Nintendo Switch Chat Thread - Eight It Time For Somethin' New?

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PostRe: Nintendo Switch Chat Thread - Eight It Time For Somethin' New?
by kerr9000 » Fri Mar 15, 2024 11:13 am

Dowbocop wrote:Found a pre-owned copy of BOTW in Cash Converters for £20, which is a tenner cheaper than it seems to be going for anywhere else. I was going to bite but I have a weird prejudice that I sort of trust Cash Converters less than CEX in terms of selling dodgy stock. This is probably completely unfair because I've bought games from CEX that didn't work too!

Is there anything I need to watch out for when buying Switch games second hand? It's really easy to see if a disc looks ropey but I haven't bought any pre-owned cart media for over a decade.

I must have like 140 Switch games purchased second hand and I'd say like 30 have come from Cash Converters and they've all worked perfectly so I'd not worry too much

Worst one we got was a just Dance cart my misses got off eBay, it looked like it had been up someone's butt . It didn't work but I cleaned the contacts with a ear bud carefully then it worked.. look for dirt and general damage and you should be fine

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PostRe: Nintendo Switch Chat Thread - Eight It Time For Somethin' New?
by Dowbocop » Fri Mar 15, 2024 11:17 am

kerr9000 wrote:
Dowbocop wrote:Found a pre-owned copy of BOTW in Cash Converters for £20, which is a tenner cheaper than it seems to be going for anywhere else. I was going to bite but I have a weird prejudice that I sort of trust Cash Converters less than CEX in terms of selling dodgy stock. This is probably completely unfair because I've bought games from CEX that didn't work too!

Is there anything I need to watch out for when buying Switch games second hand? It's really easy to see if a disc looks ropey but I haven't bought any pre-owned cart media for over a decade.

I must have like 140 Switch games purchased second hand and I'd say like 30 have come from Cash Converters and they've all worked perfectly so I'd not worry too much

Worst one we got was a just Dance cart my misses got off eBay, it looked like it had been up someone's butt . It didn't work but I cleaned the contacts with a ear bud carefully then it worked.. look for dirt and general damage and you should be fine

Cheers, that's reassuring! I was looking at whether the box might be a state as that affects the price more than in CEX (and I have a spare box from a game code!) but it all looks in good nick.

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PostRe: Nintendo Switch Chat Thread - Eight It Time For Somethin' New?
by Fisher » Fri Mar 15, 2024 11:58 pm

jawa_ wrote:
Fisher wrote:i unlock another stage in vampire survivors today.

Nice one, Fisher.

Vampire Survivors and it's DLC is currently on sale in the eShop:

> Main game £3.99 £3.39
> Legacy of the Moonspell DLC £1.59 £1.35
> Tides of the Foscari DLC £1.59 £1.35
> Emergency Meeting DLC £1.99 £1.69

it could have 4th dlc this year.

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PostRe: Nintendo Switch Chat Thread - Eight It Time For Somethin' New?
by Barnsy! » Sat Mar 16, 2024 9:39 am

kerr9000 wrote:
Dowbocop wrote:Found a pre-owned copy of BOTW in Cash Converters for £20, which is a tenner cheaper than it seems to be going for anywhere else. I was going to bite but I have a weird prejudice that I sort of trust Cash Converters less than CEX in terms of selling dodgy stock. This is probably completely unfair because I've bought games from CEX that didn't work too!

Is there anything I need to watch out for when buying Switch games second hand? It's really easy to see if a disc looks ropey but I haven't bought any pre-owned cart media for over a decade.

I hope I'm wrong but I have a beef with Cash Converters.

I have only bought something from there once a couple of years ago. A secondhand 3DS, the product itself was fine. Bought during this episode;

Barnsy! wrote:Thanks it is a massive weight off my mind. The stress and workload was too much, but the culture of the place is what was making me depressed. I'm currently on 60mg of Fluxotine and have noticed an improvement in my mental health. I handed in my notice yesterday and have to work a months notice - my new job will be working for my old boss (who I love) from years ago at a different company. In the meantime before I start the new job I'm going to try and work on myself more, as some of my problems are internal due to horrible life events I haven't processed properly.

I'm kind of buzzing at the moment; my lifes been on pause, I haven't really been looking after myself nor wanting to do anything and have been super indecisive. But after work I ran 10miles (And I can't over emphasize I am not a runner) then made a bunch of positive small-things-to-some-but-kind-of-a-big-deal-to-me decisions. I made a charitable donation, I booked myself in for a marathon in Tromso Norway, I've taken Friday off and am going to Amsterdam with my girlfriend for the weekend, I've bought a 3DS (imagine playing A Link Between Worlds for the first time). Also I think once I've settled in my new job - I want to go away on some amazing holiday this year which I haven't done for years.

I know that reads like a cheesy 'LiVinG mY bESt LiFe' post, but right now I'm enjoying feeling positive about the future and life in general.

I love you guys :wub:

Basically I just had some good news and was feeling good. Can't overstate I never have good news!

I thought, Cash Converters was some like charity shop (i.e. people give away stuff they don't want and the money goes to charity). I didn't buy the 3DS as an act of altruism, they're quite old therefore difficult to get hold of new.

Found out later Cash Converters are basically a pawn broker? Basically people use the product to secure a temporary loan and have the option to buy back (if they are able to!). I'm reminded of films (who which I cannot think of one actual example); Pawn broker wears braces, has a vertical striped shirt but White collar, he smokes a cigar, has a gold tooth he has a sort of magnifying glass 'its worth $75', fella down on his luck says 'come on man it's worth twice that'. 'most I could give you is $80, $85 as it's you'. Do you know the sort thing I mean?

I would later give away the 3DS to a kid on holiday in Vietnam, again not an act of altruism, just a nice to do, so sort of had a happy ending. My bad for not knowing it was a pawn broker, the clues are obviously there. But feel bad (which is doubly annoying because I was specifically on a rare high when I bought it), can't escape the feeling that it might have come from someone desperate with some kind of addiction, or someone in trouble perhaps it belonged to a child (I found out about cash converters last year but after Vietnam) or just someone vulnerable that really needed money and didn't want to sell it and intended to buy it back but was unable. Perhaps it was precious to them and I'd taken something I was largely indifferent towards and could do without.

Eitherway it's a horrible feeling and no judgement towards anyone that uses them but certainly wouldn't have purchased from there had I known :(

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PostRe: Nintendo Switch Chat Thread - Eight It Time For Somethin' New?
by Robbo-92 » Sat Mar 16, 2024 10:18 am

Made a start on Paper Mario 64 :toot:

For an N64 game, it looks lovely, having recently played Mario RPG, you can definitely see the advancements that were made from Mario RPG to Thousand Year Door on the GC in the battle/item system (so far, the N64 and GC games seem almost identical on the battling front), Goombario not a patch on Goombella so far though :capnscotty: Just started chapter 1 before leaving it for a bit.

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PostRe: Nintendo Switch Chat Thread - Eight It Time For Somethin' New?
by jawa_ » Sat Mar 16, 2024 10:41 am

Fisher wrote:(Vampire Survivors) could have 4th dlc this year.

That would be neat, Fisher - I wonder if the game could get some more DLC? I suspect it might as it has been very popular.

Barnsy! wrote:...I thought, Cash Converters was some like charity shop (i.e. people give away stuff they don't want and the money goes to charity)...

...Found out later Cash Converters are basically a pawn broker? Basically people use the product to secure a temporary loan and have the option to buy back (if they are able to!)...

I hadn't thought that Cash Converters was a charity shop but I hadn't realised it was a pawnbroker, either. I'd thought that they just paid for stuff that people brought in and then re-sold it?

I read through that life-event update, too, Barnsy - I don't recall that episode but I'm glad that the situation improved and that you did good things to change it, dude :-).

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PostRe: Nintendo Switch Chat Thread - Eight It Time For Somethin' New?
by ITSMILNER » Sat Mar 16, 2024 11:15 am

Started playing Cadence of Hyrule last night, that’s a cool little game isn’t it. I’ve had to set it to fixed beat mode for now as my timing was all over the place :lol: but I love how they took Crypt of the Necrodancer and threw a Zelda spin on it, will dig into it more later.

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PostRe: Nintendo Switch Chat Thread - Eight It Time For Somethin' New?
by kerr9000 » Sat Mar 16, 2024 12:29 pm

Barnsy! wrote:
kerr9000 wrote:
Dowbocop wrote:Found a pre-owned copy of BOTW in Cash Converters for £20, which is a tenner cheaper than it seems to be going for anywhere else. I was going to bite but I have a weird prejudice that I sort of trust Cash Converters less than CEX in terms of selling dodgy stock. This is probably completely unfair because I've bought games from CEX that didn't work too!

Is there anything I need to watch out for when buying Switch games second hand? It's really easy to see if a disc looks ropey but I haven't bought any pre-owned cart media for over a decade.

I hope I'm wrong but I have a beef with Cash Converters.

I have only bought something from there once a couple of years ago. A secondhand 3DS, the product itself was fine. Bought during this episode;

Barnsy! wrote:Thanks it is a massive weight off my mind. The stress and workload was too much, but the culture of the place is what was making me depressed. I'm currently on 60mg of Fluxotine and have noticed an improvement in my mental health. I handed in my notice yesterday and have to work a months notice - my new job will be working for my old boss (who I love) from years ago at a different company. In the meantime before I start the new job I'm going to try and work on myself more, as some of my problems are internal due to horrible life events I haven't processed properly.

I'm kind of buzzing at the moment; my lifes been on pause, I haven't really been looking after myself nor wanting to do anything and have been super indecisive. But after work I ran 10miles (And I can't over emphasize I am not a runner) then made a bunch of positive small-things-to-some-but-kind-of-a-big-deal-to-me decisions. I made a charitable donation, I booked myself in for a marathon in Tromso Norway, I've taken Friday off and am going to Amsterdam with my girlfriend for the weekend, I've bought a 3DS (imagine playing A Link Between Worlds for the first time). Also I think once I've settled in my new job - I want to go away on some amazing holiday this year which I haven't done for years.

I know that reads like a cheesy 'LiVinG mY bESt LiFe' post, but right now I'm enjoying feeling positive about the future and life in general.

I love you guys :wub:

Basically I just had some good news and was feeling good. Can't overstate I never have good news!

I thought, Cash Converters was some like charity shop (i.e. people give away stuff they don't want and the money goes to charity). I didn't buy the 3DS as an act of altruism, they're quite old therefore difficult to get hold of new.

Found out later Cash Converters are basically a pawn broker? Basically people use the product to secure a temporary loan and have the option to buy back (if they are able to!). I'm reminded of films (who which I cannot think of one actual example); Pawn broker wears braces, has a vertical striped shirt but White collar, he smokes a cigar, has a gold tooth he has a sort of magnifying glass 'its worth $75', fella down on his luck says 'come on man it's worth twice that'. 'most I could give you is $80, $85 as it's you'. Do you know the sort thing I mean?

I would later give away the 3DS to a kid on holiday in Vietnam, again not an act of altruism, just a nice to do, so sort of had a happy ending. My bad for not knowing it was a pawn broker, the clues are obviously there. But feel bad (which is doubly annoying because I was specifically on a rare high when I bought it), can't escape the feeling that it might have come from someone desperate with some kind of addiction, or someone in trouble perhaps it belonged to a child (I found out about cash converters last year but after Vietnam) or just someone vulnerable that really needed money and didn't want to sell it and intended to buy it back but was unable. Perhaps it was precious to them and I'd taken something I was largely indifferent towards and could do without.

Eitherway it's a horrible feeling and no judgement towards anyone that uses them but certainly wouldn't have purchased from there had I known :(

You know Barnsy you always come across as a really likable and good person, I have nothing but respect for you and your opinion and I can totally see what you mean with the whole Pawn Brokers are basically profiting on other peoples misery and issues.... to an extent I think the same is true with places like CEX and previously Game while they were doing the whole trade in thing, its based on the idea of lets give someone as little as possible for there item and then sell it for the max we can to make our company money. I have found some companies and some individual branches to be more or less extreme with this, some pawn brokers give kinda fair prices others give you virtually nothing. I do sometimes worry about this but I suppose ultimately I figure its going to happen if I am involved or not so I try to profit from it myself where I can.......One way I do this is just buying cheap things I am after but I have also often got things stupidly cheaply from somewhere and then flooded pawn stores and CEX's with the stuff to get things for myself while kinda sticking them with a load of useless tat that will hang around not making them money.

I have experience with both a family member and some past friends who would pawn stuff and lend money off people and such and its not that they don't get enough or have an addiction its an attitude thing, if they want something they get it and worry about bills after which ultimately ends up in them buying lots of things and then selling them on, I see a lot of this in pawn stores as well.... its much better in my opinion to pay all your bills and commitments and then look at the money you have left after and spend that.

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PostRe: Nintendo Switch Chat Thread - Eight It Time For Somethin' New?
by Fisher » Sat Mar 16, 2024 11:59 pm

i played vampire survivors today and unlock 7 characters.

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PostRe: Nintendo Switch Chat Thread - Eight It Time For Somethin' New?
by Dowbocop » Sun Mar 17, 2024 10:39 am

Barnsy! wrote:
kerr9000 wrote:
Dowbocop wrote:Found a pre-owned copy of BOTW in Cash Converters for £20, which is a tenner cheaper than it seems to be going for anywhere else. I was going to bite but I have a weird prejudice that I sort of trust Cash Converters less than CEX in terms of selling dodgy stock. This is probably completely unfair because I've bought games from CEX that didn't work too!

Is there anything I need to watch out for when buying Switch games second hand? It's really easy to see if a disc looks ropey but I haven't bought any pre-owned cart media for over a decade.

I hope I'm wrong but I have a beef with Cash Converters.

I have only bought something from there once a couple of years ago. A secondhand 3DS, the product itself was fine. Bought during this episode;

Barnsy! wrote:Thanks it is a massive weight off my mind. The stress and workload was too much, but the culture of the place is what was making me depressed. I'm currently on 60mg of Fluxotine and have noticed an improvement in my mental health. I handed in my notice yesterday and have to work a months notice - my new job will be working for my old boss (who I love) from years ago at a different company. In the meantime before I start the new job I'm going to try and work on myself more, as some of my problems are internal due to horrible life events I haven't processed properly.

I'm kind of buzzing at the moment; my lifes been on pause, I haven't really been looking after myself nor wanting to do anything and have been super indecisive. But after work I ran 10miles (And I can't over emphasize I am not a runner) then made a bunch of positive small-things-to-some-but-kind-of-a-big-deal-to-me decisions. I made a charitable donation, I booked myself in for a marathon in Tromso Norway, I've taken Friday off and am going to Amsterdam with my girlfriend for the weekend, I've bought a 3DS (imagine playing A Link Between Worlds for the first time). Also I think once I've settled in my new job - I want to go away on some amazing holiday this year which I haven't done for years.

I know that reads like a cheesy 'LiVinG mY bESt LiFe' post, but right now I'm enjoying feeling positive about the future and life in general.

I love you guys :wub:

Basically I just had some good news and was feeling good. Can't overstate I never have good news!

I thought, Cash Converters was some like charity shop (i.e. people give away stuff they don't want and the money goes to charity). I didn't buy the 3DS as an act of altruism, they're quite old therefore difficult to get hold of new.

Found out later Cash Converters are basically a pawn broker? Basically people use the product to secure a temporary loan and have the option to buy back (if they are able to!). I'm reminded of films (who which I cannot think of one actual example); Pawn broker wears braces, has a vertical striped shirt but White collar, he smokes a cigar, has a gold tooth he has a sort of magnifying glass 'its worth $75', fella down on his luck says 'come on man it's worth twice that'. 'most I could give you is $80, $85 as it's you'. Do you know the sort thing I mean?

I would later give away the 3DS to a kid on holiday in Vietnam, again not an act of altruism, just a nice to do, so sort of had a happy ending. My bad for not knowing it was a pawn broker, the clues are obviously there. But feel bad (which is doubly annoying because I was specifically on a rare high when I bought it), can't escape the feeling that it might have come from someone desperate with some kind of addiction, or someone in trouble perhaps it belonged to a child (I found out about cash converters last year but after Vietnam) or just someone vulnerable that really needed money and didn't want to sell it and intended to buy it back but was unable. Perhaps it was precious to them and I'd taken something I was largely indifferent towards and could do without.

Eitherway it's a horrible feeling and no judgement towards anyone that uses them but certainly wouldn't have purchased from there had I known :(

I get what you mean but I don't really see how that's different to CEX. Usually with games, when you sell something it's either because you don't want or need it anymore, or because you need the money for something more important or desirable (or it's hot, but that's a different can of worms :lol: ). Whether you're selling your gaming stuff to CEX or Cash Converters isn't really going to make much difference to why you're selling. A consumer can't be fully clear of this perceived guilt unless they completely eschew second hand purchases altogether. I could probably afford the £60 Nintendo are charging for BOTW on the eShop but am I morally wrong to grab that good deal instead of leaving it for someone less well off? I don't think any of us go to a shop looking to pay the most we can afford :lol:

I would also argue that most gaming stuff in any second hand shop or pawnbroker is of limited sentimental value. Something like jewellery is a bit different and I'd be much more wary of buying an engagement ring or something from there (but I'm not going to judge someone who does because they're just trying to do the nicest thing they can for someone they love). Fortunately I've never needed to pawn items so I'm not too knowledgeable on the process, but from what I can see pawned jewellery doesn't always go straight on the shelf. The pawnee can pay interest to keep it reserved for them to buy back. So obviously anything on the shelf may have been defaulted on and is now open to being bought. However if there were no pawn options available an individual would have to privately sell the item and then there is zero chance of getting it back.

TL;DR: don't beat yourself up about buying second hand stuff, especially if you ended up giving it to a kid who couldn't afford one!

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PostRe: Nintendo Switch Chat Thread - Eight It Time For Somethin' New?
by Fisher » Sun Mar 17, 2024 11:45 pm

i played vampire survivors today and farm coins.

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PostRe: Nintendo Switch Chat Thread - Eight It Time For Somethin' New?
by Barnsy! » Fri Mar 22, 2024 8:50 pm

So have we gone off the Switch now then :shifty:

All good and fair points Dowbocop and Kerr. Certainly wasn't throwing shade on anyone that buys from Cash converters by the way.

kerr9000 wrote:. You know Barnsy you always come across as a really likable and good person, I have nothing but respect for you and your opinion

Right back at you fella :wub:

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PostRe: Nintendo Switch Chat Thread - Eight It Time For Somethin' New?
by ITSMILNER » Fri Mar 22, 2024 9:50 pm

Barnsy! wrote:So have we gone off the Switch now then :shifty:

I think it’s going to be a quiet year for Switch now :lol: I’m hoping we at least get a good amount of remasters/remakes of Ninty games second half of this year.

Been playing Cadence of Hyrule this week, that’s a fun little game.

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PostRe: Nintendo Switch Chat Thread - Eight It Time For Somethin' New?
by Fisher » Fri Mar 22, 2024 11:59 pm

i may download demo next week.

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PostRe: Nintendo Switch Chat Thread - Eight It Time For Somethin' New?
by Barnsy! » Sat Mar 23, 2024 3:20 pm

Fisher wrote:i played vampire survivors today and farm coins.

Hi fisher. What level and stage are you on?

After a long break I played Vampire Survivors again today. I am on level 62 in the third stage so have quite a way to go.

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PostRe: Nintendo Switch Chat Thread - Eight It Time For Somethin' New?
by Jam-Master Jay » Sat Mar 23, 2024 3:55 pm

Been enjoying dipping into Cereza and the Lost Demon for 15 minutes here and there the past week. Incredibly cute little game which looks gorgeous on the OLED. :wub:

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PostRe: Nintendo Switch Chat Thread - Eight It Time For Somethin' New?
by kerr9000 » Sat Mar 23, 2024 4:36 pm

Game are selling the new Prince of Persia game on Switch for £29, I would be tempted if I hadnt spent so much money on games recently.

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PostRe: Nintendo Switch Chat Thread - Eight It Time For Somethin' New?
by Robbo-92 » Sat Mar 23, 2024 4:51 pm

It’s going to be a really quiet year for the Switch unless we get some new games/ports announced in the middle of the year, there’s a few logical things they could announce, but this is Nintendo so nothing will probably come that we expect.

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PostRe: Nintendo Switch Chat Thread - Eight It Time For Somethin' New?
by Fisher » Sun Mar 24, 2024 11:59 pm

Barnsy! wrote:
Fisher wrote:i played vampire survivors today and farm coins.

Hi fisher. What level and stage are you on?

After a long break I played Vampire Survivors again today. I am on level 62 in the third stage so have quite a way to go.

i finish main stages,dlc stages and unlock all 70 characters and a character level 642 to farm coins to buy characters for the achievements and achievements nearly finish.

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PostRe: Nintendo Switch Chat Thread - Eight It Time For Somethin' New?
by Tomous » Mon Mar 25, 2024 10:12 am

Robbo-92 wrote:It’s going to be a really quiet year for the Switch unless we get some new games/ports announced in the middle of the year, there’s a few logical things they could announce, but this is Nintendo so nothing will probably come that we expect.

In terms of new games, I could see a new Mario Party and Mario sports game (sluggers?) getting announced for the second half. Probably something Kirby related too. Other than that, I think Metroid Prime 4 is the only possibility for a big release. I know a lot of people expect a Switch 2 dual release now but I still think that has chance.

Outside of that, yeah ports and remasters-probably Prime 2 and 3 HD and the forever rumoured Zelda Wii U remasters.


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