N64 Classic Mini Incoming... Probably Not!

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PostN64 Classic Mini Incoming... Probably Not!
by Miguel007 » Thu Jul 20, 2017 11:39 pm

Looks like the bods over at NeoGAF have spotted Nintendo has trademarked the N64 controller under goods and services;


Although this just might be a re-registry patent, apparently the same thing happened before the NES & SNES Classic Mini's which could add credence to them having this next year.

Assuming this was to have 15 games built in (each iteration of Classic Mini has had less games as the file size has increased) and I can't imagine any original RARE IP will be included, what would everyone like to see?

Here's mine:

#. 1080 Snowboarding
#. Excitebike 64.
#. F-Zero-X
#. Harvest Moon 64
#. Kirby 64
#. Mario Golf
#. Mario Kart 64
#. Mario Party
#. Mystical Ninja
#. Paper Mario
#. Pilotwings
#. Sin & Punishment
#. Starfox 64
#. Super Mario 64
#. Wave Race 64

Obviously I'd love to see Diddy Kong Racing, Goldeneye, Perfect Dark, Conker's Bad Fur Day, WWF No Mercy and more but can't imagine Nintendo getting embroiled in licensing issues when they can just use their own internal IP alone to sell the thing.

Better start F5'ing now, the Machine and 4 Controllers are going to be a biatch to get! :lol:

Last edited by Miguel007 on Sat Nov 17, 2018 10:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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PostRe: N64 Classic Mini Incoming... Probably!
by Return_of_the_STAR » Thu Jul 20, 2017 11:50 pm

Interesting. That's a pretty good list. It's a shame as you say that we won't see Rare titles as so many would be in people top 10 or 20 lists.

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PostRe: N64 Classic Mini Incoming... Probably!
by Floex » Thu Jul 20, 2017 11:59 pm

They'd be missing a huge chunk by not including any Rare games hitch would put a downer on things, imo. You have made a good list, mind and would have me preordering but I'd be down on the package. No Banjo Kazooie, Blast corps, Diddy Kong Racing, Perfect Dark, Killer Instinct, Donkey Kong, Jet Force Gemini and of course Goldeneye.

I could maybe see a deal for a couple of them, Perfect Dark wouldn't be out of the realms to be included.

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PostRe: N64 Classic Mini Incoming... Probably!
by Miguel007 » Fri Jul 21, 2017 12:06 am

Floex wrote:I could maybe see a deal for a couple of them, Perfect Dark wouldn't be out of the realms to be included.

I hope your right (fingers crossed), Microsoft always seem to have goodwill towards Nintendo be it in press or Twitter. Sony and MS fight themselves and seem to not look at Nintendo as a competitor and let them do their own 'thing'.

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PostRe: N64 Classic Mini Incoming... Probably!
by GlassjAw » Fri Jul 21, 2017 6:50 am

Surely any kong title whether Rare developed or not is fair game to use by Nintendo?

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PostRe: N64 Classic Mini Incoming... Probably!
by chanticleer » Fri Jul 21, 2017 7:14 am

Yep. DK64 was available on the Wii U's virtual console, so there's a good chance it'd appear on any theoretical Mini N64

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PostRe: N64 Classic Mini Incoming... Probably!
by Moggy » Fri Jul 21, 2017 8:53 am

The N64 kind of passed me by. I had a Playstation but at that time of my life I was starting to go out pubbing/clubbing a lot and so never picked one up. I did get a cheap one years later (late PS2/GC/Xbox era) but it was too long after release to be all that impressive but not long enough after release for it to be a cool retro machine.

Still, Ocarina of Time, Mario 64 and Goldeneye are stone cold classics. I am not sure I am interested in a N64 Mini in the same way as I am the SNES Mini, mainly because I have such fond memories of the SNES that just aren’t there for the N64.

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PostRe: N64 Classic Mini Incoming... Probably!
by Ste » Fri Jul 21, 2017 9:32 am

SNES Mini for me is the most attractive.

It's the pinnacle of 2d gaming and so can be distinguished from current 3d stuff.

N64 is basic current style so I think it will feel it has aged more. Playing Perfect Dark on Rare Replay recently and I didn't think it played well at all.

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PostRe: N64 Classic Mini Incoming... Probably!
by Hexx » Fri Jul 21, 2017 10:06 am

Miguel007 wrote:Looks like the bods over at NeoGAF have spotted Nintendo has trademarked the N64 controller under goods and services;


Although this just might be a re-registry patent, apparently the same thing happened before the NES & SNES Classic Mini's which could add credence to them having this next year.

Assuming this was to have 15 games built in (each iteration of Classic Mini has had less games as the file size has increased) and I can't imagine any original RARE IP will be included, what would everyone like to see?

Here's mine:

#. 1080 Snowboarding
#. Excitebike 64.
#. F-Zero-X
#. Harvest Moon 64
#. Kirby 64
#. Mario Golf
#. Mario Kart 64
#. Mario Party
#. Mystical Ninja
#. Paper Mario
#. Pilotwings
#. Sin & Punishment
#. Starfox 64
#. Super Mario 64
#. Wave Race 64

Obviously I'd love to see Diddy Kong Racing, Goldeneye, Perfect Dark, Conker's Bad Fur Day, WWF No Mercy and more but can't imagine Nintendo getting embroiled in licensing issues when they can just use their own internal IP alone to sell the thing.

Better start F5'ing now, the Machine and 4 Controllers are going to be a biatch to get! :lol:

What kind of lists has no Zeldas? Nintendo love to re-release those!

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PostRe: N64 Classic Mini Incoming... Probably!
by Rex Kramer » Fri Jul 21, 2017 10:09 am

Why not just make a Switch game bundled with a N64 controller with an amended connection? You can then use the Switch store to sell further titles.

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PostRe: N64 Classic Mini Incoming... Probably!
by Preezy » Fri Jul 21, 2017 10:11 am

The 16-bit era has definitely aged better than the early-3D era, most of the N64 games have aged poorly compared to the SNES classics, but I'd still be interested in getting this just to add to the collection.

OP list has a distinct lack of Zelda though, poor form.

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PostRe: N64 Classic Mini Incoming... Probably!
by Jamo3103 » Fri Jul 21, 2017 10:57 am

N64 games running natively on a PAL N64 haven't aged particularly well but if we get upscaling and 60hz games then it'll be a different story. As others have said, it's a great shame that we most likely won't get any of the games by Rare.

I think the opening post has most of the key games but this thing definitely needs to have Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask. I think Pokemon Snap is essential too.

I love that the SNES Mini is coming out with unreleased content in Starfox 2, would be brilliant if we could get some unreleased content on this. Perhaps some stuff from the 64DD? Ocarina of Time: Master Quest would be an easy one (given the Gamecube port) but what I'd really like to see is the F-Zero X expansion kit.

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PostRe: N64 Classic Mini Incoming... Probably!
by Cumberdanes » Fri Jul 21, 2017 11:09 am

I'd love to see at least one of the AKI Wrestling games on a device like this unfortunately there are obviously licensing issues and the whole Robin Ethics thing.

I'm actually quite interested in this as I've always found N64 a little troublesome to emulate.

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PostRe: N64 Classic Mini Incoming... Probably!
by Godzilla » Fri Jul 21, 2017 11:23 am

They'll have to re do a lot of the N64 graphics as YouTube vidoes show how the graphics have aged terribly.

I do love Mario 64 which has the best underwater music since Donkey King Country.

I'd love,

Mario 64, Pilot Wings, Wave Race, F Zero, Star Fox and from the third party... Body Harvest, Turok Trilogy, All rare stuff too.

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PostRe: N64 Classic Mini Incoming... Probably!
by Corazon de Leon » Fri Jul 21, 2017 11:43 am

Perfect Dark
Pokemon Stadium GS
Ocarina of Time
Majora's Mask
Mario Party 2
Mario Kart 64
Mario Tennis
1080 Snowboarding
Banjo Kazooie
Diddy Kong Racing
F-Zero X
Lylat Wars
Donkey Kong 64

Bubbling under - Paper Mario, Pilotwings, Blast Corps, Banjo Tooie, Jet Force Gemini, Wave Race, Glover, Hybrid Heaven, Conker's Bad Fur Day, Excitebike, Kirby 64, Pokemon Snap, Pokemon Stadium, WWF No Mercy

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PostRe: N64 Classic Mini Incoming... Probably!
by Miguel007 » Fri Jul 21, 2017 12:13 pm

Hexx wrote:
Miguel007 wrote:Looks like the bods over at NeoGAF have spotted Nintendo has trademarked the N64 controller under goods and services;


Although this just might be a re-registry patent, apparently the same thing happened before the NES & SNES Classic Mini's which could add credence to them having this next year.

Assuming this was to have 15 games built in (each iteration of Classic Mini has had less games as the file size has increased) and I can't imagine any original RARE IP will be included, what would everyone like to see?

Here's mine:

#. 1080 Snowboarding
#. Excitebike 64.
#. F-Zero-X
#. Harvest Moon 64
#. Kirby 64
#. Mario Golf
#. Mario Kart 64
#. Mario Party
#. Mystical Ninja
#. Paper Mario
#. Pilotwings
#. Sin & Punishment
#. Starfox 64
#. Super Mario 64
#. Wave Race 64

Obviously I'd love to see Diddy Kong Racing, Goldeneye, Perfect Dark, Conker's Bad Fur Day, WWF No Mercy and more but can't imagine Nintendo getting embroiled in licensing issues when they can just use their own internal IP alone to sell the thing.

Better start F5'ing now, the Machine and 4 Controllers are going to be a biatch to get! :lol:

What kind of lists has no Zeldas? Nintendo love to re-release those!

This was just my personal list of games I hope get announced. Personally if they include either Majora or Ocarina and they don't match the visual fidelity of the 3DS ports, why bother? in all honesty. But this is just all idle speculation at the moment.

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PostRe: N64 Classic Mini Incoming... Probably!
by popgunrobber » Fri Jul 21, 2017 1:55 pm

As long as it includes Beetle Adventure Racing I'd be happy.

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PostRe: N64 Classic Mini Incoming... Probably!
by smurphy » Fri Jul 21, 2017 5:42 pm

Me, a while ago wrote:I hope they do an N64 mini. :wub:

I really, really hope this is real.

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PostRe: N64 Classic Mini Incoming... Probably!
by Cumberdanes » Fri Jul 21, 2017 5:49 pm

popgunrobber wrote:As long as it includes Beetle Adventure Racing I'd be happy.

That's from EA right? Can't see it happening.

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PostRe: N64 Classic Mini Incoming... Probably!
by popgunrobber » Fri Jul 21, 2017 5:52 pm

Semi related but I'd love to see a GBA SP 101 backlit released with a decent selection of games like Advance Wars, Minish Cap, Mario Kart etc etc.

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