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Re: Nintendo Switch Chat Thread Too

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2018 2:38 pm
by Jenuall
OrangeRakoon wrote:
Rex Kramer wrote:Why didn't you just send it back to Ninty? One of my right joy-cons had a problem with the home button, sent it back and it got fixed pretty quick.

Warranty is only a year isn't it? I bought my Switch on launch, so it happened after a year

You could probably have got it replaced under Consumer Rights Act which basically enforces that anything sold should be "fit for purpose". A controller which dies after barely a year would not pass that test for me!

Re: Nintendo Switch Chat Thread Too

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2018 2:42 pm
by Rex Kramer
OrangeRakoon wrote:
Rex Kramer wrote:Why didn't you just send it back to Ninty? One of my right joy-cons had a problem with the home button, sent it back and it got fixed pretty quick.

Warranty is only a year isn't it? I bought my Switch on launch, so it happened after a year

Might be worth a punt anyway, I'm pretty sure I reported a problem with my 3DS after a year and they still fixed it (screen broke).

Re: Nintendo Switch Chat Thread Too

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2018 2:46 pm
by OrangeRKN
You're both right

But effort

Re: Nintendo Switch Chat Thread Too

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2018 3:03 pm
by Rex Kramer
They'll email you a printed returns label, you really only have to box it up and drop it at the post office.

Re: Nintendo Switch Chat Thread Too

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2018 3:24 pm
by sawyerpip
Does anyone know the cheapest place to pre-order Mario Tennis?

Re: Nintendo Switch Chat Thread Too

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2018 3:26 pm
by OrangeRKN
Rex Kramer wrote:They'll email you a printed returns label, you really only have to box it up and drop it at the post office.

Do I just send an email somewhere then to report it?

Re: Nintendo Switch Chat Thread Too

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2018 3:27 pm
by Rex Kramer
OrangeRakoon wrote:
Rex Kramer wrote:They'll email you a printed returns label, you really only have to box it up and drop it at the post office.

Do I just send an email somewhere then to report it?

Go here -

Re: Nintendo Switch Chat Thread Too

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2018 3:41 pm
by Jingle Ord The Way
Just played the Octopath Traveler demo. It's a retro JRPG sort of way. But Christ does it have issues!
The voice acting isn't very good (the pronunciation of the word "Crivens" and the accents. :dread: ) and the battle system is pretty basic. The music is exceptionally good though!
I'm mixed on the graphical styling of the game. The 3D backgrounds mixed with the 2D characters gives it a diorama feel that i'm not sure I like. The vignette options in the graphics department is rather limited too, and the backgrounds look blurred due to the heavy DOF effect.
But I liked the demo! It may be because I haven't played a traditional JRPG since Lost Odyssey on the 360, and this was a nice throwback.
Regardless, I'll wait for reviews because I saw this on the e-shop and almost spat my cornflakes out at the price!

Re: Nintendo Switch Chat Thread Too

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2018 3:42 pm
by Yoshimi
Bought Hollow Knight last night. Only had an hour on it so far, but looking lovely.

Re: Nintendo Switch Chat Thread Too

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2018 3:44 pm
by Rex Kramer
I've got it on pre-order but I'm wavering a little. I liked what I played of the demo but Ys is out about 2 weeks before and that looks really nice. Both about the same kind of price, I can get Ys for about £38 and my Amazon pre-order for Octopath is the same price (think it's gone up since then).

Re: Nintendo Switch Chat Thread Too

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2018 3:49 pm
by OrangeRKN
Ord wrote:The voice acting isn't very good (the pronunciation of the word "Crivens" and the accents. :dread: )

You can switch to Japanese VA

Re: Nintendo Switch Chat Thread Too

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2018 3:57 pm
by Lagamorph
What's the actual characterisation like in Octopath Traveller? The trailer made it seem like the characters are all nameless generic classes with no personality to them whatsoever. Is that the case? Or are they more like a Final Fantasy type group with their own personalities and interactions?

Re: Nintendo Switch Chat Thread Too

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2018 3:58 pm
by Jingle Ord The Way
OrangeRakoon wrote:
Ord wrote:The voice acting isn't very good (the pronunciation of the word "Crivens" and the accents. :dread: )

You can switch to Japanese VA

I may get hate for this, but in general, Japanese VA annoys me. Female characters tend to sound to squeaky and sharp for my earholes.
Lagamorph wrote:What's the actual characterisation like in Octopath Traveller? The trailer made it seem like the characters are all nameless generic classes with no personality to them whatsoever. Is that the case? Or are they more like a Final Fantasy type group with their own personalities and interactions?

Oh they all seem to have their own personality. Each "class/character" has their own back story in the prologue. They talk to other NPC's (no "..." replies) and you can read their inner monologue. I guess it's the traditional FF trope of them all banding together and finishing their own personal story before taking on the main protagonist at the end. It seems VERY traditional.

Re: Nintendo Switch Chat Thread Too

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2018 4:03 pm
by Lagamorph
Ord wrote:
Lagamorph wrote:What's the actual characterisation like in Octopath Traveller? The trailer made it seem like the characters are all nameless generic classes with no personality to them whatsoever. Is that the case? Or are they more like a Final Fantasy type group with their own personalities and interactions?

Oh they all seem to have their own personality. Each "class/character" has their own back story in the prologue. I guess it's the traditional FF trope of them all banding together and finishing their own personal story before taking on the main protagonist at the end. It seems VERY traditional.

So are the characters actually named and such? The trailer literally just referred to them by their class rather than giving them any identity beyond that :lol: :fp:
Does characterisation carry on beyond the prologue? Or is it just once the game gets going then that's pretty much it and it's just a few generic lines here and there?

Re: Nintendo Switch Chat Thread Too

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2018 4:07 pm
by Jingle Ord The Way
Sorry I amended my post as you replied. Yes they are named characters, they talk to other NPC's (no "..." replies) and you can read their inner monologue. As to what is beyond the prologue? Dunno. It's a 3 hour prologue demo.

Re: Nintendo Switch Chat Thread Too

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2018 4:09 pm
by Lagamorph
Hmm, guess I'll grab the demo and give it a try. If I enjoy it I might pick up the game, but definitely not for £49.99. Not paying anymore than half that for a game with that kind of visual style.

Re: Nintendo Switch Chat Thread Too

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2018 4:09 pm
by OrangeRKN
Lagamorph wrote:So are the characters actually named and such? The trailer literally just referred to them by their class rather than giving them any identity beyond that :lol: :fp:
Does characterisation carry on beyond the prologue? Or is it just once the game gets going then that's pretty much it and it's just a few generic lines here and there?

They are all named, proper characters. The game appears to be following each character's story. I started as Tressa in the demo, who is a plucky merchant girl, she seems fun - her story starts off as wanting to see the world and become a great traveling merchant. Then there is Primrose who's story goes to some dark places in the opening chapter, and is setting out to solve her father's murder and take revenge.

Each character has a path action which means they all have unique interactions with NPCs.

Lagamorph wrote:Not paying anymore than half that for a game with that kind of visual style.

But... it looks great :(

Re: Nintendo Switch Chat Thread Too

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2018 4:13 pm
by Jezo
Pixel graphics? Pff, what is this, like 20... 1995? Games like that should be free.

Now Madden 2018, there's a real game.

Re: Nintendo Switch Chat Thread Too

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2018 4:19 pm
by Jingle Ord The Way
TBH £50 is a bit much for any game, pixle art or not! After the demo I was left with mixed feelings. Nowt wrong with waiting for reviews, discounts.

Re: Nintendo Switch Chat Thread Too

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2018 4:30 pm
by That
Octopath is one of the only pseudo-16-bit games I've ever thought looked truly excellent. It's faithful to the best-looking JRPGs of that era while obviously adding the 3D twist, which lets it play with pretty perspective and lighting. Really beautiful art direction.

It's way beyond your typical "£10 on Steam" indie 16-bit graphics. I don't want to start some kind of holy war but I think it's miles ahead in terms of detail and polish of what your stereotypical little indie studio could ever pull off in that art style. (I have no doubt we'll see Octopath-alikes on Steam next year and they'll look super janky by comparison.)