Nomicade [Forum Game] It's all over

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PostRe: Nomicade [Forum Game] You can join in too! Just read the rules
by OrangeRKN » Wed Apr 24, 2019 9:59 am

Upon the passing of this rule, all penalties for previous edits of the OP are revoked.

From that point in time onwards, any edits to the OP by OR shall be paid for not in Doubloons, but in fun. Specifically, OR must upon each edit pay 5 Fun Points to a person, for a contrived or otherwise reason. When he loses all Fun Points, in this manner or otherwise, the title of Chief of Fun Police passes to the person with the most Fun Points at that time. From then on, all edits to the OP are exempt from normal editing rules and may be performed freely.

For: The Funless Wonder, Dan, OrangeRKN (3)
Against: (0)
Majority: (+3)

So it must be done

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PostRe: Nomicade [Forum Game] You can join in too! Just read the rules
by OrangeRKN » Wed Apr 24, 2019 10:03 am

I gave Balladeer 5 Fun Points for such a FUN rule

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PostRe: Nomicade [Forum Game] You can join in too! Just read the rules
by Balladeer » Wed Apr 24, 2019 10:58 am

Funtastic!! :D (takes King’s fun shilling)

Genuinely can’t think of any new rules at this time, and I’m waiting for some... results to come through. :shifty:

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PostRe: Nomicade [Forum Game] You can join in too! Just read the rules
by Balladeer » Wed Apr 24, 2019 2:07 pm

Agh nothing useful. Still though, shall we start to build a townblock?

Curls is town/Investigators. I thought it might help to look at some lurkers... not in this case. :( Don’t believe anybody but me has spent points thus far, so I trust the read.

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PostRe: Nomicade [Forum Game] You can join in too! Just read the rules
by OrangeRKN » Wed Apr 24, 2019 2:23 pm

Balladeer wrote::(

This is the literal opposite of fun. -1 Fun Point!

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PostRe: Nomicade [Forum Game] You can join in too! Just read the rules
by Herdanos » Thu Apr 25, 2019 1:26 pm

Balladeer wrote:Agh nothing useful. Still though, shall we start to build a townblock?

Curls is town/Investigators. I thought it might help to look at some lurkers... not in this case. :( Don’t believe anybody but me has spent points thus far, so I trust the read.

I have spent some points... I investigated you. And you're with Curls and myself. So we can build from here.

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PostRe: Nomicade [Forum Game] You can join in too! Just read the rules
by Jenuall » Thu Apr 25, 2019 1:47 pm

I've not been tracking points so it's hard to verify if any of these "investigations" are legitimate at this point.

Although given that both Inv and Ab powers cost the same amount that wouldn't tell us much anyway! :lol:

So we've got:

* Balladeer claiming to be an Investigator and verifying Curls as an Investigator.
* Dan claiming to be an Investigator and verifying Balladeer as an Investigator.

The second line there potentially validates the first one!

Myself, Karl and Balladeer are the only ones with enough points to do any more investigating, although Balladeer is still subject to the 24h cooldown I think?

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PostRe: Nomicade [Forum Game] You can join in too! Just read the rules
by Balladeer » Thu Apr 25, 2019 2:31 pm

Just expired, sent off another one. I’m also going to propose an AMENDMENT TO RULE 32:

An Aberration player can spend five Forum Doubloons to target their corrupting influence at another player by PMing the Game Master with "Corrupt [username]". The targeted player will be in a corrupted state for the next 48 hours, and will not be made aware of this. Any investigations (see rule 22) made against a corrupted player will return as showing them in the Aberrations team, regardless of their true team alignment. Note that the timing of an investigation will be considered to be the timing of its submission, not of the receiving of results.

The same player may not be corrupted for another 48h following their recovery from corruption. If during these 96h another Aberration attempts to corrupt that player, they will be told ASAP via PM by the Game Master that their corruption failed, and no Doubloons will be deducted.

Some clarity over timings, and preventing people from being ‘corruption-locked’. Also, is it just me or is setting everyone to Aberration a bit weak? Would consider an amendment that flips alignment, for extra confusion.

I still intend to pass a rule preventing team-switching by the way.

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PostRe: Nomicade [Forum Game] You can join in too! Just read the rules
by Balladeer » Thu Apr 25, 2019 2:32 pm

Gah. For the above:

For: Balladeer (1)
Against: Only scum (0)
Balance: +1

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PostRe: Nomicade [Forum Game] You can join in too! Just read the rules
by Herdanos » Fri Apr 26, 2019 5:43 pm

I vote for your rule Balladeer.

I also propose this. Category player roles:

Players assigned the team alignment "investigator" cannot at any time through any method be switched or also assigned to the team alignment "aberration".

Players assigned the team alignment "aberration" cannot at any time through any method be switched or also assigned to the team alignment "investigator".

For: TBBSP (1)
Against: (0)
Majority: +1

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PostRe: Nomicade [Forum Game] You can join in too! Just read the rules
by Herdanos » Fri Apr 26, 2019 5:44 pm

Sorry that category should have read Team Rules.

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PostRe: Nomicade [Forum Game] You can join in too! Just read the rules
by That » Fri Apr 26, 2019 7:34 pm

-1, that's pointless -- a rule can't bind the hands of future rules obviously!

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PostRe: Nomicade [Forum Game] You can join in too! Just read the rules
by Balladeer » Sat Apr 27, 2019 4:59 pm

I’ll get back to Dan’s rule, but: Mr. GM, how specific does the naming need to be for an investigation to work? I think I should have one coming back, but...

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PostRe: Nomicade [Forum Game] You can join in too! Just read the rules
by That » Mon Apr 29, 2019 3:37 pm

The sad thing about this dying a bit is that I've received very few Dan name change requests :(

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PostRe: Nomicade [Forum Game] You can join in too! Just read the rules
by Balladeer » Mon Apr 29, 2019 3:40 pm

The GM's broken the 72h rule, I think that means the game is formally over. :P

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PostRe: Nomicade [Forum Game] You can join in too! Just read the rules
by OrangeRKN » Mon Apr 29, 2019 3:50 pm

Nah m8 I'm not in a team

I forgot about this lol

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PostRe: Nomicade [Forum Game] You can join in too! Just read the rules
by That » Mon Apr 29, 2019 3:51 pm

Balladeer wrote:The GM's broken the 72h rule, I think that means the game is formally over. :P

:lol: :(

We should at least give it a send-off.

New rule:

All those who upvote this rule win the game and, when passed, the game ends.

For: Karl

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PostI Love You, But I'm Ending Your Game
by Balladeer » Mon Apr 29, 2019 3:55 pm

I want to win!

All those who upvote this rule win the game and, when passed, the game ends.

For: Karl, Balladeer

OrangeRKN wrote:Nah m8 I'm not in a team

I forgot about this lol

Too bloody right you did, where's my Investigation result? :x

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PostIt Ends Today, Baby
by OrangeRKN » Mon Apr 29, 2019 4:06 pm

All those who upvote this rule win the game and, when passed, the game ends.

For: Karl, Balladeer, OrangeRKN


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PostRe: Nomicade [Forum Game] It's all over
by Balladeer » Mon Apr 29, 2019 4:11 pm

Woo, go Team Nomicade!

Well, I had fun. I think Hexx summed up the reason that it died in the end: it just got too complicated for anyone who wasn’t a dedicated player to follow. However, that’s always going to be the trouble with a game like this; I don’t think that’s avoidable unless you slap a rule limit on very early days, which kind of removes the point. Also I didn’t really have the time or creative inclination to start a Dual. :(

I was, despite what it might have looked like, an Investigator. What about you fellas?

Thanks for organising OR! :D

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