Batman v Superman Dawn of Justice - It's out! All impressions positive!

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PostRe: Batman vs Superman Dawn of Justice - Final trailer PG32!
by Denster » Mon Mar 28, 2016 10:34 pm

The first Bane fight in TDKR was immense. The limitations of the suit which is a problem that has obviously been solved was a factor in the Nolan trilogy. To say that Nolan can't direct action or fight scenes is laughable but we had that debate in all three of the Nolan film threads. That does look good but there's more to Batman than how cool he looks beating people up.

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PostRe: Batman vs Superman Dawn of Justice - Final trailer PG32!
by Dowbocop » Mon Mar 28, 2016 11:38 pm

It was alright, but we all walked out of the cinema a bit disappointed. On the plus side, I felt a bit bad for not going to church on Easter Sunday, but I've basically done the Passion of the Superman instead - that's the same, right?

Jumbled thoughts:

I agree with Denster that there is a feeling that DC are trying to catch up with Marvel too quickly. This is only the second film in the saga and they're almost trying to introduce everyone as quickly as possible via tiny placeholders, and saying "Look, we have a superhero team too!" They basically brought up a menu of teaser trailers in the middle of the film :lol:

I would have preferred "Where are you going Miss Prince?" to be the first concrete mention of Wonder Woman, rather than doing the big reveal by email and Thought she was quality though.

That dream within a dream sequence just made no sense at all. I thought they'd skipped a reel... What the strawberry float are they, who the strawberry float are you, what is Lois the key to? That sort of stuff goes in a post credits sequence to make people hyped for the next few films...

And another massive chunk of city gratuitously reduced to the start of the Civil War trailer beforehand you basically want Cap and Co to show the SHIELD brass these two Superman films to put all the gooseberry fool they pull into perspective :lol:

My main complaint though is that it's all just so serious and po faced. I counted three jokes in the entire film. Three. And they barely got a reaction. People like the Marvel films because they can combine action and drama with genuinely funny moments. The first half to two thirds of this are a strawberry floating dirge at times. Even the uber-dark Nolan films had, off the top of my head, Alfred, Scarecrow and the Joker all cracking the funnies. This had nothing like that at all (apart from Luthor before he goes from being Hank Scorpio to making wheelchair bombs). Alfred is SERIOUS. Lois Lane is JOURNALIST. The editor of the Planet is WHY YOU NO DO JOB. Genuinely, the funniest two moments of the film were the Incredible Flying Bruce Wayne! in the well, and the four year old behind me WHO DID NOT LIKE DEAD SUPES, DID NOT LIKE IT ONE LITTLE BIT. Neither of those were intentional...

While we're on the subject of Lois Lane, have DC sorted out some form of non-aggression pact with feminists? There has been OUTRAGE about Black Widow being put in a cage when she's a prisoner, and the ginger woman from Jurassic World wearing high heels to work in an office, but Lois Lane takes Damselism to a new level. She's supposed to be a Pulitzer winner, and all she can do is cause an international incident because Superman has to rescue her, and interrupt a fight between the nascent Justice League and a huge monster because Superman has to rescue her. I'm not usually that sensitive to these things, but she is truly useless. Martha Kent sits on a chair and waits to be rescued, and gives a better account of her gender than Lois Lane.

I enjoyed the title fight, I think they have done really well with portraying Superman's powers on screen in both films, particularly when Batman's punches were becoming less and less effective as the Kryptonite wore off. The brartha from anartha Martha ending was a right cop out though. As in other posts above, Bats has a very Arkham Asylum feel to his fights. This is a good thing.

It's not bad, I wanted to see what happened, and the fights were good, but the series needs comic relief badly. I suppose it's easier to make comedians serious than turn those frowns upside down.

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PostRe: Batman vs Superman Dawn of Justice - Final trailer PG32!
by chalkitdown » Mon Mar 28, 2016 11:53 pm

Denster wrote:To say that Nolan can't direct fight scenes is laughable.


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PostRe: Batman vs Superman Dawn of Justice - Final trailer PG32!
by Floex » Tue Mar 29, 2016 12:01 am

Denster wrote:The first Bane fight in TDKR was immense. The limitations of the suit which is a problem that has obviously been solved was a factor in the Nolan trilogy. To say that Nolan can't direct action or fight scenes is laughable but we had that debate in all three of the Nolan film threads. That does look good but there's more to Batman than how cool he looks beating people up.

Err, I don't think anyone is arguing your last point but Nolans fight sequences do leave a slightly bitter taste in the mouth, TDKR especially is susceptible to this.

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PostRe: Batman vs Superman Dawn of Justice - Final trailer PG32!
by Banjo » Tue Mar 29, 2016 12:03 am

Does... does that guy in the front left just fall over?

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PostRe: Batman vs Superman Dawn of Justice - Final trailer PG32!
by Hypes » Tue Mar 29, 2016 1:02 am

Just got back from seeing this. Went in with low expectations and actually quite enjoyed it. Battfleck was great as was the Batman/Superman fight. Few too many confusing dream sequences though and although I was surprised by
Doomsday wasn't a big fan of the fight at the end
. Lex was a bit cray for my liking as well.

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PostRe: Batman vs Superman Dawn of Justice - Final trailer PG32!
by finish.last » Tue Mar 29, 2016 8:57 am

I forgot to mention in my post how gooseberry fool I thought Eisenberg as Lex Luthor was.

I thought Eisenberg as Lex Luthor was really gooseberry fool.

I called off his players' names as they came marching up the steps behind him....All nice guys. They'll finish last. Nice guys. Finish last.
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PostRe: Batman vs Superman Dawn of Justice - Final trailer PG32!
by chalkitdown » Tue Mar 29, 2016 1:19 pm

Banjo wrote:Does... does that guy in the front left just fall over?

Yep. :lol: And he's not even the worst thing about it, for me it's the guy in the middle waiting for his cue to half raise his gun so Batman can knock it away.

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PostRe: Batman vs Superman Dawn of Justice - Final trailer PG32!
by Skippy » Tue Mar 29, 2016 1:51 pm

Floex wrote:
Denster wrote:The first Bane fight in TDKR was immense. The limitations of the suit which is a problem that has obviously been solved was a factor in the Nolan trilogy. To say that Nolan can't direct action or fight scenes is laughable but we had that debate in all three of the Nolan film threads. That does look good but there's more to Batman than how cool he looks beating people up.

Err, I don't think anyone is arguing your last point but Nolans fight sequences do leave a slightly bitter taste in the mouth, TDKR especially is susceptible to this.

Yeah, the Bane fight was ace - but it was one fight in a movie that's two and a half hours long. He can certainly direct action though, Inception proves that with the hallway scene and the mountain base scene.

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PostRe: Batman v Superman Dawn of Justice - It's out! All impressions positive!
by CitizenErased » Tue Mar 29, 2016 5:36 pm

Well well well, saw this last night with the missus.

Straight up, going in with extremely low expectations is probably the best way to watch a movie, I might just avoid all reviews from now on and assume every film ever made from now on is a steaming pile of piss. With my expectations in check I came out of the cinema not hating the film, but I reckon I really would have had I A: Not seen the reviews and B: Not known about Doomsday from the trailers.

There is a whole heap about this film to hate though and its so easy to see why it currently sits at 28% on Rotten Tomatoes. The script is face palm worthy at times "I'm a friend of your sons" was iffy, but Martha's "I knew from the cape" line was :dread:. Jesse Eisenberg is just strawberry floating irritating, and that in some ways did help make me hate Lex but it wasn't necessarily down to his performance.

Doomsday. I'm not really big on the Superman lore so I only vaguely knew who he was. Yeah, big troll characters just don't do it for me. I'd rather 'The Batman' broke Supes over a giant ball of phlegm. The reason for Batman wanting to kill Superman sorta, kinda-ish made sense but then the reason for him all of a sudden not wanting to kill Batman made him seem kind of dumb "ARGH I kill you...wait, you have a mommy? I had mommy too :cry:, we are friends now"

Ok so I could probably pick apart things in the movie all day BUT there was stuff in there I did really like, namely Affleck's Batman. Whereas we slowly got used to Bale becoming Batman, Affleck just was Batman, yeah him being an older, wiser Bats might have helped, but he just fitted so naturally into the role that anytime I saw him dawn the cowl I was giddy. The fact he was going around killing people was a small issue for me, but in ways it was refreshing to see a different take on Batman, a Batman that no longer accepted bad dudes recovering from being beat up, mad Batman was mad.

I was also pleasantly surprised at how much I enjoyed Superman in this. I'm not even remotely a fan of Superman but he was very likable in this I thought, they really gave me the "feels" when they 'killed' him.

I think had WB focused their attention on just a straight up Batman v Superman film (aka The Dark Knight Returns) we could have been looking at something special here. Having this as a jumping point for the Justice League/DC movie-verse just made the whole thing seem too ham-fisted. Snyder would also never be my choice as a director, even if he could probably make boiling a kettle look stylish.

I do want to watch it again mind, which I didn't think I would.


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PostRe: Batman v Superman Dawn of Justice - It's out! All impressions positive!
by Floex » Tue Mar 29, 2016 8:41 pm

CitizenErased wrote:Well well well, saw this last night with the missus.

Straight up, going in with extremely low expectations is probably the best way to watch a movie, I might just avoid all reviews from now on and assume every film ever made from now on is a steaming pile of piss. With my expectations in check I came out of the cinema not hating the film, but I reckon I really would have had I A: Not seen the reviews and B: Not known about Doomsday from the trailers.

There is a whole heap about this film to hate though and its so easy to see why it currently sits at 28% on Rotten Tomatoes. The script is face palm worthy at times "I'm a friend of your sons" was iffy, but Martha's "I knew from the cape" line was :dread:. Jesse Eisenberg is just strawberry floating irritating, and that in some ways did help make me hate Lex but it wasn't necessarily down to his performance.

Actually thought that was a moment of solace that put a smile on my face.

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PostRe: Batman v Superman Dawn of Justice - It's out! All impressions positive!
by Skippy » Tue Mar 29, 2016 8:45 pm

That line completely clashes with everything else in the film, which is probably why I liked it

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PostRe: Batman v Superman Dawn of Justice - It's out! All impressions positive!
by chalkitdown » Tue Mar 29, 2016 9:07 pm

1>3>4>2 wrote:I'm really torn between wanting to see this first hand and not wanting to support Zach Synder.

Stop being such a strawberry floating fanny.

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PostRe: Batman v Superman Dawn of Justice - It's out! All impressions positive!
by teh bork » Tue Mar 29, 2016 10:37 pm

Saw this yesterday, it wasn't as bad as people have made it out to be, it's nowhere near the level of bad as the last 3 Spiderman's or the last 2 Iron Man's for example.

My big issue is that they've crammed too much in, feels like two movies pushed into one, which led to some stupid plot holes and some incredibly rushed scenes. Annoying as at times it seemed to find the right pace before shooting off to another thing going on. A shame as if they'd spaced it out and paced it properly this would have been a very good film.

I thought Affleck was excellent as Batman and actually enjoyed Superman's character for once. As everyone else has said Luther was awful, needed a more experienced and older character, someone like Bryan Cranston would have been perfect, rather than whatever this Luther was trying to be.

Be interesting to see the Directors Cut when it comes out, to see how much that changes perception.

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PostRe: Batman v Superman Dawn of Justice - It's out! All impressions positive!
by Skarjo » Tue Mar 29, 2016 11:38 pm

Saw this after The Boy was inexplicably sold out and High Rise didn't start for another two hours, and honestly that was some of the worst strawberry floating dreck I've ever sat through.
Absolute nonsense plot, Jesse Eisenberg clearly wanted to play the Joker and thought he'd do it anyway (isn't Lex Luthor meant to be like a business genius? What the strawberry float was his plan anyway? Just gonna sorta strawberry float gooseberry fool up coz reasons?). And I mean absolute nonsense plot. Plot's too rich a term, it was just a series of events that were sort of connected in some ways, some of the time, hopefully.

As for the amazing line after Superman starts throwing The Hulk into various buildings and some guy on the news says 'lucky it's after work hours and those buildings are empty'.



Also who the strawberry float did the editing? We're at a funeral (for Superman because he can be killed by this one thing for no adequately explained reason other than probably space magic), and now we're in a prison with Batman and Lex Luthor for reason and now we're back at the funeral THAT BATMAN WAS LIKE JUST AT. WAT?

Also; amazing.

SUPERMAN DEAD (Also Clark Kent will be sorely missed in totally unrelated news).

Karl wrote:Can't believe I got baited into expressing a political stance on hentai

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PostRe: Batman v Superman Dawn of Justice - It's out! All impressions positive!
by Jazzem » Tue Mar 29, 2016 11:43 pm



I'm so mad ;_;

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PostRe: Batman v Superman Dawn of Justice - It's out! All impressions positive!
by Skarjo » Tue Mar 29, 2016 11:45 pm

Oh also I fell asleep for a bit and Batman was Mad Max and then he got shouted at by a ghost that came out of Excel or some gooseberry fool and I asked my mate what was happening and he just said he didn't know.

Karl wrote:Can't believe I got baited into expressing a political stance on hentai

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PostRe: Batman v Superman Dawn of Justice - It's out! All impressions positive!
by CuriousOyster » Wed Mar 30, 2016 7:56 am

Skarjo wrote:Saw this after The Boy was inexplicably sold out and High Rise didn't start for another two hours, and honestly that was some of the worst strawberry floating dreck I've ever sat through.
Absolute nonsense plot, Jesse Eisenberg clearly wanted to play the Joker and thought he'd do it anyway (isn't Lex Luthor meant to be like a business genius? What the strawberry float was his plan anyway? Just gonna sorta strawberry float gooseberry fool up coz reasons?). And I mean absolute nonsense plot. Plot's too rich a term, it was just a series of events that were sort of connected in some ways, some of the time, hopefully.

As for the amazing line after Superman starts throwing The Hulk into various buildings and some guy on the news says 'lucky it's after work hours and those buildings are empty'.



Also who the strawberry float did the editing? We're at a funeral (for Superman because he can be killed by this one thing for no adequately explained reason other than probably space magic), and now we're in a prison with Batman and Lex Luthor for reason and now we're back at the funeral THAT BATMAN WAS LIKE JUST AT. WAT?

Also; amazing.

SUPERMAN DEAD (Also Clark Kent will be sorely missed in totally unrelated news).

Its throughly explained at least twice why Kryptonite can kill Kryptonians.

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PostRe: Batman v Superman Dawn of Justice - It's out! All impressions positive!
by Skarjo » Wed Mar 30, 2016 8:19 am

CuriousOyster wrote:
Skarjo wrote:Saw this after The Boy was inexplicably sold out and High Rise didn't start for another two hours, and honestly that was some of the worst strawberry floating dreck I've ever sat through.
Absolute nonsense plot, Jesse Eisenberg clearly wanted to play the Joker and thought he'd do it anyway (isn't Lex Luthor meant to be like a business genius? What the strawberry float was his plan anyway? Just gonna sorta strawberry float gooseberry fool up coz reasons?). And I mean absolute nonsense plot. Plot's too rich a term, it was just a series of events that were sort of connected in some ways, some of the time, hopefully.

As for the amazing line after Superman starts throwing The Hulk into various buildings and some guy on the news says 'lucky it's after work hours and those buildings are empty'.



Also who the strawberry float did the editing? We're at a funeral (for Superman because he can be killed by this one thing for no adequately explained reason other than probably space magic), and now we're in a prison with Batman and Lex Luthor for reason and now we're back at the funeral THAT BATMAN WAS LIKE JUST AT. WAT?

Also; amazing.

SUPERMAN DEAD (Also Clark Kent will be sorely missed in totally unrelated news).

Its throughly explained at least twice why Kryptonite can kill Kryptonians.

So why was Doomsday's finger made out of Kryptonite then if they also used Kryptonite to kill Doomsday?

Karl wrote:Can't believe I got baited into expressing a political stance on hentai

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PostRe: Batman v Superman Dawn of Justice - It's out! All impressions positive!
by Skippy » Wed Mar 30, 2016 9:16 am

Skarjo wrote:
CuriousOyster wrote:
Skarjo wrote:Saw this after The Boy was inexplicably sold out and High Rise didn't start for another two hours, and honestly that was some of the worst strawberry floating dreck I've ever sat through.
Absolute nonsense plot, Jesse Eisenberg clearly wanted to play the Joker and thought he'd do it anyway (isn't Lex Luthor meant to be like a business genius? What the strawberry float was his plan anyway? Just gonna sorta strawberry float gooseberry fool up coz reasons?). And I mean absolute nonsense plot. Plot's too rich a term, it was just a series of events that were sort of connected in some ways, some of the time, hopefully.

As for the amazing line after Superman starts throwing The Hulk into various buildings and some guy on the news says 'lucky it's after work hours and those buildings are empty'.



Also who the strawberry float did the editing? We're at a funeral (for Superman because he can be killed by this one thing for no adequately explained reason other than probably space magic), and now we're in a prison with Batman and Lex Luthor for reason and now we're back at the funeral THAT BATMAN WAS LIKE JUST AT. WAT?

Also; amazing.

SUPERMAN DEAD (Also Clark Kent will be sorely missed in totally unrelated news).

Its throughly explained at least twice why Kryptonite can kill Kryptonians.

So why was Doomsday's finger made out of Kryptonite then if they also used Kryptonite to kill Doomsday?

Krytonite weakened Superman as he retrieved and used the spear, making him susceptible to Doomsdays's blade arm thing, which isn't made of kryptonite itself

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