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Re: Currently Playing at Christmas 2017....

Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2017 6:29 pm
by kazanova_Frankenstein
Squinty wrote:Nearing what I assume will be the good ending of 999. Everyone was a serial killer - the game.

Just keep playing :mrgreen:

Re: Currently Playing at Christmas 2017....

Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2017 7:01 pm
by Errkal
Started Fallout 4 on Xbox, I'm not mega in just killed some dino strawberry floater but I have to say so far it is really rather boring.

I'm hoping it will work up soon as I can see myself dropping it if it doesnt, can't be doing with dullness.

Re: Currently Playing at Christmas 2017....

Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2017 7:38 pm
by Manwell Pablo
Well I got forza horizon 3 for x mas unfortunately I've been to ill to get the motivation to play it :D

Re: Currently Playing at Christmas 2017....

Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2017 7:54 pm
by JediDragon05
Still playing Metal Gear Solid 4, decides I want all the emblems especially the Big Boss emblem.
So had a practice run on easy for the big boss extreme run. Just clocked in at over 3 hours with no rations, kills or alerts & no stealth or bandana used.

Lets destroy this mother :datass:

Re: Currently Playing at Christmas 2017....

Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2017 9:19 pm
by Tomous
Had Doom on Switch yesterday. I don't know how good a port it is, as I've never seen it on Xbox/PS/PC but this is an absolute wonderful game. Just pure gaming joy. Am only 3/4 levels in but don't want to put it down.

Re: Currently Playing at Christmas 2017....

Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2017 3:54 am
by Alvin Flummux
Christmas CrackErrkal wrote:Started Fallout 4 on Xbox, I'm not mega in just killed some dino strawberry floater but I have to say so far it is really rather boring.

I'm hoping it will work up soon as I can see myself dropping it if it doesnt, can't be doing with dullness.

Get some mods up in that gooseberry fool.

Re: Currently Playing at Christmas 2017....

Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2017 6:59 am
by Errkal
Alvin Flummux wrote:
Christmas CrackErrkal wrote:Started Fallout 4 on Xbox, I'm not mega in just killed some dino strawberry floater but I have to say so far it is really rather boring.

I'm hoping it will work up soon as I can see myself dropping it if it doesnt, can't be doing with dullness.

Get some mods up in that gooseberry fool.

Naa if it turns out to stay boring I'll just drop it, I shouldn't have to find mods to make a game good, it should be good out of the box and the mods add and polish that not make it not a turd.

Re: Currently Playing at Christmas 2017....

Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2017 9:24 am
by Knoyleo
Christmas CrackErrkal wrote:
Alvin Flummux wrote:
Christmas CrackErrkal wrote:Started Fallout 4 on Xbox, I'm not mega in just killed some dino strawberry floater but I have to say so far it is really rather boring.

I'm hoping it will work up soon as I can see myself dropping it if it doesnt, can't be doing with dullness.

Get some mods up in that gooseberry fool.

Naa if it turns out to stay boring I'll just drop it, I shouldn't have to find mods to make a game good, it should be good out of the box and the mods add and polish that not make it not a turd.

You know you bought a Bethesda game, right?

Re: Currently Playing at Christmas 2017....

Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2017 9:28 am
by Errkal
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade wrote:
Christmas CrackErrkal wrote:
Alvin Flummux wrote:
Christmas CrackErrkal wrote:Started Fallout 4 on Xbox, I'm not mega in just killed some dino strawberry floater but I have to say so far it is really rather boring.

I'm hoping it will work up soon as I can see myself dropping it if it doesnt, can't be doing with dullness.

Get some mods up in that gooseberry fool.

Naa if it turns out to stay boring I'll just drop it, I shouldn't have to find mods to make a game good, it should be good out of the box and the mods add and polish that not make it not a turd.

Even mods cant fix Fallout 4, as its biggest problem is it doesnt have a single interesting or exciting quest. Everything is "go here and kill some raiders". FO4 is easily the worst of the modern Fallout titles.

Yeah I'm only a little in and already getting that feeling... I got FO3 with this free so might swap to that instead, see if I can overtake Jawa :D

Re: Currently Playing at Christmas 2017....

Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2017 10:26 am
by Squinty
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade wrote:
Christmas CrackErrkal wrote:
Alvin Flummux wrote:
Christmas CrackErrkal wrote:Started Fallout 4 on Xbox, I'm not mega in just killed some dino strawberry floater but I have to say so far it is really rather boring.

I'm hoping it will work up soon as I can see myself dropping it if it doesnt, can't be doing with dullness.

Get some mods up in that gooseberry fool.

Naa if it turns out to stay boring I'll just drop it, I shouldn't have to find mods to make a game good, it should be good out of the box and the mods add and polish that not make it not a turd.

Even mods cant fix Fallout 4, as its biggest problem is it doesnt have a single interesting or exciting quest. Everything is "go here and kill some raiders". FO4 is easily the worst of the modern Fallout titles.

I keep meaning to go back to it, but I can never find the motivation. The dialogue changes were strawberry floating gooseberry fool.

Give the engine and assets to Obsidian already.

Re: Currently Playing at Christmas 2017....

Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2017 1:56 am
by Seven
I agree. Fallout 4 is easily one of my most disappointment game of this generation - I hyped myself up so much for it, went media blackout then I finally played it.... Couldn't get into it with two attempts I made (two different playthroughs)

Genuinely sad because Fallout 3 was surprise game for me as I didn't think I'd enjoy it much (been playing lot of Oblivion and got bored of it) but ended up one of my favourite games of all time alongside Mario 64; and New Vegas was also very excellent.

So... Yes, give the assets to Obsidian please. Or go back to Fallout 3 and see what makes it good.

Re: Currently Playing at Christmas 2017....

Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2017 2:41 am
by dmin
My planned Hitman / Horizon Christmas hasn't materialised thanks to Pes 2018. So, just continuing with my transferred PES 2018 Lite myclub game - working my way through the divisions (in div5 at mo) and some casual co-op which is pretty fun. Might hold off getting properly stuck in though and go back to my original Christmas plan.

Re: Currently Playing at Christmas 2017....

Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2017 7:41 am
by Tafdolphin
Agree with all the Fallout 4 chat: I don't think I've been hyped for a game like that for years. Watched the Bethesda Showcase reveal and thought it looked excellent then went media dark.

I remember finally getting to play it and this weird sinking feeling settling on me as I poured the hours in. I enjoyed some aspects, the world is well realised, there are a few big set pieces that hit, but the more I played the less I cared about playing further. Every NPC was a dull quest spewing automaton, the quests they gave were fetch tasks or kill X no. of dudes tasks, the locations lacked the inventiveness of even previous Bethesda games (let alone previous Fallout games) and the main plot was dull as dishwater.

Worst was the new dialogue system, which reduced your options to a bare minimum and essentially turned the game into a messy third person shooter.

Biggest disappointment of the last few years for me.

Re: Currently Playing at Christmas 2017....

Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2017 7:47 am
by Errkal
I think with all this feed back I'm going to stop playing, not sure I want to keep going and come to the same conclusion abd waste loads of time I could use playing something else.

Re: Currently Playing at Christmas 2017....

Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2017 8:52 am
by mrbrightside
The biggest problem with Fallout 4 were the dialogue options, as they reduced all the nuances from the game. I would always put a lot of points into charisma because I would talk my way out of problems, but in Fallout 4 you just have to kill everything and after a while that just became tedious.

Re: Currently Playing at Christmas 2017....

Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2017 9:06 am
by Irene Demova
Mass Effect Andromeda: Not sure what all the moaning was about to be honest, it's pretty much the old Mass Effect games but with better gameplay

Re: Currently Playing at Christmas 2017....

Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2017 10:37 am
by Errkal
Started 3 it has a much much nicer feel to it.

Re: Currently Playing at Christmas 2017....

Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2017 9:30 am
by Cumberdanes
Titan Quest Anniversary Edition on PC. I bought the original years ago in a Steam Sale but never played much of it, it must have been around the time my old desktop died and I went back to solely console gaming.

Now I seem to have been given a free upgrade to the new version so I thought I’d give it another go. I’ve got further than I got last time so I think I’ll stick with it although I may wait for the PS4 release as I don’t like playing it with a laptop’s touch pad.

I don’t really use Steam much anymore so I have to ask, is getting free upgrades when a newer version of a game comes out a common thing?

Re: Currently Playing at Christmas 2017....

Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2017 10:07 am
by Trelliz
IAmTheSantaMan wrote:I don’t really use Steam much anymore so I have to ask, is getting free upgrades when a newer version of a game comes out a common thing?

It varies and depends on the developers; THQ/Nordic gave everyone who had Darksiders 1/2 the warmastered/deathinitive editions, Pinball FX3 imported all your previously owned tables. It was a lot more common when games were jettisoning games for windows live for steam a few years ago though.

Re: Currently Playing at Christmas 2017....

Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2017 10:36 am
Has anyone played Yonder: The Cloud Catcher Chronicles? I got it on PS4 for Christmas but wondering if it's worth a playthrough?