maybe i should start in the midfield more often. 8-)

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PostRe: MM GRcade Cup - Round 4
by Roonmastor » Sat Aug 13, 2022 3:53 pm

GRcade Cup - Round 4 - Results



Despite starting first and second, The Chariot Captains could only hold onto 4th and 17th, after RedDog couldn't maintain the tyre life to close out his pit strategy and had to pit again and drop out of points contention.

Mildew got ahead on the first lap and from there on out was near untouchable. Falsey's counter strategy to the other front runners, starting on a slightly harder tyre, allowed him to make up ground. Vermiliion managed to break his run of poor form to earn 3rd place.

ReturnOfTheStar ran wide in turn one and fell to dead last, despite being tipped to be a race win contender, and could only finish 19th, surely ending his championship hopes. Devlin could only 8th and finished one spot behind the new Van Dort driver Cuttooth, who will be happy with this debut.

Mori was unlucky not to score some points in his Thornton, crashing out part way through the Belgium GP, but only causing a Yellow Flag.

Rossini's poor results mean that they have fallen to 3rd in the Constructors, with Windsor racing now leading that championship from Steinmann. Mildew also leaps Devlin in the Driver's Championship with Falsey pulling himself into contention which surely would be an upset. Vermilion is still an outside bet

Had Silly Season been open after this event, there would have been some top team seats up for grabs. I should also mention as someone will pick it up, that Rawrgna is now the Panther Reserve Driver (which is why they register as Panther in the standings)

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PostRe: MM GRcade Cup - Round 4
by Captain Kinopio » Sat Aug 13, 2022 4:22 pm

How is the actual game Roon? Some of the strategy and performance looks to be rather erratic.

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