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Re: Yooka Laylee | Playtonic | Gone Gold! April Release

Posted: Thu May 14, 2020 5:49 pm
by Robbo-92
Victor Mildew wrote:Oh my god the shitty controls :dread:

This boat moon boss thing fuuuuuuuuck

Yeah the controls really let it down towards the end where you need tighter controls to defeat bosses.

Re: Yooka Laylee | Playtonic | Gone Gold! April Release

Posted: Thu May 14, 2020 5:52 pm
by Victor Mildew
I think I'm going to give up on it now. I'm on 90 pagies and the only world I managed to 100% was the first, because it's just so frustrating to play. This last world has been the more interesting of the later ones though. The state of the casino level :dread:

Re: Yooka Laylee | Playtonic | Gone Gold! April Release

Posted: Thu May 14, 2020 5:58 pm
by Robbo-92
I loved and hated the last world, it looked great and could have had so much more done with it but it was just a let down, even when you expand the world :(

If I were ranking the worlds it’d probably be like this (can’t remember all the names :fp:)

Moodymaze Marsh
Something Tropics
Space-y planet one
Ice one
Capital Cushino, a world so terrible its name is ingrained in my mind :dread: I literally got 2 pagies in that world :lol:

Re: Yooka Laylee | Playtonic | Gone Gold! April Release

Posted: Mon May 18, 2020 1:21 am
by Parksey
I thought that despite them trying to go back to Banjo's N64 platofrminer roots, the game was very much like Nuts and Bolts in one respect - the levels get much less enjoyable as you go through.

I thought the final two were the worst of the lot and for me it was really evident that the first stage, just like N&B's Nutty Acres, was the one that had had the most time spent on it.

Re: Yooka Laylee | Playtonic | Gone Gold! April Release

Posted: Mon May 18, 2020 8:56 am
by Jenuall
I gave up at the Casino, the first level showed promise but they never manage to follow it up with anything and the longer you play the more you realise how unrefined everything is, particularly the controls. :(

Re: Yooka Laylee | Playtonic | Gone Gold! April Release

Posted: Mon May 18, 2020 10:49 am
by Jezo
Jenuall wrote:I gave up at the Casino, the first level showed promise but they never manage to follow it up with anything and the longer you play the more you realise how unrefined everything is, particularly the controls. :(

Just made it to the casino level and the controls are great what are you talking about?

Re: Yooka Laylee | Playtonic | Gone Gold! April Release

Posted: Mon May 18, 2020 10:53 am
by Victor Mildew
They're strawberry floating awful :lol:

Re: Yooka Laylee | Playtonic | Gone Gold! April Release

Posted: Mon May 18, 2020 10:56 am
by Jenuall
Yeah I don’t think you have to look too hard to find criticism of the controls!

Didn’t help me personally that I played this not long after Mario Odyssey which has god tier controls by comparison

Re: Yooka Laylee | Playtonic | Gone Gold! April Release

Posted: Mon May 18, 2020 11:11 am
by Victor Mildew
I could probably count on wun hand the amount of times I managed to successfully collect a feather that it jumped for, or managed to land on a platform without having to glide and spin around until the shadow showed me I was over it. The indication of depth is so poor. Compare that to Mario odyseey where you do all sorts of acrobatics and never have doubts about where you are in the space and where you're going to land.

I have to have the tonic where you collect the feathers with your (highly accurate and not at all inconsistent) Tongue active, because i always misses them. Collecting them on the casino slides was a joke, it was so bad.

Re: Yooka Laylee | Playtonic | Gone Gold! April Release

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2020 6:04 pm
by Jezo
Got the Impossible Lair 55% off deal but felt guilty for having not finished the first, so jumped back into it recently. I previously stopped once I first made it to the Casino level just because I got distracted by other things. Having now 100% the casino level, I can't understand what the big issue is? Really what is wrong with it? It was great, I've had a great time exploring it all, playing the little mini-games and challenges, etc. The variety in this game is great. The space world I thought was a bit lacklustre. I kinda figured it was probably the final level they put time into so just couldn't make it quite as grand. Everything is very segmented and separate. Still a good time though.

I've got 2 pagies left now and then I'll fight Capital B. The red ghost in the space level. Spent ages looking everywhere but just can't find it :c Will have to have another search later. And the Tubbz puzzle in the ice world. He says he has a problem with gas but I can't for the life of me figure out how to fix him. I've gone through that entire section - the palace, whatever it's called - multiple times and nothing. You can even slam through the door just before him to have access to the rest of the palace, which I thought would be a clue but apparently not. I've managed to get through the whole game without a guide, so a little disappointed to be stuck on just 2 pagies.