[PeTI] The Portal 2 Test Chamber Exchange | RICOCHET

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Post[PeTI] The Portal 2 Test Chamber Exchange | RICOCHET
by Pilch » Tue Jan 08, 2013 10:41 pm

The Portal 2 Test Chamber Exchange


Welcome! Have you created custom test chambers for Portal 2 using the wonderful in-game editor? Would you like them to get a bit more publicity? Maybe a few positive ratings? You've come to the right place!

Post links to your splendid creations here so that we can all enjoy them, give feedback and, most importantly, get some "thumbs up" votes. Hopefully that'll mean that they'll appear in the "most popular" list and hence get even more publicity.

I recognise that Portal 2 has been out for quite some time now, but hopefully that means there's already lots of user-created content courtesy of this forum's members. Don't be shy - share!

Last edited by Pilch on Thu Jan 31, 2013 10:57 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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PostRe: [PeTI] The Portal 2 Test Chamber Exchange
by Pilch » Wed Jan 09, 2013 10:05 pm

Oh, go on then. You twisted my arm.



Cave Johnson here. My assistants tell me your world has something called a "Mario". I have no idea what that is, but what you choose to worship is none of my business. Anyway, for this test all you have to do is channel the "Mario" and climb all the way to the top of the "mountain". Then you'll get to rescue the Peach.
What? Oh. They're telling me there is no Peach. Well, no matter. Get testing!


Difficulty: Medium
Size: Large
Time: Long





Any feedback is much appreciated!

Psst! Get editing! It's easy!

Last edited by Pilch on Thu Jan 31, 2013 10:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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PostRe: [PeTI] The Portal 2 Test Chamber Exchange | MARIO MOUNTA
by Pilch » Sat Jan 12, 2013 11:46 pm

Perpetual Motion: Oscillation


Cave here. For this one we've gone spooky. Ghosts, ghouls, you name it. Wooo I'm a ghost! Nah, it's just Cave. And there aren't really any spooks either. Just a whole lotta testing. So quit your quivering and get to it!


Difficulty: Hard (now that I've removed the unintentional easy solution!)
Size: Small
Length: Medium






Last edited by Pilch on Thu Jan 31, 2013 10:39 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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PostRe: [PeTI] The Portal 2 Test Chamber Exchange | MARIO MOUNTA
by Harry Bizzle » Mon Jan 14, 2013 9:59 pm

Just played the second one.

I should say your little Cave things you've written are excellent. I could have mistaken them for being real ones.

The map itself is okay. It's not difficult, but it took me ages for two reasons. Firstly, I couldn't find my way out of the first bit for far too long (to the elevator).

Secondly, you've got these black bar things on all four sides of where the ball is going to drop. I don't know why, but I assumed you couldn't put a portal on that material so couldn't figure out how to do it.

The two different laser deflector things are a red herring too, I guess, but not one which caused me any problems. Oh, and so is the thing moving back and forth. Those things didn't feel very Portal at all. Perhaps I'm not remembering correctly, but generally, if something is in a test chamber, it's not there to confuse you or trick you, it's there to get some sort of use out of.

I got some satisfaction out of it but only really in the way that "this stupid map didn't beat me."

You've clearly put quite a bit of thought into it, though, so well done. Will play the Mario one when I've got more time. From the comment on the workshop page I'm assuming it'll take a while.

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PostRe: [PeTI] The Portal 2 Test Chamber Exchange | MARIO MOUNTA
by 1cmanny1 » Wed Jan 16, 2013 12:05 am

Dude, put this in GGC. No one looks in here.

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PostRe: [PeTI] The Portal 2 Test Chamber Exchange | MARIO MOUNTA
by Pilch » Sat Jan 19, 2013 9:44 am

Harry Bizzle wrote:Just played the second one.

I should say your little Cave things you've written are excellent. I could have mistaken them for being real ones.

The map itself is okay. It's not difficult, but it took me ages for two reasons. Firstly, I couldn't find my way out of the first bit for far too long (to the elevator).

Secondly, you've got these black bar things on all four sides of where the ball is going to drop. I don't know why, but I assumed you couldn't put a portal on that material so couldn't figure out how to do it.

The two different laser deflector things are a red herring too, I guess, but not one which caused me any problems. Oh, and so is the thing moving back and forth. Those things didn't feel very Portal at all. Perhaps I'm not remembering correctly, but generally, if something is in a test chamber, it's not there to confuse you or trick you, it's there to get some sort of use out of.

I got some satisfaction out of it but only really in the way that "this stupid map didn't beat me."

You've clearly put quite a bit of thought into it, though, so well done. Will play the Mario one when I've got more time. From the comment on the workshop page I'm assuming it'll take a while.

Thanks for the feedback. It really is helpful because it's easy to miss things when you're play-testing but already know the solution. Much like proof-reading your own essays!

In response to your comments I've added some extra lighting in the corridor leading to the elevator to hopefully draw more attention to it. I've also modified the upstairs chamber with the deadly goo quite a bit (including removing the gratings on the wall) - I realised that it was far too easy to acquire the sphere in a way that I didn't intend. The solution I envisioned should make use of all the elements in the chamber, including the two prism cubes and the moving track platform (the one moving back and forth). Hopefully you'll be forced into doing it my way now! You're right that it wouldn't be very Portal-like to have misleading or unused items in the puzzle - everything in the test should be required now that I've ironed out a few issues. It'll also be a bit more difficult. ;)

Mario Mountain is indeed a bit longer but none of the puzzles should be too hard. I think it's more "fun" than Perpetual Motion.

1cmanny1 wrote:Dude, put this in GGC. No one looks in here.

I did toy with that idea, but I thought the thread might at least hang around a bit longer in Creative Corner. I could post a new thread with a link to this one, I suppose.

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PostRe: [PeTI] The Portal 2 Test Chamber Exchange | MARIO MOUNTA
by TheTurnipKing » Mon Jan 21, 2013 11:21 am

Lights are a good way to "lead" players. Most players will instinctively head for lit areas, but it's obviously difficult to get that level of control without taking the map into Hammer. The triggers in the Portal editor are aren't really fine grained enough for that while keeping the test chambers "clean".

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PostRe: [PeTI] The Portal 2 Test Chamber Exchange | MARIO MOUNTA
by Pilch » Tue Jan 22, 2013 11:26 pm

You sound as though you've dabbled. I'd love to play some of your creations!

Perpetual Motion 2: Gliders


Cave calling from Earth Prime. We have a situation here. The million super intelligent monkeys we employed to recreate the works of Shakespeare have escaped and were last seen heading for your dimension. There is no need to be alarmed! They only eat human flesh when they're really, really hungry.
Greg? When did we last feed the Apespeares?
(Muffled reply)
Did you hear that? No? Good. Carry on. But you might want to pack a few bananas if you have any lying around. You know, for the test.


Difficulty: Medium
Size: Medium
Length: Medium (!)


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Last edited by Pilch on Thu Jan 31, 2013 10:40 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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PostRe: [PeTI] The Portal 2 Test Chamber Exchange | MARIO MOUNTA
by TheTurnipKing » Sun Jan 27, 2013 5:11 pm

The best thing I made was just a wall with the word "banana split" written in portalable tiles, and I had to self-censor that.


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PostRe: [PeTI] The Portal 2 Test Chamber Exchange | MARIO MOUNTA
by Pilch » Mon Jan 28, 2013 8:30 pm

TheTurnipKing wrote:The best thing I made was just a wall with the word "banana split" written in portalable tiles, and I had to self-censor that.


I played 'Mexican Standoff'. Like the idea - short but sweet. Caused an initial head-scratch despite the apparent simplicity. Unless I'm mistaken, though, you can cheat massively by portalling above the exit door. Maybe make the button activate the exit too?

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PostRe: [PeTI] The Portal 2 Test Chamber Exchange | MARIO MOUNTA
by TheTurnipKing » Tue Jan 29, 2013 11:13 am

Next time I fire up the editor, maybe. Though I don't have any particular issue with people "solving my mazes" in unexpected fashion.

Infact, at least one of them Deception is actively based around that premise. There's all kinds of interesting jiggery pokery scattered around the chamber, but you can literally just jump the "ravine" and walk straight to the exit.

Portal inspires a certain kind of logical thinking, so when I build a map I actively seek to subvert and take advantage of the habits the game has trained into you. :lol:

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PostRe: [PeTI] The Portal 2 Test Chamber Exchange | MARIO MOUNTA
by Pilch » Thu Jan 31, 2013 10:33 pm

Well that's certainly an interesting and valid approach! Sounds a bit like the thinking behind Antichamber in that you're forcing players to unlearn everything they've been taught by games. (And I've just discovered that Antichamber is out today! I've been waiting for two years!)

Here's my latest:

Ricochet (Perpetual Motion 3)


This is Cave. I'd like to remind all test subjects that the cleansing gel found in some test chambers is NOT drinking water. Actually, it's not water at all. It's made of antimatter and unless you're made of antimatter too (which, I accept, is a remote possibility) then it'll do some pretty unpleasant things to your respiratory system...and your lymphatic system. Hell, it'll mess up pretty much every system you have, including the not-turning-inside-out system.

If you feel you genuinely require H20, kindly submit a completed form to a hydration associate and wait your turn like everybody else.

Cave out.


Difficulty: Easy, then hard
Size: Large
Length: Long(ish)

There are two tests in one here, so you might want to use quick save after the first (though death is unlikely).

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PostRe: [PeTI] The Portal 2 Test Chamber Exchange | RICOCHET
by Pilch » Sun Feb 24, 2013 10:41 am

My latest chamber is number 1 on Steam this week!

Now You See It...


Cave here. I'm gonna come right out and say that we're having a few issues with some of the test chambers. Lasers flickering, light bridges collapsing, that kinda thing. If you notice anything not quite right during a test, please fill out form 562-A and hand it to a dereliction associate. Should you sustain an injury due to a malfunctioning device please fill out form 562-B. In the case of your death being caused by faulty testing equipment form 562-C will be completed on your behalf and your family will be compensated. Or at least informed.

Cave Johnson, we're done here.


Size: Small
Difficulty: Medium
Time: Short

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PostRe: [PeTI] The Portal 2 Test Chamber Exchange | RICOCHET
by Psychic » Thu Feb 28, 2013 9:55 pm

Pilch wrote:My latest chamber is number 1 on Steam this week!

Nice going!

I'm gonna have to sit down and try these out at some point, they look so much better than any of the stuff I could come up with.

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PostRe: [PeTI] The Portal 2 Test Chamber Exchange | RICOCHET
by Pilch » Wed Mar 06, 2013 9:32 pm

I'm kind of learning as I go along, so with hindsight I'd say that only my most recent chambers are really worth your time. :oops:

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